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The performance of Andersen Mark II impactors was investigated theoretically and experimentally. Theoretical calculations were made to assess the impact that differences in jet diameters among Mark II impactors have on size distribution measurements of metered dose inhalers (MDIs). A previous investigation indicated that the jet diameter for stages on Mark II impactors often do not conform to the manufacturer's specifications (Stein and Olson, 1997). For the calculations reported in this paper, only jet diameters that conform to the manufacturer's specifications were considered. The calculations indicate that large differences in the amount of drug collecting on a given stage should be expected among Mark II impactors sampling an identical aerosol-even for Mark II impactors that conform to the manufacturer's specifications. These calculations suggest that it is impractical to analyze size distribution data generated with cascade impactors, such as the Mark II, on a stage-by-stage basis. Experimental measurements of three MDI products were made using three different Andersen Mark II cascade impactors. Measurements of the same product were very consistent for a given impactor, but large differences were observed in measurements of the same product with different impactors. For measurements of QVAR HFA beclomethasone dipropionate MDIs using three Mark II impactors, the amount of drug that collected on Stage 6 ranged from 28.7 to 41.3% of the sampled mass depending on which impactor was used. The theoretical calculations and experimental measurements reported in this paper demonstrate that it is important to consider the limited precision of cascade impactors, such as the Andersen Mark II, when analyzing the size distribution measurements that they provide.  相似文献   

Non-CFC metered dose inhalers: the patent landscape.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There have been many patent applications to the European Patent Office over the past decade involving the transition of pressurised metered dose inhalers from the CFCs to non-CFC propellants. In addition to those where formulations are changed, there are those relating to specific drugs or drug classes, processes of manufacture and modifications to the container/closure system. Many of these have been opposed, usually on the grounds of obviousness. However, due to the length of time for the opposition process and the fact that there are few non-CFC pressurised inhalers on the market yet, the complete picture of which patents are valid has yet to unfold.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to illustrate the potential to deliver relatively high doses of a therapeutic peptide using hydrofluoroalkane (HFA) metered dose inhaler (MDI) drug delivery systems. For the purposes of this study, cyclosporine was used as the model compound. Cyclosporine formulations, varying in peptide concentration, ethanol cosolvent concentration, and propellant type, were evaluated and optimized for product performance. As ethanol concentration was decreased from 10 to 3% by weight, fine particle fraction (the mass of cyclosporine which passes through a 4.7-micron cut point divided by the total mass of cyclosporine delivered ex-valve) increased from 34 to 68% for 227 and 33 to 52% for 134a formulations. Because of the excellent solubility properties of cyclosporine in HFA-based systems, minimal or no ethanol was needed as a cosolvent to achieve cyclosporine concentrations of 1.5% w/w. With these formulations, it was possible to obtain a fine particle mass (mass of particles <4.7 microns) greater than 500 microg per actuation. In addition, one formulation was chosen for stability analysis: 0.09% w/w cyclosporine, 10% w/w ethanol, 134a. Three different types of container closure systems (stainless steel, aluminum, and epoxy-coated canisters) and two storage configurations (upright and inverted) were evaluated. Cyclosporine was determined to be stable in HFA 134a-based MDI systems, regardless of container closure system and configuration, over a 2-year period. Cyclosporine represents a compelling example of how significant peptide doses are attainable through the use of solution-based MDIs. It has been shown that through formulation optimization, 2-3 mg of the peptide, cyclosporine, may be delivered in five actuations to the lung for local or systemic therapy.  相似文献   

Inhaled corticosteroids are first-choice drugs in the treatment of chronic asthma. A metered dose inhaler (MDI) equipped with a spacer device is easier to use for patients with a poor inhalatory technique; it favors a reduction in the size of the particles delivered to the patient and thus a reduction in the incidence of local and systemic side effects of these drugs. The aim of this study was to determine the particle characteristics of fluticasone propionate (FP), flunisolide (FLUN), and beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP), each administered at a rate of 250 micrograms per puff and at inspiratory flow rates of 30 and 60 L/min in vitro, to estimate the particle characteristics of these drugs aspirated via an MDI alone and via a large-volume holding chamber (Volumatic). Compared with the MDI alone, at 30 L/min, the Volumatic (Glaxo Wellcome, Ware, UK) significantly reduced the mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) and increased the fine particles (< 5 microns and < 2 microns) generated by all three drugs. At 60 L/min, the MMAD increased and the generation of fine particles decreased with both devices. These data suggest that the inspiratory flow applied by means of the devices may be a determinant for the deposition of the drug in the lower airways in that by increasing the inspiratory flow, the MMAD increases and the percentage of fine particles decreases, probably because of the reaggregation favored by the higher flows.  相似文献   

The particle size of pharmaceutical aerosols is the main factor governing their deposition in the human respiratory tract. Of the many methods that are available for particle size analysis of aerosols, inertial methods have been found to give the most representative results, as compared to in vivo conditions. Two devices working on this principle have been included in the British Pharmacopoeia, Apparatus A and Apparatus B. One of their disadvantages is, however, that they only divide the aerosol particles into two fractions and do not yield a particle size distribution. Therefore, a third device, the Multistage Cascade Impactor no. 1, has additionally been taken up in the USP. Apart from Apparatus A and B, two devices that comply with this USP monograph were used in this study. The first was a self-made Four Stage Impinger, the second device being the Andersen Mark II Cascade Impactor with eight stages and a preseparator. The aim of this study was to compare the results of particle size analysis of different test aerosol formulations in metered dose inhalers with these four devices. In the first part of the study, one formulation was analyzed with all four methods. There was excellent agreement between Apparatus A and the Four Stage Impinger on the one hand and between Apparatus B and the Andersen Impactor on the other. In the second part of the study, Apparatus A and the Four Stage Impinger were compared in greater detail by sizing five more aerosol formulations. There was again excellent agreement in the fine particle fractions as determined with the two methods. By comparing the fraction of particles below 2.8βm additionally, the Four Stage Impinger allowed better distinction between the aerosol formulations than Apparatus A. All in all, each of the four devices turned out to be useful for determining the particle size of an aerosol. Considering the analytical effort necessary and the amount of data generated with each of the devices, the Four Stage Impinger appeared to be the most effective.  相似文献   

The ability of the Model 3320 and newer Model 3321 Aerodynamic Particle Sizer Spectrometer (APS) to make accurate mass-weighted size distribution measurements of solution metered dose inhalers (MDIs) was evaluated. Measurements of experimental HFA-134a beclomethasone dipropionate MDIs were made with both the APS 3320 and APS 3321 and compared to the Andersen Cascade Impactor (ACI). The mass-weighted size distribution measurements from the ACI and APS 3321 agreed well but were very different than the APS 3320 measurements. Evaluation of the APS 3320 size distribution measurements indicated that the presence of a few erroneous particle measurements caused a gross overestimation of the mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) and geometric standard deviation (GSD). When a previously described technique was used to eliminate erroneous particle size measurements from the size distribution calculation, the MMAD and GSD from the APS 3320 agreed well with those from the ACI and APS 3321. The GSD from the APS 3321 and the APS 3320 after a mask was applied were slightly larger than from the ACI. It is believed that both APS instruments slightly underestimate the GSD while the ACI slightly overestimates the GSD. Further experiments were conducted using the APS 3321 to examine the influence of drug concentration and cosolvent level on the size distribution of solution formulation MDIs. The MMAD was shown experimentally and theoretically to be proportional to drug concentration to the one-third power. Cosolvent concentration had minimal influence on MMAD over the range examined. The measurements reported in this paper demonstrate that it is possible to obtain accurate mass-weighted size distribution measurements with the APS 3320 and APS 3321. These instruments allow for accurate size distribution measurements to be made in minutes as opposed to the hours required to conduct and analyze size distribution measurements from cascade impactors.  相似文献   

The phase-out of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) has spurred the development of alternative pulmonary drug delivery systems to pressurized metered dose inhalers (MDIs), such as dry powder inhalers and pocket size nebulizers. Reformulation of CFC-MDIs with hydrofluoroalkanes (HFAs) 134a and 227 is also an opportunity to improve these widely accepted systems with respect to ease of handling, compliance, dosing, and more reliable and efficient lung deposition. MDIs have the advantage to protect the drug substance from external parameters such as temperature and humidity and to meter and de-agglomerate the drug independent from patients inspiratory flow rates. Novel formulation technologies combined with improved valves and actuators should help to overcome dose uniformity and priming problems and will increase the percentage of fine particles capable of reaching the deeper regions of the lungs. Spacer mouthpieces can reduce the cold freon effect and undesired oropharyngeal deposition caused by the rapid evaporation of the propellant and plume velocity of the aerosol cloud. More advanced delivery devices may allow the patient to inhale at predetermined flow rates (fast/slow) to target the deposition of fine drug particles (1-6 microm) to specific sites into the lungs. Breath-actuated devices make these systems more effective and patient friendly. The above features in combination with numerical counters showing the remaining number of shots, and built-in blocking mechanisms to avoid tail-off dependent dose uniformity problems of the last labeled shots, should help to improve both acceptance and compliance of pMDIs compared to other inhalation devices. However, only those inhalation systems, which are accepted and appreciated by patients and offering an ambulatory treatment at reasonable cost, will be successful in a more and more competitive market. These issues must be considered in the development of future devices and formulations.  相似文献   

AIMS: Methods to determine the lung delivery of inhaled bronchodilators from metered dose inhalers include urinary drug excretion 30 min post inhalation and methacholine challenge (PD20). We have compared these two methods to differentiate lung delivery of salbutamol from metered dose inhalers using different inhalation methods. METHODS: In phase 1 of the study, on randomized study days, 12 mild asthmatics inhaled placebo, one and two 100 microg salbutamol doses from a breath actuated metered dose inhaler, in randomized fashion on different days. In phase 2, they inhaled one 100 microg salbutamol dose from a metered dose inhaler using a SLOW (20 l min(-1)) and a FAST (60 l min(-1)) inhalation technique and a slow inhalation delayed until after they had inhaled for 5 s (LATE). Urinary excretion of salbutamol (0-30 min) and PD20 were measured after each dose. RESULTS: Following placebo, one and two 100 microg salbutamol doses, the geometric mean for PD20 was 0.10, 0.41 and 0.86 mg respectively and the mean (SD) urinary drug excretion after one and two doses was 2.25 (0.65) and 5.37 (1.36) microg, respectively. After SLOW, FAST and LATE inhalations the geometric mean for PD20 was 0.50, 0.40 and 0.42 mg, respectively, and mean (SD) salbutamol excretion was 2.67 (0.84), 1.90 (0.70) and 2.72 (0.67) microg, respectively. Only the amount of drug excreted during the FAST compared with the SLOW and LATE inhalations showed a statistical difference (95% confidence interval on the difference 0.12, 1.54 and 0.06, 1.59 microg, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Urinary salbutamol excretion but not PD20 showed differences between the inhalation methods used. When using a metered dose inhaler slow inhalation is better and co-ordination is not essential if the patient is inhaling when they actuate a dose of the drug.  相似文献   

There are a multitude of formulation factors to consider when developing a pMDI. Evaluation of each of these variables has been performed over the years, but there has been an abundance of different approaches in the determination of the effects on device performance. Thus, although much is known about pMDI on the empirical level, a systematic approach has clearly been missing. With the ratification of the Montreal Protocol and the introduction of alternative propellant systems, the opportunity to establish relationships between different levels of testing, such as in vitro measurements and in vivo outcomes, and in vivo assessments and clinical outcomes, has arrived. This review outlines research efforts that have focused on the formulation of propellant-driven metered dose inhalers using alternative propellants. These formulation factors, including device characteristics, are reviewed with respect to the performance of MDIs.  相似文献   

Cascade impactors, including the multi-stage liquid impinger, are by far the most widely encountered means for the in vitro determination of the particle size distribution of aerosols from medical inhalers, both in product development, batch release and in applications with add-on devices. This is because they directly measure aerodynamic size, which is the most relevant parameter to describe particle transport within the respiratory tract. At the same time, it is possible to quantify the mass of active pharmaceutical ingredient in different size ranges independent of other non-physiologically active components of the formulation. We begin by providing an overview of the operating principles of impactors and then highlight the various configurations and adaptations that have been adopted to characterize the various classes of inhaler. We continue by examining the limitations of the cascade impaction method, in particular looking at potential sources of measurement bias and discussing both appropriate and inappropriate uses of impactor-generated data. We also present a synopsis of current developments, including the Next Generation Pharmaceutical Impactor, and automation of cascade impactors for routine inhaler performance measurements.  相似文献   

Given the rapid sizing capability and high sensitivity, the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) cascade impactor has been evaluated for the size determination of metered-dose inhaler (MDI) aerosols. The effects of surfactants present in MDI formulations, crystal coating, particle bounce and crystal overloading on the QCM cascade impactor are investigated. To reduce particle bounce, it is necessary to coat the crystals and use new coated surfaces for each measurement. Mass median aerodynamic diameters (MMADs) obtained from the QCM cascade impactor are compared to those from the commonly used Andersen cascade impactor. For MDI formulations containing little or no surfactants, MMADs obtained from the QCM and Andersen cascade impactors are comparable. For MDI formulations containing a significant amount of surfactant (or any non-volatile excipients), the QCM cascade impactor measures the combined size distribution of the drug and non-volatile excipients. A technique is devised in this study to deduce the drug-only size distribution from the QCM impactor for surfactant-containing MDI formulations and show comparable results to the Andersen cascade impactor except for high drug load Intal. The QCM impactor has proved to be a useful tool for rapid size measurement of MDI formulations.  相似文献   

Two concerns raised when comparing metered dose inhalers (MDIs) to other inhalation devices are their relatively high throat deposition and the ‘cold-Freon’ effect seen in a small number of patients. The cold-Freon effect is presumed to be a result of the cold, forceful MDI plume impacting on the back of a patient’s throat. This in vitro study uses a new plume characterization method to determine the spray force and plume temperature of various MDIs. Spray force measurements were made for 28 marketed products consisting of bronchodilators, steroids, press-and-breathe, breath-actuated and nasal inhalers. Results show that chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)-containing MDIs produce extremely forceful and cold plumes. Several hydrofluoralkane (HFA)-containing MDIs produced much softer and warmer plumes, but two HFA products had spray forces similar to the CFC products. Although the type of propellant used can affect spray force, actuator orifice diameter is the most important factor. Data obtained from marketed products and experimental inhalers show that MDIs that have a low spray force also have low throat deposition.  相似文献   

We have compared the serum pharmacokinetics of the metabolites of beclomethasone dipropionate after inhalation from chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and hydrofluoroalkane HFA-134a (HFA) formulations in asthmatic patients. Twenty-three patients completed this open-label, randomized, single-dose, three-period crossover study. Each patient received in separate periods 200 microg or 400 microg HFA-beclomethasone dipropionate, or 400 microg CFC-beclomethasone dipropionate. Venous blood samples were collected over 24 h for the determination of beclomethasone esters and beclomethasone in the serum. Significant differences in pharmacokinetics following HFA- and CFC-beclomethasone dipropionate were observed. Following a 400 microg beclomethasone dipropionate dose, the HFA formulation gave mean maximum concentrations (Cmax) and area under the curve (AUC) values of beclomethasone esters of 1153 pg mL(-1) and 4328 pg h mL(-1), respectively, and beclomethasone Cmax and AUC values of 69 pg mL(-1) and 682 pg h mL(-1), respectively. These values were approximately 2-3-fold those seen with the CFC formulation (beclomethasone esters Cmax and AUC of 380 pg mL(-1) and 1764 pg h mL(-1), respectively; beclomethasone Cmax and AUC of 41 pg ml(-1) and 366 pg h mL(-1), respectively). Beclomethasone esters, the major component of beclomethasone dipropionate in the serum, peaked significantly earlier for the HFA formulation (0.8 h) than for the CFC formulation (2 h). Tests for dose proportionality of beclomethasone esters pharmacokinetics following HFA-beclomethasone dipropionate showed that the two hydrofluoroalkane strengths were proportional. The more rapid and greater efficiency of systemic drug delivery of the HFA formulation compared with the CFC formulation can be explained if most of each inhalation from CFC-beclomethasone dipropionate is swallowed and absorbed orally, whereas most of each inhalation from HFA-beclomethasone dipropionate is absorbed through the lungs. There is a need for comprehensive dose-response efficacy trials, with the use of the steep portion of the dose-response relationship, to evaluate the significance of these pharmacokinetic differences.  相似文献   

Micellar solubilisation was used to enhance the solubility of salbutamol (SB) and triamcinolone acetonide (TAA) in chlorofluorocarbon solvents with the aim of formulating solution metered dose inhaler (MDI) products of these drugs. Stable, isotropic solutions of soya phosphatidylcholine (SPC) were obtained in trichlorotrifluoroethane (P113) and a 30:70 mixture of trichlorofluoromethane (P11) and dichlorodifluoromethane (P12) containing water at a maximum level of R (mol water/mol SPC) = 4. The solubility of SB and TAA in both the non-pressurised solvent (P113) and the pressurised mixture (Pll/P12) increased proportionately with SPC concentration but was reduced on increasing values of R. The incorporation of a charged lipid, dicetyl phosphate, into the micellar structure promoted the solubilisation of SB in both solvent systems. In SPC solutions, the optimal solubility of either drug was achieved at R value of 0.9. Solution MDI formulations of SB and TAA gave reproducible shot potency throughout the pack-life, comparable to the performance of commercially available suspension products (SB, Ventolin; TAA, Azmacort). In contrast to suspension systems, however, there was no loss of potency in the first spray actuated after storage with SB solution MDIs. The respirable fraction (RF) of drug emitted from solution MDIs was significantly increased by altering the orifice diameter of the actuator. These studies confirmed that the highest RF values (in excess of those achieved with suspension products) were achieved when the MDIs were fired through an actuator with the smallest (0.25 mm) orifice.  相似文献   

Colloid probe atomic force microscopy (AFM) was utilised to quantify the cohesive forces of salbutamol sulphate in a model non-pressurised fluorinated liquid (mHFA), in the presence of increasing concentrations of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG; molecular weight (MW) 200, 400 and 600). In addition, samples of PEG 400 (0.05–0.5%, v/w), were analysed in the presence of 0.001% (w/w) of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP). In the absence of any stabilizing agents, strong attractive forces were present between particles. Increasing the concentration of the different MW PEG solutions in the mHFA system (up to 0.5%, v/w), significantly decreased the force of interaction (ANOVA, p < 0.05). The decrease in cohesion was particularly evident at very low concentrations of PEG (0.05–0.1%, v/w). Further data analysis (p < 0.05) suggested that the reduction in the force of cohesion was dependent on the concentration and molecular weight of PEG. The addition of low concentration of PVP to the PEG 400-mHFA system had the most significant influence on drug particle cohesion. In the presence of PVP, increasing addition of PEG 400 (0.05–0.5%, v/w) to the mHFA, resulted in no significant reduction in the force of cohesion (p > 0.05). Clearly, an understanding of the conformation of polymer molecules at interfaces is of vital importance when controlling the stability/flocculation behaviour of sterically stabilized pMDI suspensions. In this context, the use of the colloid probe AFM technique has provided a quantitative insight into the interactions of these complex systems and may be an invaluable asset during the early phase of formulation product development.  相似文献   

Regulatory requirements for modifications to an approved innovator metered dose inhaler (pressurized MDI; USP nomenclature: inhalation aerosol) and for development of a new generic product are discussed. Although many of the requirements apply generally to MDI's, they are discussed with specific reference to albuterol. Changes to the container and closure system may impact on the dosimetry of the redesigned product, as well as upon toxicologic and chemistry, manufacturing and controls (CMC) concerns. Changes to the formulation, including the use of alternate propellants, may raise issues requiring both clinical and in vivo performance evaluation. In view of the level of interest of a number of firms in approval requirements for generic Albuterol Inhalation Aerosol products, the article discusses in considerable detail the CMC and bioequivalence requirements for a generic product. Similarities in the CMC requirements for innovator and generic products are evident. Three comparative in vivo bioequivalence tests, particle size distribution, spray pattern and plume geometry, and unit spray content, established by the Division of Bioequivalence are discussed. Similarities and differences in the in vivo requirements for innovator and generic products are evident. Differences are the result of U.S. statute, which requires safety and efficacy testing for a product approved under a new drug application (NDA), but documentation of bioequivalence for a product approved under an abbreviated new drug application (ANDA). The advantages and disadvantages of three pharmacodynamic study designs which have potential usefulness for documentation of in vivo bioequivalence are discussed.  相似文献   

A series of semi-empirical equations were utilised to design two solution based pressurised metered dose inhaler (pMDI) formulations, with equivalent aerosol performance but different physicochemical properties. Both inhaler formulations contained the drug, beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP), a volatile mixture of ethanol co-solvent and propellant (hydrofluoroalkane-HFA). However, one formulation was designed such that the emitted aerosol particles contained BDP and glycerol, a common inhalation particle modifying excipient, in a 1:1 mass ratio. By modifying the formulation parameters, including actuator orifice, HFA and metering volumes, it was possible to produce two formulations (glycerol-free and glycerol-containing) which had identical mass median aerodynamic diameters (2.4 μm ± 0.1 and 2.5 μm ± 0.2), fine particle dose (⩽5 μm; 66 μg ± 6 and 68 μg ± 2) and fine particle fractions (28% ± 2% and 30% ± 1%), respectively. These observations demonstrate that it is possible to engineer formulations that generate aerosol particles with very different compositions to have similar emitted dose and in vitro deposition profiles, thus making them equivalent in terms of aerosol performance. Analysis of the physicochemical properties of each formulation identified significant differences in terms of morphology, thermal properties and drug dissolution of emitted particles. The particles produced from both formulations were amorphous; however, the formulation containing glycerol generated particles with a porous structure, while the glycerol-free formulation generated particles with a primarily spherical morphology. Furthermore, the glycerol-containing particles had a significantly lower dissolution rate (7.8% ± 2.1%, over 180 min) compared to the glycerol-free particles (58.0% ± 2.9%, over 60 min) when measured using a Franz diffusion cell. It is hypothesised that the presence of glycerol in the emitted aerosol particles altered solubility and drug transport, which may have implications for BDP pharmacokinetics after deposition in the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the stability and aerosolization of pressurized metered dose inhalers (pMDIs) containing thymopentin nanoparticles. Thymopentin nanoparticles, fabricated by a bottom-up process, were suspended in hydrofluoroalkane (HFA) 134a together with cineole and/or n-heptane to produce pMDI formulations. The stability study of the pMDIs obtained was carried out at ambient temperature for 6 months. The amount of thymopentin and the aerosolization properties of pMDIs were determined using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and a twin-stage impinger (TSI), respectively. Based on the results, thymopentin nanoparticles were readily suspended in HFA 134a with the aid of cineole and/or n-heptane to form physically stable pMDI formulations, and more than 98% of the labeled amount of thymopentin and over 50% of the fine particle fraction (FPF) of the pMDIs were achieved. During storage, it was found that for all pMDIs more than 97% of the labeled amount of thymopentin and FPF greater than 47% were achieved. Moreover, the size of thymopentin nanoparticles in propellant containing cineole and n-heptane showed little change. It is, therefore, concluded that the pMDIs comprising thymopentin nanoparticles developed in this study were stable and suitable for inhalation therapy for systemic action.  相似文献   

The development is described of the twin impinger, a two-stage separation device for assessing the drug delivery from metered dose inhalers and other oral inhalation delivery devices. The discharged aerosol is fractionated by firing through a simulated oropharynx and then through an impinger stage of defined aerodynamic particle size cut-off characteristics. The fine (pulmonary) fraction which penetrates is collected by a lower impinger. It is demonstrated that this device is able to assess individually the fine particle delivery of both components of two-drug aerosols. Formulations showing undue agglomeration or serious crystal growth of drug are readily detected. The twin impinger is shown to be a valuable device for routine quality assessment of aerosols during product development, stability testing and for quality assurance and comparison of commercial products.  相似文献   

Apart from particle size distribution, spray velocity is one of the most important aerosol characteristics that influence lung deposition of inhaled drugs. The time period over which the aerosol is released (spray duration) is also important for coordination of inhalation. Respimat Soft Mist Inhaler (SMI) is a new generation, propellant-free inhaler that delivers drug to the lung much more efficiently than pressurised metered dose inhalers (pMDIs). The objective of this study was to compare the velocity and spray duration of aerosol clouds produced by Respimat SMI with those from a variety of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and hydrofluoroalkane (HFA) pMDIs. All inhalers contained solutions or suspensions of bronchodilators. A videorecording method was used to determine the aerosol velocity. For spray duration, the time for generation of the Soft Mist by Respimat SMI was initially determined using three different methods (videorecording [techniques A and B], laser light diffraction and rotating disc). Videorecording was then used to compare the spray duration of Respimat SMI with those from the other inhalers. The Soft Mist produced by Respimat SMI moved much more slowly and had a more prolonged duration than aerosol clouds from pMDIs (mean velocity at a 10-cm distance from the nozzle: Respimat SMI, 0.8 m/sec; pMDIs, 2.0-8.4 m/sec; mean duration: Respimat SMI, 1.5 sec; pMDIs, 0.15-0.36 sec). These characteristics should result in improved lung and reduced oropharyngeal deposition, and are likely to simplify coordination of inhaler actuation and inhalation compared with pMDIs.  相似文献   

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