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The articular eminence angle of 179 temporomandibular joints (TMJ) with anterior disc displacement (ADD) in 179 patients was measured and compared with 200 left and 200 right joints of 400 young adults without TMJ dysfunction. A steeper inclination of the posterior slope of the articular eminence, with a mean difference compared to the control group of 14.5 degrees, was seen in joints with ADD. In the group of 179 joints with ADD of the TMJ, no difference was seen in the mean articular eminence angle between joints with an ADD with reduction, and an ADD without reduction, between conservatively or surgically treated joints, or between joints with different presumed causes of ADD.  相似文献   

目的: 总结颞下颌关节 (temporomandibular joint,TMJ) 盘前移位 (anterior disc displacement,ADD) 就诊患者特征。方法: 纳入2015年4月至2018年11月初次就诊于上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院口腔外科并诊断为TMJ ADD的连续病例。收集患者人口统计学信息、首诊科室、主诉、现病史、既往史、临床检查、辅助检查结果和诊断等资料,采用SPSS 21.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果: 研究期间共纳入743例ADD患者,男女比例为1∶5.52。其中20岁以下的患者比率最高 (58.0%),就诊高峰年龄为15~16岁。年龄 ≤ 20岁的青少年患者与成年患者相比,因牙颌面畸形主诉而首诊于正畸 (或正颌) 科的患者占比更高 (P<0.001),有更高的夜磨牙患者占比 (P<0.001),而有耳前区疼痛、下颌偏斜症状或被诊断为特发性髁突吸收的患者占比较低 (P<0.01)。在年龄≤20岁的青少年患者中,因牙颌面畸形主诉而首诊于正畸 (或正颌) 科的患者与因关节相关问题首诊于关节专科的患者相比,有耳前区疼痛和开口受限症状的患者占比更低 (P<0.01),但下颌后缩患者占比更高 (P<0.001)。结论: 青少年TMJ ADD患者对该疾病有很高的治疗需求,其中相当一部分患者以牙颌面畸形为主诉、有更轻的关节症状,但不了解颞下颌关节问题和牙颌面畸形的密切关系,可能会贻误最佳治疗时机。  相似文献   

顾姣娜  焦博强  李志勇 《口腔医学》2022,42(10):942-945
颞下颌关节盘前移位(temporomandibular joint anterior disc displacement, TMJ ADD)是临床上常见的一种颞下颌关节紊乱病(temporomandibular disorder, TMD),主要表现为疼痛、关节弹响和下颌运动受限,严重者影响日常生活。但其病因复杂,至今尚无统一结论,对其发病机制也缺乏明确而全面的认识。本文将对ADD的病因以及发病机制作一综述。  相似文献   

: A method for producing disc displacement is presented in which remodeling events in the disc and posterior attachment (PA) are similar to those occurring in patients suffering from disc displacement (DD). : Thirty-three adult New Zealand White rabbits were used in this study. A unilateral anterior DD was surgically induced in 18 animals. Six animals were sham operated and nine animals served as controls. : Macroscopically, DD was associated with gross thickening of the posterior band (PB), shortening of the disc anteroposteriorly, flexure of the intermediate zone (IZ), and loss of the biconcave shape. Microscopically, dramatic internal structural changes were observed in displaced discs, including extensive collagenous fiber reorganization and changes in cell morphology associated with a generalized loss of metachromatic staining. As in humans, the disc displacement caused abnormal loading of the PA and remodeling of this tissue into a disc-like structure characterized by the appearance of coarse collagenous fiber bundles and scattered chondrocytes surrounded by a matrix-containing cartilage-like glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). : These pathoanatomic changes bear a remarkable similarity to those described in human disc derangements and support the use of this method as an experimental model for the study of remodeling events in human DD arthropathies.  相似文献   

兔颞下颌关节盘前移位后关节软骨细胞的凋亡及其意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 观察颞下颌关节盘前移位动物模型的关节软骨细胞凋亡动态改变 ,探讨软骨细胞凋亡的意义。方法 日本大白兔 2 6只 ,实验组 2 0只行手术 ,在不打开颞下颌关节囊的情况下制成关节盘前移位动物模型 ,采用原位末端标记法 (TUNEL)观察术后不同病变时期关节区组织学的改变和软骨细胞凋亡的情况。结果 术后 1~ 2周为髁突软骨细胞凋亡的高峰期 ,集中于功能区的肥大层和增殖层。 4~ 6周进入关节改建期。结论 关节盘前移位后可激活软骨细胞的凋亡机制 ,启动关节软骨的适应性改建  相似文献   

目的: 评价应用改良切口关节盘锚固术治疗颞下颌关节盘不可复性前移位的临床疗效。方法: 选取2014年9月—2016年9月我院颞下颌关节专科就诊的24例(30侧)颞下颌关节紊乱病患者,采用改良切口颞下颌关节盘锚固术进行治疗, 分析术前、术后6个月不同时期患者的疼痛值、开口度的变化及MRI影像学表现,采用SPSS17.0软件包中的t检验评价手术效果。结果: 治疗前平均开口度为(23.63±3.31)mm(17~29 mm),治疗后平均开口度为(38.00±2.30)mm(32~42 mm),治疗后开口度≥35 mm 的患者占 87.5%(21/24);疼痛直观模拟标尺(visual analogue scale,VAS)值术前为29.76±23.35(0~80),术后6个月为3.71±7.91(0~50),术后6个月的开口度及VAS值均与治疗前有显著差异(P<0.05)。MRI影像学评价有效率达96.67%(29/30侧),所有病例均无并发症发生。结论: 颞下颌关节盘锚固术能有效治疗颞下颌关节盘不可复性前移位,在复位关节盘的前提下,显著改善开口度和缓解疼痛。  相似文献   

颞下颌关节骨关节病(temporomandibular joint osteoarthrosis,TMJOA)是一种常见的颞下颌关节疾病,主要表现为开口受限、关节区疼痛、摩擦音等一系列症状。虽然骨关节病不是致命性疾病,但是骨关节病的发生会严重危害患者的生活质量。而在颞下颌关节结构紊乱病中,颞下颌关节盘前移位(anterior disc displacement,ADD)发生率最高,是最常见的关节紊乱病。本文就TMJ ADD与OA之间的相关性作一综述。  相似文献   

目的:观察小型猪颞下颌关节盘前移位后关节盘的组织学变化。方法:实验用小型猪10只,2只为健康对照组,术前处死。实验组8只,左侧为实验侧,右侧为实验对照侧,在左侧用正畸橡皮筋以0.78 N经眶持续牵引关节盘向前,造成关节盘前移位动物模型。术后4、6、8、10周各处死实验动物。对关节盘标本进行组织学观察。结果:HE染色见对照组关节盘表面光滑。实验组关节盘组织出现裂纹,结构模糊不清。甲苯胺兰染色见对照组表面光滑规整,关节盘内细胞排列规则紧。实验组关节盘软骨细胞增多和灶性聚集,纤维排列紊乱。SP法检测PCNA见对照组关节盘的表面滑膜组织及滑膜下层成纤维细胞无PCNA表达。实验组关节盘内可见部分细胞呈圆形或椭圆形,其内PCNA阳性。SP法检测S-100见对照组关节盘内软骨细胞无S-100表达。实验组可见下板部分成纤维细胞及纤维软骨细胞S-100弱表达。结论:猪关节盘前移位动物模型可较好模拟人的不可复性关节盘前移位关节盘的组织病理及组化变化,组织病理学变化呈渐进性。关节盘修复是一个适应性改建过程。  相似文献   

目的研究经关节下腔治疗颞下颌关节(TMJ)不可复性盘前移位(ADDw/oR)的临床疗效。方法将临床和影像学检查确诊的单侧TMJADDw/oR患者56例,随机分为关节上腔组和下腔组,以治疗前作对照,经关节内灌洗、注射玻璃酸钠后行手法复位并佩戴密歇根(Michigan)稳定性咬合板2个月,复诊记录摩擦指数并评价其疗效。结果关节上腔和下腔治疗组开口度均较治疗前明显增大(P〈0.01),摩擦指数值较治疗前均明显下降(P〈0.01) 下腔治疗组开口改善度较上腔治疗组增加明显(P〈0.05),而摩擦指数值又明显小于上腔治疗组(P〈0.05)。结论TMJADDw/oR的关节下腔治疗效果明显优于上腔。  相似文献   

目的比较青年人可复性关节盘前移位者和无颞下颌关节症状者的颞下颌关节音,探讨其关节音频谱图的特征和临床诊断价值。方法运用BioJVA颞下颌关节振动分析仪记录21例可复性关节盘前移位患者与26例正常青年人节律性大开闭口运动中双侧颞下颌关节音;以临床诊断为标准,计算关节振动总能量,诊断可复性关节盘移位的灵敏度和特异性。结果病例组两侧颞下颌关节的振动总能量、频率小于300 Hz的振动能量、频率大于300 Hz的振动能量、频率大于300 Hz的振动能量与频率小于300 Hz的振动能量之比、峰振幅、峰频率、中间频率均明显大于对照组(P<0.05);病变关节随着关节盘移位程度的增加,各项关节振动参数也随之增加,振动总能量明显增加(P<0.05);关节振动总能量对关节盘前移位的诊断灵敏度和特异性分别为0.86和0.85。结论可复性关节盘前移位患者关节音振动的各参数明显高于正常人,不同病变阶段的关节音也不同。  相似文献   

目的 比较青年人可复性关节盘前移位者和无颞下颌关节症状者的颞下颌关节音,探讨其关节音频谱图的特征和临床诊断价值.方法 运用BioJVA颞下颌关节振动分析仪记录21例可复性关节盘前移位患者与26例正常青年人节律性大开闭口运动中双侧颞下颌关节音;以临床诊断为标准,计算关节振动总能量,诊断可复性关节盘移位的灵敏度和特异性....  相似文献   

The optimum method of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) reconstruction has not been defined despite numerous surgical treatments and several well controlled clinical trials. Animal models offer an experimental method allowing direct comparison of standardized surgical techniques. Advanced osteoarthrosis was induced bilaterally in 12 mature merino sheep. Three months later unilateral surgical reconstruction was performed. Four sheep had discectomy alone, four discectomy with fresh TMJ disc grafts, and four discectomy with fresh auricular grafts. All three surgical methods resulted in some reversal and repair of the osteoarthritic process, with the best result being from the auricular graft, next discectomy alone, next the disc graft, with the untreated osteoarthritic joint showing the most advanced pathosis. This study supports the role of surgical reconstruction in advanced degenerative disease of the temporomandibular joint, in particular, auricular graft reconstruction.  相似文献   

下颌后缩畸形是颌骨畸形中较常见的一种类型,影响患者的美观与功能。近年来,众多研究发现,下颌后缩畸形患者中,颞下颌关节盘前移位的发生率较高,因此认为,颞下颌关节盘前移位可能是下颌后缩畸形的重要病因之一。本文就双侧颞下颌关节盘前移位与下颌后缩畸形的相关性研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

颞下颌关节盘前移位后关节组织中S-100的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨颞下颌关节盘前移位后关节组织中S-100表达的变化及其意义。方法:26只日本大耳白兔,在建立颞下颌关节盘前移位动物模型后,分别于术后1周、2周、4周、6周、8周、10周和12周处死,用免疫组织化学方法检测关节组织内S-100的分布。结果:正常时S-100的表达主要位于关节盘前带和后带的软骨细胞中,双板区内无软骨细胞亦无S-100的表达。1周时下板内有少量成纤维细胞和纤维软骨细胞弱表达S-100,2周时出现少量弱表达S-100的游离软骨细胞。以后软骨细胞数目逐渐增多、S-100表达逐渐增强。10周时,可见多数强表达S-100的软骨细胞,12周时,滑膜层亦可见软骨细胞的出现及S-100的表达。结论:关节盘前移位后双板区出现软骨细胞及S-100的表达,S-100的表达可能与双板区组织的适应性改建有关。  相似文献   

The sign of 'clicking' in the temporomandibular joint is not a normal phenomenon. It is, in fact, often the first indication of potential myofascial pain or temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome and as such should be detected early and diagnosed correctly. Clicking is a cardinal sign of altered function within the joint, the aetiology for which can only be diagnosed from a sound knowledge of anatomy and physiology. With this background it is possible to ascertain whether the cause is essentially biochemical, neuromuscular, or occlusal in nature or multifactorial components of all three categories. An attempt has been made to provide background knowledge in order that a correct diagnosis can be made.  相似文献   

Single items from a typical clinical examination have proved disappointing in their predictive value for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc displacement. Only one criterion (the 12 o'clock) is used to diagnose normal disc position. According to this criterion, the posterior band of the disc should be located at the top of the condyle, at the 12 o'clock position. The purpose of this study was to determine which signs and symptoms provide a valid prediction of the condition of the joint based on 4 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) criteria used to define normal disc position. Sagittal MRI and clinical findings of 137 temporomandibular disorder patients and 23 normal asymptomatic volunteers were used. Three calibrated and blinded observers interpreted the images. Disc position with the mouth closed was evaluated based on 4 MRI criteria: 12, 11, 10 o'clock, and the intermediate zone. Disc position with the mouth open was determined based on one criterion. It was considered normal if the intermediate zone of the disc was located between the condyle and the articular eminence. Joints were classified as normal or as having disc displacement with or without reduction. The sensitivity and specificity of multiple clinical parameters for predicting the condition of the joint established by each of these 4 gold-standard MRI criteria were then determined. Regarding disc displacement with reduction, significant differences were observed in the sensitivity and specificity of all of the clinical parameters used to predict the imaging diagnosis established by each of the criteria. Concerning disc displacement without reduction, no significant differences were observed. The intermediate zone criterion was the criterion that most accurately reflected the condition of the joint. The clinical predictability of the disorder diagnosed according to this criterion suggests that clinical findings alone are too often nonspecific as predictors of the imaging stage of disc displacement. However, we found that combining the most sensitive clinical items to predict the disorder and using an overall criterion for positivity to interpret the results led to an impressive increase in the specificity of the combination, enabling false-positive diagnoses to be excluded.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical results and efficacy of an arthroscopic approach to correct anterior displacement of the disc without reduction of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) with limitation of mouth opening. We studied 28 joints with internal derangement in 23 patients, all of whom had had arthroscopic surgery (lavage, lysis of adhesions in the superior compartment, incision parallel to the disc-synovial crease of the upper joint compartment, and pull back of the anteriorly located disc). Objective and subjective data (increase in maximal interincisal opening, magnetic resonance imaging, and visual analogue pain score, VAS) were collected preoperatively and at 7, 30, 60 days, and 6 months or more postoperatively. Maximal interincisal opening improved from a mean (SD) of 20.4 (±4.5) mm preoperative measurement to 38.9 (±3.2) mm by 6 months postoperatively where indicated in previous line. The VAS showed a significant improvement in pain score (p=0.0023). Sixty days postoperatively the positions of the discs in 14 of the TMJs had improved considerably. In 13 of the TMJs the positions had improved slightly. Only 1 of the TMJs had not improved at all. There were no complications in any patient. Our arthroscopic procedure is safe, minimally invasive, and effective for the treatment of patients with displacement of the disc anteriorly without reduction of the TMJ.  相似文献   

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