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Twelve patients with early Parkinson's disease (PD), none of whom had received any previous L-DOPA treatment, but using other antiparkinsonian drugs, were studied using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Contralateral and ipsilateral hemispheres were examined, with a focus on the more pronounced parkinsonian symptoms. The conditioning-test TMS paradigm (with a subthreshold conditioning stimulus and a suprathreshold test stimulus) was used through a stimulating round coil. Paired stimuli of short (3, 5 and 7 ms), medium (10, 15 and 20 ms), and long (100, 150, 200 and 250 ms) interstimulus intervals (ISI) were pseudo-randomly mixed with a single stimulus. The first interosseus muscle was used for the motor-evoked potential recordings. Ten healthy subjects (age and sex matched) were studied in the same manner to obtain normative data. When both groups were compared, the significant difference (reduction of the intracortical inhibition and facilitation) between the PD patients and the control group was found at the short and the medium ISI (3, 5, 7, 10, 15 and 20 ms) in both hemispheres (P < 0.05). The longer ISI produced non-significant differences between the two groups in intracortical excitability. There was a non-significant difference in the motor threshold. In conclusion, it can be supposed that both intracortical inhibition and facilitation are impaired in patients with early PD using other antiparkinsonian treatments than L-DOPA or dopamine agonists.  相似文献   

Intracortical facilitation and inhibition, as assessed by the paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation technique with a subthreshold conditioning pulse followed by a suprathreshold test pulse, was studied upon awakening from REM and slow-wave sleep (SWS). Ten normal subjects were studied for four consecutive nights. Intracortical facilitation and inhibition were assessed upon awakening from SWS and REM sleep, and during a presleep baseline. Independently of sleep stage at awakening, intracortical inhibition was found at 1-3-ms interstimulus intervals and facilitation at 7-15-ms interstimulus intervals. Motor thresholds were higher in SWS awakenings, with no differences between REM awakenings and wakefulness, while motor evoked potential amplitude to unconditioned stimuli decreased upon REM awakening as compared to the other conditions. REM sleep awakenings showed a significant increase of intracortical facilitation at 10 and 15 ms, while intracortical inhibition was not affected by sleep stage at awakening. While the dissociation between motor thresholds and motor evoked potential amplitudes could be explained by the different excitability of the corticospinal system during SWS and REM sleep, the heightened cortical facilitation upon awakening from REM sleep points to a cortical motor activation during this stage.  相似文献   



Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) induced I-wave behavior can be demonstrated at neuronal population level using paired-pulses and by observing short-interval cortical facilitation (SICF). Advancements in stimulator technology have made it possible to apply biphasic paired-pulses to induce SICF.


Our aim was to characterize the SICF I-wave interaction by biphasic paired-pulses with the ultimate objective to enhance TMS effects via SICF in various TMS-applications.


We used biphasic paired-pulses in 15 volunteers to characterize corticospinal SICF using various 1.2–8.0ms inter-stimulus intervals, and measuring SICF input-output response.


SICF interaction with the first I-wave (I1) was observed in the output responses (motor evoked potentials; MEPs) in all subjects. Most subjects (≥80%) also exhibited later SICF I-wave interaction. SICF at I1 was present at all applied intensities below 140% of resting motor threshold. At I2, we observed SICF only with intensities just above motor threshold.


Biphasic paired-pulses can reliably induce SICF shown by the facilitatory I-wave interaction, and could therefore be applied with repetitive bursts to enhance responsiveness to TMS.  相似文献   

Introduction: Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an important tool to examine neurological pathologies, movement disorders, and central nervous system responses to exercise, fatigue, and training. The reliability has not been examined in a functional locomotor knee extensor muscle. Methods: Within‐ (n = 10) and between‐day (n = 16) reliability of single and paired‐paired pulse TMS was examined from the active vastus lateralis. Results: Motor evoked potential amplitude and cortical silent period duration showed good within‐ and between‐day reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] ≥ 0.82). Short‐ and long‐interval intracortical inhibition (SICI and LICI, respectively) demonstrated good within‐day reliability (ICC ≥ 0.84). SICI had moderate to good between‐day reliability (ICC ≥ 0.67), but LICI was not repeatable (ICC = 0.47). Intracortical facilitation showed moderate to good within‐day reliability (ICC ≥ 0.73) but poor to moderate reliability between days (ICC ≥ 0.51). Conclusions: TMS can reliably assess cortical function in a knee extensor muscle. This may be useful to examine neurological disorders that affect locomotion. Muscle Nerve 52: 605–615, 2015  相似文献   



Inhibition in the human motor cortex can be probed by means of paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (ppTMS) at interstimulus intervals of 2–3 ms (short-interval intracortical inhibition, SICI) or ~100?ms (long-interval intracortical inhibition, LICI). Conventionally, SICI and LICI are recorded as motor evoked potential (MEP) inhibition in the hand muscle. Pharmacological experiments indicate that they are mediated by GABAA and GABAB receptors, respectively.Objective/Hypothesis: SICI and LICI of TMS-evoked EEG potentials (TEPs) and their pharmacological properties have not been systematically studied. Here, we sought to examine SICI by ppTMS-evoked compared to single-pulse TMS-evoked TEPs, to investigate its pharmacological manipulation and to compare SICI with our previous results on LICI.


PpTMS-EEG was applied to the left motor cortex in 16 healthy subjects in a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled crossover design, testing the effects of a single oral dose 20?mg of diazepam, a positive modulator at the GABAA receptor, vs. 50?mg of the GABAB receptor agonist baclofen on SICI of TEPs.


We found significant SICI of the N100 and P180 TEPs prior to drug intake. Diazepam reduced SICI of the N100 TEP, while baclofen enhanced it. Compared to our previous ppTMS-EEG results on LICI, the SICI effects on TEPs, including their drug modulation, were largely analogous.


Findings suggest a similar interaction of paired-pulse effects on TEPs irrespective of the interstimulus interval. Therefore, SICI and LICI as measured with TEPs cannot be directly derived from SICI and LICI measured with MEPs, but may offer novel insight into paired-pulse responses recorded directly from the brain rather than muscle.  相似文献   

We sought to determine the activity of inhibiting and facilitating cortical circuits in areas surrounding a hand muscle motor representation in focal dystonia and in controls. In 15 patients with hand dystonia, 16 patients with blepharospasm, and age-matched controls, we applied suprathreshold transcranial magnetic stimuli with a figure-eight coil over the optimal representation of the relaxed abductor digiti minimi muscle of the dominant hand. Additional conditioning stimuli were given through a second figure-eight coil that was held either above the test coil or 2 cm or 4 cm apart in the anterior, posterior, lateral, or medial direction. We measured intracortical excitability in each of the nine positions of the conditioning coil. Intracortical inhibition was reduced in both patient groups at all conditioning coil positions. With both coils centered, the intracortical facilitation did not differ between patients and controls. After shifting the conditioning coil, the intracortical facilitation tended to be less diminished in patients than in controls, this difference between patients and controls was significant for the anterior, posterior, and medial 4-cm conditioning coil shift. Our results demonstrate decreased intracortical inhibition in the cortical hand muscle representation not only in patients with hand dystonia, but also in patients with blepharospasm. In addition, our findings in both patient groups show a trend toward a relatively increased intracortical facilitation in surrounding motor areas.  相似文献   

Objective – Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) includes different heterogeneous conditions mainly characterized by personality changes and cognitive deficits in language and executive functions; movement disorders have also been associated with FTLD. The present study aimed to measure the primary motor cortex (M1) inhibitory and facilitatory functions in patients affected by FTLD. Materials and methods – The study included 17 FTLD patients, 8 age‐matched healthy controls and 8 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was used to study intracortical inhibition (ICI) and facilitation (ICF) by using a double‐pulse paradigm. Results – FTLD patients were comparable with controls and AD patients for ICI and ICF. Corticobasal degeneration (CBD) patients presented significant reduced inhibition at ISI3; moreover two out of seven CBD patients had only ipsilateral responses. Discussion – The present study reveals a selective impairment of M1 ICI inhibitory response in CBD, which may help in distinguishing among the FTLD clinical spectrum.  相似文献   



Mutations in STX1B encoding the presynaptic protein syntaxin-1B are associated with febrile seizures with or without epilepsy. It is unclear to what extent these mutations are linked to abnormalities of cortical glutamatergic or GABAergic neurotransmission. We explored this question using single- and paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) excitability markers.


We studied nine currently asymptomatic adult STX1B mutation carriers with history of epilepsy and febrile seizures, who had been seizure-free for at least eight years without antiepileptic drug treatment, and ten healthy age-matched controls. Resting motor threshold (RMT), and input-output curves of motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitude, short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI, marker of GABAAergic excitability) and intracortical facilitation (ICF, marker of glutamatergic excitability) were tested.


RMT, and input-output curves of MEP amplitude, SICI and ICF revealed no significant differences between STX1B mutation carriers and healthy controls.


Findings suggest normal motor cortical GABAAergic and glutamatergic excitability in currently asymptomatic STX1B mutation carriers.


TMS measures of motor cortical excitability show utility in demonstrating normal excitability in adult STX1B mutation carriers with history of seizures.  相似文献   

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a useful method to study pharmacological effects on motor cortex excitability. Zolpidem is a selective agonist of the benzodiazepine receptor subtype BZ1 and has a distinct pharmacological profile compared to diazepam. To study the different effects of these two drugs on the cortical inhibitory system, TMS was performed before and after administration of a single oral dose of zolpidem (10 mg) and diazepam (5 mg) in six healthy volunteers. TMS tests included the determination of resting and active motor threshold (MT) and measurements of the amplitudes of motor evoked potentials, intracortical facilitation (ICF), short-latency intracortical inhibition (SICI), and long-latency intracortical inhibition (LICI), and determination of the cortical silent period (CSP). Both drugs were without effect on the active or resting MT and decreased the ICF. Prolongation of the CSP and enhancement of LICI only in the presence of zolpidem point to a specific BZ1-related mechanism underlying the long-lasting component of cortical inhibition. This selective modulation of the CSP and the LICI points to a specific role of BZ1 receptors in the control of inhibitory neuronal loops within the primary motor cortex.  相似文献   

Repetitive movements have been reported to induce task-specific changes of intracortical inhibition and facilitation, but the mechanism operating shortly after hand movement is unclear. Transcranial magnetic single and paired stimuli (2 ms) were applied to 15 healthy subjects at rest and 1 s after repetitive (every 6 s) active and passive hand extensions. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from hand extensors (agonists) and flexors (antagonists). A strong overall inhibitory effect was observed after applying paired stimuli. In agonists only, active movements produced significantly larger MEPs. Inhibition, however, did not differ between active or passive movements and rest. This suggests that MEP increases produced by active movements in agonists are not caused by disinhibition, but are rather due to excitation (facilitation). This finding may also have implications for future studies evaluating the preferential activation of target muscles in physiotherapy.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the test–retest reliability of a range of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) outcomes in the biceps femoris during isometric, eccentric and concentric contractions. Corticospinal excitability (active motor threshold 120% [AMT120%] and area under recruitment curve [AURC]), short- and long-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI and LICI) and intracortical facilitation (ICF) were assessed from the biceps femoris in 10 participants (age 26.3 ± 6.0 years; height 180.2 ± 6.6 cm, body mass 77.2 ± 8.0 kg) in three sessions. Single- and paired-pulse stimuli were delivered under low-level muscle activity (5% ± 2% of maximal isometric root mean squared surface electromyography [rmsEMG]) during isometric, concentric and eccentric contractions. Participants were provided visual feedback on their levels of rmsEMG during all contractions. Single-pulse outcomes measured during isometric contractions (AURC, AMT110%, AMT120%, AMT130%, AMT150%, AMT170%) demonstrated fair to excellent reliability (ICC range, .51 to .92; CV%, 21% to 37%), whereas SICI, LICI and ICF demonstrated good to excellent reliability (ICC range, .62 to .80; CV%, 19 to 42%). Single-pulse outcomes measured during concentric contractions demonstrated excellent reliability (ICC range, .75 to .96; CV%, 15% to 34%), whereas SICI, LICI and ICF demonstrated good to excellent reliability (ICC range, .65 to .76; CV%, 16% to 71%). Single-pulse outcomes during eccentric contractions demonstrated fair to excellent reliability (ICC range, .56 to .96; CV%, 16% to 41%), whereas SICI, LICI and ICF demonstrated good to excellent (ICC range, .67 to .86; CV%, 20% to 42%). This study found that both single- and paired-pulse TMS outcomes can be measured from the biceps femoris muscle across all contraction modes with fair to excellent reliability. However, coefficient of variation values were typically greater than the smallest worthwhile change which may make tracking physiological changes in these variables difficult without moderate to large effect sizes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) modulates cortical excitability. These effects outlast the rTMS train, and range from inhibition to facilitation according to the variables used for rTMS. Several studies have demonstrated short and long-term effects on motor evoked potential (MEP) size, whereas the effects on intracortical inhibition (ICI) and facilitation (ICF) are still unclear. We investigated short- (1-15 min), intermediate- (16-30 min), and long-term (6 h) effects on intracortical excitability. METHODS: Fourteen healthy subjects were stimulated with rTMS trains of 900 pulses (1 Hz, 90% resting motor threshold (rMTh)), delivered over the primary motor cortex and the occipital area. MTh, MEP size, silent period, intracortical inhibition at short (ICI) and long inter-stimulus intervals, and ICF were tested before and after rTMS. RESULTS: ICI was reduced 16-30 min after 1 Hz rTMS trains over the primary motor area, whereas the other response variables remained unchanged. The ICI reduction at 16-30 min was reproducible on different days in the same subjects; it was absent at 6 h and after stimulation of the occipital area. CONCLUSIONS: Subthreshold 1 Hz rTMS decreases ICI by reducing the excitability of intracortical inhibitory interneurones or by altering the electrical properties of the facilitatory chain of neurons responsible for the I waves.  相似文献   

Low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to supplementary motor area (SMA) showed clinical benefit in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Here we tested whether clinical improvement was associated with enhanced cortical inhibition as measured by single and paired-pulse TMS variables. In 18 OCD patients receiving 4 weeks of either active or sham rTMS in a double-blind randomized trial, we assessed bilateral resting and active motor thresholds (RMT and AMT), cortical silent period (CSP), short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI) and intracortical facilitation (ICF). We tested correlations between changes in Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale-Self-report (Y-BOCS-SR), Clinical Global Impression-Severity subscale (CGI-S) and cortical excitability measures. Active rTMS increased right hemisphere RMT whose change correlated with Y-BOCS-SR improvement. Baseline RMT hemispheric asymmetry, defined as the difference between left and right hemispheres RMT, and its normalization after active rTMS correlated with Y-BOCS-SR and CGI-S improvements. Active rTMS also increased right hemisphere SICI whose change correlated with Y-BOCS-SR and CGI-S at week 4, and with normalization of baseline RMT hemispheric asymmetry. Treatment-induced changes in cortical excitability measures are consistent with an inhibitory action of SMA rTMS on dysfunctional motor circuits in OCD. Correlations of neurophysiology measures with therapeutic outcome are supportive of the role of SMA in the modulation of OCD symptoms.  相似文献   

Remote voluntary contraction, such as the classical Jendrassik maneuver (JM), is a procedure routinely used to increase the amplitude of tendon reflexes in the lower limb. In 8 healthy subjects we studied the effects of JM on the motor evoked potentials (MEP) recorded from tibialis anterior muscle, produced by transcranial magnetic stimulation (stimulus output of 5–10% over motor threshold). In this study, JM consisted here of a bilateral violent handgrip, preceding magnetic stimulation from 100 to 50 ms (steps of 100 ms). Compared to the control test, latencies remained unchanged. MEP amplitudes were greatly enhanced with a JM test interval from 200 to 400 ms (170% of control amplitude at 300 ms). We also studied 6 patients with severe alterations of MEPs from tibialis anterior muscle. In each case, JM preceding magnetic stimulation (stimulus output 100%) from 300 ms induced reappearance of response or marked enhancement of amplitude, allowing calculation of central conduction time. Such a technique, which is easy to perform, may be useful in clinical practice to calculate central motor conduction time, where it would otherwise be difficult or impossible. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that the corticospinal system undergoes functional changes in long-term polio survivors. Central motor conduction times (CMCTs) to the four limbs were measured in 24 polio survivors using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Resting motor thresholds and CMCTs were normal. In 17 subjects whose legs were affected by polio and 13 healthy controls, single- and paired-pulse TMS was used to assess motor cortex excitability while recording from tibialis anterior (TA) muscles at rest and following maximal contraction until fatigue. In polio survivors the slope of the recruitment curve was normal, but maximal motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were larger than in controls. MEPs were depressed after fatiguing exercise. Three patients with central fatigue by twitch interpolation had a trend toward slower recovery. There was no association with symptoms of post-polio syndrome. These changes occurring after polio may allow the motor cortex to activate a greater proportion of the motor neurons innervating affected muscles.  相似文献   

《Brain stimulation》2014,7(5):665-672
BackgroundEffects of age on the assessment of intracortical inhibition with paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) have been variable, which may be due to between-study differences in test TMS intensity and test motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitude.ObjectiveTo investigate age-related differences in short- (SICI) and long-interval intracortical inhibition (LICI) across a range of test TMS intensities and test MEP amplitudes.MethodsIn 22 young and 18 older subjects, SICI and LICI were recorded at a range of test TMS intensities (110%–150% of motor threshold) while the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscle was at rest, or producing a precision grip of the index finger and thumb. Data were subsequently compared according to the amplitude of the MEP produced by the test alone TMS.ResultsWhen pooled across all test TMS intensities, SICI in resting muscle and LICI in active muscle were similar in young and older adults, whereas SICI in active muscle and LICI in resting muscle were reduced in older adults. Regrouping data based on test MEP amplitude demonstrated similar effects of age for SICI and LICI in resting muscle, whereas more subtle differences between age groups were revealed for SICI and LICI in active muscle.ConclusionsAdvancing age influences GABA-mediated intracortical inhibition, but the outcome is dependent on the experimental conditions. Age-related differences in SICI and LICI were influenced by test TMS intensity and test MEP amplitude, suggesting that these are important considerations when assessing intracortical inhibition in older adults, particularly in an active muscle.  相似文献   

Right prefrontal TMS versus sham treatment of mania: a controlled study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Objective:  Left prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has been reported to have ECT-like effects in depression and we therefore planned a study of TMS in mania. Sixteen patients completed trial of right versus left prefrontal TMS at 20 Hz, 2-sec duration per train, 20 trains per day for 10 treatment days. Mania was evaluated using the Mania Scale, the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale and the Clinical Global Impression. Significantly more improvement was observed in patients treated with right prefrontal TMS than with left prefrontal. We now report a follow-up study of right active TMS versus right sham TMS with the same indications and parameters.
Methods:  Twenty-five patients entered and 19 completed right TMS versus sham right TMS.
Results:  Right TMS was no more effective than sham TMS.
Conclusions:  It is possible that the previous results were due to an effect of left TMS to worsen mania. Alternatively, it is noted that the present patient group had much more psychosis than the previous study of TMS in mania, and depression studies have reported that psychosis is a poor prognostic sign for TMS response.  相似文献   

《Brain stimulation》2020,13(2):386-392
ObjectiveTo evaluate if transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) measures correlate with disease severity and predict functional decline in frontotemporal dementia (FTD) phenotypes.MethodsPaired-pulse TMS was used to investigate the activity of different intracortical circuits in 171 FTD patients (122 bvFTD, 31 avPPA, 18 svPPA) and 74 healthy controls. Pearson’s correlations were used to analyze the association between TMS measures and disease severity, while multiple regression analysis was used to identify the best clinical or neurophysiological measure to predict functional decline at 12 months.ResultsWe observed significant strong correlations between TMS measures [short interval intracortical inhibition-facilitation (SICI-ICF) and long interval intracortical inhibition (LICI)], and disease severity (evaluated with the FTLD-CDR) (all r > 0.5, p < 0.005).SICI-ICF, short interval intracortical facilitation (SICF) and LICI were also significant predictors of functional decline, evaluated as the change in FTLD-CDR scores at 12 months (all p < 0.005), while at the stepwise multiple regression analysis, SICI was the best predictor of disease progression, accounting for 72.5% of the variation in FTLD-CDR scores at 12 months (adjusted R2 = 0.72, p < 0.001).ConclusionsThe present study has shown that the dysfunction of inhibitory and facilitatory intracortical circuits, evaluated with TMS, correlates with disease severity and progression, accurately predicting functional decline at 12 months, better than any other investigated marker.  相似文献   

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