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An IgG3 monoclonal antibody, 6-19, derived from unmanipulated MRL/MpJ-lpr/lpr mice, exhibiting cryoglobulin and anti-IgG2a rheumatoid factor activities, induces skin leukocytoclastic vasculitis and glomerulonephritis when injected into normal mice. To determine the role of the gamma 3 heavy chain constant region in the generation of cryoglobulins and associated tissue lesions, we have established an IgG1 class switch variant, clone SS2F8, from the 6-19 hybridoma by sequential sublining. Here we report that the SS2F8 monoclonal antibody, which loses the cryoglobulin activity but retains the rheumatoid factor activity, fails to generate skin and glomerular lesions. The lack of pathogenicity of the IgG1 SS2F8 switch variant is not due to mutations in variable regions, since nucleotide sequence analysis shows no differences between both clones. In addition, we have observed that the IgG1 SS2F8 switch variant exhibits < 10% of the rheumatoid factor activity, as compared with the IgG3 6-19 monoclonal antibody, suggesting that the self-associating property of the gamma 3 isotype promotes antibody-binding activity. The present study indicates that the cryoglobulin activity associated with the gamma 3 isotype is critically involved in the pathogenicity of 6-19 anti-IgG2a rheumatoid factor monoclonal antibody and highlights the pathogenic relevance of autoantibodies of the IgG3 subclass in murine systemic lupus erythematosus.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin lambda light chain genes in rheumatoid arthritis.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) obtained by hybridisation of an immunoglobulin lambda constant region probe to Eco RI digests of genomic deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) obtained from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and control subjects have been compared. Polymorphic bands of 8, 13, 18, and 23 kb (kilobases) were shown. The 8/8 genotype and 8 kb allele were increased and the 8/18 genotype and 18 kb allele decreased in the RA group. This effect was independent of HLA and Gm. These findings suggest that genes linked to the loci for the immunoglobulin lambda constant region may influence susceptibility to RA.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed that a broad spectrum of Ig V genes (VH, V kappa, V lambda) contribute to the rheumatoid factor (RF) and non-RF produced by B cells in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This result contrasts with the restricted V gene use of paraprotein IgM RF. Certain VH and VL genes, however, appear more often in RA than expected from random expression, including some of the paraprotein-associated V genes. Many V genes expressed in RA are the same as those found in the fetal/CD5+ repertoire, suggesting an important role for CD5+ B cells in RA. Somatic mutations suggest that the B-cell response in RA is at least in part antigen-driven, although many Ig in RA have little or no mutation. Improved detection of V-gene polymorphisms now enable study of Ig V gene RFLP in RA.  相似文献   

We analysed immunoglobulin (Ig) gene rearrangements in 28 patients with multiple myeloma by Southern hybridization method. We used 5 probes which cover C kappa and kappa de loci of Ig light chain kappa gene, and JH, 5'S mu and S gamma 3 loci of Ig heavy chain gene. In 11 out of 12 patients with kappa-producing myeloma, DNA rearrangements were observed using C kappa probe. Among them, kappa de region was rearranged in 7 patients and kept germline configuration in 4 patients. In all of 14 patients with lambda-producing myeloma, C kappa region was deleted and kappa de region was rearranged. 5'S mu-probe was very useful for detecting class switch recombination, and furthermore by using S gamma-probe together, S mu-S gamma joining could be detected. In all of 10 patients with gamma-producing myeloma, 5'S mu and S gamma-probes detected the rearranged band of the same size on at least 1 allele, which suggested the presence of S mu-S gamma joinings. In 8 of 10 patients with Bence-Jones myeloma, 5'S mu-probe detected rearranged bands and the presence of class switch recombinations were suggested as observed in other Ig secretory myelomas. In other 2 patients with Bence-Jones myeloma, non-functional class switch recombinations were detected. The results of this study indicated that genotypes corresponded well to phenotypes in multiple myeloma, and further analysis in other types of B cell malignancies will be interesting.  相似文献   

In order to ascertain whether the immunoglobulin heavy chain genes are important in the aetiology of Type 1 diabetes, we have used restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of genomic DNA to study 148 Caucasoid subjects with Type 1 diabetes and 146 normal Caucasoid subjects. A DNA probe homologous to the switch regions for the IgM (S mu) and IgA1 (S alpha 1) genes when used in conjunction with the restriction endonuclease Sst I detects RFLPs at both these loci. There were no significant differences in phenotype or gene frequencies for the alleles of S mu or S alpha 1 in the patients when compared with control subjects; nor were there significant associations of S mu or S alpha 1 with HLA-DR type or gender.  相似文献   

Particular syngeneic adjuvant-free monoclonal antibodies are immunogenic and elicit antibody responses against the variable region idiotypes (Ids). We here study how heavy-chain constant regions (C(H)) regulate immune responses to Ids of free, uncomplexed monoclonal antibodies. To this end, we selected two hybridomas, called Id(3) and Id(A.01), that produce immunogenic IgM(lambda)2 directed toward 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl, and subcloned rare IgG1, IgG3, IgE, or IgA class switch variants. The purified switch variants, which possessed the Ids of their IgM progenitors, were injected repeatedly without added adjuvant into BALB/c mice, and anti-Id IgG responses were determined. These repeated injections revealed that the immunogenicity of Ids was lost by switching to IgG1 and IgG3, restored when the Fc piece of IgG1 was removed, maintained by switching to IgE and monomeric IgA, and lost in polymeric IgA. Loss of immunogenicity was associated with acquisition of Id-specific tolerogenicity, as determined by immunization challenge with Id borne by IgM. An Id borne by IgG induced tolerance when injected at least 90 days before or 3-21 days after immunization with IgM Id was begun. Ids of IgG were also tolerogenic in mice deficient in Fc(gamma)RIIB or Fc(gamma)RI + III. The results suggest that Ids that have switched to IgG and pIgA negatively control immune responses to shared Ids, including the Ids of their IgM progenitors.  相似文献   

We report the nucleotide sequence of a gene encoding a human immunoglobulin C gamma 2 region. Comparison with the previously determined C gamma 4 sequence reveals that these two genes share extensive (approximately 95%) homology in the three CH domain exons and adjacent noncoding regions. In contrast, hinge exons have diverged to a much greater degree, implying that natural selection has favored the generation of diversity in these coding regions. We have used the noncoding nucleotide differences to estimate that approximately 6-7 million years have elapsed since the occurrence of the gene duplication or correction event which generated the two identical ancestral genes. In addition we show that the two C gamma genes are arranged in human chromosomal DNA in the configuration 5'-C gamma 2-17 kilobase pairs -C gamma 4-3'.  相似文献   

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is associated with immunoglobulin allotypes in several ethnic groups. In this study, we investigated the association of a Bst EII immunoglobulin heavy chain constant-region gene restriction fragment length polymorphism with SLE in patients from the US and Mexico. A 3-kb restriction fragment was observed with significantly decreased frequency in randomly selected Mexican SLE patients and in Mexican SLE patients in multiplex families. However, no such association was observed in SLE patients from the US. Thus, the absence of a 3.0-kb Bst EII restriction fragment from immunoglobulin heavy chain constant-region genes provides a marker for SLE in Mexican individuals.  相似文献   

The characteristic histopathology and major histocompatibility complex associations in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis suggest an oligoclonal antigen-specific T-cell population may be critical to pathogenesis. To test this, we analyzed the T-cell repertoire of a polyarticular HLA-DR4+ juvenile rheumatoid arthritis patient with an aggressive form of disease that required arthrocentesis of the knee joints and early replacement of both hip joints. A comparison of T-cell-receptor beta chain variable region (V beta) gene expression in peripheral blood and synovial fluid performed by semiquantitation of cDNA samples amplified by the PCR revealed overexpression of the T-cell-receptor V beta 14 gene family. To determine the nature of V beta 14 overexpression, we sequenced randomly cloned amplification products derived from two synovial fluid, two synovial tissue, and three peripheral blood samples by using a V beta 14/beta chain constant region primer pair. Sequence data showed that the T-cell response in the synovia was oligoclonal. Of four clones found, one was present in all joints examined and persisted over time. This clone accounted for 67% and 74% of all V beta 14+ clones sequenced in two synovial fluid samples and 75% and 40% in two synovial tissue samples. This clone was also found at a lesser frequency in peripheral blood samples. Further studies provided evidence for the presence of oligoclonally expanded populations of T cells utilizing the V beta 14 T-cell receptor in 6 of 27 patients examined. In contrast to the remaining patients studied, 3 with a late onset polyarticular course who exhibited especially marked clonality were characterized by features typical of adult rheumatoid arthritis (IgM rheumatoid factor-positive and HLA-DR4+). These data suggest a role for V beta 14+ T cells in a group of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis patients.  相似文献   

We have isolated a myeloma genomic DNA clone containing the variable and constant regions of a mouse alpha chain. Restriction enzyme analyses and electron microscopic R loop mapping have demonstrated that the variable region is separated from the constant region by 6.8 kilobases of intervening DNA. In addition, two intervening DNA sequences of 100--200 bases separate the constant region into three approximately equal units. These intervening sequences may separate each of the segments coding for the three constant region domains of the alpha heavy chain. Southern blot analysis of embryo and myeloma DNA suggests that DNA rearrangement of heavy chain variable and constant regions occurs during the differentiation of antibody-producing cells.  相似文献   

In this study, restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were identified with an immunoglobulin variable heavy chain region (Ig VH) probe and the inheritance of the polymorphisms was analyzed in families. Linkage within the VHII gene cluster and between the VHII and Ig CH genes was investigated by lod (logarithm of odds) score analysis. In addition, the position of the VHII genes was determined in relation to another polymorphic locus--D14S1, which is tightly linked and centromeric to the CH genes. Genetic associations between genes in the CH and VH clusters were analyzed. These RFLPs represent genetically characterized VH region polymorphisms and it is hoped that they will facilitate the study of disease correlations as well as further the understanding of the genetics of the immunoglobulin heavy chain genes in humans.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--In rheumatoid arthritis (RA) genetic factors influence susceptibility to disease and progression. Identifying these genetic factors may give more insight into the aetiology and pathogenesis of this disease. Furthermore, if these genetic markers can predict progression in an early stage of disease, timely institution of more aggressive treatment in patients with a bad prognosis may help to prevent joint damage. Several studies have shown that HLA-DRB1 alleles are associated with RA, whereas others have indicated that genes not linked to the HLA complex are also involved. Candidates for such genes are the T cell receptor (TCR) alpha/beta genes. METHODS--The association of a polymorphism in a TCR beta chain variable region gene (TCR-V beta 8) with both risk for RA and radiographic progression of joint disease was analysed after a three year follow up. A cohort of 118 white patients with a duration of disease shorter than one year at entry, and 110 white controls were typed for this (BamHI) TCR-V beta 8 polymorphism. RESULTS--The distribution of the two alleles, 2.0 and 23.0 kb, was identical in patients and controls. Radiographic progression (modified Sharp method) after a three year follow up, studied in 111 patients, was significantly less in the group possessing the 2.0 kb allele (p = 0.03). CONCLUSION--This does not confirm the reported association of the (BamHI) TCR-V beta 8 2.0 kb allele with RA. By contrast with previous findings in smaller studies, in the present study this 2.0 kb allele was protective against radiographic progression. Because well known prognostic variables in RA were corrected for, the findings indicate that the TCR-V beta 8 polymorphism studied is a new prognostic marker for this disease.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin heavy chain class switching has been observed in vitro. In the IgG2b-producing MPC-11 mouse myeloma cell line, IgG2a-producing cells arise at a high frequency. In some cases, switch variants producing normal-sized (Mr 55,000) gamma 2a heavy chains have arisen spontaneously from a mutagen-induced "intermediate" (ICR 9.7.1) that produces an unusually large (Mr 75,000) heavy chain. Other switch variants have been isolated directly from the parent cell line. The expressed and unexpressed gamma 2b genes of MPC-11 can be distinguished in restriction endonuclease digests of total genomic DNA so that DNA rearrangements detected in MPC-11 variants can be directly associated with one or the other of these two genes. We describe here DNA rearrangements occurring on the expressed heavy chain chromosome of several MPC-11 gamma 2a switch variants and on the expressed chromosome of the ICR 9.7.1 intermediate. Our data indicate that all of these variants express the parental heavy chain variable region (VH) gene, supporting previous protein studies. We provide mapping data for the expressed gene of both ICR 9.7.1 and one of the IgG2a-producing variant cell lines (ICR derived from it and discuss the advantages of an in vitro switching system for examining the dynamics of the immunoglobulin heavy chain class switch.  相似文献   

Recent reports have proven the importance of genetic factors and inflammation in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In the current study, the frequency of NOD2/CARD15 gene variants (R702W, G908R, and L1007fsinsC) was examined in a group of 243 RA patients and 220 healthy controls. There were no statistically significant differences in distribution of NOD2 variant alleles between RA patients and controls. Moreover, there was no significant association between NOD2 variant alleles and joint erosions, extraarticular manifestations, rheumatoid factor, number of swollen and tender joints, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The results of the present study suggest that NOD2 allele variants have no significant influence on RA susceptibility, activity, and severity.  相似文献   

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