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目的:明确浙北地区甲真菌病的致病菌菌种分布特点。方法:对2016年真菌镜检阳性的1007例标本进行致病菌的分离培养和菌种鉴定。结果: 334例标本培养阳性,阳性率33.17%。皮肤癣菌148例,其中红色毛癣菌最多(136例);酵母菌108例,其中白色念珠菌最多(35例);霉菌78例,其中曲霉属最多(49例)。<55岁患者以皮肤癣菌感染为主,>55岁患者以酵母菌感染为主;52.34%指甲致病菌培养酵母菌阳性,58.74%趾甲致病菌培养皮肤癣菌阳性。结论:本研究中甲真菌病患者病原菌主要为皮肤癣菌和酵母菌,菌种分布与年龄和部位可能有关。  相似文献   

目的:了解仅根据临床表现诊断浅部真菌病的准确率及临床诊断、真菌镜检和培养结果之间的符合情况.方法:随机选择2007年5-10月至本科门诊就诊,诊断为浅部真菌感染的患者,取皮损鳞屑做真菌镜检和培养,计算其临床诊断、真菌镜检和培养结果之间的符合率.结果:确诊患者中临床诊断和真菌镜检结果的符合率为75.00%,临床诊断和真菌培养结果的符合率为49.67%,真菌镜检和真菌培养结果的符合率为56.33%.另外,皮肤癣菌和念珠菌混合感染率为12.00%.结论:仅根据临床表现诊断浅部真菌病的准确率较低,真菌培养是浅部真菌感染诊断的金标准;皮肤癣菌和念珠菌的混合感染值得重视.  相似文献   

目的:了解海军总医院检验科血培养标本中真菌感染状况及药敏结果,为临床诊断及合理用药提供参考。方法对本院2006年1月~2013年12月血培养真菌阳性标本进行回顾性分析。结果从临床送检的血培养标本检出真菌114株,菌株主要为白色念珠菌(37.7%),热带念珠菌(28.9%),光滑念珠菌(21.0%);连续8年真菌感染血培养阳性呈逐年增长趋势,2013年检出最高(22株);体外抗真菌药敏试验的敏感率从高到低依次为:两性霉素B、5-氟胞嘧啶、伏立康唑、伊曲康唑、氟康唑,其中两性霉素B抗菌活性最好,100%敏感。30株真菌感染血培养标本检测了血清(1,3)-β-D葡聚糖,阳性率为53.3%(16/30)。结论引起真菌血症的病原体主要是念珠菌,联合血清学检测有助于辅助诊断真菌血症,真菌药敏试验结果给临床治疗提供了有参考价值的信息。  相似文献   

本文报道了免疫荧光菌团法快速鉴定白念珠菌的实验研究和临床标本的检脸结果.265份临床标本的检验结果为:荧光菌团阳性率占总阳性标本的90.7%、培养法占54.7%,两者符合率为45.4%.实践证明.用此法鉴定白念珠菌具有敏感、特异、快速、简便等优点.而且可取得活菌作进一步研究、因此f}适合代般实验室采用.  相似文献   

The combination of culture on modified New York City (MNYC) medium and identification of neisserial isolates by the Phadebact gonococcus test was evaluated in routine laboratory practice. The sensitivity of coagglutination was 96.7% (318/329 isolates) and that of immunofluorescence (IF) 97.9% (322/329 isolates); the specificity of both methods was 96.8% (120/124 isolates). Of the 329 gonococcal isolates, 286 (86.9%) could be tested by coagglutination and 309 (93.9%) by IF after only 24 hours' incubation. Identification by coagglutination from primary cultures on MNYC medium is considered to be very rapid, simple, and efficient for the cultural diagnosis of anogenital gonorrhoea in women and urethral gonorrhoea in men. Because of the high prevalence of meningococci in the pharynx and their not infrequent occurrence in the anorectum of homosexual men the identity of isolates from these sites is best confirmed by sugar utilisation tests.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of nail fungal infection.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A double-blind multicenter study compared the antifungal effectiveness of an iodochlorhydroxyquin-hydrocoritsone cream with that of its individual components in 354 patients with cutaneous fungal infections. After seven days of treatment, the combination was considerably better than hydrocortisone or the cream vehicle with respect to erythema, scaling, itching, and patients' and physicians' evaluations. The proportion of patients in the iodochlorhydroxyquin-hydrocortisone and iodochlorhydroxyquin groups who changed from positive results on potassium hydroxide examination at baseline to negative results on potassium hydroxide examination after treatment was significantly greater than that in the hydrocortisone and placebo groups. The conversion rate associated with the iodochlorhydroxyquin-hydrocortisone and the iodochlorhydroxyquin treatments was significantly different from that associated with hydrocortisone alone or placebo treatment.  相似文献   

目的:研究2种皮肤癣菌分离鉴定培养基对实验室保存菌株及临床标本的皮肤癣菌分离鉴定情况.方法:实验室保存菌株包括皮肤癣菌65株,其他霉菌38株,酵母菌30株.临床标本取自28例体股癣及足癣患者.分别将菌种和皮屑接种于1个皮肤癣菌培养基(DTM)、2个皮肤癣菌鉴定培养基(DIM)和1个含氯霉素的沙堡培养基(SDA).SDA、DTM和1个DIM在30℃培养2周,另1个DIM在37℃培养2周.每天观察培养基颜色变化及菌落生长情况.结果:30℃时1周内DIM和DTM上分别有89.2%和100%的皮肤癣菌变色.37℃时,DIM上只有31株能够生长.非皮肤癣菌30℃条件下在DIM上有32株生长,8株变色;在DTM培养基上有37株生长,14株变色.37℃条件下DIM培养基上有17株生长,6株变色.结论:DIM和DTM均能简便、快速、准确地分离鉴定皮肤癣菌,并有效控制细菌和真菌的污染.  相似文献   

In two separate specimens received for histopathologic examination, pigmented fungal elements were found within or on embedded wood splinters associated with a foreign-body reaction. The fungus was found to be in direct contact with the surrounding dermis. These findings support the concept of inoculation as a pathogenetic mechanism in cutaneous chromomycosis.  相似文献   

A spore suspension from a granular strain of Trichophyton mentagrophytes under occlusion for 4 days was used to produce two fungal lesions on the upper arm of the Trichophytin-negative author. The material for culture was obtained by stripping across the visible lesions and several centimetres into the surrounding skin. Already when the occlusion was removed, the whole stratum corneum was heavily invaded up to 20 mm into the surrounding, normal-looking skin. When the intensity and the size of the visible lesions topped after about 2 weeks, the culture positivity reached 45 mm into the perilesional skin. One week later the spontaneous involution had eliminated nearly all fungal organisms through the entire horny layer of both the visible lesions and their surroundings. After 42 days the lesions were culture-negative. It was concluded that the growth pattern of an experimental infection could be as observed in natural infections.  相似文献   

目的构建小鼠精原干细胞(SSCs)体外培养体系,并对培养的SSCs进行功能鉴定。方法采用两步酶法消化小鼠睾丸组织制备单细胞悬液,CD90、CD49f免疫磁珠分选SSCs,采用Sertoli细胞共培养方法体外培养SSCs,并将培养的SSCs移植到受体小鼠曲细精管,定期观察移植后SSCs在受体小鼠曲细精管增殖分化情况。结果本次研究培养的SSCs在体外大量增殖,SSCs标记物检测显示,CD90、CD49f未分化SSCs标记物表达阳性率均99%,而CD117分化SSCs标记物表达阳性率1%,SSCs转染GFP慢病毒后移植到受体小鼠曲细精管内可以广泛定植并增殖分化,移植后12w在受体小鼠曲细精管内可见GFP~+精子细胞。结论本研究中建立的小鼠SSCs体外培养体系,不仅能够促进SSCs大量增殖,同时保持了其未分化SSCs干细胞特性。  相似文献   

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