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Contrary to the pattern seen in mammalian sex chromosomes, where most Y-linked genes have X-linked homologs, the Drosophila X and Y chromosomes appear to be unrelated. Most of the Y-linked genes have autosomal paralogs, so autosome-to-Y transposition must be the main source of Drosophila Y-linked genes. Here we show how these genes were acquired. We found a previously unidentified gene (flagrante delicto Y, FDY) that originated from a recent duplication of the autosomal gene vig2 to the Y chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. Four contiguous genes were duplicated along with vig2, but they became pseudogenes through the accumulation of deletions and transposable element insertions, whereas FDY remained functional, acquired testis-specific expression, and now accounts for ∼20% of the vig2-like mRNA in testis. FDY is absent in the closest relatives of D. melanogaster, and DNA sequence divergence indicates that the duplication to the Y chromosome occurred ∼2 million years ago. Thus, FDY provides a snapshot of the early stages of the establishment of a Y-linked gene and demonstrates how the Drosophila Y has been accumulating autosomal genes.The mammalian Y chromosome has the lowest gene density of any chromosome, and most of its genes have a homolog on the X. This pattern is consistent with the mammalian sex chromosomes having originated from an ordinary pair of chromosomes, followed by massive gene loss from the Y (14). In contrast, the closest homologs of all Drosophila melanogaster Y-linked protein-encoding genes are autosomal, strongly suggesting that its Y chromosome has been acquiring genes from the autosomes (57). Indeed, gene gains, and not gene losses, have played the major role in shaping the gene content of the Drosophila Y, at least in the last ∼63 million years (My) (8, 9). Hence, the Drosophila Y chromosome seems to be evolving noncanonically (10) and is an ideal model to investigate the dynamics of gene gain on a nonrecombining Y chromosome.The Drosophila Y chromosome has long been known to contain genes essential for male fertility (11, 12). Due to its heterochromatic state, progress in the molecular identification of the Y-linked single-copy genes has been slow. male fertility factor kl5 (kl-5), the first single-copy gene identified, was found serendipitously; it encodes a motor protein (dynein heavy chain) required for flagellar beating (13). More recently, a combination of computational and experimental methods identified 11 single-copy Y-linked genes among the unmapped sequence scaffolds produced by the Drosophila Genome Project (57). These genes have two striking features: (i) their closest paralogs are autosomal and not X linked, and (ii) they have male-specific functions, such as the beating of sperm flagella reported for the kl-5 gene (14). The most likely explanation for this pattern is that Y-linked genes were acquired from the autosomes and have been retained because they confer a specific fitness advantage to their carriers. An autosomal origin has previously been reported for a few Y-linked genes in humans and a repetitive gene on the Drosophila Y (4, 15). However, unequivocal evidence of the autosomal origin of Drosophila Y-linked genes, and of the specific mechanism that originated them, is lacking due to their antiquity. The 11 known single-copy genes (kl-2, kl-3, kl-5, ARY, WDY, PRY, Pp1-Y1, Pp1-Y2, Ppr-Y, ORY, and CCY) represent ancient duplications, with amino acid identities to the putative ancestors ranging from 30% to 74%, and poor (if any) alignment at the nucleotide level. Most of them have introns in conserved positions compared with their autosomal paralogs, ruling out retrotransposition and suggesting DNA-based duplication as the mechanism. The original size of these putative duplications is unknown, because the similarity between autosomal and Y-linked regions is restricted to one gene in each case. Flanking sequences and contiguous genes either were not duplicated or were subsequently mutated and deleted beyond recognition.Here we describe flagrante delicto Y (FDY), a single copy Y-linked gene present only in D. melanogaster, and which is 98% identical at the nucleotide level to the autosomal gene vig2. Because its origin is very recent (it occurred after the split between D. melanogaster and Drosophila simulans, ∼4 Mya), it was possible to demonstrate that FDY arose from a DNA-based duplication of chromosome 3R to the Y: the duplicated segment spans 11 kb of autosomal sequence and includes five contiguous genes (vig2, Mocs2, CG42503, Clbn, and Bili); the last four genes became pseudogenes by rapid accumulation of deletions, point mutations, and transposable element insertions or by lack of expression. Thus, FDY unequivocally demonstrates that the Drosophila Y has acquired genes from autosomes. Several Y-linked genes such as kl-2, kl-3, and PRY are shared by distant Drosophila species that diverged ∼60 Mya, implying ancient acquisitions. FDY dates the more recent acquisition to ∼2 My, and hence strongly suggests that Drosophila Y has been continuously acquiring autosomal genes.  相似文献   

Methuselah (mth) is a chromosome 3 Drosophila mutant with an increased lifespan. A large number of studies have investigated the genetic, molecular, and biochemical mechanisms of the mth gene. Much less is known about the effects of mth on preservation of sensorimotor abilities throughout Drosophila’s lifespan, particularly in late life. The current study investigated functional senescence in mth and its parental-control line (w1118) in two experiments that measured age-dependent changes in flight functions and locomotor activity. In experiment 1, a total of 158 flies (81 mth and 77 controls) with an age range from 10 to 70 days were individually tethered under an infrared laser-sensor system that allowed monitoring of flight duration during phototaxic flight. We found that mth has a statistically significant advantage in maintaining continuous flight over control flies at age 10 days, but not during middle and late life. At age 70 days, the trend reversed and parental control flies had a small but significant advantage, suggesting an interaction between age and genotype in the ability to sustain flight. In experiment 2, a total of 173 different flies (97 mth and 76 controls) with an age range from 50 to 76 days were individually placed in a large well-lit arena (60 × 45 cm) and their locomotor activity quantified as the distance walked in a 1-min period. Results showed that mth flies had lower levels of locomotor activity relative to controls at ages 50 and 60 days. These levels converged for the two genotypes at the oldest ages tested. Findings show markedly different patterns of functional decline for the mth line relative to those previously reported for other life-extended genotypes, suggesting that different life-extending genes have dissimilar effects on preservation of sensory and motor abilities throughout an organism’s lifespan.  相似文献   

The Filoviridae family of viruses, which includes the genera Ebolavirus (EBOV) and Marburgvirus (MARV), causes severe and often times lethal hemorrhagic fever in humans. Filoviral infections are associated with ineffective innate antiviral responses as a result of virally encoded immune antagonists, which render the host incapable of mounting effective innate or adaptive immune responses. The Type I interferon (IFN) response is critical for establishing an antiviral state in the host cell and subsequent activation of the adaptive immune responses. Several filoviral encoded components target Type I IFN responses, and this innate immune suppression is important for viral replication and pathogenesis. For example, EBOV VP35 inhibits the phosphorylation of IRF-3/7 by the TBK-1/IKKε kinases in addition to sequestering viral RNA from detection by RIG-I like receptors. MARV VP40 inhibits STAT1/2 phosphorylation by inhibiting the JAK family kinases. EBOV VP24 inhibits nuclear translocation of activated STAT1 by karyopherin-α. The examples also represent distinct mechanisms utilized by filoviral proteins in order to counter immune responses, which results in limited IFN-α/β production and downstream signaling.  相似文献   

Through division into segments, animal bodies can reach higher degrees of complexity and functionality during development and evolution. The segmentation mechanisms of insects and vertebrates have been seen as fundamentally different at the anatomical and molecular levels, and consequently, independently evolved. However, this conclusion was mostly based on observations of derived insects such as Drosophila. We have cloned the Delta, Notch, and hairy genes in the cockroach Periplaneta americana, a basal insect with short germ-band development, and carried out functional assays of Notch activity during its segmentation. Our results show that, in more basal insects, segmentation involves a similar developmental mechanism to that in vertebrates, including induction of segment formation by cyclic segmental stripes of hairy and Delta expression. This result indicates that Notch-mediated segmentation is the ancestral segmentation mechanism of insects, and together with previous results in the literature [Stollewerk A, Schoppmeier M, Damen WGM (2003) Nature 423:863-865], of arthropods as well. The similarity with vertebrate segmentation might suggest that Notch-mediated segmentation is an ancient developmental mechanism inherited from a common ancestor of insects and vertebrates.  相似文献   

Many types of embryos' bodyplans exhibit consistently oriented laterality of the heart, viscera, and brain. Errors of left-right patterning present an important class of human birth defects, and considerable controversy exists about the nature and evolutionary conservation of the molecular mechanisms that allow embryos to reliably orient the left-right axis. Here we show that the same mutations in the cytoskeletal protein tubulin that alter asymmetry in plants also affect very early steps of left-right patterning in nematode and frog embryos, as well as chirality of human cells in culture. In the frog embryo, tubulin α and tubulin γ-associated proteins are required for the differential distribution of maternal proteins to the left or right blastomere at the first cell division. Our data reveal a remarkable molecular conservation of mechanisms initiating left-right asymmetry. The origin of laterality is cytoplasmic, ancient, and highly conserved across kingdoms, a fundamental feature of the cytoskeleton that underlies chirality in cells and multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

Classically, the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) physiopathology and progression has been summarized in the two hits hypothesis. The first hit is represented by the action of hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, accompanying obesity, that leads to liver steatosis increasing the absolute non esterified fatty acids uptake in the liver and the esterification to form triacylglycerol. The oxidative stress is involved in the second hit leading to the progression to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis(NASH) because of its harmful action on steatosic hepatocytes. However, at the present time, the two hits hypothesis needs to be updated because of the discover of genetic polymorphisms involved both in the liver fat accumulation and progression to NASH that make more intriguing understanding the NAFLD pathophysiological mechanisms. In this editorial, we want to underline the role of PNPLA3 I148 M, GPR120 R270 H and TM6SF2 E167 K in the pediatric NAFLD development because they add new pieces to the comprehension of the NAFLD pathophysiological puzzle. The PNPLA3 I148 M polymorphism encodes for an abnormal protein which predisposes to intrahepatic triglycerides accumulation both for a loss-of-function of its triglyceride hydrolase activity and for a gain-of-function of its lipogenic activity.Therefore, it is involved in the first hit, such as TM6SF2 E167 K polymorphisms that lead to intrahepatic fat accumulation through a reduced very low density lipoprotein secretion. On the other hand, the GPR120 R270 H variant, reducing the anti-inflammatory action of the GPR120 receptor expressed by Kuppfer cells, is involved in the second hit leading to the liver injury.  相似文献   

Vertebrate Dlx genes have been implicated in the differentiation of multiple neuronal subtypes, including cortical GABAergic interneurons, and mutations in Dlx genes have been linked to clinical conditions such as epilepsy and autism. Here we show that the single Drosophila Dlx homolog, distal-less, is required both to specify chemosensory neurons and to regulate the morphologies of their axons and dendrites. We establish that distal-less is necessary for development of the mushroom body, a brain region that processes olfactory information. These are important examples of distal-less function in an invertebrate nervous system and demonstrate that the Drosophila larval olfactory system is a powerful model in which to understand distal-less functions during neurogenesis.  相似文献   

The acquisition of flight contributed to the success of insects and winged forms are present in most orders. Key to understanding the origin of wings will be knowledge of the earliest postembryonic events promoting wing outgrowth. The Drosophila melanogaster wing is intensely studied as a model appendage, and yet little is known about the beginning of wing outgrowth. Vein (Vn) is a neuregulin-like ligand for the EGF receptor (Egfr), which is necessary for global development of the early Drosophila wing disc. vn is not expressed in the embryonic wing primordium and thus has to be induced de novo in the nascent larval wing disc. We find that Decapentaplegic (Dpp), a Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) family member, provides the instructive signal for initiating vn expression. The signaling involves paracrine communication between two epithelia in the early disc. Once initiated, vn expression is amplified and maintained by autocrine signaling mediated by the E-twenty six (ETS)-factor PointedP2 (PntP2). This interplay of paracrine and autocrine signaling underlies the spatial and temporal pattern of induction of Vn/Egfr target genes and explains both body wall development and wing outgrowth. It is possible this gene regulatory network governing expression of an EGF ligand is conserved and reflects a common origin of insect wings.  相似文献   

Somites form along the embryonic axis by sequential segmentation from the presomitic mesoderm (PSM) and differentiate into the segmented vertebral column as well as other unsegmented tissues. Somites are thought to form via the intersection of two activities known as the clock and the wavefront. Previous work has suggested that fibroblast growth factor (FGF) activity may be the wavefront signal, which maintains the PSM in an undifferentiated state. However, it is unclear which (if any) of the FGFs expressed in the PSM comprise this activity, as removal of any one gene is insufficient to disrupt early somitogenesis. Here we show that when both Fgf4 and Fgf8 are deleted in the PSM, expression of most PSM genes is absent, including cycling genes, WNT pathway genes, and markers of undifferentiated PSM. Significantly, markers of nascent somite cell fate expand throughout the PSM, demonstrating the premature differentiation of this entire tissue, a highly unusual phenotype indicative of the loss of wavefront activity. When WNT signaling is restored in mutants, PSM progenitor markers are partially restored but premature differentiation of the PSM still occurs, demonstrating that FGF signaling operates independently of WNT signaling. This study provides genetic evidence that FGFs are the wavefront signal and identifies the specific FGF ligands that encode this activity. Furthermore, these data show that FGF action maintains WNT signaling, and that both signaling pathways are required in parallel to maintain PSM progenitor tissue.  相似文献   

Mutations in PTEN-induced kinase 1 (pink1) or parkin cause autosomal-recessive and some sporadic forms of Parkinson's disease. pink1 acts upstream of parkin in a common genetic pathway to regulate mitochondrial integrity in Drosophila. Mitochondrial morphology is maintained by a dynamic balance between the opposing actions of mitochondrial fusion, controlled by Mitofusin (mfn) and Optic atrophy 1 (opa1), and mitochondrial fission, controlled by drp1. Here, we explore interactions between pink1/parkin and the mitochondrial fusion/fission machinery. Muscle-specific knockdown of the fly homologue of Mfn (Marf) or opa1, or overexpression of drp1, results in significant mitochondrial fragmentation. Mfn-knockdown flies also display altered cristae morphology. Interestingly, knockdown of Mfn or opa1 or overexpression of drp1, rescues the phenotypes of muscle degeneration, cell death, and mitochondrial abnormalities in pink1 or parkin mutants. In the male germline, we also observe genetic interactions between pink1 and the testes-specific mfn homologue fuzzy onion, and between pink1 and drp1. Our data suggest that the pink1/parkin pathway promotes mitochondrial fission and/or inhibits fusion by negatively regulating mfn and opa1 function, and/or positively regulating drp1. However, pink1 and parkin mutant flies show distinct mitochondrial phenotypes from drp1 mutant flies, and flies carrying a heterozygous mutation in drp1 enhance the pink1-null phenotype, resulting in lethality. These results suggest that pink1 and parkin are likely not core components of the drp1-mediated mitochondrial fission machinery. Modification of fusion and fission may represent a novel therapeutic strategy for Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Retroviruses are RNA viruses that are able to synthesize a DNA copy of their genome and insert it into a chromosome of the host cell. Sequencing of different eukaryote genomes has revealed the presence of many such endogenous retroviral sequences. The mechanisms by which these retroviral sequences have colonized the genome are still unknown, and the endogenous retrovirus gypsy of Drosophila melanogaster is a powerful experimental model for deciphering this process in vivo. Gypsy is expressed in a layer of somatic cells, and then transferred into the oocyte by an unknown mechanism. This critical step is the start of the endogenization process. Moreover gypsy has been shown to have infectious properties, probably due to its envelope gene acquired from a baculovirus. Recently we have also shown that gypsy maternal transmission is reduced in the presence of the endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia. These studies demonstrate that gypsy is a unique and powerful model for understanding the endogenization of retroviruses.  相似文献   

Retrograde signals induced by synaptic activities are derived from postsynaptic cells to potentiate presynaptic properties, such as cytoskeletal dynamics, gene expression, and synaptic growth. However, it is not known whether activity-dependent retrograde signals can also depotentiate synaptic properties. Here we report that laminin A (LanA) functions as a retrograde signal to suppress synapse growth at Drosophila neuromuscular junctions (NMJs). The presynaptic integrin pathway consists of the integrin subunit βν and focal adhesion kinase 56 (Fak56), both of which are required to suppress crawling activity-dependent NMJ growth. LanA protein is localized in the synaptic cleft and only muscle-derived LanA is functional in modulating NMJ growth. The LanA level at NMJs is inversely correlated with NMJ size and regulated by larval crawling activity, synapse excitability, postsynaptic response, and anterograde Wnt/Wingless signaling, all of which modulate NMJ growth through LanA and βν. Our data indicate that synaptic activities down-regulate levels of the retrograde signal LanA to promote NMJ growth.  相似文献   

Aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) catabolize toxic aldehydes and process the vitamin A-derived retinaldehyde into retinoic acid (RA), a small diffusible molecule and a pivotal chordate morphogen. In this study, we combine phylogenetic, structural, genomic, and developmental gene expression analyses to examine the evolutionary origins of ALDH substrate preference. Structural modeling reveals that processing of small aldehydes, such as acetaldehyde, by ALDH2, versus large aldehydes, including retinaldehyde, by ALDH1A is associated with small versus large substrate entry channels (SECs), respectively. Moreover, we show that metazoan ALDH1s and ALDH2s are members of a single ALDH1/2 clade and that during evolution, eukaryote ALDH1/2s often switched between large and small SECs after gene duplication, transforming constricted channels into wide opened ones and vice versa. Ancestral sequence reconstructions suggest that during the evolutionary emergence of RA signaling, the ancestral, narrow-channeled metazoan ALDH1/2 gave rise to large ALDH1 channels capable of accommodating bulky aldehydes, such as retinaldehyde, supporting the view that retinoid-dependent signaling arose from ancestral cellular detoxification mechanisms. Our analyses also indicate that, on a more restricted evolutionary scale, ALDH1 duplicates from invertebrate chordates (amphioxus and ascidian tunicates) underwent switches to smaller and narrower SECs. When combined with alterations in gene expression, these switches led to neofunctionalization from ALDH1-like roles in embryonic patterning to systemic, ALDH2-like roles, suggesting functional shifts from signaling to detoxification.  相似文献   

Dichloroacetic acid (DCA), a water disinfection by-product, has attained emphasis due to its prospect for clinical use against different diseases including cancer along with negative impact on organisms. However, these reports are based on the toxicological as well clinical data using comparatively higher concentrations of DCA without much of environmental relevance. Here, we evaluate cellular as well as organismal effects of DCA at environmentally and mild clinically relevant concentrations (0.02–20.0 μg/ml) using an established model organism, Drosophila melanogaster. Flies were fed on food mixed with test concentrations of DCA for 12–48 h to examine the induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, oxidative stress (OS), heat shock genes (hsps) and cell death along with organismal responses. We also examined locomotor performance, ROS generation, glutathione (GSH) depletion, expression of GSH-synthesizing genes (gclc and gclm), and hsps at different days (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50) of the age in flies after prolonged DCA exposure. We observed mild OS and induction of antioxidant defense system in 20.0 μg/ml DCA-exposed organism after 24 h. After prolonged exposure to DCA, exposed organism exhibited improved survival, elevated expression of hsp27, gclc, and gclm concomitant with lower ROS generation and GSH depletion and improved locomotor performance. Conversely, hsp27 knockdown flies exhibited reversal of the above end points. The study provides evidence for the attenuation of cellular and functional decline in aged Drosophila after prolonged DCA exposure and the effect of hsp27 modulation which further incites studies towards the therapeutic application of DCA.  相似文献   

Cynthia S. Goldsmith 《Viruses》2014,6(12):4902-4913
Electron microscopy has been instrumental in the identification of viruses by being able to characterize a virus to the family level. There are a few cases where morphologic or morphogenesis factors can be used to differentiate further, to the genus level. These include viruses in the families Poxviridae, Reoviridae, Retroviridae, Herpesviridae, Filoviridae, and Bunyaviridae.  相似文献   

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