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报道2例文身染料所致接触性皮炎。2例由文身染料所致的接触性皮炎,文身染料斑贴试验结果阳性,局部类固醇及抗过敏治疗后好转,留有轻度色素沉着。  相似文献   

Two cases of positive allergic reactions to eight patch-tested corticosteroid substances are reported. The patients were middle-aged women with a long history of contact dermatitis who had used topical corticosteroids for years. Pure corticosteroid substances were tested in therapeutic and 1% concentrations in ethanol and petrolatum. The intensity of reactions was different depending on the vehicle and concentration. Patients with hypersensitivity to several corticosteroid substances represent an important therapeutic problem.  相似文献   

Plants are of relevance to dermatology for both their adverse and beneficial effects on skin and skin disorders respectively. Virtually all cultures worldwide have relied historically, or continue to rely on medicinal plants for medical care. As alternative herbal remedies are becoming more widely used there is an increase in phytocontact dermatitis. Here we document two patients who developed contact dermatitis due to Allivum sativum, and Ranunculus illyricus after applying to the skin in order to relieve the rheumatological joint pain.  相似文献   

Fixed eruption is a characteristic condition with recurrent an erythematous macule in the same location. Because fixed eruption is caused by medical drugs in the majority of cases, it is not so difficult to identify suspicious material by interview. However, it may be difficult in cases in which food additives are responsible. We report two rare cases of fixed eruption due to quinine contained in tonic water. In case 1, a 37-year-old man had repeated erythema on the same sites after drinking a variety of cocktails. We suspected tonic water as the causative material. Oral challenge test of tonic water was positive and patch test with quinine sulfate was positive also. In case 2, a 24-year-old woman in had noticed that her eruption appeared after drinking liquor, especially cocktails as in case 1. She was also positive upon an oral challenge test of tonic water and in a patch test of quinine sulfate.  相似文献   

2例患者均为女性,年龄分别为36岁和19岁。临床表现均为红斑基础上的水疱,尼氏征阴性。皮肤组织病理检查示:表皮角化不全,有中性粒细胞浸润,基底细胞液化变性。直接免疫荧光示IgA、lgG和C3呈线状或带状沉积于基底膜带。临床表现及实验室检查均符合系统性红斑狼疮的诊断标准。均给予糖皮质激素治疗后好转。  相似文献   

Background  Perioral dermatitis is a relatively important and often enigmatic type of eczema.
Methods  We describe a child with this disorder and review our experience and the literature.
Results  Clinical features of perioral dermatitis in our patient and in many others decribed elsewhere show a high prevalence of perinasal and periocular involvement alongside perioral findings.
Conclusions  Perioral dermatitis is more suitably termed periorificial dermatitis.  相似文献   

Patients who noticed worsening of their skin disease after using topical corticosteroid preparations were patch tested both with the commercial preparation and the corticosteroid itself. Between 1987 and 1989, 10 cases of contact dermatitis due to topical corticosteroids were detected in this way. The corticosteroids wee amcinonide (2 patients), hydrocortisone butyrate, clobetasol propionate (2), betamethasone valerate (2), prednicarbate and fluocortolone (2). Patch tests with the commercial preparations and the corticosteroids themselves elicited reactions almost identical in time course and severity. Individual sensitivity seems to be more important for test results than test conditions. 9 of the 10 patients underwent further patch testing with a corticosteroid series. In 2 patients, a true cross-reaction between budesonide and hydrocortisone butyrate was found. All 9 patients showed further sensitivities to other corticosteroids. Most of the cross or concomitant reactions could be categorized into recently defined corticosteroid classes. To improve our understanding of corticosteroid sensitization, and to help the patient avoid reactions to other topical corticosteroids, a corticosteroid series should be patch tested in every case of corticosteroid sensitivity.  相似文献   

Cellular phone dermatitis, also known as mobile phone dermatitis, is a recently recognized condition due to either nickel or chromate allergy. Cellular phone dermatitis has most often been reported in young adults and less commonly in adolescents. We describe five adolescents whose cellular phone dermatitis was caused by nickel allergy.  相似文献   


Eczematous dermatitis was found in two port wine stain (PWS) lesions in two different individuals following variable pulsed 532-nm laser therapy. Both of the individuals described in this report had received low-dose superficial X-ray several years prior to the development of the eczematous dermatitis. The eczematous dermatitis in the PWS lesions was characterized by oozing, crusting, and pruritus, which showed a tendency to expand to other sites when exacerbated. Treatment with topical corticosteroid ointments produced some temporary improvement, but the dermatitis in both cases recurred when the topical medications were stopped. The mechanism of action for the development of an eczematous dermatitis in a PWS remains unclear, but may be related to multiple factors including abnormal hemodynamic forces resulting from the malformed vessels, an abnormal production of cytokines, local pathophysiological and immunological changes resulting from either the X-ray therapy or the laser therapy, and atopic constitution inherent in these individuals. These hypotheses and ideas need further study for additional insight into this rare, but reported adverse event.  相似文献   

例1.女,42岁,4个月来无明显诱因四肢关节持续性疼痛,不规则发热,近1月双上眼睑、左颊部、上唇周围皮肤出现散在浸润性红斑,无自觉症状,日晒后红斑加重,双眼畏光,头发稀疏脱落。1995年左额部出现数块白斑,近4个月来白斑并无变化。家庭中其母亲患有局限型白癜风。检查:T37.3℃,神清,贫血貌,头发枯黄、参差不齐、稀少。左额部可见散在3处约2分硬币大白斑,界欠清,局部摩擦后呈淡红色。双眼睑肿胀,双上眼睑、左颊部、上唇周围皮肤见散在浸润性红斑,表面附少许细薄鳞屑。趾指末端冰凉发绀,双肾区叩击痛(±)。实验室检查:尿蛋…  相似文献   

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