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During development, the insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) gene is expressed in a tissue specific manner; however, the molecular mechanisms governing its developmental regulation remain poorly defined. To examine the hypothesis that expression of the growth hormone (GH) receptor accounts, in part, for the tissue specific expression of the IGF-I gene during development, the developmental regulation of IGF-I and GH receptor gene expression in rat tissues was examined. The level of IGF-I and GH receptor mRNA was quantified in RNA prepared from rats between day 17 of gestation (E17) and 17 months of age (17M) using an RNase protection assay. Developmental regulation of IGF-I gene expression was tissue specific with four different patterns of expression seen. In liver, IGF-I mRNA levels increased markedly between E17 and postnatal day 45 (P45) and declined thereafter. In contrast, in brain, skeletal muscle and testis, IGF-I mRNA levels decreased between P5 and 4M but were relatively unchanged thereafter. In heart and kidney, a small increase in IGF-I mRNA levels was observed between the early postnatal period and 4 months, whereas in lung, minimal changes were observed during development. The changes in GH receptor mRNA levels were, in general, coordinate with the changes in IGF-I mRNA levels, except in skeletal muscle. Interestingly, quantification of GH receptor levels by Western blot analysis in skeletal muscle demonstrated changes coordinate with IGF-I mRNA levels. The levels of the proteins which mediate GH receptor signaling (STAT1, -3, and -5, and JAK2) were quantified by Western blot analysis. These proteins also are expressed in a tissue specific manner during development. In some cases, the pattern of expression was coordinate with IGF-I gene expression, whereas in others it was discordant. To further define molecular mechanisms for the developmental regulation of IGF-I gene expression, protein binding to IGFI-FP1, a protein binding site that is in the major promoter of the rat IGF-I gene and is important for basal promoter activity in vitro, was examined. Gel shift analyses using a 34-base pair oligonucleotide that contained IGFI-FP1 did not demonstrate changes in protein binding that paralleled those in IGF-I gene expression, suggesting that protein binding to IGFI-FP1 does not contribute to the developmental regulation of IGF-I gene expression, at least in brain and liver. In summary, the present studies demonstrate coordinate expression of the IGF-I gene and GH receptor during development and suggest that GH receptor expression contributes to the tissue specific expression of the IGF-I gene during development.  相似文献   

E. Van Obberghen 《Diabetologia》1994,37(Z2):S125-S134
The insulin receptor and the insulin-like growth factor I receptor belong to the family of tyrosine kinase receptors. Both receptors appear as a disulphide-linked dimer; each half of the dimer consisting of a 130 k Mr -subunit linked to a 90 k Mr -subunit. Both halves of the dimer are linked together by disulphide bonds to form an 2 2 structure. The insulin receptor functions as an allosteric enzyme in which the binding of the hormone to the -subunit leads to a series of conformational changes resulting in activation of the -subunit tyrosine kinase. Upon multisite autophosphorylation the latter becomes competent to phosphorylate cellular substrates resulting in the biological responses of insulin. Recent findings have recognized the mitogen activated protein kinase cascade as a central signalling circuitry linking cell surface receptors, such as the insulin receptor, to the nucleus, and playing a role in regulation of metabolism, growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

Van Obberghen  E. 《Diabetologia》1994,37(2):S125-S134
Diabetologia - The insulin receptor and the insulin-like growth factor I receptor belong to the family of tyrosine kinase receptors. Both receptors appear as a disulphide-linked dimer; each half of...  相似文献   

Estrogen (E) is well known to be an important stimulator of progesterone receptor (PR) synthesis in target cells. We have observed that E stimulation of PR in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells (as monitored by progestin binding or Western blotting with anti-PR antibodies) increases as a function of serum concentration in the cell culture medium; PR stimulation by E is greatest in high serum medium (5% or 10% charcoal dextran-treated calf serum) and is not observed when cells are in medium containing serum concentrations below 1%, although estrogen receptor levels are well maintained. This suggests that some serum factor(s) may be essential for E to be able to stimulate PR. To better understand such factors, we have grown cells in serum-free medium and in serum-free medium supplemented with insulin (6.25 micrograms/ml) [corrected], transferrin (6.25 micrograms/ml), selenium (6.25 ng/ml), albumin (1.25 mg/ml) [corrected], and linoleic acid (5.35 micrograms/ml; ITS+). Unexpectedly, we found that addition of ITS+ (without E) increases PR levels in these cells, especially in the absence of serum and under low serum conditions where E stimulation of PR is poor. Analyses of the individual components in ITS+ reveal that insulin is the major active component. Dose-response studies indicate that high superphysiological (greater than 1 microgram/ml) concentrations of insulin are required. In contrast, low physiological levels of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I; 10 or 40 ng/ml) are active, suggesting mediation by the IGF type I receptor system. At all serum concentrations (0-10%), the effects of ITS+ and E in increasing PR are synergistic. The fact that anti-E are able to suppress the insulin/IGF-I stimulation as well as the E stimulation of PR suggests that the anti-E can actively interfere with the action of the growth factor as well as the action of E. These results indicate that regulation of PR is multifactor and raise the possibility that PR may be regulated in vivo by both E and growth factors such as IGF-I that are known to be increased in these breast cancer cells by E.  相似文献   

M L Nagpal  D Wang  J H Calkins  W W Chang  T Lin 《Endocrinology》1991,129(6):2820-2826
The effects of hCG, 8-bromo-cAMP, 4 beta-phorbol 12 beta-myristate 13 alpha-acetate, and forskolin on insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) receptor gene expression of Leydig cells were studied. The treatment of purified Leydig cells with hCG caused a dose-dependent increase in [125I]IGF-I binding to Leydig cells without changes in binding affinity, indicating that the increased binding was due to increased receptor numbers and not to increased affinity. The minimal time required for hCG to induce IGF-I binding was 6 h, and it had reached a plateau at 16 h. 8-Bromo-cAMP (1 mM) increased IGF-I binding about 2-fold, and forskolin (10 microM) increased binding about 51%. Using the ribonuclease protection assay, we found that hCG and 8-bromo-cAMP could increase IGF-I receptor mRNA expression as early as 2 h before the increase in IGF-I binding. The induction by hCG was over 3.5-fold at 4 h and decreased to about 2-fold at 6 h. 4 beta-Phorbol 12 beta-myristate 13 alpha-acetate had a very small effect on IGF-I receptor mRNA levels (1.5-fold increase at 2 h and no changes at 4 and 6 h). In conclusion, IGF-I receptors can be up-regulated by hCG, 8-bromo-cAMP, and forskolin. The up-regulation of IGF-I receptor number is associated with transient increases in IGF-I receptor mRNA levels. This could be a mechanism by which hCG and IGF-I interact to enhance Leydig cell steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

The marked increase in circulating insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) levels during puberty observed in primates indicates an important functional relationship between hypothalamic-pituitary gonadal function and hormonal regulation of peripubertal circulating IGF-I levels. Recent studies demonstrating local production and secretion of gonadal peptides including IGF-I suggest that increased circulating IGF-I levels during puberty might be due to direct gonadal secretion of IGF-I or alternatively to indirect effects of increased gonadal steroid secretion on nongonadal tissues including the hypothalamus, pituitary, and liver. We therefore studied the effects of prepubertal castration on the pubertal IGF-I surge and demonstrate that castration provokes a further increase rather than ablation of the pubertal IGF-I surge in the rat. Furthermore, neonatal treatment with monosodium glutamate, a hypothalamic neurotoxin, abolishes the pubertal IGF-I surge when commenced on postnatal day 1 but not on day 5, whereas treatment with a GnRH antagonist commencing within 12 h of birth significantly reduces but does not abolish the pubertal IGF-I surge. We therefore propose that the pubertal IGF-I surge in the rat is not due to direct gonadal secretion of IGF-I or other gonadal hormones during puberty but may involve hypothalamic and/or hepatic programming by events during prenatal or very early postnatal life.  相似文献   

Insulinopenic diabetes mellitus in the rat is associated with reduced circulating levels of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), resulting primarily from decreased IGF-I synthesis in liver and extrahepatic sites. Plasma GH levels in these animals are also suppressed, with loss of episodic secretion and decreased pituitary synthesis. Intrapituitary IGF-I has been postulated to exert local autocrine/paracrine negative feedback regulation on GH synthesis and secretion. The present studies were designed to examine regulation of pituitary IGF-I peptide content and gene expression in insulinopenic streptozotocin (STZ)-diabetic rats compared to that in liver and testis. Serum IGF-I levels were reduced by 86% in STZ-diabetic rats together with reduction of IGF-I content in liver (53%) and testis (74%; all P less than 0.001 vs. control). Concomitantly, liver and testicular IGF-I mRNA levels were reduced by 90% (P less than 0.001 vs. control). Insulin treatment restored IGF-I peptide levels in serum, liver, and testis toward normal, with a partial but significant increase in liver IGF-I mRNA. In contrast, pituitary IFG-I peptide content increased by 69% in STZ-diabetic rats (P less than 0.001 vs. control), with no change in IGF-I gene expression. Insulin treatment completely reversed the rise of pituitary IGF-I peptide content. These results demonstrate a novel discordance in the regulation of IGF-I gene expression and peptide content between pituitary and other tissues in STZ-induced diabetic rats. Elevated IGF-I levels in the pituitaries of these animals may partly explain the suppressed GH synthesis and secretion seen in STZ-diabetic rats and provide further evidence for a potential autocrine or paracrine role of pituitary IGF-I in GH regulation.  相似文献   

In an attempt to identify genetic lesions contributing to human growth disorders, we evaluated a prospectively recruited group of children with growth failure for mutations in the insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) gene. Two complementary approaches were used: Southern blot analysis to examine the large scale organization of the gene, and a solution hybridization, nuclease protection assay to identify small alterations, such as point mutations. From a total of 61 subjects studied, 52 had no organic basis for their short stature. Analysis of chromosomal DNA from these individuals failed to reveal any variation in the IGF-I gene except for a HindIII site polymorphism which maps near the 3' end of the last IGF-I exon. No single nucleotide substitutions were found within IGF-I-coding regions. Since the frequency of the length polymorphism was the same for both normal-sized and short individuals, it is unlikely to be associated with growth abnormalities. Our results suggest that there is minimal DNA sequence variability in the human IGF-I gene and that mutations in IGF-I exons are infrequent causes of growth failure.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Activation of the insulin-like growth factor I receptor (IGF-IR) by its ligands IGF-I and IGF-II induces cell proliferation and protects against apoptosis. Ethanol inhibits IGF-IR tyrosine autophosphorylation, which subsequently interferes with the activation of key downstream signaling mediators including insulin-receptor substrate-1, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, and mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase. The ethanol-induced inhibition of IGF-IR signaling reduces mitogenesis and enhances apoptosis. In the current study, we demonstrate that the antiproliferative action of ethanol can be modulated by differential sensitivity of the autophosphorylation of the IGF-IR to ethanol. METHODS: A series of subclones was generated from 3T3 cells that express the human IGF-IR. RESULTS: There was considerable variability in the ability of ethanol to inhibit IGF-I-dependent IGF-IR tyrosine autophosphorylation and MAP kinase activation, despite equivalent IGF-IR expression. The IGF-IR was completely resistant to a high concentration of ethanol (150 mM) in several subclones. The sensitivity of IGF-IR autophosphorylation to ethanol correlated directly with the inhibition of IGF-I-mediated MAP kinase activation and cell proliferation. Resistant subclones exhibited features of the transformed phenotype including high MAP kinase activity, partial loss of contact inhibition, and the development of foci at confluency. The IGF-IR isolated from ethanol-resistant cells was similarly resistant to ethanol in autophosphorylation reactions in vitro, whereas ethanol inhibited the autophosphorylation of IGF-IR obtained from sensitive cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings are the first to demonstrate the modulation of ethanol sensitivity of a tyrosine kinase receptor, and they provide a molecular basis for differential effects of ethanol on cell proliferation.  相似文献   

IGF-I has been suggested to be of importance for cardiovascular structure and function, but the relative role of locally produced and liver-derived endocrine IGF-I remains unclear. Using the Cre-LoxP recombination system, we have previously created transgenic mice with a liver-specific, inducible IGF-I knockout (LI-IGF-I-/-). To examine the role of liver-derived IGF-I in cardiovascular physiology, liver-derived IGF-I was inactivated at 4 wk of age, resulting in a 79% reduction of serum IGF-I levels. At 4 months of age, systolic blood pressure (BP) was increased in LI-IGF-I-/- mice. Echocardiography showed increased posterior wall thickness in combination with decreased stroke volume and cardiac output, whereas other systolic variables were unchanged, suggesting that these cardiac effects were secondary to increased peripheral resistance. Acute nitric oxide-synthase inhibition increased systolic BP more in LI-IGF-I-/- mice than in control mice. LI-IGF-I-/- mice showed impaired acetylcholine-induced vasorelaxation in mesenteric resistance vessels and increased levels of endothelin-1 mRNA in aorta. Thus, the increased peripheral resistance in LI-IGF-I-/- mice might be attributable to endothelial dysfunction associated with increased expression of endothelin-1 and impaired vasorelaxation of resistance vessels. In conclusion, our findings suggest that liver-derived IGF-I is involved in the regulation of BP in mice.  相似文献   

In the past three decades, evidence has been accumulating that the IGF-I receptor/ligand system plays an important role in malignant disease. This has led to a search for specific inhibitors of the IGF receptor for cancer therapy, revealing some predictable, but also unexpected challenges. Here we review recent data that highlight the essential role of the IGF axis in several important steps in cancer cell progression and metastasis and highlight cellular processes that have been the focus of much interest and new insight in recent years. Strategies used to target the IGF axis clinically are summarized and the obstacles encountered are discussed.  相似文献   

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