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Although research to date on dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for adolescents has its limitations, growing evidence suggests that DBT is a promising treatment for adolescents with a range of problematic behaviors, including but not limited to suicidal and nonsuicidal self-injury. This article introduces dialectical behavior therapy's theoretical underpinnings, describes its adaptation for suicidal adolescents, and provides a brief review of the empirical literature evaluating DBT with adolescents.  相似文献   

BackgroundStructural brain abnormalities have been demonstrated in subjects with BPD in prefrontal and fronto-limbic regions involved in the regulation of emotion and impulsive behavior, executive cognitive function and episodic memory. Impairment in these cognitive functions is associated with increased vulnerability to suicidal behavior. We compared BPD suicide attempters and non-attempters, high and low lethality attempters to healthy controls to identify neural circuits associated with suicidal behavior in BPD.MethodsStructural MRI scans were obtained on 68 BPD subjects (16 male, 52 female), defined by IPDE and DIB/R criteria, and 52 healthy controls (HC: 28 male, 24 female). Groups were compared by diagnosis, attempt status, and attempt lethality. ROIs were defined for areas reported to have structural or metabolic abnormalities in BPD, and included: mid-inf. orbitofrontal cortex, mid-sup temporal cortex, anterior cingulate, insula, hippocampus, amygdala, fusiform, lingual and parahippocampal gyri. Data were analyzed using optimized voxel-based morphometry implemented with DARTEL in SPM5, co-varied for age and gender, corrected for cluster extent (p < .001).ResultsCompared to HC, BPD attempters had significantly diminished gray matter concentrations in 8 of 9 ROIs, non-attempters in 5 of 9 ROIs. Within the BPD sample, attempters had diminished gray matter in Lt. insula compared to non-attempters. High lethality attempters had significant decreases in Rt. mid-sup. temporal gyrus, Rt. mid-inf. orbitofrontal gyrus, Rt. insular cortex, Lt. fusiform gyrus, Lt. lingual gyrus and Rt. parahippocampal gyrus compared to low lethality attempters.ConclusionsSpecific structural abnormalities discriminate BPD attempters from non-attempters and high from low lethality attempters.  相似文献   

Managing suicidal behavior of individuals with borderline personality disorder presents both therapeutic and ethical/legal dilemmas. It is argued in this paper that clinicians treating borderline individuals need to carefully discriminate "acute" from "chronic" suicidal states. For "acute" suicidal situations, traditional management approaches are appropriate. However, for "chronic" situations, common among borderline individuals, traditional management approaches may be therapeutically counterproductive. A number of proposals for managing chronic suicidal behavior are reviewed. Unfortunately, current ethical standards and laws have evolved from considering suicide in an "acute" context and are insensitive to the "chronic" situation. Recommendations are made for clinicians to effectively manage chronic suicidal behaviors within present ethical and legal guidelines, and some suggestions for legal reform are offered.  相似文献   

Records of eight elderly patients identified as BPD by a geriatric team were analyzed for compliance with DIB-R and DSM-III-R criteria. A nonborderline control group was randomly selected and matched for age, gender and residence. Clinicians experienced in geriatric mental health performed retrospective chart reviews and found that not one clinically diagnosed BPD patient was identified by either instrument. Although there appear to be a number of constant features of BPD throughout life, this study delineated two major areas of change in BPD in late life.  相似文献   



Starting from the semiological heterogeneousness of borderline patients, we try to understand the everyday life of such subjects, and to determine the psychopathological structure of Borderline Personality Disorder.


This article's principal focus is lived time. We explore diverse meanings of the notions of immediacy and instantaneity, considered as key components of borderline patients’ lived time. We also consider other existential concepts from phenomenological psychopathology, such as space, emotion, identity, and the body.


The fragmented self hypothesis (Fuchs, 2007) clarifies the way in which borderline patients relate to the main psychic functions, and reveals a being-in-the-world in excess of the spatio-temporal situation. In addition, Kimura's notion of the intra festum (1992), closely correlated to the notions of instantaneity and immediacy, is put into a fruitful dialogue with the notions of the fragmented self and of the exceeding of the spatio-temporal situation.


The growing prevalence of BPD, along with the quality of the experiences narrated by borderline patients, allow us to suggest a link between a borderline being-in-the-world and our society's incessant technological advances, which contain the possibility of modifying the coordinates of space and time.


The different concepts explored in this article ultimately appear to link back up with the notions of instantaneity and immediacy. These two terms, closely related but calling upon different points of view, are closely connected with a certain hypo-reflexivity, whose expression differs according to whether one situates it in the “normal” or the in the pathological. Hypo-reflexivity appears in the context of a social world characterized by the constant need for hyper-flexibility (which notion brings us back to immediacy and instantaneity). Thus, the borderline experience overlaps with our postmodern lifestyle, which in turn reveals the potentially adaptive dimensions of this personality disorder.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence have raised the question of whether Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is an independent disease entity or it might be better conceptualized as belonging to the spectrum of mood disorders. This study explores a wide array of lifetime mood features (mood, cognitions, energy, and rhythmicity and vegetative functions) in patients with BP and mood disorders. The sample consisted of 25 BPD patients who did not meet the criteria for bipolar disorders, 16 bipolar disorders patients who did not meet the criteria for BPD, 19 unipolar patients who did not meet the criteria for BPD, and 30 non-clinical subjects. Clinical diagnoses were determined by administering the structured clinical interviews for DSM-IV disorders. The Mood Spectrum Self-Report (MOODS-SR) was used for measuring lifetime mood phenomenology. Clinical subjects displayed higher mean scores than normal subjects in all domains of the MOODS-SR, and BPD patients displayed higher scores than unipolar patients in the Mood and Cognition depressive subdomains. Differences between patients with BP and bipolar disorders on MOODS psychopathology did not attain statistical significance for any (sub)domain considered. The results of this study are consistent with previous findings suggesting the importance of mood dysregulations in patients with BPD.  相似文献   

The central characteristics of borderline personality disorder (BPD) are bound to be associated with the development and maintenance of couple dysfunction. Although seven of the nine diagnostic criteria of BPD in the DSM-IV-TR refer directly to interpersonal functioning, very few empiric studies have addressed the exact nature of the relationship between BPD and couple functioning. This article examines recent studies describing couple outcomes—union formation and durability, partner choice, relationship satisfaction, intimate violence, attachment security, and sexual functioning—associated with BPD. The relationship between couple dynamics (including partner personality characteristics) and BPD symptomatology is probably bidirectional or reciprocal. The review concludes with an exploration of diagnostic and treatment implications.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify elements of affective instability associated with an increased likelihood of impulsivity and then to determine whether these elements characterize patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and suicidal behaviour. METHOD: We prospectively followed 82 individuals with BPD and a history of recurrent suicidal behaviour who recorded their current mood states, impulsivity, suicide ideation, and environmental stressors (triggers) 6 times daily over 3 weeks. RESULTS: Our results suggested that mood amplitude was correlated with impulsivity and that 4 subgroups defined by mean scores on mood amplitude and negative mood intensity significantly differed in the number of suicidal behaviours reported in the last year. CONCLUSIONS: A subgroup of BPD patients appears to be at elevated risk for suicidal behaviour based on high mood amplitude and mean negative mood intensity. Clinicians might target this group for monitoring and interventions to reduce the likelihood of suicidal behaviour.  相似文献   

Schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) is a serious and relatively common psychiatric disorder, yet remains understudied among the personality disorders. The current study examines the psychiatric correlates of SPD in a representative epidemiologic sample, utilizing data from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (N = 34,653). Multiple logistic regression compared people with SPD to the general population across a broad range of childhood adversities, comorbid psychiatric disorders, and suicidal behavior. SPD was strongly associated with many adverse childhood experiences. After adjusting for confounding factors, SPD was independently associated with major depression and several anxiety disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder. Interestingly, SPD was more strongly associated with borderline and narcissistic personality disorders than cluster A personality disorders. Individuals with SPD were also more likely to attempt suicide. As a whole, these results suggest that individuals with SPD experience significant morbidity and may be at increased risk of mortality.  相似文献   

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