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A heart-lung transplant is considered in patients with end-stage heart and lung disease. However, there is no report of a patient receiving a staged heart transplant followed by a lung transplant. Our case report describes a successful left single lung transplant for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 6 years after a heart transplant. This case illustrates that this approach can avoid significantly increased wait time until transplant, and it shows that early interstitial lung disease may not be a contraindication for the heart transplant.  相似文献   

Transplant tourism is routinely denounced by influential voices such as the World Health Organization, the Declaration of Istanbul and the Madrid Resolution as an unethical solution to worldwide organ shortages. Instead, it is suggested that national deceased donor schemes and multinational organ‐sharing programs are the only acceptable avenues for addressing the organ shortage crisis. The present demand for self‐sufficiency in organ supply responds to risks such as poor clinical outcomes, and exploitation of the poor through the various commercial practices of transplant tourism. However, opponents of transplant tourism say little about what governments should do to ensure that their citizens have real and comprehensive access to all forms of transplantation. To address this complex question, we describe a current practice of international transplant medicine in Singapore. It addresses salient concerns with transplant tourism and supports the principle of national self‐sufficiency in organ supply, even as its health care system thrives and expands comprehensive transplant services to its citizens by catering to international patients. We offer a critical appraisal of the Singaporean system, and some suggestions to minimize the risk of abuse by international patients or operatives of illegal organ markets.  相似文献   

Facial scars in hair-bearing areas are a difficult problem to deal with owing to the nature of the scar tissue and the poor survivability of the grafts. A 26-year-old male presented with a scar on the right cheek area. The patient complained of recurrence and widening of scar and resultant facial asymmetry after serial excision in another hospital. The scar was the result of a burn injury sustained 15 years back. The scar was managed by using 2,642 hair grafts harvested from the scalp area. The patient had excellent hair growth at the end of 1 year with a high satisfaction level. There was a visible improvement in the lip deviation. Restoration of hair in the hair-bearing region of the face may be considered a permanent single-stage solution in such patients.  相似文献   

《Transplantation proceedings》2021,53(8):2616-2618
Placing a new donor lung into a postpneumonectomy pleural space has many potential surgical challenges. We report the technical challenges we faced in a case of a 42-year-old man who had initially undergone a double-lung transplant for idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension. Unfortunately, his left transplanted lung failed, which required a left pneumonectomy. Eight years later, his remaining right lung failed. He was evaluated and deemed suitable for retransplant. Our report presents the first successful redo heart double-lung transplant surgery preceded by pneumonectomy. There were significant technical intraoperative challenges; however, the procedure was performed successfully with an uneventful postoperative course and follow-up.  相似文献   

Although the incidence of (myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)) is higher among heart and lung transplant recipients than the general population, the same has not been shown in liver transplant (OLT) patients. We present the second known case of MDS after OLT. Case reports of MDS in OLT were identified using PubMed. Patient data were gathered from the patient and the medical record.A 54-year-old Caucasian man underwent OLT in 2003 and again in 2004 for hepatitis C-related cirrhosis. In 2007, the patient developed weakness, malaise, and shortness of breath. Laboratory studies revealed pancytopenia. Bone marrow biopsy showed MDS, with refractory anemia and excess blasts-1. The patient underwent chemotherapy and reduction in immunosuppression without a clinical response.Our experience suggested that MDS, although rare, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pancytopenia after OLT. Once diagnosed, immunosuppression reduction, chemotherapy, and even stem cell transplantation may be the appropriate treatment in selected candidates.  相似文献   

IntroductionMucormycosis is a severe infection in renal transplant recipients. Here, we report a case of maxillary sinus mucormycosis in a patient who presented with a facial pain complaint.CaseA 51-year-old female patient with renal transplantation due to autosomal dominant, polycystic kidney disease and diabetic nephropathy was admitted to our hospital with facial pain and minimal edema of the left half of her face on the 8th month of transplantation. On physical examination, there was only tenderness and slight edema on the left half of the face. On the paranasal computed tomography, extensive soft tissue densities involving septations, filling the left maxillary sinus, extending to the nasal cavity, and obliterating the left osteometeal unit were observed. Because facial pain was not relieved by antibiotics and several, potent analgesic drugs on the second day, mucormycosis infection with bone involvement was suspected. A left maxillary sinus excision was performed. Microscopic examination of the debridement specimen revealed necrotic bone interspersed with fungal hyphae, and culture isolated Rhizopus oryzae. Liposomal amphotericin B was started. The patient was on tacrolimus, prednisolone, and mycophenolate mofetil. Tacrolimus was switched to cyclosporine to regulate serum glucose levels. The left maxillary sinus was washed with liposomal amphoterin B daily and curetted with intervals. The patient started dialysis because of severe renal function loss. The patient was discharged on the 96th day of liposomal amphotericin B.ConclusionIt should be kept in mind that mucormycosis may be present in the sinuses even if there is no evidence for nasal, oral, and dental examination in renal transplant patients with facial pain.  相似文献   

1病历资料患者,男性,31岁,因乏力、腹胀、黄疸20 d,神志不清2 d入院。肝功能:谷丙转氨酶155 IU/L、总胆红素559.4μmol/L,凝血酶原时间30.6 s。诊断:急性乙型重症肝炎,肝性脑病Ⅳ期。于2003年3月8日行原位肝移植术。术后2个月出现发热、黄疸。T管造影显示“胆道铸型”。胆道镜取出铸型,并给予抗感染,胆道冲洗等治疗。黄疸逐渐加重,胆汁培养为铜绿假单孢菌,对所有抗生素耐药,肝穿病理提示胆管消失。肝功能:谷丙转氨酶300 IU/L、总胆红素304μmol/L,于2004年3月26日行第二次原位肝移植术,胆道端端吻合。术后1周出现发热,胆汁色绿,行胆汁培…  相似文献   

Although single-lung transplant on the side with better lung function is challenging in patients with significantly asymmetrical lung function between the right and left sides, it sometimes can be a realistic option because of the recipient's condition and from the viewpoint of organ sharing. We report our experience with a successful case of single-lung transplant on the side with a pulmonary perfusion ratio of 89%. The transplant was performed with the patient under central venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation through a clamshell incision, and the patient had an acceptable short- and long-term outcome with a remarkable improvement of lung function.  相似文献   



Ureteral obstruction is the most common urological complication of kidney transplantation. Obstruction secondary to ureteral stenosis can be an early or late complication.

Case Report

We present a patient in whom ureteral obstruction was initially identified at 2.5 months after transplant for which she underwent a midpole ureterocalycostomy between the midpole calyx of the transplant kidney and the native left ureter.  相似文献   

《Transplantation proceedings》2019,51(4):1286-1288
Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders are a possible complication of kidney transplant due to chronic immunosuppressive therapy, and they can elevate the mortality rate. Furthermore, the type of clinical appearance has a wide range. We describe a case of a 38-year-old male recipient who developed post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders and received successful treatment. The recipient had received a kidney with 1 HLA-B and 1 HLA-DR match, and the deceased donor allotransplant was performed successfully on December 9, 2012. The cause of kidney failure was membranoproliferative-glomerulonephritis proved by biopsy results. The induction therapy was antithymocyte globulin; the basic immunosuppressive therapy consisted of tacrolimus, steroid, and mycophenolate mofetil. After 2 months the patient had elevated serum creatinine level, and biopsy results revealed cellular rejection (Banff grade I). We applied steroid bolus therapy. After that the graft worked properly for 5 years, and the patient had no symptoms or complaints; then he had right lower abdomen pain. After urgent procedures (laboratory diagnostics, abdominal ultrasonography, computed tomography), we operated on the patient in a short time, and after a few weeks the fluorescence in situ hybridization confirmed the translocation of region C-myc; the diagnosis was diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. With the assistance of hematologists, the patient received adequate therapy. He was asymptomatic half a year after the rituximab with cyclophosphamide, vincristine, doxorubicin, methotrexate/ifosfamide, etoposide, and high-dose cytarabine protocol therapy; the lymphoma is in remission. Our case is worth presenting because immunosuppressive drugs can modify the clinical picture, complicating the diagnosis and delaying treatment.  相似文献   

The reported biliary morbidity rate for deceased donor full-size orthotopic liver transplantation is up to 30%. The technique used may be influenced by multiple factors, and in some situations, biliary reconstruction must be carried out through Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy. The aim of our study was to determine the results of the orthotopic liver transplantation according to the technique used in the biliary reconstruction. A retrospective study was performed with the first 1000 orthotopic liver transplants (951 patients) carried out consecutively (1996-2013) with follow-up until 2017. A matched case-control study was designed in 1:3 ratio (47/136) to compare the reconstruction by hepaticojejunostomy vs the end-to-end coledoco-coledocostomy. Hepaticojejunostomy was associated with patients with cholestatic (44.7% vs 3.7%) and ischemic disease (14.9% vs 0%; P < .001) and previous transplant (29.8% vs 1.5%; P = .003). The mean biliary duct reconstruction, surgery, and cold ischemia times were also higher. Vascular complications were significantly more frequent in the hepaticojejunostomy group (36.1% vs 10.4%; P < .001), mainly because of differences in early arterial complications. Nevertheless, there were no differences in the total biliary complication (21.2% vs 16.9%; P = .5). The biliary leakage rate and the biliary stricture rate were also similar. Hepaticojejunostomy in orthotopic liver transplantation presented longer biliary reconstruction, surgery, and cold ischemia times when compared with end-to-end coledoco-coledocostomy. In addition, it was followed by a higher incidence of arterial complications but had similar biliary complication rate and graft survival. Differences could be explained by the fact that hepaticojejunostomy was used more often in cholestatic or ischemic diseases and in retransplant procedures.  相似文献   

《Transplantation proceedings》2022,54(10):2758-2760
The patient was a 33-year-old man. A living donor kidney transplant from his father was performed, and a double-J ureteric stent was placed in the ureter of the transplanted kidney during surgery. Postoperatively, after the urethral catheter was removed, he presented with lower right abdominal pain when excessively strained during defecation. A computed tomography scan showed fluid retention in the retroperitoneal space around the transplanted kidney, and a drainage tube was placed. Urinary components were detected in the drainage, and the patient was diagnosed with peripelvic extravasation. Because the surgical wound opened during the course of treatment, debridement and wound treatment were performed. The patient underwent hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and peripelvic extravasation and wound dehiscence both improved.  相似文献   

《Transplantation proceedings》2019,51(5):1621-1624
Sporotrichosis is an infection caused by the fungus of the Sporothrix schenckii complex and can be particularly harmful in immunocompromised patients. We report the case of a 26-year-old male patient with a previous history of pulmonary infection who underwent a liver transplant for Budd-Chiari syndrome. After the procedure, he presented with persistent fever and leukocytosis. On the 13th post-operative day, he was diagnosed with thrombosis of the hepatic artery and underwent a second liver transplant 15 days after the first procedure. After the retransplant, he presented daily episodes of fever, even after the use of several antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal agents. A number of negative cultures from different sites were obtained. After an acute episode of mental confusion, the growth of S schenckii was observed in cultures from cerebrospinal fluid and ascites obtained from a diagnostic paracentesis. Treatment with amphotericin B was started but the patient died on the fourth day of antifungal treatment, from a massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage. We found no previous report in the literature of spontaneous dissemination of S schenckii to the abdominal cavity causing peritonitis.  相似文献   

Trichoblastoma is rare, benign skin neoplasm that may be difficult to distinguish from malignant baso-cellular skin cancer. Renal transplant recipients are at increased risk for development of skin malignancies. Resection and histopathological evaluation of a suspicious lesion is mandatory to determine malignant skin changes. We present the first reported case of trichoblastoma in a renal transplant recipient. Proper diagnosis enables less aggressive resection and maintenance of the same immunosuppressive protocol.  相似文献   

Although Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) is the predominant infectious disease after solid organ transplantation worldwide, extrapulmonary involvement in the sacroiliac (SI) joint has never been reported in renal transplant patients. Herein we have described a 59-year-old man who presented with left hip pain and fever at 1 year after renal transplantation. He had a positive Patrick's test on the left hip, elevated serum C-reactive protein, and widening of left SI joint on pelvic radiograph. Although the initial workup including blood culture, acid-fast stain, and tumor markers was nonrevealing, whole body bone scan and magnetic resonance imaging were suggestive of left sacroiliitis. Surgical debridement with biopsy confirmed mycobacterium TB infection. After a complete course of anti-TB treatment, his symptoms significantly resolved. Given the inconspicuous and protean symptoms of extrapulmonary TB, a high index of suspicion for TB sacroiliitis in renal transplant recipients with unexplained hip pain is warranted for early diagnosis and prompt treatment.  相似文献   

Fungal infections have an important role in organ transplant recipients, and in some cases can be lethal. Blastomycosis is rare in kidney transplantation. We present a case of cutaneous blastomycosis in a kidney transplant recipient in Tunisia, a country outside the known endemic countries. This case, with the very uncommon and unexpected diagnosis of blastomycosis, demonstrates the diversity of infections in transplant recipients and reflects the importance of histologic and serologic tests in the immunocompromised patient.  相似文献   

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