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Smallpox vaccination may confer cross-protection to mpox. We evaluated vaccinia virus antibodies in 162 persons ≥50 years of age in Spain; 68.5% had detectable antibodies. Highest coverage (78%) was among persons 71–80 years of age. Low antibody levels in 31.5% of this population indicates that addressing their vaccination should be a priority.  相似文献   

Although it has been >30 years since the eradication of smallpox, the unearthing of well-preserved tissue material in which the virus may reside has called into question the viability of variola virus decades or centuries after its original occurrence. Experimental data to address the long-term stability and viability of the virus are limited. There are several instances of well-preserved corpses and tissues that have been examined for poxvirus viability and viral DNA. These historical specimens cause concern for potential exposures, and each situation should be approached cautiously and independently with the available information. Nevertheless, these specimens provide information on the history of a major disease and vaccination against it.  相似文献   

After the recent summary of World Health Organization-authorized research on smallpox, several clinical issues remain. This policy review addresses whether early hemorrhagic smallpox is disseminated intravascular coagulation and speculates about the cause of the high mortality rate among pregnant women and whether ocular smallpox is partly the result of trachoma or vitamin A deficiency. The joint destruction common in children with smallpox might be prevented by antiviral drugs, but intraarticular infusion of antiviral drugs is unprecedented. Development of highly effective antiviral drugs against smallpox raises the issue of whether postexposure vaccination can be performed without interference by an antiviral drug. Clinicians should consider whether patients with smallpox should be admitted to general hospitals. Although an adequate supply of second-generation smallpox vaccine exists in the United States, its use is unclear. Finally, political and ethical forces suggest that destruction of the remaining stocks of live smallpox virus is now appropriate.  相似文献   

During February and March 2010, the New York State Department of Health investigated secondary and tertiary vaccinia contact transmission from a military vaccinee to 4 close contacts. Identification of these cases underscores the need for strict adherence to postvaccination infection control guidance to avoid transmission of the live virus.  相似文献   

Cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania (Vianna) braziliensis is a major health problem in the state of Ceará in northeastern Brazil. We propose that the disease emerged as a consequence of the displacement of persons from Ceará to the Amazon region following the Great Drought and smallpox epidemic of 1877–1879. As the economic and social situation in Ceará deteriorated, ≈55,000 residents migrated to the Amazon region to find work, many on rubber plantations. Those that returned likely introduced L. (V.) brazilensis into Ceará, where the first cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis were reported early in the 20th century. The absence of an animal reservoir in Ceará, apart from dogs, supports the hypothesis. The spread of HIV/AIDS into the region and the possibility of concurrent cutaneous leishmaniasis raise the possibility of future problems.  相似文献   

We report a case of monkeypox in the United States in a patient who had been vaccinated with ACAM2000 smallpox vaccine 8 years earlier. Despite his vaccination status, he still contracted disease. He showed prodromal symptoms preceding development of painless penile lesions that later coalesced.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the user experience and acceptability of an electronic patient monitoring system. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: 822 Military and civilian personnel at a health clinic at a major US military headquarters used an Internet and telephone-based electronic monitoring system to report vaccination-site responses and symptoms after receiving the smallpox vaccination. Focus groups of vaccinees were conducted to help develop a survey about the experience that was distributed to 379 vaccinees (96% completion rate). RESULTS: Users of the electronic monitoring system reported that it was fast and easy to use and reported they would use a system like this again and recommend an electronic monitoring system to a friend or relative. Most users (84%) were comfortable with a physician tracking their vaccine reaction using their electronic reports, but only half (51%) were comfortable with eliminating the post-vaccination follow-up visit with their health-care provider based on their electronic reports. CONCLUSIONS: This electronic monitoring system was well received by vaccinees and allowed health-care providers to track the status of vaccinees. However, vaccinees were not comfortable replacing a physician visit with electronic monitoring, at least for the smallpox vaccination. A monitoring system like this may be useful in public health settings, such as mass vaccination or prophylaxis during a bioterrorism event, a pandemic influenza outbreak, or another public health emergency.  相似文献   

医院工作人员HBV-M的调查和接种乙肝疫苗的观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
对我院院龄1-4年的315名工作人员进行HBV-M调查中,发现显性乙肝患者12例(3.8%),隐性乙肝感染者126例(40%),共138例(43.8%),其中BHsAg阳性20例(6.3%)、抗.HBc阳性27例(8.6%),抗-HBs阳性91例(28.95)。提示乙肝对医务人员健康有严重的威胁胆手术科室与非手术科室,血库,检验人员与其他科室人员感染率无明显差异。对HBV-M均阴性的177例刊物地  相似文献   

The government of Kazakhstan, a middle-income country in Central Asia, is considering the introduction of rotavirus vaccination into its national immunization program. We performed a cost-effectiveness analysis of rotavirus vaccination spanning 20 years by using a synthesis of dynamic transmission models accounting for herd protection. We found that a vaccination program with 90% coverage would prevent ≈880 rotavirus deaths and save an average of 54,784 life-years for children <5 years of age. Indirect protection accounted for 40% and 60% reduction in severe and mild rotavirus gastroenteritis, respectively. Cost per life year gained was US $18,044 from a societal perspective and US $23,892 from a health care perspective. Comparing the 2 key parameters of cost-effectiveness, mortality rates and vaccine cost at <US $2.78 per dose, vaccination program costs would be entirely offset. To further evaluate efficacy of a vaccine program, benefits of indirect protection conferred by vaccination warrant further study.  相似文献   

New guidance recommends annual influenza vaccination for all children 5–18 years of age in the United States. During 2007–2008, Hawaii offered inactivated and live attenuated influenza vaccine at school-located clinics for grades kindergarten through 8. Most (90%) public and private schools participated, and 622 clinics were conducted at 340 schools. Of 132,775 children 5–13 years of age, 60,760 (46%) were vaccinated. The proportion vaccinated peaked at 54% for those 6 years of age and declined for older cohorts. More than 90% of schoolchildren transited the clinic in <10 minutes. A total of 16,920 staff-hours were expended; estimated cost per dose administered was $27 and included vaccine purchase and administration, health staffing resources, printing costs, data management, and promotion. This program demonstrates the feasibility of conducting mass school-located influenza vaccination programs in public and private schools statewide, as might be indicated to respond to pandemic influenza.  相似文献   

ObjectiveCoverage with rotavirus vaccine among US children has been lower compared to that with other routine childhood vaccines. Our objectives were to examine rotavirus vaccine (RV) uptake over time compared to other routine vaccinations, ages at administration, and quantitate potential missed opportunities for RV receipt.MethodsWe analyzed data from 6 Immunization Information System (IIS) Sentinel Sites, which represent approximately 10% of the United States (US) pediatric population. Among infants aged 5 months, we compared uptake of ⩾1 dose of RV, to that of Diphtheria, Tetanus, and acellular Pertussis (DTaP) and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV), for each quarter during 2006–2013. We used data from infants in the 2012 birth cohort to examine RV receipt in more detail.ResultsAmong infants aged 5 months, the average site coverage with ⩾1 dose of RV reached 78% in 2010 and subsequently stayed steady at 79–81% through 2013. The average difference between ⩾1 dose DTaP coverage and RV coverage remained between about 6 and 8 percentage points during mid-2012 through 2013. Infants born in 2012 received RV doses closely in line with the timing recommended by the ACIP. Approximately one-third of the difference in coverage between ⩾1 dose of DTaP and ⩾1 dose of RV among infants could be due to the maximum age restriction of the first RV dose. The other two-thirds of the difference appears to have been a result of potential missed opportunities for starting the RV series--these infants received another routine immunization when age eligible to receive RV dose 1, but did not receive RV.ConclusionUptake with RV during infancy remains below that of other routine vaccines. Understanding the barriers to administration of RV among age-eligible infants could help improve vaccine coverage.  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus (HPV) prevalence varies widely worldwide. We used a transmission model to show links between age-specific sexual patterns and HPV vaccination effectiveness. We considered rural India and the United States as examples of 2 heterosexual populations with traditional age-specific sexual behavior and gender-similar age-specific sexual behavior, respectively. We simulated these populations by using age-specific rates of sexual activity and age differences between sexual partners and found that transitions from traditional to gender-similar sexual behavior in women <35 years of age can result in increased (2.6-fold in our study) HPV16 prevalence. Our model shows that reductions in HPV16 prevalence are larger if vaccination occurs in populations before transitions in sexual behavior and that increased risk for HPV infection attributable to transition is preventable by early vaccination. Our study highlights the importance of using time-limited opportunities to introduce HPV vaccination in traditional populations before changes in age-specific sexual patterns occur.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Defense vaccinates personnel deployed to high-risk areas with the vaccinia virus (VACV)-based smallpox vaccine. Autoinoculations and secondary and tertiary transmissions due to VACV shedding from the vaccination site continue to occur despite education of vaccinees on the risks of such infections. The objectives of this study were to investigate, in naïve smallpox vaccinees, (a) whether the vaccination site can remain contagious after the scab separates and (b) whether the application of povidone iodine ointment (PIO) to the vaccination site inactivates VACV without affecting the immune response. These objectives were tested in 60 individuals scheduled to receive smallpox vaccine. Thirty individuals (control) did not receive PIO; 30 subjects (treatment) received PIO starting on post-vaccination day 7. Counter to current dogma, this study showed that VACV continues to shed from the vaccination site after the scab separates. Overall viral shedding levels in the PIO group were significantly lower than those in the control group (p = 0.0045), and PIO significantly reduced the duration of viral shedding (median duration 14.5 days and 21 days in the PIO and control groups, respectively; p = 0.0444). At least 10% of control subjects continued to shed VACV at day 28, and 3.4% continued to shed the virus at day 42. PIO reduced the proportion of subjects shedding virus from the vaccination site from day 8 until days 21–23 compared with control subjects. Groups did not differ significantly in the proportion of subjects mounting an immune response, as measured by neutralizing antibodies, IgM, IgG, and interferon-gamma enzyme-linked immunospot assay. When applied to the vaccination site starting on day 7, PIO reduced viral shedding without altering the immune response. The use of PIO in addition to a semipermeable dressing may reduce the rates of autoinoculation and contact transmission originating from the vaccination site in smallpox-vaccinated individuals.  相似文献   

In 2008, a national human papillomavirus (HPV) immunization program using a bivalent vaccine against HPV types 16 and 18 was implemented in Scotland along with a national surveillance program designed to determine the longitudinal effects of vaccination on HPV infection at the population level. Each year during 2009–2013, the surveillance program conducted HPV testing on a proportion of liquid-based cytology samples from women undergoing their first cervical screening test for precancerous cervical disease. By linking vaccination, cervical screening, and HPV testing data, over the study period we found a decline in HPV types 16 and 18, significant decreases in HPV types 31, 33, and 45 (suggesting cross-protection), and a nonsignificant increase in HPV 51. In addition, among nonvaccinated women, HPV types 16 and 18 infections were significantly lower in 2013 than in 2009. Our results preliminarily indicate herd immunity and sustained effectiveness of the bivalent vaccine on virologic outcomes at the population level.  相似文献   

Effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccine (SIV) varies with the degree of matching with the vaccine and circulating viruses. We continued our SIV effectiveness against medically-attended influenza-like illness (ILI) under the Department of Health Hong Kong’s sentinel private medical practitioners (PMP) network, using the test-negative case-control design, for the 2018/19 and 2019/20 season. In addition, we studied the potential interference between SIV and ILI caused by non-influenza respiratory viruses (NIRV) based on data collated from 2017/18 to 2019/20 seasons. 3404 patients were analysed. Across the 2017/18 to 2019/20 seasons, the vaccine effectiveness (VE) of SIV was 44% (95% CI 30–56%) against pan-negative controls, 57% (95%CI. 42–68%) against NIRV controls and 50% (95%CI 38–59%) against both. SIV was moderately effective against medically-attended ILI caused by influenza A/B in both 2018/19 and 2019/20 winter seasons (53.2% (95%CI 36.7–65.5%) and 41.8% (95%CI 6.3–64.1%), respectively). The VE against the main circulating subtype, influenza A(H1), was higher for the 2018/19 season (57.2% (95%CI 39.8–69.9%), compared to 34.6% (95%CI −9.6–61.4%) in the 2019/20 season). When compared to pan negative controls, those with single NIRV infections were similarly likely to have received SIV (OR 1.05 (95%CI 0.72–1.54) within the influenza season; OR 0.97 (95%CI 0.73–1.29) when including non-influenza seasons). Analyses by type of virus showed no increased risk of SIV identified among those with single infections of EV/RV, HMPV and parainfluenza but a 2-fold increased risk was shown for those with single infections of adenovirus and parainfluenza virus (adenovirus: OR 2.54 (95%CI 1.24–5.14) within influenza season and OR 1.78 (95%CI 1.01–3.09) for the whole period; parainfluenza virus: OR 2.01 (95%CI 1.22–3.29) within influenza season and OR 1.89 (95%CI 1.29–2.76) for the whole period). SIV programme and surveillance of influenza and NIRV, including SARS-CoV-2, should continue during the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   


Industrial poultry workers may be at elevated risk of avian influenza infection due to intense occupational contact with live poultry. Serum samples from poultry workers and community members in the Delmarva Peninsula, one of the densest regions of poultry production in the United States, were analyzed for antibodies to strains of five avian influenza subtypes using microneutralization assays. No evidence of infection was found, suggesting inefficient transmission to humans or the absence of virus in these premises. Continued serological surveillance of workers in industrial food animal facilities is necessary to prevent the transmission of influenza A viruses.  相似文献   

Despite long-recognized challenges and constraints associated with their updating and manufacture, influenza vaccines remain at the heart of public health preparedness and response efforts against both seasonal and potentially pandemic influenza viruses.Globally coordinated virological and epidemiological surveillance is the foundation of the influenza vaccine virus selection and development process. Although national influenza surveillance and reporting capabilities are being strengthened and expanded, sustaining and building upon recent gains has become a major challenge.Strengthening the vaccine virus selection process additionally requires the continuation of initiatives to improve the timeliness and representativeness of influenza viruses shared by countries for detailed analysis by the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS).Efforts are also continuing at the national, regional, and global levels to better understand the dynamics of influenza transmission in both temperate and tropical regions. Improved understanding of the degree of influenza seasonality in tropical countries of the world should allow for the strengthening of national vaccination policies and use of the most appropriate available vaccines.There remain a number of limitations and difficulties associated with the use of HAI assays for the antigenic characterization and selection of influenza vaccine viruses by WHOCCs. Current approaches to improving the situation include the more-optimal use of HAI and other assays; improved understanding of the data produced by neutralization assays; and increased standardization of serological testing methods.A number of new technologies and associated tools have the potential to revolutionize influenza surveillance and response activities. These include the increasingly routine use of whole genome next-generation sequencing and other high-throughput approaches. Such approaches could not only become key elements in outbreak investigations but could drive a new surveillance paradigm. However, despite the advances made, significant challenges will need to be addressed before next-generation technologies become routine, particularly in low-resource settings.Emerging approaches and techniques such as synthetic genomics, systems genetics, systems biology and mathematical modelling are capable of generating potentially huge volumes of highly complex and diverse datasets. Harnessing the currently theoretical benefits of such bioinformatics (“big data”) concepts for the influenza vaccine virus selection and development process will depend upon further advances in data generation, integration, analysis and dissemination.Over the last decade, growing awareness of influenza as an important global public health issue has been coupled to ever-increasing demands from the global community for more-equitable access to effective and affordable influenza vaccines. The current influenza vaccine landscape continues to be dominated by egg-based inactivated and live attenuated vaccines, with a small number of cell-based and recombinant vaccines. Successfully completing each step in the annual influenza vaccine manufacturing cycle will continue to rely upon timely and regular communication between the WHO GISRS, manufacturers and regulatory authorities.While the pipeline of influenza vaccines appears to be moving towards a variety of niche products in the near term, it is apparent that the ultimate aim remains the development of effective “universal” influenza vaccines that offer longer-lasting immunity against a broad range of influenza A subtypes.  相似文献   

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