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Maternal and Child Health Journal - Purpose Describe the development of an innovative teaching activity that applies organizational health literacy to maternal and child health (MCH)....  相似文献   

南京医科大学附属常州妇幼保健院许国锋,主任医师,1986年毕业于南通医学院,先后在国内外多家著名医疗机构进修学习;2005年赴新疆伊犁奎屯医院开展援疆工作3年,曾担任奎屯医院副院长、院长,始终坚持"质量建院、人才立院、科技兴院"的办院宗旨,受到社会一  相似文献   

常州市妇幼保健院始建于1981年,是一所集医疗、保健、教学、科研于一体的三级甲等妇幼保健院。是首批国家级爱婴医院,先后获得全国妇幼卫生工作先进单位,省、市文明单位,市先进基层党组织等多项荣誉称号。2010年成为南京医科大学附属医院。医院核定床位450张,现有职工776人,其  相似文献   

目的 探讨广州市社区卫生服务机构妇幼保健工作开展现状、资源配置情况及其公平性.方法 2010年12月至2011年2月,广州市妇幼保健院采用自行设计的<社区卫生服务机构及镇医院妇幼保健工作基本情况调查表>对广州市提供社区卫生服务机构进行普查,并运用Lorenz 曲线和Gini系数分析法,进行社区妇幼保健服务人力资源配置及其公平性进行评价.结果 广州市10个区及2个县级市,共计195家社区卫生服务机构接受调查,从业妇幼保健的人员共计735位.按照服务人口测算,社区卫生妇幼机构及妇幼保健人力资源配置的Gini系数分别为0.107,0.114;按照辖域面积测算,社区卫生妇幼机构及妇幼保健人力资源配置的Gini系数分别为0.509,0.598.按照辖域面积测算的Gini系数处于公平性配置警戒区域.结论 广州市社区卫生服务机构总体布局基本合理,达到国家覆盖人口设置标准,但公平性尚待改善,社区卫生服务人员结构仍尚待改善.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: In Japan, Maternal and Child Health (MCH) handbook have been widely used for more than fifty years. However, there has been no evaluation research from the users' point of view. We therefore conducted a questionnaire survey of guardians to evaluate how they utilize MCH handbooks. METHODS: A well-structured questionnaire survey was carried out in 231 municipalities, towns and villages of four prefectures (Gifu, Hiroshima, Niigata and Shizuoka) and one city (Yokohama) in November and December 1999. The targets were 13,271 guardians who visited health stations for 18-month examinations of their children and agreed to participated in our research. The questionnaire covered situation of usage and loss by guardians, utility from the users' perspective, and suggestions for improvement. RESULTS: We obtained answers from 10,900 guardians. As for reading rate and writing rate, 98.3% of respondents had read and 97.8% of them had written down something in relation. Only 0.9% of respondents had lost this MCH handbook. Generally, 87.0% of respondents answered that MCH handbook was helpful for child bearing and 81.6% of them said the record for immunization was useful. However, 34.1% of respondents answered it was not simple to utilize MCH handbook and 60.6% of them requested more detail on child bearing. As for dental health, the completion rate for information was low and only 21.3% of respondents reported for the dental record was useful. CONCLUSIONS: The research shows MCH handbook are highly utilized in Japan by almost all guardians. However, there are still problems to be solved; many guardians feel that they are not simple to use and the section on dental health is not highly particularly helpful. Improvements should be made in future in light of the viewpoints of guardians and parents.  相似文献   

This study examined relations between mothers' neuroticism, depression, and self-assessed health and both behavioral and emotional responses to child illness. Individual difference measures (neuroticism, depression, and health) were completed by 98 mothers who also indicated their responses to hypothetical child illness scenarios. In addition, mothers rated their children's health. Findings indicated that mothers with poorer self-assessed health responded to the vignettes with more negative emotions, reported more extensive caretaking behaviors, tolerated more extreme sick-role behaviors from the child, and rated their child's overall health more poorly. Maternal depression was related to the report of more negative emotions and more extensive caretaking behaviors. Maternal neuroticism was related only to negative affect in response to the vignettes. Findings suggest that mothers' self-assessed health and depressive symptoms may influence their role as caretakers of their children's health and may be important variables in understanding the development of health cognition and behavior in children.  相似文献   

Objectives: To understand the similarities, differences, and relationships between three tools for performance and capacity assessment currently available for Maternal and Child Health (MCH) programs and for state and local health agencies. Methods: Three tools for performance and capacity assessment currently available for Maternal and Child Health (MCH) programs and for state and local health agencies, the Title V MCH Block Grant Performance and Outcome Measures (Title V 24), CAST-5, and the National Public Health Performance Standards Program (NPHPSP) were compared using two metrics, a conceptual model of the public health system, and a set of attributes related to the use of the instruments. Results: Both CAST-5 and the NPHPSP are focused on the capacity and key processes (10 Essential Public Health Services) of the public health system, although CAST-5 is intended for capacity assessment and the NPHPSP is intended for performance measurement. The Title V 24 tool is also intended for performance measurement; however, its focus is on the outputs and outcomes of the health system. The Title V 24 tool is the only one of the three that is mandatory, and the only one whose results at the current time can be used to compare across entities. In addition, both the Title V 24 and the NPHPSP include explicit standards, while CAST-5 does not specify explicit standards against which to compare findings. Conclusions: While there are various tools available to MCH practitioners for capacity assessment and performance measurement, knowing how the tools relate to each other, and their defining characteristics, should lead to more effective and productive use.  相似文献   

Almost all pregnant women (98 %) in 24 Cape Town neighborhoods were randomized by neighborhood to (1) the standard care (SC) condition (n?=?12 neighborhoods; n?=?594 pregnant women) or (2) the Philani Intervention Program (PIP) in which home visits by Community Health Workers (CHW) were conducted (n?=?12 neighborhoods; n?=?644 pregnant women). At 36 months post-birth (84.6 % follow-up), PIP mothers were significantly less depressed compared to the SC mothers. Children in PIP were significantly less likely to be stunted (24.3 vs 18.1 %, p?=?0.013), to have better vocabularies, and were less likely to be hospitalized than children in the SC condition. These data suggest home visits may need to continue for several years post-birth. Sustainable, scalable perinatal intervention models are needed in LMIC.  相似文献   

本文聚焦基于电子健康档案的妇幼医疗保健区域信息平台作为整个区域医疗卫生信息平台建设,实现载体平台,对保障妇女、儿童健康,提高出生人12素质,促进妇幼卫生事业发展的重要作用.基于电子健康档案的妇幼医疗保健区域信息平台建设,将有助于强化政府与社会对妇幼医疗保健卫生服务的监管,改善该体系的运行状态,提高妇幼医疗保健服务的质量和效率,对妇幼医疗保健卫生服务具有重要意义.探讨基于电子健康档案的妇幼医疗保健区域信息平台构建工作的难点与重点及今后为整合到国家综合卫生管理信息平台中的前提基础,为今后具体实现此平台奠定理论基础.  相似文献   

随着现代化工业的高速发展,大气污染已成为影响人类健康的主要环境有害因素之一.中国每年约有80~120万婴儿出生.如何保护孕妇及其胎儿免受大气污染的危害日益引起人们的关注.笔者在概述大气污染对人群健康效应的基础上,分析了妊娠期污染物暴露的特点以及对妊娠结局的可能影响,还讨论了研究中存在的方法学问题.  相似文献   

Objectives. We examined 5 health outcomes among Black children born to US-born and foreign-born mothers and whether differences by mother’s region of birth could be explained by maternal duration of US residence, child’s place of birth, and familial sociodemographic characteristics.Methods. Data were from the 2000–2011 National Health Interview Surveys. We examined 3 groups of children, based on mother’s region of birth: US origin, African origin, and Latin American or Caribbean origin. We estimated multivariate regression models.Results. Children of foreign-born mothers were healthier across all 5 outcomes than were children of US-born mothers. Among children of foreign-born mothers, US-born children performed worse on all health outcomes than children born abroad. African-origin children had the most favorable health profile. Longer duration of US residence among foreign-born mothers was associated with poorer child health. Maternal educational attainment and other sociodemographic characteristics did little to explain these differences.Conclusions. Further studies are needed to understand the role of selective migration and the behavioral, cultural, socioeconomic, and contextual origins of the health advantage of Black children of foreign-born mothers.An increasing proportion of US children have parents who were born outside the United States.1 In 2012, 24% of children younger than 18 years had at least 1 foreign-born parent. Among US Blacks, the proportion of children with foreign-born parents has increased from 9% in 2000 to 17% in 2012 because of large migration streams from Africa and the Caribbean. Despite the rapid growth of this subpopulation over the past decade—from roughly 930 000 to over 2 million children—relatively little is known about these children, mostly because of data limitations and the recency of these migration flows.2Previous studies on the health of children of foreign-born parents (whom we refer to as foreign-origin children) have focused mostly on Hispanic and, to a lesser extent, on Asian children. Studies of Hispanic children generally report that foreign-origin children have better health than US-origin children despite Hispanic families being socioeconomically disadvantaged.1,2 Studies also highlight considerable heterogeneity in the health patterns of both Hispanic and Asian foreign-origin children, including differences by type of illness and levels of parents’ acculturation and region of birth.3–7 Explanations for these patterns emphasize the role of selective migration, acculturation, and access to social and health-related resources.1,8,9We examined differences in health outcomes among US Black children according to the mother’s region of birth and whether the children of foreign-born mothers were born abroad or in the United States. We investigated measures of general health status (child’s overall health status, activity limitations, missed school days due to illness) and highly prevalent specific illnesses (allergies, asthma). We examined the role of socioeconomic status (SES) and mother’s duration of US residence as explanatory factors.  相似文献   

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