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根据GGF110型防雷靴的基本参数和有关实验数据,采用三维动态非线性有限元分析软件穴ANSYS/LS-DYNA雪,对该防雷靴受58式防步兵地雷爆炸冲击作用下的破坏与变形过程进行了分析和计算。包括58式反步兵地雷在土中的爆炸过程、防雷靴靴底结构对爆炸冲击波的前期响应过程。结果表明:(1)防雷靴的整体设计合理;(2)双层″V″型板结构设计、“桁架”式缓冲减震的结构设计以及“门”型和倒“L”型结构设计,具有很好的阻挡、分离和缓冲爆轰冲击波的作用。  相似文献   

KDE-2001A型体外冲击波碎石机是北京中科健安医用技术公司,在经过大量临床研究以后,根据国内外用户的反馈信息进行改进及重新设计,定型生产的一种新型碎石机。它是一种适应于尿路结石症的水囊式碎石机,其主要特点如下:采用了液电冲击波发生器,其主要指标均达到并超过了我国“体外冲击波碎石机通用技术条件”的规定标准。采用水囊耦合式完成冲击波的传递,无需麻醉。利用了液压三维传动摆臂进行结石定位,对于直径小于5毫米的小结石,可以采用跟踪定位。采用CCD数字去噪型医用X光影像系统。  相似文献   

现代战争的主要创伤形式已逐渐从传统枪伤转变为爆炸伤,爆炸冲击波造成的个人伤亡比例亦逐渐上升。明确爆炸冲击波对人体的损伤情况,对于评估冲击波毁伤威力及指导实战过程中人体防护装备的选用具有非常重要的意义。爆炸冲击波作用下造成士兵伤亡的主要为肺损伤与脑损伤,本文综述了爆炸冲击波所致肺、脑损伤的规律及目前研究中存在的不足和需要解决的关键技术,为后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

基于战时伤员流向与流率等特点,应用网络理论对战时救治区域卫生装备展开的布局进行了优化研究。应用排队论扣线性规划技术,研究了不同后送工具的不同组合优化,分别建立了静态和动态卫生装备配备模型,提供了队长——服务强度——服务台快速计算表,可快速实现对我军卫生装备配置数量的估算。根据研究结果,对我军现行卫生装备标准提出了修改建议。  相似文献   

新一代舰艇上医疗装备简易固定装置的研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:研制应用范围更广、操作更简便的新一代舰艇上医疗装备简易固定装置。方法:充分结合舰艇实际,根据不同装备制定相应的固定方式,设计了一套磁力开关、吸盘和简易固定架等相结合的一系列舰艇上医疗装备简易固定装置。结果:新一代简易固定装置应用广泛,能安全可靠地对医疗装备进行固定。结论:简易固定装置能够满足海上救护过程中医疗装备的固定需求,并在实际应用中得到了验证,获得了较高的评价。  相似文献   

近年来,军队卫生装备研究以工程技术、生物医学工程和军事医学三大学科为基础,根据自身特点,积极探索高新技术应用,并以此为基础形成了理工医相结合,应用与开发相结合,具有军队作战卫勤保障鲜明军事特色的研究方向、研究手段和研究队伍,研制出一大批新型装备成果。先后重点发展了战场伤员寻找装备系统、火线急救装备系统、后送监护装备系统、早期治疗装备系统、战救信息装备系统、技术保障支持系统、野战机动医疗系统、野战医疗箱组系统、单兵战位卫生装备系统、野战外科手术系统等十大系统,形成了以舱、车、箱囊、帐篷等骨干卫生装备为主体的、  相似文献   

部队卫生装备计量标准建设方法研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
依据部队卫生装备配备标准,提出了强检类医疗装备计量标准的建设方法,详细分析了各被检设备和计量标准器的技术参数,并根据实际需要对计量保障方式和标准配备原则作了说明。  相似文献   

廖维平 《医疗装备》2001,14(11):51-52
CS - 2 0 0 0碎石机是苏州锡鑫医疗器械有限公司生产的中小型体外碎石设备。由于结构简单、操作简便 ,被广泛装备于各小型医疗单位。现就其工作原理及常见故障的维修作一简单介绍。一、碎石机的工作原理1 冲击波的产生及聚焦碎石机是利用冲击波动力学理论来设计并制造的。所以 ,首先要清楚冲击波如何产生。冲击波产生有多种方式 ,根据原理大致可分为液电式和电磁式两类。电磁式是利用线圈在高强脉冲电流作用下的电磁感应效应来产生冲击波的 ;而液电式是通过安装在特定反射腔内的电极 ,在水下作高压脉冲放电来引起强烈爆炸 ,从而产生冲击波…  相似文献   

为了保障输血安全,根据我国《血站基本标准》要求,血液血型必须做正反定型,确保血型准确无误,实际工作中常遇到正反定型不一致,笔者就本站2002年出现的13例正反定型不一情况介绍如下:  相似文献   

为规范和加强部预算管理医院医学装备管理工作,根据《医疗卫生机构医学装备管理办法》(卫规财发[20l1]24号),结合部预算管理医院实际,我部研究制定了《卫生部预算管理医院医学装备管理实施办法》。现印发你们,请遵照执行。  相似文献   

The study was designed to analyse air pollution by 3,4-benz(a)pyrene released together with exhaust gases in 3 underground mines where self-propelled machines with diesel engines are used. Concentration levels for 3,4-BP have been identified in air, dust, sweeping away and scraping off the walls of the mine working surface. It is demonstrated that in a great number of samples 3,4-BP concentration exceeds MAC. A technique for 3,4-BP air sampling and analysis has been studied by means of liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection. Hygienic recommendations on decreasing 3,4-BP release into the mine air are set forth.  相似文献   

The paper is dedicated to a small enterprise functioning in the field of medical engineering, i.e. the "Neuron" research-and-production Co. (Ufa), which has been designing and assembling the therapeutic outfit for ophthalmology.  相似文献   

目的分析农村地区面对热浪灾害应对能力不足或更易受到伤害的人群特征,将这部分人群定义为热浪灾害下的农村脆弱人群,提出改善建议。方法以江苏省为例,以问卷形式实地调研江苏省九市农村居民,运用统计分析手段对江苏省农村人群的热浪风险感知、防护行为与个人差异之间的关系进行验证。结果农村人群风险感知的认识与年龄、受教育程度存在显著相关性,并干扰其抵御热浪天气的选择方式。女性比男性更关注热浪带来的健康威胁(F=7.702,P<0.01),教育程度高的人对热浪的了解度也越高(r=0.252,P<0.01),脆弱人群对热浪严重度的感知存在地区差异(F=3.095,P<0.05);农村脆弱人群抵御热浪的防护行为受年龄(F=4.284,P<0.01)、性别(F=5.539,P<0.05)与收入(F=2.816,P<0.05)等因素影响。结论受热浪灾害干扰的农村人群主要为低收入、低学历或自身患有疾病的老年人,这类人群面对热浪更具有脆弱性,经济水平、年龄、教育程度等个体差异以及对热浪的风险感知影响防护行为的采取程度。  相似文献   

The method of the combined use of the 2 series-produced outfits, an echocardiograph and an rheoplethysmograph, has been devised and tried on a clinical basis. The design parameters of the outfit make it possible to display the chest differential rheogram (DRG) obtained on an outfit on the screen of a cathode-ray tube. It is only one-stage recording of the echocardiogram of the right or (and) left ventricle and of the chest DRG that permits computing the volume of the reverse blood flow (regurgitation) in the atrioventricular valves of the heart. During separate use of these outfits, it is not feasible to measure the volume of regurgitation in the atrioventricular valves. The method suggested can be used for the design of an outfit with a broader range for studying heart anatomy and function.  相似文献   

An outfit "Mnemotest" was employed to examine some regularities of the operative memory of man. The dynamic characteristics are provided of reproduction-storage of the elements of visual matrix images: the curves of "fading" and the "reproduction tempo". It has been shown that oral administration in therapeutic doses of the psychostimulant sydnocarb optimizes the mnemonic processes. Under different conditions the drug either increases the "reproduction tempo" or minimizes the rate of the "fading" of the mnemonic trace.  相似文献   

目的:针对已有心电数据压缩方法开销较大、难以用于工程实践等问题,提出一种基于BP神经网络的心电数据压缩方法。方法:基于BP神经网络的思想,建立两个3层漏砂型前馈人工神经元网络.将单个心搏分为P波、QRS波和T波.分别对3个波用两个人工神经网络系统进行压缩.采用不完全联结结构提高神经网络压缩算法的波形重现能力和抗干扰能力。结果:利用BP神经网络对心电信号数据进行压缩可以实现较高的压缩比,能有效提高波形的重现能力和抗干扰的能力。结论:该方法可以有效地对心电信号采集器采集到的心电信号进行滤波和压缩等预处理.能较好地用于工程实践。  相似文献   

HPV vaccines available in the market are not effective against different strains of papillomavirus, therefore, there is a need to develop a new prophylactic DNA vaccine which can work against different strains of HPVs and may lead to protection of cervical cancer against new pandemic viruses. We designed a potential prophylactic DNA vaccine by using all the consensus epitopic sequences of HPVs L2 capsid protein and performed in silico cloning of multiepitopic antigenic DNA sequence in pVAX-1 vector. Immunogenicity of vaccine has been enhanced by techniques like codon optimization, engineering CpG motifs, introducing promoters and co-injection with plasmids expressing immune-stimulatory molecules.  相似文献   

Environmental concerns surrounding drilling for gas are intense due to expansion of shale gas drilling operations. Controversy surrounding the impact of drilling on air and water quality has pitted industry and lease-holders against individuals and groups concerned with environmental protection and public health. Because animals often are exposed continually to air, soil, and groundwater and have more frequent reproductive cycles, animals can be used as sentinels to monitor impacts to human health. This study involved interviews with animal owners who live near gas drilling operations. The findings illustrate which aspects of the drilling process may lead to health problems and suggest modifications that would lessen but not eliminate impacts. Complete evidence regarding health impacts of gas drilling cannot be obtained due to incomplete testing and disclosure of chemicals, and nondisclosure agreements. Without rigorous scientific studies, the gas drilling boom sweeping the world will remain an uncontrolled health experiment on an enormous scale.  相似文献   

Chlorpyrifos, an organophosphorus insecticide, has been used as a termite control agent since regulatory measures against the use of chlordane were taken in September, 1986. In this study the actual state of occupational exposure to chlorpyrifos of termite control workers was investigated. The findings obtained were as follows. The concentration of chlorpyrifos in the air (near the mouth) was about 10 times higher (1.7-2.3 mg/m3) under the floor than the threshold-limit value (0.2 mg/m3) proposed by the ACGIH and rose close to the threshold-limit value even above the floor. Regarding the performance of the absorption can of the mask, generally satisfactory results were obtained. The adhesion of this compound to the work outfit was conspicuous during the spraying work under the floor, and it was often noted on the right forearm (12 micrograms/cm2), on the left knee (10 micrograms/cm2), on the right knee (9 micrograms/cm2) and on the face (5 micrograms/cm2). The rate of this compound penetrating through the work outfit amounted to an average of 40 percent, making it clear that a considerable amount of the compound penetrated the work outfit. Furthermore, direct adhesion of the compound to the neck was considered. These results suggested the dermal-exposure to chlorpyrifos of termite control workers. This compound was detected, though the quantity was very small, in blood after work, which was definitely indicative of exposure at the time of termite control work. The plasma cholinesterase activity in the termite control workers was within the normal range before the busy termite control season but fell off markedly when the full-scale termite control season set in. It is suggested that a decrease in plasma cholinesterase activity occurs due to chlorpyrifos exposure.  相似文献   

Sweeping ('stripping') of the membranes has the potential to initiate labour by increasing local production of prostaglandins and, thus, to reduce pregnancy duration or to pre-empt formal induction of labour with either oxytocin, prostaglandins or amniotomy. A Cochrane systematic review of 22 trials (2797 women) comparing membrane sweeping with no treatment, with prostaglandins and with oxytocin revealed that stripping of the membranes was associated with reduced frequency of pregnancy continuing beyond 41 and 42 weeks. To avoid formal induction of labour in one instance, membrane sweeping must be performed in 8 women. Discomfort during vaginal examination and other adverse effects (bleeding, irregular contractions) were reported more frequently by women allocated to sweeping. When used as a means of inducing labour, the reduction in the use of more formal methods of induction must be balanced against the resulting discomfort and other adverse effects.  相似文献   

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