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目的对河南省18个地市级疾控中心突发公共卫生事件应急能力现状进行分析。方法在文献研究的基础上,结合德尔菲法设计河南省地市级疾控中心突发公共卫生事件应急能力评价调查问卷;对河南省18个地级市疾控中心进行调查,用描述性流行病学方法对其进行分析。结果 7个地市独立设置了突发公共卫生事件应急办公室;18个地市均建立了健全的突发公共卫生事件应急相关制度和24 h疫情监测值班制度;12个地市级疾控中心总体响应及时率达100%;5个地市建立并健全突发公共卫生事件应急资源库;16个地市的疾控中心储备有传染病控制类装备;17个地市有定期培训制度,全省各地市共进行24次模拟演练。结论河南省各地市级疾控中心均建立了相对完备的应急体系,应急能力有了较大提升,但在人力资源建设、应急预案制定、应急机构设置及实验设备配置和应用方面仍存在问题。  相似文献   

基层疾控机构突发公共卫生事件应急管理初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国重大传染病疫情、自然灾害等各类突发公共卫生事件时有发生,如2003年SARS(传染性非典型肺炎)流行、2007年太湖水污染、2008年汶川大地震和2009年甲型H1N1流感暴发等。这些突  相似文献   

为建立适合需求的哈尔滨市疾病预防控制机构突发公共卫生事件应急系统,全面提高区域内疾控机构与专业人员应急能力,推动公共卫生事业可持续发展,哈尔滨市疾病预防控制中心于2006年开展了哈尔滨市疾控机构突发公共卫生事件应急系统研究工作。目前已建立完善了由指挥决策系统、疫情报告系统、技术支持系统、后勤保障系统组成的哈市疾控机构突发公共卫生事件应急系统。现就哈尔滨市疾控机构突发公共卫生事件应急系统应用成果报告如下。  相似文献   

胡甜 《智慧健康》2022,(27):45-48
突发公共卫生事件的发生会对社会造成极其严重的影响,甚至还会直接对人们的生命安全构成威胁。突发公共卫生事件成因较多、无法明确且其传播速度较快,目前已成为威胁社会安定的主要因素,因此对于突发公共卫生事件采取及时有效的应急管理措施尤为关键。本文主要对目前我国基层疾控中心对突发公共卫生事件应对的现状进行分析,以提高其应急管理能力,对存在问题及努力方向展开探究。  相似文献   

目的总结和分析目前基层疾病预防控制机构在卫生应急工作中取得的经验和存在的问题。方法对当前突发公共卫生事件应急能力体系建设中专业技术队伍和储备保障等方面存在的问题进行分析。结果提出了以省为单位建立培训演练中心和建立更加科学、规范、透明的储备体系等建议。结论加强卫生应急能力建设是开展疾病预防控制的一项重要工作,必须提前谋划、政策倾斜、加大投入才能做好。  相似文献   

基层疾控机构在突发公共卫生事件中的作用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
国务院 5月 9日公布施行了《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》 ,标志着我国建立起了“信息通畅、反应快捷、指挥有力、责任明确”的突发公共卫生事件的应急法律制度 ,公共卫生事件应急处理工作纳入了法制轨道。在构建突发公共卫生事件应急体系中 ,基层疾控机构的地位和作用至关重要。现就基层疾控机构在突发公共卫生事件中的作用和面临的问题探讨如下。疾控机构的职责 按照《条例》的规定 ,各级疾控机构在应对突发公共卫生事件工作中应承担以下职责 :(1)监测与预警 :制定监测计划 ,分析评价监测数据 ;(2 )疫情报告汇总、分析、评估 :对突发事件…  相似文献   

目的:了解江苏省疾控机构突发公共卫生事件应急反应能力建设状况。方法:对江苏省13所市级疾控中心进行问卷调查,内容包括基本情况、监测预警、现场调查、处理、实验室检测、卫生应急保障、培训和宣传教育、信息通报和发布等7个方面。结果:各级疾控中心针对不同突发公共卫生事件已基本做好应急技术预案和准备,应急处置体系初步形成,但应急能力亟需提高。结论:突发公共卫生事件应急能力建设是长期的任务,需经过各级疾控机构的不懈努力;应强化专业技术人员尤其是基层人员的应急意识,加强现场处置能力的培训。  相似文献   

为认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于非典防治工作的部署和要求 ,巩固前阶段防治工作取得的成果 ,提高各级卫生人员传染性疾病的防治能力 ,为今后防治非典等传染性疾病做好技术准备 ,卫生部于2003年下发了“关于开展在职卫生人员传染性疾病防治知识全员培训的通知”。通知要求各级各类卫生人员要提高对传染性疾病防治重要性、紧迫性、艰巨性和长期性的认识 ,掌握各类传染性疾病防治的基本知识和技能、流行病学知识和技能 ,学习相关法律、法规 ,做到依法防治、科学防治。各地均根据卫生部“通知”的要求制定了本地开展在职卫生人员传染性疾病防治全员培训实施方案。并将传染病防治知识培训考核结果与年度考核、专业技术职务晋升及执业注册等制度相衔接。本刊自2004年第1期始 ,将“在岗乡医培训园地”栏目作为传染性疾病知识专题培训刊授园地。本刊现已申请了继续医学教育Ⅱ类学分 ,每期授予1分 ,全年一个学习周期(10个月)授予10学分。具体实施办法见招生简章  相似文献   

目的提高大理州疾病预防控制机构应对突发公共卫生事件和重大自然灾害调查和处置能力,最大限度地降低突发公共卫生事件和重大自然灾害的危害。方法根据《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》、《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》等国家卫生法律法规,结合大理州疾病预防控制机构现状和州情,反思作者先后参加了2003年"非典"防治,多起重大食物中毒处置和"5.12"汶川大地震后的卫生防疫等实际工作中,今后大理州如何更好地提高应对突发公共卫生事件和重大自然灾害调查和处置能力,并提出合理化建议。结果大理州卫生应急预案体系不够健全,没有从州政府的层面制定《大理州突发事件应急总预案》,如发生突发公共卫生事件和重大自然灾害时,还要花时间协调各部门一起应对;各种预案较多且分散;没有统一管理的各类专业人员齐备的应急队伍;近年来较少组织卫生应急演练,实战能力有待提高,队员野外生存能力差。结论大理州要进一步建立健全卫生应急预案体系,收集或制定卫生应急规范,从州政府的层面制定《大理州突发事件应急总预案》;要按照"平战结合、因地制宜、分类管理、分级负责、统一管理、协调运转"的原则,建立一只卫生应急队伍;完善应急队伍的应急装备和做好应急物资储备。  相似文献   

突发公共卫生事件的应急处置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
突发公共卫生事件是指突然发生,造成或者可能造成社会公众健康严重损害的重大传染病疫情、群体性不明原因疾病、重大食物及职业中毒以及其它严重影响公众健康的事件。对突发公共卫生事件应急处置能力的强和弱,体现了一个城市或地区的综合管理能力和文明程度。面对当前突如其来的SARS,在紧急启动应急机制时应着重系统地考虑以下工作。  相似文献   

Genomics is the study of the entire genome, including all genes and their interactions with each other and with the environment. The scope of public health genomics is even broader, encompassing genetic variation in populations, both human and microbial. Molecular typing of pathogens--a mainstay of infectious disease surveillance, prevention, and control--already is used to trace epidemics, provide information for vaccine development, and monitor drug resistance. Now genomic research is producing powerful new tools for public health; for example, a newly described, microchip-based method promises to diagnose influenza infection, distinguish among viruses of human or animal origin, and detect mutations that suggest increasing virulence--all in a matter of hours.  相似文献   

Public health law is an emerging field in U.S. public health practice. The 20th century proved the indispensability of law to public health, as demonstrated by the contribution of law to each of the century's 10 great public health achievements. Former CDC Director Dr. William Foege has suggested that law, along with epidemiology, is an essential tool in public health practice. Public health laws are any laws that have important consequences for the health of defined populations. They derive from federal and state constitutions; statutes, and other legislative enactments; agency rules and regulations; judicial rulings and case law; and policies of public bodies. Government agencies that apply public health laws include agencies officially designated as "public health agencies," as well as health-care, environmental protection, education, and law enforcement agencies, among others.  相似文献   

Engineering is the application of scientific and technical knowledge to solve human problems. Using imagination, judgment, and reasoning to apply science, technology, mathematics, and practical experience, engineers develop the design, production, and operation of useful objects or processes. During the 1940s, engineers dominated the ranks of CDC scientists. In fact, the first CDC director, Assistant Surgeon General Mark Hollis, was an engineer. CDC engineers were involved in malaria control through the elimination of standing water. Eventually the CDC mission expanded to include prevention and control of dengue, typhus, and other communicable diseases. The development of chlorination, water filtration, and sewage treatment were crucial to preventing waterborne illness. Beginning in the 1950s, CDC engineers began their work to improve public health while developing the fields of environmental health, industrial hygiene, and control of air pollution. Engineering disciplines represented at CDC today include biomedical, civil, chemical, electrical, industrial, mechanical, mining, and safety engineering. Most CDC engineers are located in the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). Engineering research at CDC has a broad stakeholder base. With the cooperation of industry, labor, trade associations, and other stakeholders and partners, current work includes studies of air contaminants, mining, safety, physical agents, ergonomics, and environmental hazards. Engineering solutions remain a cornerstone of the traditional "hierarchy of controls" approach to reducing public health hazards.  相似文献   

Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specified populations and the application of this study to control health problems. However, in public health, the terms "field epidemiology" and "applied epidemiology"--which emphasize use of results in public health settings--define the practice of epidemiology at CDC. Epidemiology has been characterized as the basic science of public health, and its practice at CDC has shaped the agency's development and will contribute to its future success.  相似文献   

Economics is the study of decisions--the incentives that lead to them and the consequences that result from them--as they relate to present and future production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services when resources are limited and have alternative uses. At CDC, economics is used to systematically identify, measure, value, and compare the costs and consequences of alternative prevention strategies. Costs and consequences in public health can be measured in various ways, including incidence or prevalence of disease; numbers of adverse events; utility measures, such as quality-adjusted life years; and monetary values. Because it deals with behavior, economics is not really about money at all. Money is just a convenient way to measure incentives and consequences.  相似文献   

Since CDC acquired its first mainframe computer in 1964, the use of information technology in public health practice has grown steadily and, during the past 2 decades, dramatically. Public health informatics (PHI) arrived on the scene during the 1990s after medical informatics (intersecting information technology, medicine, and health care) and bioinformatics (intersecting mathematics, statistics, computer science, and molecular biology). Similarly, PHI merged the disciplines of information science and computer science to public health practice, research, and learning. Using strategies and standards, practitioners employ PHI tools and training to maximize health impacts at local, state, and national levels. They develop and deploy information technology solutions that provide accurate, timely, and secure information to guide public health action.  相似文献   

Since CDC's inception, an important function of the agency has been the compilation, analysis, and interpretation of statistical information to guide actions and policies to improve health. Sources of data include vital statistics records, medical records, personal interviews, telephone and mail surveys, physical examinations, and laboratory testing. Public health surveillance data have been used to characterize the magnitude and distribution of illness and injury; to track health trends; and to develop standard curves, such as growth charts. Beyond the development of appropriate program study designs and analytic methodologies, statisticians have played roles in the development of public health data-collection systems and software to analyze collected data. CDC/ATSDR employs approximately 330 mathematical and health statisticians. They work in each of the four coordinating centers, two coordinating offices, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.  相似文献   

People readily associate the role of veterinarians with private veterinary practice focused on pets and farm animals, but the true dimensions and contributions of veterinary medicine are much broader and reflect expanding societal needs and contemporary challenges to animal and human health and to the environment. Veterinary medicine has responsibilities in biomedical research; ecosystem management; public health; food and agricultural systems; and care of companion animals, wildlife, exotic animals, and food animals. The expanding role of veterinarians at CDC reflects an appreciation for this variety of contributions. Veterinarians' educational background in basic biomedical and clinical sciences compare with that of physicians. However, unlike their counterparts in human medicine, veterinarians must be familiar with multiple species, and their training emphasizes comparative medicine. Veterinarians are competent in preventive medicine, population health, parasitology, zoonoses, and epidemiology, which serve them well for careers in public health. The history and tradition of the profession always have focused on protecting and improving both animal health and human health.  相似文献   

Laboratory technology is as essential to public health practitioners for monitoring threats to public health as it is to clinical practitioners who depend on laboratory technology to diagnose and monitor disease in individuals. Laboratory technology provides essential information for effective public health interventions, whether monitoring emerging infectious diseases, such as avian influenza globally; identifying pathogens, such as Escherichia coli in the U.S. food supply and pinpointing its source; screening newborns for devastating disorders, such as phenylketonuria, that can be prevented by early intervention; or developing the capacity to quickly screen for exposure to chemical and biologic agents.  相似文献   

Urban planning, also called city and regional planning, is a multidisciplinary field in which professionals work to improve the welfare of persons and communities by creating more convenient, equitable, healthful, efficient, and attractive places now and for the future. The centerpiece of urban planning activities is a "master plan," which can take many forms, including comprehensive plans, neighborhood plans, community action plans, regulatory and incentive strategies, economic development plans, and disaster preparedness plans. Traditionally, these plans include assessing and planning for community needs in some or all of the following areas: transportation, housing, commercial/office buildings, natural resource utilization, environmental protection, and health-care infrastructure. Urban planning and public health share common missions and perspectives. Both aim to improve human well-being, emphasize needs assessment and service delivery, manage complex social systems, focus at the population level, and rely on community-based participatory methods. Both fields focus on the needs of vulnerable populations. Throughout their development, both fields have broadened their perspectives. Initially, public health most often used a biomedical model (examining normal/abnormal functioning of the human organism), and urban planning often relied on a geographic model (analysis of human needs or interactions in a spatial context). However, both fields have expanded their tools and perspectives, in part because of the influence of the other. Urban planning and public health have been intertwined for most of their histories. In 1854, British physician John Snow used geographic mapping of an outbreak of cholera in London to identify a public water pump as the outbreak's source. Geographic analysis is a key planning tool shared by urban planning and public health. In the mid-1800s, planners such as Frederick Law Olmsted bridged the gap between the fields by advancing the concept that community design contributes to physical and mental health; serving as President Lincoln's U.S. Sanitary Commission Secretary; and designing hundreds of places, including New York's Central Park. By 1872, the disciplines were so aligned that two of the seven founders of the American Public Health Association were urban designers (an architect and a housing specialist). In 1926, the U.S. Supreme Court, in validating zoning and land-use law as a legal government authority in Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty, cited the protection of public health as part of its justification. Other connections have included 1) pioneering urbanist Jane Jacobs, who during the 1960s, called for community design that offered safe and convenient options for walking, biking, and impromptu social interaction; and 2) the Healthy Cities movement, which began in Europe and the United States during the 1980s and now includes projects in approximately 1,000 cities that in various ways highlight the role of health as much more than the presence of medical care.  相似文献   

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