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1. In order to determine whether the responsiveness of neurons in the caudolateral orbitofrontal cortex (a secondary cortical gustatory area) is influenced by hunger, the activity evoked by prototypical taste stimuli (glucose, NaCl, HCl, and quinine hydrochloride) and fruit juice was recorded in single neurons in this cortical area before, while, and after cynomolgous macaque monkeys were fed to satiety with glucose or fruit juice. 2. It was found that the responses of the neurons to the taste of the glucose decreased to zero while the monkey ate it to satiety during the course of which his behaviour turned from avid acceptance to active rejection. 3. This modulation of responsiveness of the gustatory responses of the neurons to satiety was not due to peripheral adaptation in the gustatory system or to altered efficacy of gustatory stimulation after satiety was reached, because modulation of neuronal responsiveness by satiety was not seen at earlier stages of the gustatory system, including the nucleus of the solitary tract, the frontal opercular taste cortex, and the insular taste cortex. 4. The decreases in the responsiveness of the neurons were relatively specific to the food with which the monkey had been fed to satiety. For example, in seven experiments in which the monkey was fed glucose solution, neuronal responsiveness decreased to the taste of the glucose but not to the taste of blackcurrant juice. Conversely, in two experiments in which the monkey was fed to satiety with fruit juice, the responses of the neurons decreased to fruit juice but not to glucose. 5. These and earlier findings lead to a proposed neurophysiological mechanism for sensory-specific satiety in which the information coded by single neurons in the gustatory system becomes more specific through the processing stages consisting of the nucleus of the solitary tract, the taste thalamus, and the frontal opercular and insular taste primary taste cortices, until neuronal responses become relatively specific for the food tasted in the caudolateral orbitofrontal cortex (secondary) taste area. Then sensory-specific satiety occurs because in this caudolateral orbitofrontal cortex taste area (but not earlier in the taste system) it is a property of the synapses that repeated stimulation results in a decreased neuronal response. 6. Evidence was obtained that gustatory processing involved in thirst also becomes interfaced to motivation in the caudolateral orbitofrontal cortex taste projection area, in that neuronal responses here to water were decreased to zero while water was drunk until satiety was produced.  相似文献   

Feeding to satiety decreases the acceptability of the taste of food. In order to determine whether the responsiveness of gustatory neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) is influenced by hunger, neural activity in the NTS was analyzed while monkeys were fed to satiety. Gustatory neural activity to glucose, fruit juice, NaCl, HCl and quinine HCl was measured before, while and after the monkey was fed to satiety with glucose, fruit juice or sucrose. While behavior turned from avid acceptance to active rejection upon repletion, the responsiveness of NTS neurons to the stimulus array, including the satiating solution, was unmodified. It is concluded that at the first central synapse of the taste system of the primate, neural responsiveness is not influenced by the normal transition from hunger to satiety. This is in contrast to the responses of a population of neurons recorded in the hypothalamus, which only occur to the taste of food when the monkey is hungry. Thus, NTS gustatory activity appears to occur independently of normal hunger and satiety, whereas hypothalamic neuronal activity is more closely related to the influence of motivational state on behavioral responsiveness to gustatory stimuli.  相似文献   

Evidence indirectly implicates the amygdala as the primary processor of emotional information used by cortex to drive appropriate behavioral responses to stimuli. Taste provides an ideal system with which to test this hypothesis directly, as neurons in both basolateral amygdala (BLA) and gustatory cortex (GC)-anatomically interconnected nodes of the gustatory system-code the emotional valence of taste stimuli (i.e., palatability), in firing rate responses that progress similarly through "epochs." The fact that palatability-related firing appears one epoch earlier in BLA than GC is broadly consistent with the hypothesis that such information may propagate from the former to the latter. Here, we provide evidence supporting this hypothesis, assaying taste responses in small GC single-neuron ensembles before, during, and after temporarily inactivating BLA in awake rats. BLA inactivation (BLAx) changed responses in 98% of taste-responsive GC neurons, altering the entirety of every taste response in many neurons. Most changes involved reductions in firing rate, but regardless of the direction of change, the effect of BLAx was epoch-specific: while firing rates were changed, the taste specificity of responses remained stable; information about taste palatability, however, which normally resides in the "Late" epoch, was reduced in magnitude across the entire GC sample and outright eliminated in most neurons. Only in the specific minority of neurons for which BLAx enhanced responses did palatability specificity survive undiminished. Our data therefore provide direct evidence that BLA is a necessary component of GC gustatory processing, and that cortical palatability processing in particular is, in part, a function of BLA activity.  相似文献   

There is evidence that the inferotemporal visual cortex in the monkey projects to the amygdala, and evidence that damage to this region impairs the learning of associations between visual stimuli and reward or punishment. In recordings made in the amygdala to determine whether or not visual responses were found, and if so how they were affected by the significance of the visual stimuli, neurons were found in the dorsolateral part of the amygdala with visual responses which in most cases were sustained while the animal looked at effective visual stimuli. The latency of the responses was 100 to 140 ms or more. The majority (85%) of these neurons responded more strongly to some stimuli than to others, but physical factors which accounted for the responses of the neurons, such as shape, size, orientation, color, or texture, could not usually be identified. Although 22 (19.5%) of these neurons responded primarily to food objects, the responses were not uniquely food-related. Furthermore, although some neurons responded in a visual discrimination test to a visual stimulus which indicated reward, and not to a visual stimulus which indicated saline, only minor modifications of the magnitude of the neuronal responses to the stimuli were obtained when the reward-related significance of the stimuli was reversed. The visual responses of these amygdaloid neurons were thus intermediate in some respects between those of neurons in the inferotemporal cortex, which are not affected by the significance of visual stimuli, and those of neurons in a region to which the amygdala projects, the lateral hypothalamus and substantia innominata, where neurons respond to visual stimuli associated with food reward.  相似文献   

To investigate functional heterogeneity within the amygdala in appetitive conditioned instrumental behaviours, neuronal activity was recorded from the amygdala of behaving rats during learning and discrimination of conditioned sensory stimuli associated with or without reinforcement [sucrose solution, intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS)]. Sensory stimuli included auditory (tone), visual (light) and configural (simultaneous presentation of tone and light) stimuli. The rat was trained to lick a spout protruded close to its mouth just after a conditioned sensory stimulus to obtain a reward. Of the 609 neurons recorded from the amygdala and amygdalostriatal transition area, 154 responded to one or more sensory stimuli. The 62 amygdalar neurons responded strongly to certain conditioned sensory stimuli associated with rewards. Of these 62 neurons, 45 were tested with the extinction trials. Responses of 31 neurons to conditioned stimuli were finally extinguished, and those of the remaining 14 were not extinguished. Furthermore, responses of 26 of these 31 neurons resumed in the relearning trials (plastic neurons), suggesting that these sensory responses were associative rather than just responses to physical properties of the stimuli. These plastic neurons were located mainly in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala, and responses of the plastic neurons were correlated with behavioural responses. These results suggest that the basolateral nucleus is crucial in associative learning between sensory information and affective significance for behavioural outputs in appetitive conditioned instrumental behaviours.  相似文献   

采用微电极细胞外记录技术 ,观察和分析了大鼠脑桥臂旁核 (Parabrachialnuclei,PbN)味觉神经元的反应特征。记录到的 5 5个PbN味觉神经元中 ,绝大部分位于脑桥味区并有自发放电。大部分PbN味觉神经元对多种基本味觉刺激起反应 ,其中对氯化钠反应的频率最高。PbN味觉神经元对蔗糖的反应和对其他味觉反应的相关性都较低。根椐最适刺激 ,PbN味觉神经元可分为 :氯化钠优势反应、盐酸优势反应、奎宁优势反应和蔗糖优势反应神经元。结果提示 ,PbN中存在不同类型的神经元 ,它们可能在味觉的传递和编码中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

Extracellular unit responses to gustatory stimulation of the pharyngolaryngeal region, baroreceptor and chemoreceptor stimulation, and tail pinch were recorded from the insular cortex of anesthetized and paralyzed rats. Of the 32 neurons identified, 28 responded to at least one of the nine stimuli used in the present study. Of the 32 neurons, 11 showed an excitatory response to tail pinch, 13 showed an inhibitory response, and the remaining eight had no response. Of the 32 neurons, eight responded to baroreceptor stimulation by an intravenous (i.v.) injection of methoxamine hydrochloride (Mex), four were excitatory and four were inhibitory. Thirteen neurons were excited and six neurons were inhibited by an arterial chemoreceptor stimulation by an i.v. injection of sodium cyanide (NaCN). Twenty-two neurons were responsive to at least one of the gustatory stimuli (deionized water, 1.0 M NaCl, 30 mM HCl, 30 mM quinine HCl, and 1.0 M sucrose); five to 11 excitatory neurons and three to seven inhibitory neurons for each stimulus. A large number of the neurons (25/32) received converging inputs from more than one stimulus among the nine stimuli used in the present study. Most neurons (23/32) received converging inputs from different modalities (gustatory, visceral, and tail pinch). The neurons responded were located in the insular cortex between 2.0 mm anterior and 0.2 mm posterior to the anterior edge of the joining of the anterior commissure (AC); the mean location was 1.2 mm (n=28) anterior to the AC. This indicates that most of the neurons identified in the present study seem to be located in the region posterior to the taste area and anterior to the visceral area in the insular cortex. These results indicate that the insular cortex neurons distributing between the taste area and the visceral area receive convergent inputs from gustatory, baroreceptor, chemoreceptor, and nociceptive organs.  相似文献   

The administration of certain factors associated with postprandial satiety decreases gustatory responsiveness. We compared the effects of intravenous injections of glucose, insulin, pancreatic glucagon (PG), and cholecystokinin (CCK) on multiunit activity evoked from taste responsive neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarius of rats. Glucose, insulin, and PG reliably suppressed evoked responses to lingual application of 1.0M glucose, whereas responses that followed CCK remained unchanged. A common physiological consequence of glucose, insulin, and glucagon is increased glucose availability which may impact directly on gustatory neurons or indirectly through modifications in ventral forebrain or vagal afferent activity.  相似文献   

The activity of single neurons in the gustatory cortex of alert cynomolgus monkeys was analyzed. Taste-evoked activity in response to the four prototypical taste stimuli was recorded from a cortical gustatory area comprising the frontal operculum and adjoining anterior insula. Spontaneous activity for 364 gustatory neurons was 3.9 +/- 4.9 (mean +/- SD) spikes/s. Mean net (gross minus spontaneous) discharge rates for all gustatory neurons were: 1.0 M glucose = 4.9 +/- 11.6, 0.3 M NaCl = 3.2 +/- 7.1, M quinine HCl = 2.6 +/- 5.8, and 0.01 M HCl = 1.7 +/- 4.6. The results from intensity-response functions imply that the perception of each basic taste quality in the nonhuman primate is based on the activity of the appropriate neural subgroup rather than on the mean activity of all taste cells. Therefore a more meaningful index of the effectiveness of a stimulus may be the discharge rate it evokes from the subset of gustatory neurons for which it is the best stimulus. Glucose was the best stimulus for 142 cells (including ties), from which it elicited a mean net response of 10.3 spikes/s; NaCl was best for 107 neurons which gave a mean 8.7 spikes/s; quinine HCl evoked 6.2 spikes/s from the 74 cells that responded best to it; HCl elicited 5.9 spikes/s from the 49 neurons for which it served as best stimulus. The response characteristics of cortical taste cells indicate heterogeneous features, and significantly different patterns from those reported in other nonchemical sensory systems.  相似文献   

Single unit discharges in the superior secondary gustatory nucleus of the carp, Cyprinus carpio L., were studied electrophysiologically in response to chemical stimulation of the external chemoreceptors of the facial skin surface.Of 36 gustatory neurons recorded, 80.6% were facilitated by taste stimuli and 19.4% were inhibited. The gustatory neurons were classified according to their responsiveness to the 4 basic taste substances and, except the inhibitory type, did not differ remarkably from the primary and secondary gustatory neurons. More inhibitory type (19.4%) neurons occurred at higher levels of the gustatory system. As in the primary and secondary levels, sodium chloride and acetic acid solutions were more effective stimuli than quinine HCl and sucrose.The ascending secondary gustatory fibers project bilaterally to the superior gustatory nucleus of the carp. About 20% of the gustatory neurons respond to stimulation of only the contralateral facial skin while 27.8% respond to stimulation of either side of the face. The latter neuron type showed very complicated responses, and were classified into ‘Uniform’, ‘Summation’, ‘Contra.Ipsi.’ and ‘Quality field’ types. The remaining 50% of the neurons respond only to stimulation on the ipsilateral side.  相似文献   

Convergence onto hamster medullary taste neurons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research has shown that gustatory afferents innervating different areas of the oral cavity converge onto single neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS). However, most studies of gustatory physiology have only stimulated the receptors on the anterior tongue. No information exists on the responses of hamster NTS neurons to stimulation of receptors located in other areas of the oral cavity. The present investigation compared responses of hamster NTS neurons to stimulation of receptors on the anterior tongue and posterior oral cavity, and to stimulation of both receptor populations together. Of the neurons, 64% responded to both anterior tongue and posterior oral cavity stimulation. The remaining neurons responded exclusively to stimulation of one area. Cells responsive to both fields of stimulation were found throughout the rostral NTS. Cells responding to stimulation of only one field were anatomically separate. Most neurons (69%) were more responsive to anterior tongue than posterior oral cavity stimulation. The neural responses to stimulation of both fields simultaneously were complex. Frequently, a cell's response was intermediate between those produced by stimulation of either receptor population alone. In other cases the response was the same as the larger of the two individual responses. The breadth of responsiveness to the 4 basic taste stimuli (sucrose, NaCl, HCl and quinine-HCl) was similar for both receptor populations, but the breadth of tuning of an individual cell for one field of stimulation was not correlated with its breadth of responsiveness for the other. In contrast, the breadth of tuning following stimulation of the entire oral cavity was correlated with that following stimulation of the anterior tongue.  相似文献   

Among other deficits, amygdalectomy impairs the ability of the animal to recognize the affective significance of a stimulus. In the present study, neuronal activity in the amygdala (AM) was recorded from alert monkeys while they performed tasks leading to the presentation of rewarding or aversive stimuli. Of 585 AM neurons tested, 312 (53.3%) responded to at least one stimulus in one or more of 5 major groups: 40 vision related, 26 audition related, 41 ingestion related, 117 multimodal, and 14 selective. Ingestion-related neurons were subdivided according to their responses to other stimuli: oral sensory, oral sensory plus vision, and oral sensory plus audition. Depending upon their responsiveness to the affective significance of the stimuli, neurons in the vision- and audition-related categories were divided into 2 subclasses: vis-I (26/40), vis-II (14/40), aud-I (8/26), and aud-II (18/26). All 4 subtypes usually responded to unfamiliar stimuli but seldom responded to neutral familiar stimuli. Types vis-I and aud-I responded to both positive and negative familiar stimuli. Types vis-II and aud-II responded to certain familiar negative stimuli but not to familiar positive stimuli. In vis-I neurons, responses were stronger for palatable foods than for less palatable foods. No neurons within vision-related, audition-related, and multimodal categories responded solely to positive or to negative stimuli. Of the 27 oral sensory neurons 9 were tested with saline or salted food, and 8 responded to normally aversive oral sensory stimuli in the same manner as they did to normal food or liquid (water or juice). In contrast to oral sensory neurons, all responses of 4 oral sensory-plus-vision and all of 4 selective neurons tested, as well as bar pressing behavior, were modulated by altering the affective significance of the food. These results suggest that the AM is one of the candidates for stimulus-affective association based on associative learning and memory.  相似文献   

The activity of neurones in the inferotemporal cortex of the alert rhesus monkey was recorded while the monkey was shown visual stimuli, which included both food and non-food objects for comparison with the activity of neurones in the lateral hypothalamus and substantia innominata. In the anteroventral part of the inferotemporal cortex, neurones were found with visual responses which were sustained while the animal looked at the appropriate visual stimuli. The latency of the responses was 100 msec or more. The majority (96/142 or 68%) of these neurones responded more strongly to some stimuli than to others. These units usually had different responses when objects were shown from different views, and physical factors such as shape, size, orientation, colour and texture appeared to account for the responses of some of these units. Association of visual stimuli with a food reward (glucose solution) or an aversive taste (5% saline solution) did not affect the magnitude of the responses of the neurones to the stimuli either during the learning or after the period of learning. Nor did feeding the monkey to satiety affect the responses of the neurones to their effective stimuli.  相似文献   

To elucidate the roles of glucose-sensitive (GS) and glucose-insensitive (GIS) cells of the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA), single neuron activity was recorded during 1) microelectrophoretic administration of chemicals, 2) a conditioned bar press feeding task, 3) gustatory, 4) olfactory, and 5) electrical brain stimulation. GS and GIS neurons showed different firing rate changes during phases of the task, and the responses were highly influenced by the palatability of the food and the motivational (hunger or satiety) state of the animal. The two groups of cells also differed in their responsiveness to gustatory and olfactory stimuli: GS neurons were more likely to respond to tastes and odors than GIS cells. Taste- and odor-responsive GS neurons were primarily suppressed by electrophoretically applied noradrenaline and were localized ventromedially within the LHA. The chemosensitive GIS cells, being organized along a dorsolateral axis, were especially excited by dopamine. The two sets of neurons had distinct connections with associative (orbitofrontal, prefrontal) cortical areas. GS and GIS cells, thus, appear to have differential and complex attributes in the control of feeding.  相似文献   

Opioid modulation of taste responses in the nucleus of the solitary tract   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Li CS  Davis BJ  Smith DV 《Brain research》2003,965(1-2):21-34
Gustatory processing within the medulla is modulated by a number of physiologic and experiential factors. Several neurotransmitters, including excitatory amino acids, GABA, and substance P, are involved in synaptic processing within the rostral portion of the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST). Endogenous opiates have been implicated in the regulation of feeding behavior and in taste palatability and gustatory responses in the parabrachial nuclei are reduced by systemic morphine. In the present experiments, extracellular recording of neuronal activity within the NST in response to taste input was combined with local microinjection of met-enkephalin (Met-ENK) and naltrexone (NLTX) to determine the effect of these agents on gustatory activity. The anterior tongue was stimulated with anodal current pulses to determine the time course of drug action (n=85 cells) and with prototypical taste stimuli (0.032 M sucrose, NaCl, and quinine hydrochloride, and 0.0032 M citric acid) to investigate the effects of these opioid compounds on taste-evoked responses (n=80 cells). Among these 165 taste-responsive neurons in the NST, the activity of 39 (23.6%) was suppressed by Met-ENK. These effects were dose-dependent and blockable by NLTX, which alone was without effect, suggesting that opiates do not maintain a tonic inhibitory influence. Immunohistochemical experiments demonstrated both micro - and delta-opioid receptors within the gustatory portion of the NST; previous studies had shown numerous fiber terminals containing Met-ENK. These data suggest that endogenous opiates play an inhibitory role in gustatory processing within the medulla.  相似文献   

Neurons in the amygdala of the monkey with responses selective for faces   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
To investigate the functions of the amygdala in visual information processing and in emotional and social responses, recordings were made from single neurons in the amygdala of the monkey. A population of neurons (40 of more than 1000 recorded in 4 monkeys) was investigated which responded primarily to faces. These neurons typically (1) responded to some human or monkey faces, which were presented to the monkey through a large aperture shutter so that response latencies could be measured, or were simply shown to the monkey, (2) responded to 2-dimensional representations of these faces, as well as to real 3-dimensional faces, (3) had no responses or only small (less than half maximum) responses to gratings, simple geometrical, other complex 3-D stimuli, or to arousing and aversive stimuli, (4) had response latencies of 110-200 ms, (5) were located in the basal accessory nucleus of the amygdala, (6) responded differently to different faces, as shown by measures of d', and could thus over a population of such neurons code information useful for making different responses to different individuals, (7) could in some cases (9/11 tested) respond to parts of faces, and (8) in a few cases (4/19 tested) responded more to a face which produced an emotional response. A comparison made in three monkeys of the responses of these neurons with the responses of 77 neurons with face-selective responses recorded in the cortex of the superior temporal sulcus (STS) showed that the amygdaloid neurons had longer response latencies (110-200 compared to 90-140 ms), and were in some respects more selective in their responses to different faces. It is suggested that the deficits in social and emotional behavior produced by amygdala lesions could be due in part to damage to a neuronal system specialized in utilizing information from faces so that appropriate social and emotional responses can be made to different individuals.  相似文献   

The brain’s processing of gustatory stimuli is inherently multimodal, since at approximately the same time that intraoral stimuli activate receptors on taste cells, somatosensory information is concurrently conveyed to the central nervous system. We first present evidence that throughout the oral cavity, often a single chemical stimulus will concomitantly activate different receptors expressed on taste cells and somatosensory nerve terminals. We then argue that gustatory perception is intrinsically linked to concurrent somatosensory processing. Finally, we review evidence showing that central gustatory pathways are sites where multisensory integration occurs, with particular emphasis on somatosensory responses in the gustatory cortex.  相似文献   

The responses of 216 neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) of the American bullfrog were recorded following taste, temperature, and tactile stimulation. Cells were classified on the basis of their responses to 5 taste stimuli: 0.5 M NaCl, 0.0005 M quinine-HCl (QHCl), 0.01 M acetic acid, 0.5 M sucrose, and deionized water (water). Neurons showing excitatory responses to 1, 2, 3, or 4 of the 5 kinds of taste stimuli were named Type I, II, III, or IV, respectively. Cells whose spontaneous rate was inhibited by taste and/or tactile stimulation of the tongue were termed Type V. Type VI neurons were excited by tactile stimulation alone. Of the 216 cells, 115 were excited or inhibited by taste stimuli (Types I-V), with 35 being Type I, 34 Type II, 40 Type III, 2 Type IV and 4 Type V. The remaining 101 cells were responsive only to tactile stimulation (Type VI). Of those 111 cells excited by taste stimulation (Types I-IV), 106 (95%) responded to NaCl, 66 (59%) to acetic acid, 44 (40%) to QHCl, 10 (9%) to water, and 9 (8%) to warming. No cells responded to sucrose. Of the 111 cells of Types I-IV, 76 (68%) were also sensitive to mechanical stimulation of the tongue. There was some differential distribution of these neuron types within the NTS, with more narrowly tuned cells (Type I) being located more dorsally in the nucleus than the more broadly tuned (Type III) neurons. Cells responding exclusively to touch (Type VI) were also more dorsally situated than those responding to two or more taste stimuli (Types II and III).  相似文献   

Temporal coding in the gustatory system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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