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目的 研究空军飞行员颈部各肌群的强度及其在航空动力环境中的意义。方法 采用CME-1飞行员颈肌训练器对149名空军飞行员颈部前、后、左、右肌群进行等长测试。每一个方向测量10次,10次中最大峰值作为该侧肌群的强度;计算每侧10次测试的峰值均值与肌群强度比值,反映飞行员的耐力。结果 空军飞行员前、后、左、右各肌群的强度分别为(132.0±42.2)N、(205.2±82.2)N、(174.3±76.4)N和(191.2±78.3)N,前屈和后伸肌群分别与其他肌群比较有显著性差异(P<0.001),左、右侧屈肌群之间的比较亦有显著性差异(P<0.001),前屈肌群强度最小,后伸肌群强度最大,左右侧肌群强度居中,且右侧肌强度大于左侧。前、后、左、右各肌群反复测试10次的各次最大肌力均值与肌强度之比分别为74.24%、72.86%、72.75%和68.72%。结论 为了充分发挥高性能战斗机的机动性能,最大限度地减少加速度导致的飞行员颈部损伤,应鼓励空军飞行员在地面进行颈肌强度训练,并掌握好飞行过程中头部控制技术。  相似文献   

目的:探讨两种不同的心理训练方法对飞行员缓解急性应激的效果,并对两种方法的有效性进行比较,为我军心理健康促进工作提供参考。方法:本研究选取116名飞行员参加本项研究,先通过"四任务测验"诱发应激,然后将飞行员随机分成漂浮舱训练组和腹式呼吸训练组,训练时间均为10分钟,分析两种心理训练方法对飞行员缓解应激情绪的影响。采用情绪的生理指标皮肤电作为心理训练效果的评价指标。结果:应用SPSS 16.0中一般线性模型(General linear model,GLM)的Repeated measures和multivariate过程对心理训练重复测量数据进行重复测量方差分析和多元方差分析,并进行不同时间点和不同组的两两比较。漂浮舱训练时,飞行员的皮肤电在静息、应激和漂浮舱训练3种状态均有显著差异(F=184.479,P0.05);腹式呼吸训练时,应激状态与静息和腹式呼吸训练间有显著差异,而静息和腹式呼吸训练两个状态间未见显著差异。结论:漂浮舱训练能有效缓解飞行员的急性应激,而腹式呼吸训练后的放松效果不明显。  相似文献   

目的:探讨军事应激条件下战斗机飞行员心理健康状况和心理训练对战斗机飞行员军事应激损伤防护的效果,为临床心理工作提供理论依据。方法:将参加重大演习任务的69名战斗机飞行员随机分为训练组和对照组,比较两组飞行员心理训练前后心理健康状况。结果:参演战斗机飞行员症状自评量表躯体化、强迫、焦虑、敌对、恐怖、偏执因子分显著高于军人常模(t=3.753,2.219,3.141,2.032,2.060,2.772;P<0.05),心理训练后训练组躯体化、强迫、焦虑、敌对、偏执因子分显著低于对照组(t=-2.656,-2.247,-2.244,-2.106,-3.181;P<0.05)。结论:心理训练能够调节战斗机飞行员军事应激反应,改善其心理健康状况。  相似文献   

目的:颈腰椎病在飞行员群体中的发病率不断升高,颈腰椎病的治疗和康复对于这个群体的生活和工作非常重要。本研究引入正念减压训练,将其作为罹患颈腰椎病飞行员的辅助治疗方法,探讨该疗法在飞行员康复中的作用。方法:正念减压训练以团体的形式进行,通过正念冥想和瑜伽练习,改变个体的认知,实现心身作用。本研究以患颈腰椎病的飞行员84人为研究对象,将患者随机分配到实验组和控制组,分别测量他们在实验前、实验中和实验后的情绪和躯体疼痛。结果:随着治疗时间的增加,患者的躯体疼痛减少,正念减压训练能够促进康复,有效地减少颈腰椎病对飞行员带来的躯体疼痛(F=18.30,P0.01,η2=0.08),减少由于患病带来的负面情绪(F=33.80,P0.01,η2=0.29),增加积极情绪(F=75.33,P0.01,η2=0.48)。结论:正念减压训练能够在飞行员的颈腰椎病康复中起到辅助治疗作用,并且改善他们的情绪状况。  相似文献   

目的探讨心理训练对高性能战斗机飞行员心理健康状况、自我和谐程度及人际信任的影响。方法将高性能战斗机飞行员随机分为训练组(84名)和对照组(62名),训练组接受为期5次的心理训练。比较训练前后两组的SCL-90量表、信任量表和自我和谐量表的差异。结果训练组训练后的SCL-90量表总分(t=3.7103,-2.073;P0.05)、阳性项目数(t=-3.7103,-24.512;P0.01)、人际关系敏感(t=-2.2678,-1.994;P0.05)、忧郁(t=-2.0771,-2.348;P0.05)、焦虑(t=-2.297,-2.096;P0.05)、敌对(t=-2.7548,-2.138;P0.05)和其它(t=-2.349,-3.427;P0.05)共7个因子的得分显著低于训练前及未经训练者,而强迫(t=-2.3751,P0.05)、偏执(t=-3.4932,P0.01)、精神病性(t=-2.0766,P0.05)3因子的得分显著低于训练前;训练后的人际信任总分(t=3.4970,P0.01)显著高于训练前及未经心理训练者(t=2.5031,P0.01);训练后的自我和谐总分(t=-3.0697,P0.01)显著低于训练前及未经心理训练者(t=-2.3324,P0.05)。结论心理训练对高性能战斗机飞行员的心理健康水平、人际信任及自我和谐程度有明显改善,并优于未经训练者。  相似文献   

颈肌退变与颈椎病   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
颈椎病是颈椎间盘退行性变及继发病理改变,影响了周围组织结构(神经、脊髓或血管等),出现相应临床症状的一组综合征。当前,颈椎病患者有越来越多的趋势,发病的年龄越来越年轻;而对其发生机理的认识,既往大多认为是颈椎间盘退变所致,对颈周围肌肉组织退变的研究较少。为此,作者结合有关文献进行综述,旨在提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

本文测定了124例健康成人最大吸气压和最大持续吸气压,探讨吸气肌强度和耐力的分布及影响因素。发现最大吸气压和最大持续吸气压受年龄、体重和性别响影,吸气肌张力时间指数0.30可作为检测吸气肌疲劳的临界阈值。  相似文献   

目的:探讨短程心率变异性评估疗养飞行员生物反馈训练效果,为航空心理训练提供依据。方法:采用多参数生物反馈仪对飞行员进行训练及短程心率变异性检测。结果:短程心率变异性比较结果显示,SDNN、RMSSD、HF和TP均是训练后升高,有非常显著统计学意义(t=2.33~8.46,P0.01);HR、LF、LF/HF均是训练后降低,有非常显著统计学意义(t=4.13~20.54,P0.01)。结论:生物反馈训练能改善飞行员自主神经功能活性状况,短程心率变异性能有效评估疗养飞行员生物反馈训练的效果。  相似文献   

目的:探讨肌内效贴布贴扎联合核心稳定训练对颈型颈椎病(neck type cervical spondylopathy,NTCS)患者的康复作用.方法:选取2020年1月至2020年12月海南医学院第一附属医院康复医学科收治的110例NTCS患者,随机分为对照组(55例)与研究组(55例).110例NTCS患者均接受常...  相似文献   

观察大鼠不同负荷耐力训练后骨骼肌一氧化氮(NO)含量、骨骼肌铁代谢及其相关关系,研究NO对不同负荷耐力训练过程中大鼠骨骼肌铁代谢的调节机制。雄性Wistar大鼠21只,随机分为对照组、适度运动组、过度运动组,对照组大鼠不运动,适度运动组和过度运动组大鼠分别进行不同负荷的递增负荷跑台训练。5周后,测定肌四头肌铁含量、一氧化氮合酶(NOS)活性及NO含量。过度运动组血清NOS活性和NO含量显著高于对照组和适度运动组(P<0.01);股四头肌NOS活性和NO含量显著高于对照组(P<0.01);组织铁含量显著高于对照组和适度运动组(P<0.01)。适度运动组血清NOS活性和NO含量显著高于对照组(P<0.01);股四头肌NO含量高于对照组(P<0.01)。组织铁含量显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。适度运动引起血清及股四头肌NOS提高的结果是增加了NO含量。NO使摄入细胞内的铁增加,向细胞外转运的铁减少,最终增加肌细胞内的贮铁量,保证运动中骨骼肌铁的需求,使机体对运动产生有益的生理适应。  相似文献   

军机飞行员的颈部损伤研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查飞行员的颈部损伤现状,分析导致颈部损伤的因素和飞行员的颈部损伤对飞行训练的影响,为开展相应的生理研究和开发工程解决方案提出建议。方法对1924名军机飞行员进行问卷调查,涉及初教机、强击机、歼击机、轰炸机、运输机及直升机飞行员。调查分为两部分:(1)飞行员基本情况,包括:单位、年龄、机种、飞行时间、身高、体重;(2)颈部损伤情况,包括:颈部症状、颈部症状对飞行的影响、导致颈部损伤的原因等。对调查结果进行统计分析。结果本研究调查表明71.3%的飞行员曾有过颈部不适症状,60.4%的飞行员颈部不适发生在飞行中;有33.7%的飞行员曾有过颈部疼痛症状,19.2%的飞行员的颈部疼痛症状发生在飞行中;飞行加速度、头盔重量及飞行日留空时间过长是导致飞行员颈部症状的主要原因。轰炸机飞行员发生颈部不适和疼痛的比例最高。结论颈部损伤已成为我军飞行员的常见病与多发病,飞行员的颈部损伤已影响到日常的飞行训练,且随着歼、强击机飞行员的飞行载荷及飞行训练强度的增加,飞行员的颈部损伤还会呈上升趋势。因此,应高度重视军机飞行员的颈部损伤问题,对此问题的生理研究及工程解决方案还需进行深入研究。  相似文献   

目的研究头盔质量和质心偏移对军机飞行员颈部肌肉活动特性的影响。方法基于AnyBody软件平台建立头颈部肌骨模型,包含C0、C1-7、T1和136组头颈部肌肉。采用集中载荷模拟头盔作用,对不同头盔质量、质心位置和加速度载荷下的7个主要肌群的肌力进行了仿真计算。结果当头盔质心与头部质心重合时,支配后伸的头半棘肌、肩胛提肌、头夹肌和颈夹肌处于收缩发力状态。当头盔质量增大,这些肌群肌力也随之线性增加,并且加速度载荷对肌力增大程度起放大作用。头盔质心后移,会降低后伸肌群的肌力,增大前屈肌群受力。头盔质心左右偏移引起的附加侧弯力矩则会激活支配侧弯功能的肌群的活动。结论头盔质量和质心位置对颈部肌群活动特性有明显影响,本文建立的头颈部肌骨模型可以计算不同状态下肌力的变化,头盔设计和使用过程可采用该技术进行定量分析。  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the effects of a combination of simultaneous strength and endurance training on selected neuromuscular and aerobic performance characteristics seven male cross-country skiers underwent training for a period of 6 weeks. The experimental group trained 6–9 times per week with a programme consisting of 34% explosive type strength training and 66% endurance training during the first 3 weeks of the experiment and 42% and 58% respectively during the last 3 weeks of the experiment. The total volume of training of the control group (eight skiers) was of the same magnitude but consisted of 85% pure endurance training and 15% endurance type strength training. The experimental training regime resulted in specific changes in neuromuscular performance. This was demonstrated by improvements (P<0.01) in the maximal heights of rise of the centre of gravity in the squat and countermovement jumps. A significant decrease (P<0.05) took place also in the time of rapid isometric force production during experimental training, while no changes occurred in the maximal force of the trained muscles. Aerobic performance characteristics of the experimental group did not change during the experimental training period. No significant changes occurred in neuromuscular or aerobic performance characteristics in the control group. These findings indicated that training-induced improvements in explosive force production may not be fully inhibited by this kind of aerobic training. They also suggested that endurance athletes could undertake explosive type strength training programmes without a concomitant reduction in aerobic capacity, if the overall loading of training were within predefined limits.  相似文献   

This study examined the force production characteristics, activation/coactivation and endurance capacity of the neck extension and flexion muscles in healthy men (n=29) and women (n=28) divided into three age groups (18–26 years, 30–37 years and 45–55 years). Force and electromyography (EMG) measurements were performed during the maximal voluntary isometric extension and flexion actions. This was followed by an endurance test (ET; 60% force level of maximal voluntary contraction sustained until exhaustion), after which the force and EMG recordings were repeated. Men were both stronger and had higher values (P<0.001) for explosive force (rate of force development, RFD) than women in both actions. Younger subjects of both genders exhibited larger (P<0.05 in women) RFD values than older subjects in extension. The coactivation of the antagonist muscles during the maximal extension or flexion did not differ significantly between men and women, but the coactivation of the antagonists was larger (P<0.05) in the older age groups than in the youngest group. Women maintained the 60% force level longer than men in both actions (extension, P<0.001; flexion, not significant). The fatiguing loading led to significant decreases in maximal isometric force (P<0.001) and RFD (P<0.01–0.001), but these relative decreases did not differ between the groups. In conclusion, large gender differences in the voluntary extension and flexion force production characteristics of the neck muscles did exist, as reported earlier for other muscles of the body. No age-related differences were observed in maximal force of the extension and flexion actions within the age ranges of the subject groups studied here, but the older subjects exhibited greater coactivation and produced lower force values in the early portions of the force/time curve of the extension than the youngest group. The data indicate that explosive force production may be sensitive to aging earlier than maximal strength in the case of the neck extensor muscles. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

背景:5 km越野训练后会使人体出现肌疲劳,常导致各种程度的肌肉酸痛和肌无力等,而神经肌肉促进法可改善关节和肌肉柔韧性。 目的:观察感觉神经肌肉促进法对新入学军校学员5 km越野训练后肌疲劳的干预作用及最佳干预时机。 方法:选择新入学的健康军校男学员,均进5 km越野训练。分别在训练前、后针对双下肢、骨盆带肌肉采用本体感觉神经肌肉促进法干预,并设置正常训练组作对照。在训练前,训练后第1,3,5天分别评定其肌疲劳度,并检查相关血液生化指标。 结果与结论:训练后第1,3,5天全部对象肌疲劳度和相关血液生化指标肌红蛋白、谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶、乳酸脱氢酶和肌酸磷酸激酶的平均增幅差异均为训练后神经肌肉促进干预组 < 训练前神经肌肉促进干预组 < 正常训练组(P < 0.05)。结果表明经本体感觉神经肌肉促进法干预可以降低5 km越野训练后相关血生化指标的增高,减轻肌损伤,降低肌疲劳。训练结束后当天行本体感觉神经肌肉促进法干预为最佳时机。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between the reaction time of eye movement (RTEM) and activity of the superficial neck extensor muscles when the shoulder girdle elevator muscles contracted isometrically. The results were compared with those of a previous study in which the subjects's head was fixed and loaded with the neck flexed. When the shoulder girdle elevator muscles contracted isometrically, RTEM decreased significantly in comparison to RTEM at rest. This demonstrated that the reaction time significantly decreased not only as a result of the neck in flexion, which activated the deep and superficial neck extensor muscles, but also from contraction of the shoulder girdle elevator muscles which mainly activated the superficial extensor muscles. The relationship between RTEM and relative muscle load of the shoulder girdle elevator muscles showed that RTEM decreased up to 30% loading, and with loading above 40% the RTEM was longer than with 30%. The relative muscle load for the shortest RTEM demonstrated a subject-to-subject variance ranging from 24.7% to 49.6%. The difference between RTEM at rest and at their shortest reaction time was approximately 20 ms, which was consistent with the data for the neck in flexion. However, the relative muscle load for the shortest RTEM differed between the current and previous studies. The parameters obtained in this study were higher than for those in the previous study.  相似文献   

A group of 12 healthy men volunteered for the experiment. Electromyograms (EMG) were obtained from semispinalis capitis, splenius capitis, levator scapulae, and trapezius muscles. The flexion angle of the cervical spine was precisely adjusted to 0°, 10°, 20°, and 30° relative to the horizontal, with a constant angle of the atlanto-occipital joint. The subjects made eight short (about 2 s) vertical extension forces (6%, 12%,18%, 24%, 30%, 36%, 42%, and 48% of maximal voluntary peak contraction force). For each position, the centre of pressure under the head was determine as the basis for the calculation of the external lever arm. The presence of motor endplate regions was ascertained by multiple surface electrodes. The slopes of individual linear regression lines for the root mean square (rms)-values were dependent on the existence of endplates in the area of the electrodes — endplates caused smaller rms values per Newton metres of external torque. Significant intersubject differences between regression equations could not be eliminated by the normalization of EMG-parameters and/or torques. The elimination of gravity, the continuous monitoring of positions, and the consideration of localization of motor endplate regions were essential prerequisites for the acquisition of reliable relationships between EMG of different neck muscles and external torques. Two important conclusions were derived for the prediction of torques from EMG measurements: firstly, individual regression equations which take into account the position of the head and neck should be used; secondly, normalization procedures do not justify the application of average regressions to a group of subjects.  相似文献   

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