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高小杰 《药物与人》2014,(8):264-264
随着医疗卫生事业的不断发展,传统医疗模式的转变,医患关系已经成为当前卫生医疗机构和社会舆论的焦点。高水平的医疗技术已经不能满足当代患者的诊疗要求,心理、情感的慰藉已经成为广大患者对医生的诊疗需求,从而予以医患关系新的诠释。同样,口腔诊疗中的紧张的医患关系也屡见不鲜。本文从患者、医务人员的角度分析口腔诊疗中医患沟通的现状、原因,提出简单的措施及方案,从而改善紧张的医患关系,减少医疗纠纷的发生,创造和谐的诊疗氛围。  相似文献   

医患沟通是改善医患关系的有效途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以病人为中心,实施医患沟通,是医院适应社会主义市场经济体制改革而形成的全新的服务模式和思维方式。随着现代科学技术的迅猛发展,医学正在以前所未有的速度,向着生物-心理-社会医学模式转变。以人为本的人性化服务得到越来越多的服务对象的拥戴。医患关系是医疗实践活动中最基本的人际关系,这一关系的协调与否直接影响着整个医疗卫生领域实践活动的展开与良性运转。良好的医患沟通是实现以病人为中心,减轻病人心身痛苦,创造最佳心身状态的需要,是促进医患间理解与支持,提高治疗效果的需要。  相似文献   

加强医患沟通意义分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
近年来,医患纠纷逐年增加,各种不良的医患关系正处于矛盾的激化点上。建立良好医患关系是保证医疗服务质量及消除医患矛盾的基础。而医患沟通是贯穿于整个医疗活动过程中并很大程度上决定医疗服务质量的特殊人际关系过程,它是建立良好医患关系的前提。为此,应大力倡导良好的医患沟通。努力提高沟通的技巧和水平。  相似文献   

重视沟通技巧改善医患关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着医学模式的转变,人们对于医疗活动中医患关系的改善愈加重视.本文对这种医患关系进行了探讨,强调了沟通在改善医患关系中的重要性,提出在医患沟通过程中要重视沟通技巧,注意语言使用的通俗性和医护人员本身的示范性.  相似文献   

医患关系是一种特殊的人际关系,从医疗角度讲,是以增强健康、消除疾病、减轻痛苦为目的,以医师为主体的层次不同、分工不同的医务人群和以病人为中心的患者人群之间的关系。医学模式从生物模式向生理——心理——社会医学模式的转变,医患之间逐渐形成了医学技术、医学心理、医学伦理、医学法律全方位的交流,人们开始日益注重医患这种特殊的关系。在医疗活动的整个过程中,医患沟通成为治疗患者疾病的重要辅助手段,因而成为医疗质量管理的重要组成部分。如何整体地认识和引导医务人员把医患沟通作为医疗质量管理的一部分,对促进医疗质量的提高,全面提升医院服务水平将起着举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

良好医患关系的基础——医患沟通   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
良好的医患关系是保证医疗服务高质量的基础,而医患沟通是建立良好医患关系的前提。文章从医患沟通的内涵、要素和艺术性等方面,阐述了医患沟通在医疗服务和融洽医患关系中的重要性和必要性。  相似文献   

浅谈医疗活动中的医患沟通与交流   总被引:38,自引:4,他引:38  
近年来 ,我院为了提高医疗护理品质、改善医患关系 ,实现“以关注病人为焦点、以满足病人最大需求为目标、以病人为中心”的服务模式 ,进行了“医患沟通”。通过加强医患沟通 ,使医患之间出现了相互理解的氛围 ,医患关系得到明显好转 ,从而使医疗工作得到保证 ,也保护了病人的根本利益。一、加强医患沟通的重要性[1 3](一 )增强医患间的理解 :医护人员是为自己的服务对象在特定的场所里提供自己的技术和专业知识的服务 ,这种服务占有主动性。而患者是因为自己的生命或健康问题需要得到医务人员提供医疗技术的专业服务及同情和理解。患者在就…  相似文献   

日常医疗服务过程中,医患关系紧张、医疗纠纷发生其中一个重要原因是医患之间缺乏沟通,没有建立融洽、互相信任的关系。加强医患沟通不仅可以减少医疗纠纷,缓解医患关系紧张,也对提高医院的声誉、促进医疗质量的提高有重要作用。本文主要从医患沟通的原则、技巧、方法等方面,阐述医患沟通的重要性。  相似文献   

以患者为中心,实施医患沟通,是医院适应社会主义市场经济改革而形成的全新的服务模式和思维方式。医学也迅猛地向着生物-心理-社会医学模式转变。以人为本的人性化服务越来越受到大家的拥戴。医患关系是一种平等信任、爱护尊重的以高尚道德情操为核心的服务与被服务的关系,是社会公共关系的一种。良好的医患关系应该是友谊、平等、相互尊重、和谐融洽的。建立良好的医患关系,不仅能使医生与患者相互沟通、信任。更大限度地提高服务质量,而且还能维护社会稳定,促进医德医风建设和社会主义精神文明建设,加快人类社会的进步与发展。  相似文献   

随着医疗市场的开放和医疗费用的逐年上涨,医疗机构所面临的市场竞争也日趋激烈,患者对医疗机构的选择也有了更大的空间。谁能为患者提供优质、高效、满意的医疗服务,赢得患者的信任和满意,谁就将成为最大的赢家,在激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟。因此,加强医患沟通,实施医患沟通制度,明确医患沟通的内容,并通过培训改变服务观念,为医患沟通制度的实施提供组织、人员、制度的保障,是改善医患关系,减少医患纠纷的有效措施。  相似文献   

Oral health needs are urgent in rural states. Creative, broad-based, and collaborative solutions can alleviate these needs. "Health commons" sites are enhanced, community-based, primary care safety net practices that include medical, behavioral, social, public, and oral health services. Successful intervention requires a comprehensive approach, including attention to enhancing dental service capacity, broadening the scope of the dental skills of locally available providers, expanding the pool of dental providers, creating new interdisciplinary teams in enhanced community-based sites, and developing more comprehensive oral health policy. By incorporating oral health services into the health commons primary care model, access for uninsured and underserved populations is increased. A coalition of motivated stakeholders includes community leaders, safety net providers, legislators, insurers, and medical, dental, and public health providers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Determining the magnitude of the burden of diseases and health disorders on the U.S. population is a high priority for health policy makers. Conditions such as malignant neoplasms and injuries from craniofacial trauma contribute to adverse oral health. This study estimates the number of cases of diseases and disorders relevant to oral health that are treated annually in the medical care, as opposed to the dental care, system and associated costs. Policy makers can use this cost model to compare the impact of different conditions, to target areas for reducing costs, and to allocate appropriate health resources. METHODS: Data from four national and two state data systems were used to estimate the number of cases of selected dental, oral, and craniofacial diseases and conditions treated in the medical system annually and associated medical and wage/household work loss costs. RESULTS: Per case, the most costly conditions were estimated to be malignant neoplasms at 83,080 US dollars annually (in 1999 dollars), diabetes-related oral conditions at 51,030 US dollars, endocarditis at 48,610 US dollars, and chlamydiae at 41,100 US dollars. Total estimated costs for oral conditions treated in the medical care system in 1996 were approximately 95.9 billion US dollars, including 21.4 billion US dollars in medical costs and 74.4 US dollars billion in wage/household work loss costs. CONCLUSIONS: Conditions treated outside the dental care system are major contributors to oral health costs. They should be an important focus for the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.  相似文献   

我军部队人员口腔医疗需要十年变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 :为了解我军部队人员口腔医疗需要情况 ,探索口腔疾病发病规律和口腔医疗保健现状。方法 :将部队人员口腔医疗需要情况按需要后送医疗的程度分为 4类 ,采用分层抽样方法设立调查点 ,对陆军、海军、空军部队调查点人员分别进行口腔健康检查 ,填写记录。结果 :1993年共调查人数为 12 95人 ,共有 76 .9%人需要按期后送口腔医疗 ,有 4 4 .4 %人需要及早后送口腔医疗 ,有 2 .0 %人需要紧急后送口腔医疗 ,有 7.4 %人不需要后送口腔医疗。2 0 0 3共调查人数为 12 6 9人 ,共有 4 8.6 %人需要按期后送口腔医疗 ,有 4 5 .6 %人需要及早后送口腔医疗 ,有 2 .1%人需要紧急后送口腔医疗 ,有 2 8.6 %人不需要后送口腔医疗。结论 :我军部队人员的口腔医疗需要十分普遍 ,目前应加强。改善口腔疾病医疗条件、加强口腔疾病预防工作、建立口腔疾病防治程序。  相似文献   

目的:探讨妊娠期女性口腔保健意识及行为,为加强妊娠期女性口腔保健工作提供依据。方法调研哈尔滨、长沙、上海三地妊娠期女性口腔保健意识及行为方式,并对调查结果进行分析。结果三地妊娠期女性口腔保健相关知识掌握情况尚可,对于龋病及牙周病相关问题的调研中,能够答对半数及以上的受访者分别占50.17%及46.79%。而三地妊娠期女性口腔保健行为习惯有待提高:仅有3.78%的妊娠期女性达到每日3次刷牙,13.29%的妊娠期女性每日使用1次以上的牙线,27.34%的妊娠期女性有漱口水使用习惯。三地牙周病相关知识掌握、刷牙、牙线使用和漱口水使用情况均有显著性差异(χ2值分别为12.010、18.311、9.975、9.828,均P<0.05)。结论妊娠期女性口腔保健工作至关重要,需要加强孕妇口腔教育,减轻口腔医疗负担,强化孕期女性口腔保健,提升女性妊娠期口腔健康情况。  相似文献   

In spite of the direct referral system and family-centered model of primary oral health care linking medical and dental care providers, most HIV-positive patients at the Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center received only emergency and episodic dental care between 1993 and 1998. To improve access to dental care for HIV/AIDS patients, a mobile program, called WE CARE, was developed and colocated in community-based organizations serving HIV-infected people. WE CARE provided preventive, early intervention, and comprehensive oral health services to minorities, low-income women and children, homeless youths, gays and lesbians, transgender individuals, and victims of past abuse. More efforts to colocate dental services with HIV/AIDS care at community-based organizations are urgently needed.  相似文献   

Good oral health in old age is particularly important for maintaining adequate oral function, preventing pain and discomfort, controlling localized or systemic inflammation, sustaining social interaction, and preserving quality of life. Given that oral health is an integral part of general health and well-being, and that major chronic systemic and oral diseases share common risk factors, oral health prevention and promotion should be embedded within routine medical assessment and care provision. The role of medical physicians, particularly primary care physicians, geriatricians, and elderly care physicians, in community and long-term care facilities in assessing and promoting oral health in frail older adults is critical and has been emphasized in recent European recommendations. All physicians should appreciate the importance of oral health and incorporate an initial oral health screening into routine medical assessment and care. A short interview with patients and carers on current oral health practices may help to assess the risk for rapid oral health deterioration. The interview should be followed by an oral health assessment, using validated tools, for nondental health care providers. Based on these findings, the physician should decide on necessary follow-up procedures, which may include oral health counseling and/or dental referral. Oral health counseling should include advice on daily oral, mucosal, and denture hygiene; denture maintenance; dietary advice; smoking cessation; limitation of harmful alcohol consumption; management of xerostomia; and frequent dental review. To enable physicians to perform the tasks recommended in this publication, appropriate teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels must be delivered in addition to provision of appropriate continuing education courses.  相似文献   

This study examines associations between parents' report of their children's oral health and receipt of a dental visit for preventive care. We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of oral health status and receipt of a preventive dental visit among US children and youth, ages 1-17 years, using data from the 2007 National Survey of Children's Health (n = 86,764). Survey-weighted logistic regression was used to estimate associations between perceived oral health status and receipt of a preventive dental health visit in the prior 12 months. Overall, 78 % of children and youth received at least one preventive dental health visit in the prior year. Among the youngest children, lower oral health status was associated with higher odds of receiving a preventive dental visit; among older children, lower oral health status was associated with lower odds of receiving a dental visit for preventive care. Use of preventive dental health care is below national target goals. Younger children in worse oral health are more likely, and older youth less likely, to receive preventive dental care. Public health efforts to educate parents to seek early and ongoing preventive oral health care, rather than services in response to problems, may yield oral health benefits later in childhood and over the life course.  相似文献   

The oral health needs of migrant farm laborers are greater and more immediate than those of comparable populations. However, little is known about the conditions of oral health care among German-speaking Mexican Mennonites, a distinctive cultural subgroup of migrant farm laborers. The purpose of this study was to examine the oral health practices, perceived oral health status, and barriers to obtaining dental care among a community of Low German-speaking Mexican Mennonites residing in Southwest Kansas. Interviews were conducted with a sample of 25 individuals, with questions addressing access/barriers to care, oral health practices, and perceived oral health status. The most frequently identified barriers to dental care were limited finances, lack of adequate health/dental insurance, and limited awareness of available dental services. Although the majority of participants reported experiencing no problems related to language or scheduling dental appointments, the results also indicated low utilization levels of oral care services. Findings suggest that: (1) this population is at-risk for periodontal disease, (2) culturally appropriate programs are needed for preventive oral care education, (3) community and statewide support may help improve access to affordable oral health care.  相似文献   

Academic dental education and dental services all over the country are hardly provided in less-developed countries. The main diseases in dentistry, caries and periodontitis, can cause severe health conditions after long periods of easy access to treatment. By then the level of social safety and economic survival of extended families can be seriously endangered. By training mid-level medical staff to become community oral health workers, acting as support personnel for basic dental care, acute oral health conditions can be treated early in time or be avoided, if preventive measures are already introduced in (pre) school days. This early sensitization to oral health can be transferred to the family setting and reach a broad population leading to further health promotion. Since 1995 eight oral health wards have been established with community oral health workers in rural areas of the Republic of The Gambia. The concept proved to be effective and can be recommended to other underprivileged areas.  相似文献   

军队医院要重视部队人员口腔医疗的需要   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:为了解我军部队人员口腔医疗的需要,探索口腔疾病发病规律和口腔医疗保健现状。方法:将部队人员口腔医疗需要情况按需要后送医疗的程度分为四类,分别进行口腔健康检查、填写记录。结果:共调查人数为1701人,共有83.3%人需要按期后送口腔医疗,有45.6%人需要及早后送口腔医疗,有1.7%人需要紧急后送口腔医疗,有7.4%人不需要任何后送口腔医疗。结论:我军部队人员的口腔医疗需要十分普遍,口腔医疗任务也十分的艰巨。并提出改善口腔疾病医疗条件、加强口腔疾病预防工作、建立口腔疾病防治程序等几点建议。  相似文献   

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