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ObjectiveImplementing national-level vaccination programs involves long-term investment, which can be a significant financial burden, particularly in resource-limited settings. Although many studies have assessed the economic impacts of providing vaccinations, evidence on the positive and negative implications of human resources for health (HRH) is still lacking. Therefore, this study aims to estimate the HRH impact of introducing pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) using a model-based economic evaluation.MethodsThis study adapted a Markov model from a prior study that was conducted in the Philippines for assessing the cost-effectiveness of 10-valent and 13-valent PCV compared to no vaccination. The Markov model was used for estimating the number of cases of pneumococcal-related diseases, categorized by policy options. HRH-related parameters were obtained from document reviews and interviews using the quantity, task, and productivity model (QTP model).ResultsThe number of full-time equivalent (FTE) of general practitioners, nurses, and midwives increases significantly if the universal vaccine coverage policy is implemented. A universal coverage of PCV13 - which is considered to be the best value for money compared to other vaccination strategies - requires an additional 380 FTEs for general practitioners, 602 FTEs for nurses, and 205 FTEs for midwives; it can reduce the number of FTEs for medical social workers, paediatricians, infectious disease specialists, neurologists, anaesthesiologists, radiologists, ultrasonologists, medical technologists, radiologic technologists, and pharmacists by 7, 17.9, 9.7, 0.4, 0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 12.3, 2, and 9.7, respectively, when compared to the no vaccination policy.ConclusionThis is the first attempt to estimate the impact of HRH alongside a model-based economic evaluation study, which can be eventually applied to other vaccine studies, especially those which inform resource allocation in developing settings where not only financial resources but also HRH are constrained.  相似文献   

回顾了国内外基本药物制度实施及评价方面的研究,简述了基本药物制度的产生与发展,对目前国内外基本药物制度实施的现状、相关评估方法和指标体系进行综述,分析了国内基本药物制度实施及评价中存在的问题并提出改进的思路。  相似文献   

目的探讨新生儿个体化发育支持和评估项目(newborn individualized development care and assessment program,NIDCAP)在早期早产儿全身运动(general movements,GMs)中的应用价值,旨在临床上对早产儿进行早期干预,改善神经发育预后。方法 2014年1-5月在本院新生儿科住院的早期早产儿为研究对象,分为干预组(n=41)和对照组(n=41)。对于干预组,入院即开始给予NIDCAP干预,对照组给予早产儿常规护理,评估两组早产儿在足月前的GMs。结果正常GMs NIDCAP干预组34例(82.9%),多于对照组[22例(53.6%)],而单调性扭动运动[5例(12.1%)]、痉挛-同步性扭动[2例(4.8%)]例数均少于对照组[分别为12例(29.2%)和7例(17.0%)],差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论通过NIDCAP干预可提高早期早产儿足月前正常GMs发生率,减少异常GMs发生率,可能会对神经发育结局有影响。  相似文献   

临床医学研究生学位培养点建设实施方法的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探索临床医学研究生学位培养点建设的实施方法,对于加快建设一批学科齐全、结构合理、学术水平高的研究生学位培养点,加快建设一支师德高尚、学术水平高、业务精湛和高素质的研究生导师队伍,保证研究生的教育质量,全面提升医院的学科建设水平,加快医学人才队伍建设和建设学院型医院具有十分重要的作用.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study consisted of a formative evaluation of an after‐school health education program designed for adolescent females, entitled Girls on Track. Evidence‐based after‐school programs have potential to supplement the traditional school day, encourage social and emotional skill development, improve the quality of student health, and contribute to a healthier school environment. Implementing comprehensive programs outside of the classroom, however, is challenging and gaps exist in the literature regarding implementation fidelity. METHODS: The national program was in a cohort of adolescent females from 11 Girls on Track locations in fall 2008 and 10 locations in spring 2009. Mixed‐method analyses evaluated fidelity of lesson implementation, described curricular and programmatic characteristics associated with implementation fidelity, and assessed coach perceptions toward program quality and feasibility. RESULTS: Specific lesson characteristics associated with higher rates of implementation fidelity and favorable coach perceptions toward program feasibility included improved lesson clarity, more time to process health topics, teaching and learning objectives that were well aligned with lesson activities, incorporation of alternative activities for less‐motivated participants, and provision of resources on key health topics for coaches. CONCLUSION: Girls on Track is currently being implemented across the United States and Canada, reaching over 5000 adolescent females annually. Identifying and incorporating specific curricular and programmatic characteristics associated with high levels of implementation fidelity can enhance the quality and benefits of after‐school programs.  相似文献   

《Global public health》2013,8(5):475-480
Global health's goal to address health issues across great sociocultural and socioeconomic gradients worldwide requires a sophisticated approach to the social root causes of disease and the social context of interventions. This is especially true today as the focus of global health work is actively broadened from acute to chronic and from infectious to non-communicable diseases. To respond to these complex biosocial problems, we propose the recent expansion of interest in the field of global health should look to the older field of social medicine, a shared domain of social and medical sciences that offers critical analytic and methodological tools to elucidate who gets sick, why and what we can do about it. Social medicine is a rich and relatively untapped resource for understanding the hybrid biological and social basis of global health problems. Global health can learn much from social medicine to help practitioners understand the social behaviour, social structure, social networks, cultural difference and social context of ethical action central to the success or failure of global health's important agendas. This understanding – of global health as global social medicine – can coalesce global health's unclear identity into a coherent framework effective for addressing the world's most pressing health issues.  相似文献   

目的 了解健康中国背景下我国各高校临床医学培养方案中预防医学课程设置现况。方法 抽取全国各区域共36份临床医学专业培养方案进行统计分析。内容包括基本信息、培养目标涉及预防理念的情况、预防医学课程开设情况等。结果 所有培养方案中,22份(61%)在培养目标中未提及预防或群体健康;只有1所高校将预防医学与基础医学、临床医学一起列为主干学科。预防医学核心课程(卫生学、医学统计学、流行病学、临床流行病学、循证医学和社会医学)的总学时数从80~252不等,平均为(156.7±43.2)学时。预防医学课程占总课时数的百分比平均为4.3%±1.1%,最低的仅占2.5%,最高的也只占7.5%,均不足总课时数的10%。各高校之间预防医学各门课程的学时数差异较大。结论 现有临床医学专业人才培养方案中预防理念渗透不足,预防医学课程学时数占比极低,各高校预防医学课时数差异较大。加强新时代临床医学生预防理念的培养迫在眉睫,建议从强化预防为主的观念、完善临床医学课程体系、强化预防与临床融合发展和注重临床研究能力提升4个方面不断完善临床医学专业人才培养方案。  相似文献   

论临床医学与公共卫生的协调发展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
随着社会经济的发展和科学技术的进步,临床医学与公共卫生间出现了裂痕。临床医学的重点是研究疾病机理,而公共卫生的重点是研究环境和社会因素对疾病和健康的影响。临床医学与公共卫生的分离,使得医疗卫生服务体系难以适应社会的发展。发展全科医学和社区卫生服务是弥补多年来疾病治疗(临床医学)与疾病预防(公共卫生)之间裂痕的最佳选择和最好办法。同时,应加强对医学院、公共卫生学院的领导、学生及教师、临床医生、卫生行政管理人员、卫生政策制定者等的公共卫生教育。  相似文献   


The use of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine (TCAM) for cancer may influence the delivery or effectiveness of conventional cancer treatment. In this systematic review, we aimed to (1) summarise the available prevalence data on traditional medicine use by cancer patients in less developed countries (LDCs), and (2) stratify the prevalence data by world region and country income level. A literature search for cancer, TCAM, and low income (LI) and lower-middle income (LMI) countries was conducted across 5 databases. A total of 2,365 publications were reviewed for eligibility, of which 25 studies met inclusion criteria. The combined sample size was 6,878 cancer patients, with a median of 54.5% reporting the use of TCAM for cancer care. Of the studies providing data on the concomitant use of TCAM and conventional cancer treatment (n?=?4,872 cancer patients), a median of 26.7% of participants reported combining the two systems of medicine. From the data available, it is apparent that TCAM use among cancer patients in less developed countries is common; however, additional studies are needed to support the safe and effective management of cancer for patients in LI and LMI countries.  相似文献   

目的 了解我国部分医务人员对新生儿早期基本保健(early essential newborn care,EENC)的知晓情况和需求以及目前我国部分医院EENC的实施情况,为进一步在我国推广和开展EENC提供参考和指导.方法 2019年2~3月通过微信公众号平台对我国部分医务人员进行"新生儿早期基本保健知晓情况"问卷调...  相似文献   

为了进一步研究新型农村合作医疗中中医药服务相关补偿政策的实施效果和对中医药发展的影响,通过采用文献研究、专家咨询和典型地区数据抽样的方法,从住院病人的中医药费用与治疗总费用、患者年龄、医疗机构级别、疾病类别和病种的关系,分析新型农村合作医疗中中医药服务相关补偿政策的实施效果,研究现行新型农村合作医疗中医药服务补偿政策中存在的主要问题,提出促进农村中医药推广应用的政策建议。  相似文献   

目的:了解浙江省首批试点基层医疗卫生机构基本药物制度实施现状和所取得的阶段性效果,针对现存主要问题提出对策和建议。方法:采用简单随机抽样方法从浙江省30个试点县(市、区)抽取60个基层医疗卫生机构进行调查,应用卫生部编制的《国家基本药物制度监测评价指标(试行)》对基层医疗卫生机构进行相关评价。结果:从试点地区辖区服务人口量分组情况来看,实施基本药物制度后,出现卫生服务利用量骤增,基层医疗卫生机构配备基本药物难以较好满足居民实际用药需求等问题。建议:通过加强与公立医院分工合作提升基层医疗机构服务能力,完善政府财政补偿机制保障基层医疗卫生机构实施基本药物制度,加大基本药物制度宣传,引导居民合理用药等。  相似文献   

Increasingly, researchers are exploring alternative ways of assessing the impact of 'Health Promoting School' (HPS) initiatives, in recognition of the model's emphasis on achieving change that is both enduring and far-reaching. However, it is still assumed that initiatives will lead to immediate change at the individual level. This paper challenges that view and argues that potential markers of success associated with process need to be identified earlier as a means of supporting schools and teachers. Notwithstanding differences in the way the HPS is conceptualized and implemented, four themes are highlighted that have relevance beyond any one school or country. These were drawn from a process evaluation of a European Network of HPSs Project in Scotland. They highlight the ways in which schools were able to successfully adopt HPS principles and the conditions that need to be in place for the HPS concept to flourish. Such indicators need to be given greater recognition as HPS outcomes if schools are to progress beyond the early stages of project implementation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between maternal exposure to violence during pregnancy and newborn birthweight. The identification strategy exploits variation in the timing of exposure and in the geographic location of expectant mothers across Colombian municipalities. Exposure to violence in early pregnancy had a large negative impact on birthweight, primarily for boys, and the effect was mitigated by their mothers' education. Girls' birthweight was affected mainly by shocks in later stages of gestation. Furthermore, their mothers were more likely to engage in potentially harmful behaviors during the pregnancy. This evidence exposes the importance of parental responses in shaping the effect of exposure to violence on newborn health.  相似文献   

探讨发展全科医学的相关问题.通过联系我国卫生改革与发展的新形势要求,研究加快发展全科医学教育的重要 意义及举措.提出:积极开展多种形式的全科医学教育,促进社区卫生服务.  相似文献   

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