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Contaminated recreational waters pose a public health concern, as the potential for waterborne diseases exists in water contaminated with human fecal waste. Worldwide, bacterial indicators such as Escherichia coli, enterococci, and total and fecal coliform are used as indicators of water quality. However, enteric viruses also present a public health concern and their presence cannot always be determined based on bacterial indicators. This study explores the use of molecular detection methods of enteric viruses as indicators of fecal contamination. Four viruses, enterovirus, norovirus genogroups I and II, and male-specific FRNA coliphage, were tested in this study. Highly sensitive RT-PCR methods developed at the University of Hawaii at Manoa were utilized to evaluate environmental samples collected from three lakes in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Sixteen of twenty-five sites tested positive for at least one virus. Enterovirus was the most commonly detected virus, followed by norovirus genogroup I. These findings support the use of molecular detection methods to test for enteric virus presence in recreational freshwater sources in China as alternative water quality indicators, and utilize recently developed, highly sensitive methods of detection of these viruses. In addition, these findings suggest that there is substantial fecal contamination of the three lakes tested in this study.  相似文献   

The blood histamine levels, basophil and eosinophil counts and the percentage of vacuolated eosinophils were observed in 30 controls and 15 patients of urticaria. There was a definite rise in eosinophil and basophil count during the acute stage of the disease which decreased in the quiescent or the symptom-free stage. The behavior of blood histamine level was similar. The mechanisms involved are discussed.  相似文献   

Hospital water supplies often contain waterborne pathogens, which can become a reservoir for healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). We surveyed the extent of waterborne pathogen contamination in the water supply of a Liver Transplant Unit. The efficacy of point-of-use (POU) water filters was evaluated by comparative analysis in routine clinical use. Our baseline environmental surveillance showed that Legionella spp. (28%, 38/136), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (8%, 11/136), Mycobacterium spp. (87%, 118/136) and filamentous fungi (50%, 68/136) were isolated from the tap water of the Liver Transplant Unit. 28.9% of Legionella spp.-positive water samples (n = 38) showed high-level Legionella contamination (≥103 CFU/L). After installation of the POU water filter, none of these pathogens were found in the POU filtered water samples. Furthermore, colonizations/infections with Gram-negative bacteria determined from patient specimens were reduced by 47% during this period, even if only 27% (3/11) of the distal sites were installed with POU water filters. In conclusion, the presence of waterborne pathogens was common in the water supply of our Liver Transplant Unit. POU water filters effectively eradicated these pathogens from the water supply. Concomitantly, healthcare-associated colonization/infections declined after the POU filters were installed, indicating their potential benefit in reducing waterborne HAIs.  相似文献   

Sixty male alcoholic inpatients were administered the Locus of Control scale (IE), the Activity Preference Questionnaire (APQ), the Manifest Anxiety scale (MAS), and the Tennessee Self Concept scale (TSCS). Ss defined as having an external locus of control appeared significantly more anxious than internal Ss on the MAS; however, no differences were found between groups on the APQ or TSCS scales. The self-report (MAS) and nonobtrusive (APQ) measures of anxiety were not correlated significantly. A differential pattern of correlations was found between the MAS and APQ and TCSC subscale scores. The obtained correlations support the contention that the MAS may measure more accurately a dimension of neuroticism and/or negative self-concept rather than anxiety. Further research appears necessary to investigate the internal consistency and dimensionality of the MAS.  相似文献   

大学毕业生的心理弹性、积极情绪与心理健康的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨大学毕业生心理弹性、积极情绪与心理健康的关系。方法随机抽取了5所高校的560名大学毕业生,对其施测心理弹性量表、积极消极情绪量表、抑郁自评量表、焦虑自评量表和总体幸福感量表。结果①心理弹性与积极情绪(r=0.489,P0.01)和总体幸福感(r=0.541,P0.01)正相关,心理弹性与焦虑(r=-0.468,P0.01)和抑郁(r=-0.601,P0.01)负相关,积极情绪与焦虑(r=-0.230,P0.01)、抑郁(r=-0.392,P0.01)负相关,积极情绪与总体幸福感正相关(r=0.432,P0.01);②积极情绪能够部分中介心理弹性和抑郁之间的关系,以及心理弹性和总体幸福感之间的关系。当积极情绪进入回归方程时,心理弹性对抑郁的预测效应从-0.601降至-0.538,心理弹性对总体幸福感的预测效应从0.541降至0.433。结论大学毕业生的心理弹性对心理健康的预测效应是通过积极情绪这一中介变量实现的。  相似文献   

大学新生学校适应、心理弹性与心理健康的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究大学新生学校适应、心理弹性与心理健康之间的关系。方法采用大学生适应量表、心理弹性问卷、大学生人格问卷和抑郁自评量表对2002名大学新生进行统一问卷调查。结果 1女生人格问卷得分显著高于男生(F=10.59,P0.001),上海生源学生的抑郁得分显著高于非上海生源学生(F=5.17,P0.05),独生子女的学校适应得分显著高于非独生子女(F=5.9,P0.05);2心理弹性的韧劲和乐观两个维度在学校适应和心理健康之间起到部分中介作用。结论大学新生的学校适应不仅直接影响心理健康,而且还通过心理弹性间接的影响心理健康。  相似文献   

In an extension of previous studies, 88 presumably normal Ss were given the Draw-A-Person Test and were asked to make Semantic Differential ratings of their same-sex and opposite-sex figure drawings, as well as their real, ideal, and least-liked selves. Significant positive correlations were found between same-sex figure ratings and ratings of both real self and ideal self, and there was a significant negative correlation between ratings of same-sex figure drawings and ratings of least-liked self. There were no significant correlations between ratings of opposite-sex figure drawings and actual, ideal, or least-liked self ratings. Thus a significant relationship among three components of self-concept and normal Ss' perceptions of their human figure drawings emerged, but only for same-sex figures.  相似文献   

目的 探讨研究生人格特征、社会支持与人际信任的关系,为研究生心理健康教育提供参考.方法 采用社会支持评定量表、人际信任量表和艾森克人格问卷(EPQ),对云南155名研究生进行集体测查.结果 ①研究生社会支持总分在不同学校(F=4.161,P<0.01)和专业(F=2.644,P<0.01)之间差异显著;人际信任度在各个...  相似文献   

The present review focuses on three issues, (a) the time course of developmental increases in cognitive abilities; (b) the impact of age on individual differences in these abilities, and (c) the mechanisms by which developmental increases in different aspects of cognition affect each other. We conclude from our review of the literature that the development of processing speed, working memory, and fluid intelligence, all follow a similar time course, suggesting that all three abilities develop in concert. Furthermore, the strength of the correlation between speed and intelligence does not appear to change with age, and most of the effect of the age-related increase in speed on intelligence appears to be mediated through the effect of speed on working memory. Finally, most of the effect of the age-related improvement in working memory on intelligence is itself attributable to the effect of the increase in speed on working memory, providing evidence of a cognitive developmental cascade.  相似文献   

L-Methionine (Met), in its free form or when inserted in proteins, is sensitive to oxidation of its thioether group by reactive oxygen species from exogenous or endogenous sources. Two stable diastereomers of Met sulfoxide [Met-(O)] may be formed [Met-S-(O) and Met-R-(O)], but these can be reduced by two classes of Methionine-sulfoxide-reductase (Msr) enzymes: MsrA, which reduces the S, and MsrB, which reduces the R sulfoxide. In this study, we have examined the levels of expression of Msr in human blood cells by enzymatic activity assay, Western blotting, and RT-PCR of purified populations of polymorphonuclear neutrophils and eosinophils, mononuclear cells, platelets, and erythrocytes. Our data indicate that of the blood cells analyzed, neutrophils expressed the highest activity, which was mainly of MsrB type. During degranulation of activated neutrophils, Msr activity was not released but remained confined within the cell, indicating a non-granular localization. Immunoprecipitation and RT-PCR studies indicated the almost complete lack of mitochondrial forms of Msrs in granulocytes. It is thus likely that Msrs are important as antioxidant/repair systems for neutrophils, cells with enormous capacity for the generation of reactive oxidants and hence, susceptible to oxidative damage.  相似文献   

The current article examined the relationships among aging, intelligence, intracranial volume, and brain shrinkage in alcoholics and nonalcoholic controls. Magnetic resonance imaging was used to measure intracranial and cerebral volumes in 146 subjects with alcohol use disorders and 42 comparison subjects who were not alcoholic. The authors' findings show that performance on Block Design decreases as alcoholics age, and this decrease is predicted by brain shrinkage. This is consistent with a process of cumulative brain damage related to alcohol use. However, the authors' data also show that vocabulary does not decrease with age and is correlated with premorbid brain size as measured by intracranial volume, suggesting that lower verbal ability precedes heavy alcohol use and may be a risk factor for alcoholism.  相似文献   

It is commonly claimed that sleep duration has declined in recent years – over a period coinciding with a marked increase in personal electronics and communications use. The aim of this study was to assess change in sleep duration among Canadians from 1998 to 2010, and examine any associations with non‐work‐related screen time. The analysis uses population‐representative data from Statistics Canada's General Social Survey cycles of 1998 and 2010; the respective samples numbered 10 749 and 15 390 individuals. Response rates were 80% in 1998 and 55% in 2010. Respondents were aged 15 years and older, residing in private households in the 10 Canadian provinces. The General Social Survey is administered by computer‐assisted telephone interviewing. Data on sleep duration (excluding naps outside essential sleep time) and recreational screen time were obtained using a 24‐h time‐use diary. Survey weights were applied to adjust for non‐response and non‐landline households. Frequencies (respondent characteristics) and averages (time‐use variables) were estimated by age group and sex. Sleep duration was examined by weighted quartile of screen time. Confidence intervals (95%) were calculated around estimates. Average sleep duration increased from 8.1 h in 1998 to 8.3 h in 2010. Average screen time increased from 140 min in 1998 to 154 min in 2010. Sleep duration and screen time were positively related in both years. The percentage of people averaging less than 6 h sleep decreased from 9.6% in 1998 to 8.6% in 2010. Between 1998 and 2010, increases in screen time did not occur at the expense of sleep duration.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted on man-made recreational water located in different regions of Tehran, Iran to detect the free-living amoebae present in ponds and fountains of parks and squares. Fifty water samples from 22 municipal districts of Tehran were screened for free-living amoebae and identified by morphological characters and polymerase chain reaction amplification. Amoebae detected were identified as Hartmannella vermiformis (12 %) and Vannella persistens (4 %), which are the first reports of these two amoebas in recreational water environments of Iran. Since, H. vermiformis, which is highly similar to strains serving as hosts for Legionella pneumophila, is a common component of the microbial community in fresh surface water. Although Vannella spp. is not proved to be pathogenic itself, they are capable of harboring pathogenic intracellular organisms. Due to some reports related to pathogenicity of these amoebas, the particular hazard related to these microorganisms should be taken into account in the encounter with drinking and washing in these waters. We recommend control strategies based on physical removal rather than on disinfection to be adopted where necessary.  相似文献   

Although Enterococcus faecalis is known as normal flora in colon, it is also amongst the most common causative agents of infective endocarditis (IE). Platelet activation resulting from adherence to platelets is an essential step in the pathogenesis of IE. One of the factors proposed in adhesion is endocarditis‐ and biofilm‐ associated pili encoded by ebp operon. The aim of this study was to investigate ebp in isolates from different origins and analyze the potential of isolates to activate human platelets of different donors. The ebp distribution was investigated in E. faecalis from different origin infections (n = 103) and fecal flora (n = 20). Then, selected isolates from blood (n = 5), urine (n = 2), and fecal flora (n = 3) were analyzed by flow cytometry assay for the ability to activate platelets of four different donors. No statistically significant difference was found for the ebp presence between infective and fecal isolates. Also, it was found that the ability for platelet activation is independent of the bacterial origin. However, significant difference was found in platelet activation between different donors. The results suggest that the presence or absence of ebp is not a critical factor for platelet activation by E. faecalis isolates. However, host factors seem to contribute in this activity.  相似文献   

Klebsiella pneumoniae strains of the K2 capsular serotype are usually highly virulent in mice, which is in contrast to the low virulence of most other serotypes. Here we used a genetic approach to examine the relative contribution of capsule type to the virulence of K. pneumoniae in mice. We used wild-type strains expressing capsular polysaccharide (CPS) serotypes K2 (strain KPA1) and K21a (strains KPB1 and KPC1), which were then used to construct capsule-switched derivatives. The close proximity of the cps gene cluster to selectable his markers made it possible to mobilize the cps genes by conjugation from one serotype (donor) to another (recipient) and to obtain recombinants in which interserotype switching had occurred by reciprocal recombination. Each capsule-switched derivative examined of the KPA and KPC strain backgrounds produced a CPS that was immunologically and structurally identical to that of the donor. Strain background was confirmed by demonstrating restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns identical to those of the respective recipients. The parent strains were then compared with capsule-switched recombinants for phenotypic properties associated with virulence. Clearance from the bloodstreams of mice was rapid in serotype K21a strains of either wild-type or recombinant origin, whereas K2 strains remained viable in the blood during the period examined. These differences appeared to be dependent upon the CPS type but independent of strain background. Binding to macrophages was higher in K21a strains than in those with the K2 capsule and was also independent of the strain background. Both blood clearance and macrophage-binding activities were completely inhibited by yeast mannan, suggesting that they were mediated via the macrophage mannose receptor. The K2 parent strain was highly virulent to mice (50% lethal dose [LD50], 3 x 10(3)), while the K21a parent strains demonstrated low virulence (LD50, > 2 x 10(8)). Interestingly, the virulence of recombinant KPC10(cpsK2), originally of the KPC1(cpsK21a) background, was intermediate (LD50, 4 x 10(5)). In contrast, both cpsK21a recombinants of the originally virulent KPA1 (cpsK2) background became nearly avirulent (LD50, > 2 x 10(8)). Six additional serotypes (K12, K24, K32, K55, K62, and K67) were examined, and all showed a positive correlation between the ability of the Klebsiella serotype to interact with a human mannose receptor, as expressed by Cos I cell recombinants, and the LD50 of the serotype. These results suggest that expression of a capsule which is recognized by the mannose receptor markedly affects the interaction with macrophages and blood clearance.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A neurotoxic regimen of methamphetamine (MA—40 mg/kg ip) administered at 0 (control—MA vehicle), 0.5 and 72 h prior to determinations of striatal dopamine (DA) and DOPAC (3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid)/DA ratios were compared among juvenile and adult female and male mice. Adult females and males showed similar depletions in striatal DA at 0.5 h post-MA, but males showed greater DA depletions and DOPAC/DA ratios at 72 h post-MA. Juvenile mice showed neither sex differences, nor any MA neurotoxicity upon striatal DA or DOPAC/DA ratios. Following MA, body temperatures increased in all mice, but increases in adult males were greater than adult females; juveniles showed no sex differences and body temperature increases were similar to that of adult males. MA-evoked DA output was greater in adult compared to juvenile males and a biologically effective regimen of testosterone to juvenile males neither increased MA-evoked DA output nor decreased MA-induced striatal DA like that observed in adult males. These results demonstrate: (1) Unlike adults, juvenile mice show neither a sex difference for MA-induced neurotoxicity or body temperature increases, nor MA neurotoxicity, (2) Initial effects of MA (0.5 h) in adult females and males are similar, but at 72 h post-MA females show no further striatal DA depletion, (3) Increased striatal DA depletion within adult versus juvenile males may be related to initially higher MA-evoked DA responses, and (4) Testosterone fails to convert juvenile males into adults with regard to MA effects.  相似文献   

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