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We examined the epidemiology of esophageal cancer in Finland and the role of the surveillance of Barrett's esophagus (BE) in detecting esophageal adenocarcinoma (EA) in our own hospital referral area. We observed that the incidence of EA in men has increased tenfold from the 1970s and was 1.10/100,000/year in 1998-2002. In women, a 4.5-fold increase was observed (incidence 0.11/100,000/year). In 1998-2002, the mean annual number of new EA cases was 57.4 (79.8% men) in Finland with a population of 5.2 million. In our hospital referral area with a mean population of 261 349, 11 EAs were observed in 1996-2001. Of them, two (18.2%) had BE. One EA was detected during surveillance. EA comprised 0.05% of all causes of deaths in our hospital referral area. We conclude that EA incidence has increased significantly in men in Finland, but still EA is seldom detected on BE surveillance. EA is an uncommon cause of death in our hospital referral area.  相似文献   

Gout is one of the most common inflammatory arthritides, which is considered to be a true crystal deposition disorder caused by the formation of monosodium urate crystals in and around joints. A number of epidemiological studies from a diverse range of countries suggest that gout has increased in prevalence and incidence in recent years and that the clinical pattern of gout is becoming more complex. In particular, the greatest increase has been observed in primary gout in older men. Robust epidemiological studies have established risk factors for gout including genetic factors, excess alcohol consumption, purine-rich diet, the metabolic syndrome (obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and insulin resistance), use of diuretics and chronic renal failure. Trends in alcohol use, diet, obesity and the metabolic syndrome in the general population might explain changes in the prevalence and incidence of gout in the community. Osteoarthritis, which is thought to predispose patients to monosodium urate crystal deposition in their joints, is becoming more prevalent as a consequence of increased longevity. In hospital settings, widespread diuretic use, increasing prevalence of end-stage renal failure and the success of organ transplant programmes have led to an increase in clinical complexity. Suboptimal management of gout is likely to have contributed to the rise in the prevalence of clinically overt, symptomatic, chronic gout.  相似文献   

Investigations of the impact of ventricular arrhythmias in populations have focused primarily on two aspects, ventricular ectopic activity and sudden cardiac death (SCD). The observation that coronary heart disease (CHD) is an important background of death due to ventricular tachyarrhythmia (VTA) remains the dominant belief today. The evidence supports the principle that reduction of deaths due to VTA is multifactorial and results from improved primary prevention, treatment of CHD complications, and secondary prevention. Recent evidence for unfavorable trends for SCD and CHD mortality raises the specter of a reversal in the gains made against fatal VTA in recent decades.  相似文献   

Globally, about 2 thousand million people are affected by iodine deficiency. Although endemic goitre is the most visible sign of iodine deficiency, its most devastating consequence is brain damage causing mental retardation in children. The relationship between iodine deficiency and brain damage was not clearly established until the 1980s when the term iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs), which encompass a spectrum of conditions caused by iodine deficiency, was introduced. This paradigm shift in the understanding of the clinical consequences of iodine deficiency led to a change in iodine deficiency assessment. The median urinary iodine excretion level has been recommended as the preferred indicator for monitoring population iodine deficiency status since 2001. The 2007 WHO urinary iodine data in schoolchildren from 130 countries revealed that iodine intake is still insufficient in 47 countries. Furthermore, about one-third of countries lack national estimates of the prevalence of iodine deficiency. The picture that has emerged from available data worldwide over the past two decades is that IDDs are not confined to remote, mountainous areas in developing countries, but are a global public health problem that affects most countries, including developed countries and island nations. The recognition of the universality of iodine deficiency highlights the need to develop and apply new strategies to establish and maintain sustainable IDD elimination and strengthen regular monitoring programmes.  相似文献   

The epidemic of esophageal adenocarcinoma   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The incidence and mortality related to esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) have been increasing in the United States, several European countries, and Oceania for the past 2 to 3 decades. Survival remains dismal, with little improvement during the same time period. Variations in the coding, classification, and detection of gastroesophageal malignancy may have contributed partially to the observed trends. Remarkable differences related to gender, ethnicity, and geography characterize the epidemiology of EAC. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the main risk factor for Barrett's esophagus, which is the only known precursor lesion for EAC. Several risk factors that promote the development of GERD and/or Barrett's esophagus have been proposed to explain these rising trends; these factors include the declining rates of Helicobacter pylori infection, obesity, dietary factors, and certain drugs.  相似文献   

The changing face of esophageal malignancy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Concern has been expressed about the rapid increase in the incidence of esophageal carcinoma in the United States. This rise is due to an increase in the number of cases of adenocarcinoma of the esophagus. Because of the relatively small number of cases of esophageal carcinoma, the absolute risk of developing this cancer in the United States remains small. Potential origins for this increase in esophageal adenocarcinoma are examined in this review, including the risk induced by obesity, low dietary antioxidants, high dietary fat, family history of breast cancer, smoking, gastroesophageal reflux, and Barrett’s esophagus. The risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma is inversely associated with infection by Helicobacter pylori organisms. A better understanding of risk factors involved in the increased incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma is important for development of new preventive strategies for this serious disorder.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies of inflammatory bowel disease are important in order to find possible clues to the still unknown etiology, as well as for the planning of the health service. In supplement to short-term studies, reporting the actual state of the disease, long-term studies are requisited to follow up the development of inflammatory bowel disease. Inflammatory bowel disease has become more frequent during the past decades, with an approximate prevalence of 0.5% in the northern part of the world. A changed disease panorama can be noted with increasing median age at diagnosis, a growing entity of patients with colorectal Crohn's disease and a shift towards more distal ulcerative colitis. The increased age at diagnosis is attributed to a postponement of the age-specific incidence peak. While the difference between gender has levelled off, difference still exists in young adults in Crohn's disease and in elderly in ulcerative colitis. Colorectal cancer has become a matter also in Crohn's disease.  相似文献   

The changing epidemiology of diverticular disease in Israel   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In a retrospective evaluation of 1244 consecutive barium enemas performed at two hospitals over a five-year period (1979 to 1984), colonic diverticula were found in 177 (14.2 percent). The prevalence among the Ashkenazi Jews was 19.7 percent, among the Sephardi and Oriental Jews, 16 percent, and among the Arabs, 9.5 percent. Comparing these figures with the results of a similar study performed ten years ago, it becomes obvious that the prevalence of diverticular disease in the Ashkenazi group remained the same, while there was a three-fold increase among Sephardi and Oriental Jews, and a seven-fold increase among Arabs. It is postulated that, in less than one generation, diverticular disease will be equally frequent among all ethnic groups in Israel.  相似文献   

食管腺癌和贲门癌鉴别诊断的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食管腺癌和贲门癌是临床上常见的上消化道恶性肿瘤,两者概念不同,又有重叠之处,特别是食管下段腺癌和贲门癌,临床上常需对两者进行鉴别诊断,以指导临床治疗和判断预后,比较两者的异同点有一定意义.鉴定于目前国际上对贲门癌的定义尚无统一的定论,胃食管交界处肿瘤的分类方法较多,根据Siewert的分类方法,食管腺癌和贲门癌的临床特征、淋巴结播散类型、发病机制和某些生物学标记物表达水平均有些不同,最新的检测技术如细胞角质蛋白染色法、Das-1单克隆抗体反应、硫粘蛋白克隆型表达技术等对两者的鉴别价值尚在确定中.  相似文献   

The incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma has increased dramatically in Western societies over the last 20 years. Most patients present with advanced disease. Stage-dependent treatment protocols require the most complete and accurate staging possible. With all esophageal cancers (ie, adenocarcinomas and squamous carcinomas), it is perhaps most important to identify patients who are unlikely to benefit from aggressive treatment. The performance characteristics and clinical utility of CT scanning, endoscopic ultrasound, FDG-PET, and minimally invasive surgery in staging esophageal cancer are reviewed, including issues relating specifically to staging of adenocarcinomas. These investigations are not mutually exclusive and each has its own strengths and shortcomings. Accurate staging often requires the use of multiple modalities. The optimal staging algorithm for a given practice setting (if it exists) will be determined largely by local variables that include patient population, available technology, and local expertise in applying such technology. A lack of consensus on the effectiveness of therapeutic alternatives (particularly surgical v nonsurgical methods) may also affect the perceived value of the various staging modalities and how they are used.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the prevalence of bronchial asthma in Putuo district in Shanghai, China. Methods: Cross-sectional, community-based study was performed with random sampling of a district with a population of one million. The subjects were residents of the district and six or more years of age. Questionnaire and spirometry were completed in all subjects. Asthma was defined as physician-diagnosed asthma. The results were compared with the asthma study of 40?000 population completed by the same team in Pudong area of Shanghai in 1997. Results: We surveyed 27?042 participants. The prevalence of asthma was 1.8% (488/27?042), much higher than the 0.41% (163/40?000) found in the 1997 survey in Pudong area of Shanghai. In subjects with asthma, current smoking, obesity, gender distribution and the combination of allergic diseases between the two studies had no differences. The most prominent causes of asthma exacerbation were cold air, respiratory infection and dust inhalation. Pulmonary function for 428 asthma patients in Putuo survey was analyzed: 228 (53.3%) patients had FEV1%pred lower than 80%. Asthmatics older than 65 years had lower FEV1%pred than other age groups (p?<?0.01). Conclusions: The prevalence of physician-diagnosed asthma in urban of Shanghai has increased in recent years. The most important causes of asthma exacerbations were cold air, respiratory infection and dust exposure. The proportion of individuals with decreased percent predicted forced expiratory volume of first second increased with age. Strengthening the prevention and treatment of asthma, especially in children with asthma, may decrease the health burden of asthma in the urban Chinese population.  相似文献   

The epidemic of diphtheria in the Newly Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union has drawn attention to our incomplete understanding of the epidemiology of diphtheria. Many unanswered questions remain concerning the reasons for a resurgence of diphtheria and for the shift in the age of patients and concerning the mechanisms for acquisition of immunity in adults through natural infection under unfavorable living conditions. Other unanswered questions relate to the precise role of socioeconomic factors and hygiene conditions in the initiation, buildup, and spread of the epidemic. Important characteristics of the NIS epidemic can be used to help predict the spread of future diphtheria epidemics. These characteristics include a high proportion of infected adults, a progressive spread of disease from urban centers to rural areas, and transition from initial amplification of disease in groups with high rates of close contacts in focalized, well-distinguished outbreaks to a more generalized epidemic.  相似文献   

Worsening and progressive heart failure has been the most common mode of death in patients with heart failure. With the development of drugs that primarily have modulation of the renin-angiotensin and sympathetic nervous systems as their mechanism, relative importance of progressive heart failure has decreased. Sudden death has become a larger issue and the dominant mode of death in heart failure. This change requires the clinician to redirect therapy to the prevention and treatment of sudden death.  相似文献   

The changing epidemiology of hepatitis C virus infection in Europe   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The epidemic of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in Europe is continuously evolving and epidemiological parameters (prevalence, incidence, disease transmission patterns and genotype distribution) have changed substantially during the last 15 years. Four main factors contribute to such changes: increased blood transfusion safety, improvement of healthcare conditions, continuous expansion of intravenous drug use and immigration to Europe from endemic areas. As a result, intravenous drug use has become the main risk factor for HCV transmission, prevalent infections have increased and genotype distribution has changed and diversified. Hence, prevalence data from studies conducted a decade ago may not be useful to estimate the current and future burden of HCV infection and additional epidemiological studies should be conducted, as well as new preventive strategies implemented to control the silent epidemic. This review summarizes recently published data on the epidemiology of HCV infection in Europe focusing on the factors currently shaping the epidemic.  相似文献   

The changing epidemiology of GERD: geography and Helicobacter pylori   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
BACKGROUND: Issues have arisen regarding H. pylori infection and GERD that have caused unnecessary confusion among practicing physicians. In the last century GERD became increasingly recognized in the West and it has become evident that the prevalence of GERD is now occurring in many previously underdeveloped countries. METHODS: This review article fosters understanding of the issues by focusing on the esophageal acid load and the factors that control it. In particular, we discuss the effects of the change in the patterns of gastritis that have occurred naturally as well as after H. pylori eradication and correlate those changes with their effects on the esophageal acid load. We show how it is possible to separate gastroesophageal reflux from gastroesophageal reflux disease based on differences in esophageal acid load. We also describe how the practice of assessing gastroesophageal reflux based on the time the intraesophageal pH is less than 4 resulted in investigators systematically discarding data critical to understanding of the effect of their interventions on esophageal acid load. Testable hypotheses are presented to explain the interactions between H. pylori and GERD and between H. pylori and the changing epidemiology of GERD. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that the confusion regarding H. pylori and the changing epidemiology of GERD is based on the failure to critically examine the historical evidence in relation to the other H. pylori-related diseases as well as reliance on techniques that are either unable to measure, or systematically discard data critical for understanding effects of various interventions on the esophageal acid load. This has resulted in propagation of erroneous concepts regarding H. pylori and adenocarcinoma of the esophagus and has resulted in some patients being denied appropriate therapy.  相似文献   

The changing use of esophageal manometry in clinical practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective: Clinical practice guidelines now advise against the use of esophageal manometry in the early evaluation of unexplained chest pain. We examined data from patients referred for manometric evaluation over a 10-yr period (1987–1996) to see if clinicians were changing practice patterns and whether manometric diagnoses were affected by the changes.
Methods: Principal indications for the procedure and manometric findings were extracted from a review of 1162 subjects referred to a single clinical laboratory. The tracings were analyzed using a standardized classification method and categorized according to a pathophysiology-based scheme. Referral indications and manometric diagnoses were compared for the first and second 5-yr periods of study.
Results: Chest pain as a referral indication declined from the first to the second half of the study period (odds ratio, 0.44;   p < 0.0001  ), whereas dysphagia and preoperative evaluations became more common (odds ratio, 1.3;   p < 0.05  ; odds ratio, 13.7;   p < 0.0001  , respectively). Similarly, hypermotility disorders decreased in frequency (odds ratio, 0.63;   p = 0.0001  ), whereas hypomotility disorders increased (odds ratio, 1.6;   p < 0.01  ). The decrease in hypermotility disorders was solely related to a decrease in nonspecific spastic disorders, including nutcracker esophagus (odds ratio, 0.58;   p < 0.0001  ); the proportion of diagnoses of achalasia and diffuse esophageal spasm remained stable.
Conclusion: These data show that practice patterns are already following current guidelines. They also reflect the disillusionment of clinicians with the poor specificity of manometry in chest pain management, the increasing popularity of antireflux surgery, yet the ongoing observation that nonspecific spastic disorders are closely associated with unexplained chest pain and may have a still-undefined pathogenetic role.  相似文献   

The changing epidemiology of diabetic microangiopathy in type 1 diabetes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Rossing P 《Diabetologia》2005,48(8):1439-1444
Diabetic microvascular complications in the kidney and the eye are a major burden for diabetic patients due to increased morbidity and mortality. Furthermore, diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease and diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in younger patients, representing a major public health concern. During the past two decades beneficial effects of, in particular, aggressive antihypertensive control and strict glycaemic control have been demonstrated in randomised controlled clinical trials. Technological improvements in diabetes care have made good metabolic control easier to achieve. Has this led to an improved prognosis? In observational studies from dedicated centres, a decrease from 47 to 13% has been reported in the incidence of proliferative diabetic retinopathy after 20–25 years of diabetes, and the incidence of overt diabetic nephropathy after 20 years has decreased from 28 to 5.8%. Even functional and morphological remission of diabetic nephropathy has been reported. Despite this, recent population-based studies have failed to demonstrate a decrease in the incidence of blindness caused by diabetes, and the incidence of end-stage renal disease has progressively increased. This may, in part, be the result of a combination of increasing numbers of diabetic patients and a lag phase between improvement in management and a decline in end-stage complications. It is of concern, however, that the results from specialised centres may not apply to routine diabetes care. It is, therefore, mandatory that the beneficial effects of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions demonstrated in clinical trials and recommended by treatment guidelines are translated into clinical practice to ensure a widespread improvement in prognosis.  相似文献   

The incidence of esophageal adenocarcinoma has increased dramatically in developed countries during the past 2 decades, and prognosis remains very poor. Gastroesophageal reflux disease is an important risk factor for this cancer that develops in patients with specialized esophageal metaplasia (Barrett's esophagus). Careful periodic endoscopic examinations, with random biopsy sampling of the entire mucosal surface, are usually recommended for the surveillance of these patients. Several innovative techniques have recently been developed to improve the accuracy of diagnosis of intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia, and early adenocarcinoma in Barrett's esophagus. Some of these techniques (eg, chromoendoscopy, magnifying endoscopy, and light-induced fluorescence endoscopy) are intended to identify suspicious areas of the mucosa not visible during conventional endoscopic examination and to perform targeted biopsies toward these areas to avoid sampling errors. Optical coherence tomography and confocal laser scanning microscopy are other powerful techniques that provide real-time cross-sectional tissue images at a resolution close to that of histology. They allow tissue characterization based solely on optical properties and are likely to replace excisional biopsies. Although promising, none of these techniques is currently recommendable for routine surveillance of patients with Barrett's esophagus. Further evaluation is warranted to define the optimal method and standardize the procedures.  相似文献   

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