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膀胱扩大术可有效治疗神经源性小容量低顺应性膀胱,可以避免上尿路进一步损害,改善患者生活质量。作者对有关文献进行综述。  相似文献   

目的 回顾分析回肠膀胱术治疗神经源性膀胱功能障碍的疗效和安全性。方法 2004年6月~2006年10月,对 7例神经源性膀胱功能障碍患者实施回肠膀胱术治疗。其中男5例,女2例,平均年龄27岁(17~56岁)。平均随访15个月(2~30个月),随访内容包括有无并发症和生活质量。结果 随访期内,患者未出现严重的并发症,生活质量较术前提高。结论 回肠膀胱术是治疗神经源性膀胱功能障碍患者的安全、有效、可接受的治疗措施。  相似文献   

目的 探讨去黏膜带蒂回肠膀胱扩大术联合髂腰肌盆底肌加强术治疗神经源性膀胱的疗效.方法 前瞻性研究去黏膜带蒂回肠膀胱扩大联合髂腰肌盆底肌加强术治疗神经源性膀胱的疗效.神经源性膀胱患者12例.男9例,女3例.年龄18 ~ 27岁,平均25岁.临床表现为不同程度的尿失禁.病程6 ~ 64个月,平均23个月.应用超声、膀胱造影、尿动力学等检查前瞻性比较术前和术后1年的尿动力学参数,上尿路形态和肾功能情况.结果 12例手术顺利.术后出现切口延迟愈合2例,肠梗阻1例,膀胱腹壁尿瘘1例,未出现黏液尿.术后1年1例因发热性泌尿系感染行自我清洁间歇导尿,11例为腹压排尿.术前膀胱输尿管反流8例,术后反流消失5例,反流程度改善3例.术前肾功能不全5例,术后血肌酐水平下降至正常范围3例.术前和术后1年最大膀胱压测定容量[( 247±27)和(412±32) ml]、膀胱顺应性[(4.4±1.2)和(26.2±4.0)ml/cm H2O,1 cm H2O =0.098 kPa]、相对安全容量[(206±24)和(368±26) ml]、最大尿流率[(11±2)和(20±3)ml/s]、残余尿量[(136±25)和(26±8)ml]、逼尿肌漏点压[(63.1±4.9)和(17.8±3.6)cm H2O]比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 去黏膜带蒂同肠浆肌层膀胱扩大联合髂腰肌盆底肌加强术可有效治疗神经源性膀胱.  相似文献   

目的:探讨乙状结肠膀胱扩大术治疗神经源性低顺应性膀胱的疗效。方法:6例神经源性低顺应性膀胱患者行乙状结肠膀胱扩大术及双侧输尿管膀胱再植术。男5例,女1例。年龄16-40岁,病程5~20年。其中3例脊髓损伤,3例脊髓栓系。术后均自行间歇清洁导尿。结果:6例患者均随诊,术后B超示肾积水,较术前缓解或消失,血清肌酐水平较术前明显降低,尿动力学示膀胱容量为(458.6±37.2)ml,充盈期末膀胱内平均压为(17.8±4.6)cmH2O,无膀胱输尿管返流,2例出现泌尿系感染,1例出现肠粘液堵管,经对症治疗后缓解。结论:乙状结肠膀胱扩大术可有效地扩大膀胱容量,降低充盈期末膀胱压力,使患者有一个安全的储尿环境,是治疗神经源性低顺应性膀胱的最佳选择,提高了患者的生存质量。  相似文献   

目的 探讨使用小肠黏膜下层(small intestinal submucosa,SIS)组织工程材料补片行膀胱扩大术治疗神经源性膀胱的可行性和有效性. 方法 2011年1月至2014年3月收治14例神经源性膀胱患者,男10例,女性4例.年龄14~65岁,平均29岁.脊髓发育不良8例,脊髓损伤6例.尿动力学检查:最大膀胱测压容量平均为(150.1±64.2) ml,膀胱顺应性平均为(5.2±3.9)ml/cmH2O(1 cmH2O=0.098 kPa),最大逼尿肌压力平均为(44.1±29.2) cmH2O.14例均接受SIS组织工程补片膀胱扩大术,术中将补片锁边缝合至纵向剖开的膀胱浆肌层,达到扩大膀胱的目的,其中7例同期行输尿管抗反流再植术.对术后并发症、影像尿动力学检查参数、尿路核磁水成像及肾功能进行观察评价. 结果 本组14例手术均顺利完成,手术时间平均为120 min.患者术后无代谢紊乱.复查肌酐水平均正常.术后随访6~48个月,平均24个月.尿动力学检查术后6、12、24个月最大膀胱测压容量分别为(274.9±88.7)、(322.5± 144.4)、(279.9± 157.9) ml,与术前比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);术后12、24个月最大逼尿肌压力为(20.1±9.8)、(20.2± 19.1) cmH2O,与术前比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);术后24个月膀胱顺应性为(26.1±29.4) ml/cmH2O,与术前比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).术后1个月,2例出现膀胱吻合口尿外渗,更换导尿管引流通畅后愈合.术后3个月,1例出现膀胱结石,行经尿道取石术后未再复发.术后12个月,4例出现膀胱输尿管反流,其中2例予膀胱逼尿肌A型肉毒素注射术,术后留置尿管3个月复查反流消失;2例保留导尿,口服琥珀酸索利那新(5 mg,2次/d)和酒石酸托特罗定(4 mg,1次/d)6个月后,1例反流消失,1例仍存在反流.结论 SIS组织工程补片用于膀胱扩大术可达到有效增加膀胱容量的目的.生物工程补片的使用为治疗神经源性膀胱提供了新的选择.  相似文献   

目的:探讨肠道扩大膀胱成形术治疗神经源性膀胱尿道功能障碍的价值。方法:采用膀胱次全切除、回肠扩大膀胱成形术治疗7例神经源性膀胱尿道功能障碍患者。结果:2例术后排尿通畅,剩余尿消失;3例术后曾有排尿困难,经尿道膀胱颈电切后排尿通畅,无尿失禁,最大尿流率分别为27、16和18ml/s;1例术前曾采用经尿道膀胱颈电切术无效,行本手术后剩余尿消失,但仍有尿失禁,后在超声引导下于尿道周围注射硅酮后,尿失禁症状明显改善;余1例术后仍有排尿困难。结论:该手术方法对神经源性膀胱尿道功能障碍是一种可行的治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨机器人辅助回肠膀胱扩大术治疗神经源性膀胱的可行性、安全性和临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析2017年3月至2018年11月浙江省人民医院收治的12例神经源性膀胱患者的病例资料,男11例,女1例。平均年龄38(12~67)岁。12例术前均有尿失禁、排尿障碍以及膀胱安全容量减小、膀胱内压力增高导致输尿管反流等症状,病因...  相似文献   

目的 评价可控性回肠膀胱扩大术治疗儿童神经原性膀胱的疗效.方法 神经原性膀胱患儿18例,男10例,女8例,年龄5.5~1 6.0岁,平均9.6岁.临床表现为尿失禁,排泄性膀胱尿道造影显示合并<Ⅲ度膀胱输尿管反流6例,>Ⅲ度膀胱输尿管反流10例16侧.18例均采用可控性回肠全层膀胱扩大术,10例16侧同时行输尿管抗反流术,6例女童行膀胱颈悬吊,7例男童行膀胱颈紧缩,1例男童行尿道关闭.术后行间歇导尿,平均随访2.3年(6个月~4年).结果 18例患儿中尿失禁消失17例(94%),好转1例;膀胱容量由术前(1 56±85)ml增至术后(420±58)ml(P<0.01),充盈末逼尿肌压力由术前(78±1 6)cm H 2O(1 cm H2O=0.098 kPa)降至(20±11)cm H2O(P<0.01).导尿间隔时间平均5 h,2例需服用小剂量抗胆碱能药物.手术前后肠道功能无明显变化,无电解质紊乱及尿路结石.术后出现尿路感染症状2例、皮肤造瘘口狭窄1例、造瘘口黏膜外翻1例,无尿液外溢.结论可控性回肠全层膀胱扩大术可有效改善膀胱容量,降低膀胱内压,是治疗儿童神经原性膀胱的一种有效方法.  相似文献   

总结了4例神经源性膀胱尿道功能障碍病人乙状结肠膀胱扩大术的手术配合要点:①熟悉器械性能;②掌据手术配合步骤;③掌握术前、术中特殊配合及术后处理要点。  相似文献   

Neurogenic bladder leading to urinary incontinence has been described in patients of stroke, dementia, Parkinson's disease, and some schizophrenia cases with cognitive impairment possibly due to impaired cortical inhibition of the urinary bladder. The underlying brain abnormalities for urinary incontinence are similar in such cases. We report here such a case of neurogenic bladder responding to treatment with clozapine. The possible mechanism of action and clinical implications are described.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of percutaneous epidural spinal cord stimulation on neurogenic bladder has been evaluated on the basis of objective clinical and urodynamic criteria. Seven patients suffering from stable bladder and sphincter dysfunction due to spinal cord diseases of different causes of non-evolutive nature were examined. In some of them chronic pain or spasticity, or both, were also present.Spinal cord stimulation substantially improved micturition in six out of seven patients. Complete or almost complete relief of bladder spasticity, marked increase of bladder capacity, and reduction or abolition of residual urine were recorded. The beneficial effect on bladder and sphincter function is strictly dependent on the stimulation, though it can outlast it. It requires some weeks to reach its maximum. It is still obtained after 22 months of treatment (longest present follow-up).No changes of striatal activity and detrusor reflex were produced by spinal cord stimulation in two additional patients, treated for chronic pain but having intact bladder function.Partially supported by Ministry of Public Instruction.  相似文献   



To evaluate whether the degree of preoperative bladder trabeculation in neurogenic bladder (NB) patients is a marker of significant outlet resistance. If so, severe trabeculation may obviate the need for concomitant bladder outlet procedure (BOP) during augmentation cystoplasty (AC).


We retrospectively reviewed 48 incontinent patients with NB who had surgery. The patients were divided into two groups: group 1 (23 patients) had AC alone; group 2 (10) had AC with BOP. Children who had a BOP alone (15) were excluded from the study. Success was defined as a dry period of ≥4 h. Preoperative bladder trabeculation was classified as mild or severe. Data collected included continence status, imaging and urodynamic findings.


In group 1 patients before surgery, there was severe bladder trabeculation in 14 (61%), hydronephrosis in 13 (57%) and associated vesico‐ureteric reflux (VUR) in 16 (70%). The mean detrusor leak‐point pressure (DLPP) was 49.7 cmH2O and the bladder neck was open in nine (39%). Dryness with AC alone was achieved in 91% of group 1 patients. In group 2 patients (10 patients), there was severe bladder trabeculation in five, hydronephrosis in three, and VUR in two. The mean DLPP was 42.8 cmH2O and the bladder neck was open in eight. After surgery, eight of 10 patients achieved a dry period of 4 h. There was no significant difference between group 1 and 2 patients for age at surgery, gender, ambulatory status, hydronephrosis, degree of trabeculation, detrusor overactivity, DLPP and eventual outcome. The incidence of VUR was higher in group 1 patients (P = 0.009) and more patients in group 2 had an open bladder neck (P = 0.031).


Severe bladder trabeculation in incontinent patients with NB might predict an element of intrinsic outlet resistance. In this subset of patients, dryness was achieved by AC alone without further BOP. The degree of bladder trabeculation should be considered in the surgical decision‐making process for incontinent children with NB.  相似文献   

Children with a neurogenic bladder are at risk of developing recurrent urinary tract infections and long-term kidney failure. Due to an altered lower urinary tract, children may be overtreated for simple bacteriuria or undertreated for a potentially severe urinary tract infection. This group of patients represent high users of healthcare, and are at risk of colonization and development of antibiotic resistance. Bladder washouts with non-antibiotic electrochemically activated solutions are a potential new prophylactic option for patients with bladder dysfunction when clean intermittent catheterization has resulted in chronic bacteriuria.  相似文献   

The treatment of urologic complications from myelomeningocele and especially of vesico-renal reflux is a controversial problem. A series of 26 reimplanted ureters in 17 children, with good results in more than 85%, is reported. Ureteroneocystostomy, carried out with a few technical innovation, may represent a useful method for the treatment of vesico-renal reflux and obstruction of the uretero-vesical junction in neurogenic bladder associated with myelomeningocele. This surgical approach leads to the disappearance of the reflux, decrease of dilatation of the upper urinary tract and preservation of renal function in most cases; moreover, infection can be more easily controlled. Ureteral reimplantation should be preceded by periodic urethral dilatation, external transurethral sphincterotomy, and pharmacologic regulation in order to attempt to decrease urethral resistance. After successful surgery, it is possible to try to reeducate the bladder. Reimplantation should be preferred to permanent urinary diversion even if there is gross reflux.  相似文献   

In 25 patients with detrusor areflexia, ultrasonically-estimated bladder weight (UEBW) was compared with bladder capacity and compliance obtained by cystometry, and UEBW was also compared with grade of bladder deformity as evaluated by cystography. UEBW correlated significantly with compliance (P < 0.01) and degree of bladder deformity (P < 0.01). Taking a cutoff value of 40 g, UEBW revealed diagnostic accuracy as high as 96% and 80% for low-compliance (< 10 ml/cm H2O) and high-grade deformity (grade II/III), respectively. UEBW could be a new urodynamic parameter capable of evaluating functional as well as morphological changes of the bladder. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的探讨阶段评估在脊髓损伤神经源性膀胱康复护理中的应用与效果。方法将124例脊髓损伤神经源性膀胱患者按时间段分为对照组52例、观察组72例,对照组行常规康复护理;观察组自行设计膀胱护理评估表进行阶段评估,根据评估结果采取相应的护理措施。于出院前1周评价效果。结果观察组达到平衡膀胱率及膀胱控制能力评分显著优于对照组(均P0.05)。结论采用膀胱护理评估表进行阶段评估有利于及时发现膀胱护理中的问题和采取有效的针对性干预措施,从而提高神经源性膀胱康复效果。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Renal calculi are a significant source of morbidity for patients with neurogenic bladder. Calculi from patients with NB have traditionally been composed primarily of struvite and carbonate apatite secondary to chronic urea-splitting bacteriuria. In the current era there have been great improvements in the urological rehabilitation of patients with NB. We defined the composition of renal calculi in a contemporary cohort of patients with NB due to spinal cord injury or myelomeningocele who underwent percutaneous nephrolithotomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed a retrospective evaluation of all patients with NB due to SCI or MM who underwent PNL between January 2002 and January 2005. RESULTS: A total of 32 patients with NB (14 with SCI, 18 with MM) underwent PNL in this period. Stones were infectious in etiology in 37.5% (12 struvite/carbonate apatite) and metabolic in 62.5% (1 uric acid, 2 calcium oxalate monohydrate, 2 brushite, 6 hydroxyapatite, 9 mixed hydroxyapatite/calcium oxalate). All patients with struvite calculi were infected with urea-splitting bacteria on preoperative urine culture. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with neurogenic bladder are traditionally thought to harbor infection related calculi. These data demonstrate that many contemporary patients will be found to have calculi of a metabolic etiology. Although patients with NB still have renal calculi, advances in urological treatment may have affected the composition of their calculi, as metabolic stones are becoming more commonly identified. When metabolic components are identified, stone activity may be attenuated with appropriate metabolic evaluation, pharmacological therapies and dietary modifications.  相似文献   

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