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Fetal hemoglobin (HbF), the major hemoglobin species in fetal life, drops to <1% in normal adults, where it is restricted to a few 'F-cells', which may increase in various acquired and genetic conditions, including thalassemia. Using flow cytometry, we studied the percentage of HbF-containing cells and their HbF content in RBC, reticulocytes (retics) and normoblasts (NRBC) present in the peripheral blood of patients with beta-thalassemia. Thiazol orange, a nucleic acid-specific dye, and anti-CD45 antibodies identified the various blood cells and antihuman HbF antibodies quantitated HbF. The results indicated that F-RBC were more numerous in beta-thalassemic (both transfused and nontransfused) patients than in normal donors, but, in most cases, their HbF content was comparable, suggesting that increased HbF in thalassemia is mainly due to higher %F-cells rather than an increased HbF per cell. Among the retics, the %F-cells and their HbF content were highest in immature retics and decreased with maturation to levels of RBC. This may reflect preferential maturation of F-retics into RBC in the circulation. The NRBC population contained the lowest %F-cells. This could be due to preferential maturation of F-NRBC, having more normal phenotype than non-F-NRBC, in the bone marrow into F-retics, while non-F-NRBC enter the circulation.  相似文献   

An increase in fetal hemoglobin (Hb F) ameliorates the clinical symptoms of the underlying disease in the beta hemoglobinopathies-sickle cell anemia and beta-thalassemia (thal). Hydroxyurea (HU) can elevate Hb F production in erythroid cells and is the agent currently in clinical use for patients with sickle cell anemia; it is presently being tested in clinical trials for thalassemia. We have developed a two-phase liquid culture system that mimics the in vivo hematological changes that are observed in patients treated with HU. Adding HU during the second phase of the culture increases the proportion of Hb F, increases the levels of total hemoglobin (Hb) content per cell and increases cell size, but it decreases the numbers of cells and the total amount of Hb produced. In the present study we developed and utilized a double labeling procedure for flow cytometric analysis of the cellular distribution of Hb F. Cells exposed to various concentrations of HU on day 6 of the second phase of the culture were harvested on day 12, and stained simultaneously with fluorochrome-conjugated monoclonal antibodies specific for human glycophorin A, an erythroid specific marker, and human Hb F. Both the percentage of the Hb F-containing cells and their intensity of fluorescence were recorded. The latter value gives a semi-quantitative estimation of the mean cellular Hb F content. The results indicated that cultures derived from different beta-thalassemic patients differ in their response to HU. In most patients, low doses of HU decreased the percentage of Hb F-cells as well as their Hb F content. At high doses, some patients showed an increase in both parameters, while others showed an increase in the percentage of Hb F-cells with minimal increase in their mean Hb F content, while still other patients showed little effect at all. In all patients, high doses of HU caused a decrease in cell numbers. These results suggest that HU has mixed effects on erythroid precursors. Both the two-phase liquid culture and the flow cytometric analysis procedures described herein provide the experimental tools for screening of Hb F-inducing drugs and for evaluating patients' cell response prior to treatment.  相似文献   

Cell-free hemoglobin synthesis in beta-thalassemia   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Human ribosomes obtained from the reticulocytes of patients having either homozygous beta-thalassemia (thalassemia ribosomes) or a hematological disorder unrelated to thalassemia („normal” ribosomes) have been utilized in a cell-free system highly active in the synthesis of intact human globin chains. This system is dependent on the addition of a ribosomal wash fraction from reticulocytes that contains factors necessary for chain initiation. In response to the ribosomal wash fraction, isolated from either thalassemia, normal human, or rabbit reticulocytes, normal human ribosomes synthesize equal amounts of alpha and beta chains. In contrast, in response to all three types of ribosomal wash fractions, thalassemia ribosomes synthesize 8-times more α than β chains, a ratio similar to that produced in the intact cells of these patients. The molecular defect in beta-thalassemia, therefore, does not appear to be associated with initiation factors.  相似文献   

Fibach  E; Burke  KP; Schechter  AN; Noguchi  CT; Rodgers  GP 《Blood》1993,81(6):1630-1635
Hydroxyurea (HU), an inhibitor of DNA synthesis, has been shown to increase fetal hemoglobin (HbF) levels in patients with sickle cell anemia and in some patients with beta-thalassemia. However, until now there have not been good in vitro model systems that simulate this effect for study of the molecular and cellular mechanism(s) involved in perturbing the normal ontogeny of the globin genes. We analyzed the cellular effects of HU using a two-phase liquid culture procedure (Fibach et al: Blood 73:100, 1989) in which human peripheral blood- derived progenitor cells undergo proliferation and differentiation. HU was found to have multiple effects on these cultured cells: (1) an increase in the proportion of HbF produced; (2) a decrease in cell number due to inhibition of cell proliferation; (3) an increase in hemoglobin content per cell (mean corpuscular hemoglobin [MCH]); and (4) an increase in cell size (mean corpuscular volume). The extent of these effects was related to the HU dose and time of addition. When added to cell cultures from normal individuals, 4 days following their exposure to erythropoietin (EPO), 100 mumol/L HU caused a 1.3- to 3.5- fold increase in the proportion of HbF, from 0.4% to 5.2% (mean 1.6) in untreated to 1.5% to 8.2% (mean 3.1) in HU-treated cultures and a 45% +/- 10% increase in MCH but only a 25% +/- 7% decrease in cell number on day 13. Cultures of cells derived from five patients with sickle cell anemia have shown a twofold to fivefold increase in the percentage of Hb F following addition of HU while four patients with beta- thalassemia showed a 1.3- to 6.2-fold increase. We believe that this primary cell culture procedure should prove useful in studying the cellular and molecular mechanisms of pharmacologic induction of HbF and might provide a valuable predictive assay system for evaluation of the response of individual patients with hemoglobinopathies to HU and similar agents.  相似文献   

Lipid abnormalities, including low levels of all fractions of serum lipids, have been repeatedly reported in all phenotypes of beta-thalassemia. Unexpectedly, in more recent studies, the concentration of total cholesterol (TC) and high- and/or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C and LDL-C) has been found in beta-thalassemia intermedia (TI) patients even lower than in thalassemia major, without a clear explanation of pathophysiology of these findings. This lack of information prompted us to evaluate the plasma lipids and lipoproteins pattern in the TI patients followed in our department; the data were compared with those found in hereditary spherocytosis patients. Furthermore, in both groups of patients, the erythroid bone marrow activity was evaluated, utilizing the level of soluble transferrin receptors (sTfR) in the plasma. Both groups of patients showed similar lipid abnormalities (low-TC, HDL-C and LDL-C) and the same increase of sTfR, with significantly lower hemoglobin levels in TI patients. Data analysis of our study shows that the lipid profile in TI patients is not influenced by age, sex, liver injury, hemoglobin or ferritin levels; the higher erythroid bone marrow activity with the enhanced cholesterol consumption could be the dominant mechanism implicated in the lipid abnormalities of TI patients.  相似文献   

Beta-thalassemia major is characterized by ineffective erythropoiesis leading to severe anemia and extensive erythroid expansion. The ineffective erythropoiesis is in part due to accelerated apoptosis of the thalassemic erythroid precursors; however, the extent of apoptosis is surprisingly variable. To understand this variability as well as the fact that some patients undergoing allogeneic marrow transplantation are resistant to the myeloablative program, we attempted more quantitative analyses. Two groups of patients totaling 44 were studied, along with 25 healthy controls, and 7 patients with hemolysis and/or ineffective erythropoeisis. By 2 flow cytometric methods, thalassemic erythroid precursors underwent apoptosis at a rate that was 3 to 4 times normal. Because thalassemic marrow has between 5- to 6-fold more erythroid precursors than healthy marrow, this translated into an absolute increase in erythroid precursor apoptosis of about 15-fold above our healthy controls. In searching for the causes of the variability in thalassemic erythroid precursor apoptosis, we discovered tight direct correlations between the relative and absolute extent of apoptosis and the extent of erythroid expansion as measured either by the absolute number of marrow erythroid precursors or by serum soluble transferrin receptor levels. These results could mean that the most extreme rates of erythroid proliferation lend themselves to cellular errors that turn on apoptotic programs. Alternatively, extreme rates of erythroid hyperplasia and apoptosis might be characteristic of more severely affected patients. Lastly, extreme erythroid hyperplasia could generate such numbers of apoptotic erythroid precursors that marrow macrophages are overwhelmed, leaving more apoptotic cells in the sample.  相似文献   

The life threatening anemia in beta-thalassemia major (Cooley's anemia) is characterized by profound intramedullary lysis, the cause of which is incompletely understood. Using marrow obtained from beta thalassemia major patients undergoing allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in Pesaro Italy, it became possible to directly study the mechanism of the intramedullary hemolysis. Based on our previous studies, we hypothesized that the unmatched alpha globin chains would interfere with normal assembly of erythroid precursor membrane proteins. Patient and control erythroid precursors were reacted with monospecific polyclonal rabbit antibodies directed against spectrin, band 3, and band 4.1 and with a monoclonal anti-alpha globin chain antibody. Using laser confocal fluorescence microscopy, normal erythroid precursors show no alpha globin chain accumulation and exhibited uniformly smooth rim fluorescence of the three membrane proteins. In some thalassemic precursors, spectrin appeared to interact with large alpha globin accumulations, and in many of these cells the spectin appeared clumped and discontinuous. Band 4.1 interacted strongly with accumulations of alpha globin in thalassemic precursors to produce bizarrely clumped zones of abnormal band 4.1 distribution. Band 3 was incorporated smoothly into thalassemic erythroblast membranes. However, the proerythroblasts and basophilic erythroblasts were significantly deficient in band 3. Thus, accumulations of alpha globin in beta- thalassemia major colocalized with and disrupt band 4.1 and spectrin assembly into the membrane. The cause of deficient band 3 incorporation into thalassemic proerythroblast membranes remains unknown. These profound membrane alterations would likely contribute to the intramedullary lysis seen in Cooley's anemia.  相似文献   

In β-thalassemia, the mechanism driving ineffective erythropoiesis (IE) is insufficiently understood. We analyzed mice affected by β-thalassemia and observed, unexpectedly, a relatively small increase in apoptosis of their erythroid cells compared with healthy mice. Therefore, we sought to determine whether IE could also be characterized by limited erythroid cell differentiation. In thalassemic mice, we observed that a greater than normal percentage of erythroid cells was in S-phase, exhibiting an erythroblast-like morphology. Thalassemic cells were associated with expression of cell cycle–promoting genes such as EpoR, Jak2, Cyclin-A, Cdk2, and Ki-67 and the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-XL. The cells also differentiated less than normal erythroid ones in vitro. To investigate whether Jak2 could be responsible for the limited cell differentiation, we administered a Jak2 inhibitor, TG101209, to healthy and thalassemic mice. Exposure to TG101209 dramatically decreased the spleen size but also affected anemia. Although our data do not exclude a role for apoptosis in IE, we propose that expansion of the erythroid pool followed by limited cell differentiation exacerbates IE in thalassemia. In addition, these results suggest that use of Jak2 inhibitors has the potential to profoundly change the management of this disorder.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress to the erythrocytes is associated with formation of large molecular complexes of hemoglobin and the skeletal protein, spectrin. In this work, such complexes are formed with hemoglobin mixtures isolated from patients suffering from HbEbeta-thalassemia with elevated levels of the HbE and purified erythroid spectrin in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. The complexes are separated on 4% SDS-PAGE and analyzed by densitometry. The results indicate enhanced formation of complexes with higher amounts of HbE, the most common hemoglobin variant prevalent in Southeast Asia. The binding affinity of spectrin with hemoglobin, in the absence of hydrogen peroxide, was found to increase with hemoglobin mixtures enriched with HbE. The presence of ATP was also found to decrease the overall yield of such complexes. Flow cytometric measurements of phosphatidylserine on the red cell surface also showed a lower degree of membrane asymmetry in HbEbeta-thalassemic patients than in normal subjects. The present work shows enhanced formation of high molecular weight cross-linked complexes of hemoglobin derivatives with erythroid spectrin in HbEbeta-thalassemia.  相似文献   

The site of synthesis of spectrin was investigated in erythroid cells from 10-day chicken embryos. After various periods of [35S]methionine incorporation the cells were lysed in a Triton X-100 (TX-100)-containing buffer and were separated into a TX-100-soluble and -insoluble (cytoskeletal) fraction. Analysis of these two fractions by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis after a short pulse-labeling period reveals that alpha-spectrin nascent polypeptides are present predominantly in the TX-100-insoluble fraction. These polypeptides can be immunoprecipitated with alpha-spectrin antisera and the [35S]methionine incorporated into them during a short pulse can be chased into mature alpha-spectrin molecules. The alpha-spectrin nascent polypeptide chains are released quantitatively from the TX-100 cytoskeleton by treatment of lysed cells with puromycin, suggesting that they themselves are not associated with the cytoskeleton. A small fraction of the newly synthesized mature alpha-spectrin molecules is rapidly incorporated into the cytoskeleton, as shown by the fact that they are not released by the puromycin treatment; the rest are recovered in the soluble fraction. These results suggest that alpha-spectrin is synthesized in association with the cytoskeleton during chicken erythropoiesis and assembles onto the membrane-cytoskeleton posttranslationally.  相似文献   

To search for evidence of coagulation activation ex vivo, the levels of human prothrombin fragment 1+2 (F1+2) were examined in 69 beta-thalassemia/Hb E patients. Levels of protein C inhibitor (PCI) and activated protein C - PCI (APC:PCI) complex were also determined in 9 of the above patients in conjunction with protein C (PC) antigen and activity, in an attempt to detect increased consumption of PC. In mean level of F1+2, there was a statistically significant difference between normal control and post-splenectomized patients (p < 0.05) but not between normal control and non-splenectomized patients (p > 0.05). The mean levels of PC activity and PC antigen in the patients were much lower than in normal controls. However, the mean levels of PCI and the mean level of APC:PCI complex in the patients were not significantly different from those in normal controls (p > 0.05). The high level of F1+2 in post-splenectomized patients found in this study agreed well with clinical and other laboratory findings. The normal level of PC inhibitor and APC:PCI complex found in this study provided no evidence of increased consumption of protein C in thalassemia patients.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin (Hb) North Shore (beta 134 val leads to glu) is a mutant hemoglobin that is associated with the phenotype of mild heterozygous beta-thalassemia. Heterozygotes are characterized low normal hemoglobin levels or mild anemia, microcytosis, increased HbA2, and 34%-38% Hb North Shore. The mechanism of the anemia and microcytosis associated with Hb North Shore was explored by studies of hemolysate thermal instability, peripheral blood globin biosynthesis, and whole blood oxygen affinity. Hb North Shore was mildly heat unstable in comparison to normal adult hemolysate. Pulse labeling of reticulocytes with 3H- leucine showed an alpha/beta ratio of 1.35 (normal 1.0). The beta North Shore/alpha ratio was 0.22-0.27, which was less than expected on the basis of gene dosage and less than that seen for most beta-chain variants. The beta A/alpha ratio was 0.50, as would be expected. The beta North Shore/alpha ratio was 0.26 after a 15-min pulse and did not decrease during 120 min of chase. These findings suggest that suboptimal synthesis rather than posttranslational degradation is responsible for the thalassemic phenotype associated with this variant hemoglobin. These observations parallel the findings in heterozygous HbE. It is not presently known whether the thalassemia phenotype is conferred by the structural mutation itself or by another mutation cis to the beta North Shore gene.  相似文献   

 Iron status was estimated in 463 heterozygous beta-thalassemics to delineate the effect of iron deficiency on the expression of hemoglobin A2 (HbA2) in these patients. One hundred and twenty-six (27.2%) patients with the trait were iron deficient. These iron-deficient patients had a significantly (p<0.0002) higher prevalence of anemia (90.5%) compared with iron-replete patients with the trait (71.5%). The mean hemoglobin (Hb) concentration, MCV, and MCH were significantly (p<0.0001) lower in patients with beta-thalassemia traits (BTT) who had iron deficiency than in those without iron deficiency. Mean RBC count and MCHC did not differ in the two groups. Mean HbA2 was not significantly different in the two groups of patients with the trait and was elevated ( 1 3.5%) in all but one heterozygote investigated. Mean HbA2/cell was significantly (p<0.05) lower in BTT patients with iron deficiency than in patients without iron deficiency. The presence of iron deficiency did not preclude the detection of BTT in this population. The effect of iron deficiency in BTT was apparent as a significant lowering of the Hb concentration and an increased prevalence of anemia. Iron therapy is warranted for BTT patients with iron-deficiency traits and would help to significantly raise their Hb concentration. The elevation ofHbA2 was striking and could be used with reliability in making the diagnosis of BTT even in the presence of iron deficiency. Received: January 26, 1998 / Accepted: June 2, 1998  相似文献   

At the molecular level, the underlying cause of thalassemia is any of a number of genetic lesions that reduce or abolish the production of the globin chains of hemoglobin. The resulting chain imbalance is the key factor initiating the damage to the red blood cell (RBC) and it is the major pathophysiological event in all forms of the thalassemia syndromes. In this review we will outline some of the cellular and systemic processes that have been implicated in the development of the disease. When relevant, we will discuss the ways in which these processes can be altered in a therapeutic manner.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin E beta-thalassemia is an important cause of childhood chronic disease in Southeast Asia. It is characterized by the presence of hemoglobin E and F, and the amount of hemoglobin E ranges from 35% to 75%. The patients are generally classified as having thalassemia intermedia because they have inherited a beta-thalassemia allele and hemoglobin E, which acts as a mild beta+-thalassemia. However, a remarkable variability in the clinical expression, ranging from a mild form of thalassemia intermedia to transfusion-dependent conditions, is observed. Severe hemoglobin E beta-thalassemia may have clinical features of thalassemia major. Phenotypes of thalassemia major can be predicted from the early onset of clinical symptoms and the requirement of regular blood transfusion from infancy for survival. Coinheritance of alpha-thalassemia alleviated the severity of beta-thalassemia disease in patients with at least one allele of mild beta-thalassemia genotype.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Evaluation of glycated hemoglobin determination methods in patients with clinically silent hemoglobin variants. METHODS: HbA1c results were determined with various methods, including a new enzymatic assay, a boronate affinity HPLC, immunoassays and ion-exchange HPLC in patients with the clinically silent hemoglobin variants Hb Graz, Hb Sherwood Forest, Hb D and Hb O Padova. RESULTS: The effect of hemoglobin variants on glycated hemoglobin determination was method-dependent. The enzymatic and boronate affinity HPLC method did not interfere with any of the variants evaluated. In contrast, Hb Graz interfered with all immunoassay and ion-exchange HPLC methods evaluated. The Tosoh ion-exchange HPLC method HLC-723 did not detect the late migrating Hb O Padova in the chromatogram, but this hemoglobin variant still interfered causing artificially low HbA1c results. CONCLUSIONS: Our study underscores the need for clinical laboratories and physicians to be aware of the limitations of their HbA1c assay methods as well as the importance of visual inspection of ion-exchange chromatograms to detect abnormalities caused by the hemoglobin variants. Samples with clinically silent Hb variants should be analyzed by a second method with a different assay principle, preferably a boronate affinity HPLC or an enzymatic assay.  相似文献   

Fibach  E; Prasanna  P; Rodgers  GP; Samid  D 《Blood》1993,82(7):2203-2209
In both sickle cell (SS) anemia and beta-thalassemia (beta-thal), an increase in fetal hemoglobin (HbF) ameliorates the clinical symptoms of the underlying disease. Several pharmacologic agents have been used to elevate HbF levels in adults; however, concerns regarding adverse effects of the prevailing drugs raise an urgent need for other agents capable of stimulating HbF production. We show here that sodium phenylacetate (NaPA) and its precursor, sodium 4-phenylbutyrate (NaPB), can enhance HbF production in cultured erythroid progenitor derived from normal donors and patients with SS anemia or beta-thal, when used at pharmacologic concentrations. Treatment resulted in (1) reduced cell proliferation, (2) elevated hemoglobin (Hb) content per cell (mean cellular Hb [MCH]), and (3) an increased proportion of HbF produced, associated with elevated levels of gamma-globin mRNA. Moreover, the active phenyl-fatty acids, with NaPA as a prototype, potentiated HbF induction by other drugs of clinical interest, including hydroxyurea (HU), sodium butyrate, and 5-azacytidine (5AzaC). Efficacy could be further enhanced by introducing chlorine substituents at the phenyl ring to increase drug lipophilicity. Our findings indicate that NaPA and NaPB, both already proven safe and effective in treatment of children with urea cycle disorders, might benefit also patients with severe hemoglobinopathies. The two-phase liquid culture procedure used in this study should prove valuable in further studies exploring the mechanisms of HbF induction by these agents, and might provide an assay to predict patient response in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

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