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Freezing of gait (FOG) is a disabling disorder that often affects Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients in advanced stages of the disease. To study structural gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) changes in PD patients with and without FOG, twenty-one PD patients with FOG (PD-FOG), 16 PD patients without FOG (PD-nFOG) and 19 healthy subjects (HS) underwent a standardized MRI protocol. For the gray matter evaluation, cortical volume (CV), cortical thickness (CTh), and surface area (SA) were analyzed using the FreeSurfer pipeline. For the white matter evaluation, DTI images were analyzed using tracts constrained by underlying anatomy (TRACULA) toolbox in FreeSurfer. PD-FOG patients exhibited lower CTh than HS in the mesial surface of both cerebral hemispheres, including the superior frontal gyrus, paracentral lobule, posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus and pericalcarine cortex, and in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Moreover, significant WM changes were observed in PD-FOG patients in comparison with HS in the superior longitudinal fasciculus, uncinate fasciculus, cingulum cingulate gyrus and inferior longitudinal fasciculus (prevalently in the right hemisphere) and in the frontal radiations of the corpus callosum. DTI abnormalities in specific WM bundles correlated significantly with cognitive measures. The damage of multiple cortical areas involved in high-level gait control together with WM disruption between motor, cognitive and limbic structures may represent the anatomical correlate of FOG.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between cardiorespiratory (CR) fitness and the brain’s white matter tract integrity using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in the Alzheimer’s disease (AD) population. We recruited older adults in the early stages of AD (n?=?37; CDR?=?0.5 and 1) and collected cross-sectional fitness and diffusion imaging data. We examined the association between CR fitness (peak oxygen consumption [VO2peak]) and fractional anisotropy (FA) in AD-related white matter tracts using two processing methodologies: a tract-of-interest approach and tract-based spatial statistic (TBSS). Subsequent diffusivity metrics (radial diffusivity [RD], mean diffusivity [MD], and axial diffusivity [A?×?D]) were also correlated with VO2peak. The tract-of-interest approach showed that higher VO2peak was associated with preserved white matter integrity as measured by increased FA in the right inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (p?=?0.035, r?=?0.36). We did not find a significant correlation using TBSS, though there was a trend for a positive association between white matter integrity and higher VO2peak measures (p?<?0.01 uncorrected). Our findings indicate that higher CR fitness levels in early AD participants may be related to preserved white matter integrity. However to draw stronger conclusions, further study on the relationship between fitness and white matter deterioration in AD is necessary.  相似文献   

BackgroundGray matter atrophy, an important biomarker for early Alzheimer’s disease, might be due to white matter changes within gray matter.MethodsTwenty older participants with significant memory decline over a 12-year period (T12) were matched to 20 nondeclining participants. All participants were magnetic resonance imaging scanned at T12. Cortical thickness and diffusion tensor imaging analyses were performed.ResultsLower cortical thickness values were associated with lower diffusion values in frontal and parietal gray matter areas. This association was only present in the memory decline group. The cortical thickness–diffusion tensor imaging correlations showed significant group differences in the posterior cingulate gyrus, precuneus, and superior frontal gyrus.ConclusionsDecreased gray matter diffusivity in the posterior cingulate/precuneus area might be a disease-specific process and a potential new biomarker for early Alzheimer’s disease. Future studies should validate its potential as a biomarker and focus on cellular changes underlying diffusivity changes in gray matter.  相似文献   

White matter hyperintensity (WMH) is commonly detected in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), but its role in cortical impairment is unclear. This study investigated the effects of WMH on gray matter (GM) volume in patients with AD. We consecutively enrolled 84 patients with AD and 35 normal controls, who underwent brain MRI and were then classified according to WMH grade, based on a combination of deep white matter hyperintensity (DWMH) and periventricular white matter hyperintensity (PVWMH). The volume changes in GM were observed using voxel-based morphometry. It was found that global GM volume decreased with increasing WMH. Regional atrophies were in the dorsolateral frontal lobes, orbitofrontal gyri and insula (false discovery rate [FDR], p < 0.01). After controlling for PVWMH, DWMH affected cortical atrophy in the frontal lobe, insula and precuneus (FDR, p < 0.05), but PVWMH did not. Thus, WMH in AD is associated with GM volume reduction, especially in the frontal lobe, and DWMH is independently related to cortical atrophy.  相似文献   

Summary. We examined the quantity and quality of G proteins in membrane preparations of post-mortem human brain, i.e. in parietal, temporal and occipital cortical regions, from normal subjects over age (17–89 years old) and with Alzheimers disease (AD) in comparison with aged-matched controls. In normal aging, the immunoreactivities determined of Gi, Gq and G were inversely correlated with age. The function of G proteins was examined by photoaffinity GTP analogue [azidoanilido GTP (AAGTP)] labelling. AAGTP labelling to Gs and Gi/o, and the ratio of Gs to Gi/o AAGTP labelling showed no age-dependent changes. In AD compared to age-matched controls, there were no significant differences in the levels of GsH, GsL, Gi, Go, Gq and G subunits. Functional effects of G proteins, however, as measured by AAGTP labelling to Gs, but not to Gi/o, was significantly decreased in AD compared to controls in the parietal and temporal cortex, but not in the occipital cortex. These results suggest that the disturbances of post-receptor trans-membrane signalling in AD can be attributed to functional changes of Gs, and these are independent of alterations in the level for those proteins in normal aging.  相似文献   

Considering the high incidence of depressive symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), we conducted a large-sample study to investigate the pattern of gray matter (GM) abnormalities that differentiates depressive from non-depressive AD patients. We included 201 AD patients who underwent MRI assessment and categorized them into depressive and non-depressive subgroups based on the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS; cut-off score: ≤9). We performed whole-brain voxel-based morphometry analysis in 173 patients after MRI quality control and used between-group comparisons and regression analysis models to analyze the volumetric data controlling for nuisance variables. Depressive AD patients had extensive GM volume loss mainly in the paracentral region, specifically in post- and pre-central gyrus, supplementary motor areas and thalamus compared to non-depressive patients. Similar findings were obtained for the group of 173 patients using regression analysis and GDS score as predictor variable. We provided the first clear demonstration of a unique pattern of GM atrophy that characterizes AD patients with depression which is consistent with regions implicated in the phenomenon of psychomotor retardation that characterizes depression.  相似文献   

To examine the neuroanatomical correlates of spatial and temporal disorientation in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), we performed an anterograde clinicopathological study of 29 patients with clinically and neuropathologically confirmed AD. Spatial and temporal disorientation was assessed using the locational orientation subtests of the Mini Mental State Examination and the Benton’s test for temporal orientation. Quantitative analysis of neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques were performed in the CA1 field of the hippocampus, layers II and V of the entorhinal cortex, and layers II–III and V–VI of areas 9, 7, 39, 19, 37, 20 and 23 in the right hemisphere. Forward stepwise logistic regression was used to assess the relationship between lesion densities and the presence of either spatial or temporal disorientation; severity scores and brain weight were included as covariants. A statistically significant relationship was found between neurofibrillary tangle densities in Brodmann’s areas 7, 23 and the CA1 field of hippocampus and both spatial and temporal disorientation. Senile plaque counts did not correlate with any of the neuropsychological parameters. Both temporal and spatial disorientation in AD are related to the degeneration of the same pathways linking the hippocampus with the superior parietal and posterior cingulate cortex in the right hemisphere. These observations are discussed with respect to the notion of global corticocortical disconnection in AD. Received: 30 August 1999 / Revised, accepted: 3 November 1999  相似文献   

Cortical and subcortical nuclei degenerate in the dementias, but less is known about changes in the white matter tracts that connect them. To better understand white matter changes in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) and early-onset Alzheimer’s disease (EOAD), we used a novel approach to extract full 3D profiles of fiber bundles from diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) and map white matter abnormalities onto detailed models of each pathway. The result is a spatially complex picture of tract-by-tract microstructural changes. Our atlas of tracts for each disease consists of 21 anatomically clustered and recognizable white matter tracts generated from whole-brain tractography in 20 patients with bvFTD, 23 with age-matched EOAD, and 33 healthy elderly controls. To analyze the landscape of white matter abnormalities, we used a point-wise tract correspondence method along the 3D profiles of the tracts and quantified the pathway disruptions using common diffusion metrics – fractional anisotropy, mean, radial, and axial diffusivity. We tested the hypothesis that bvFTD and EOAD are associated with preferential degeneration in specific neural networks. We mapped axonal tract damage that was best detected with mean and radial diffusivity metrics, supporting our network hypothesis, highly statistically significant and more sensitive than widely studied fractional anisotropy reductions. From white matter diffusivity, we identified abnormalities in bvFTD in all 21 tracts of interest but especially in the bilateral uncinate fasciculus, frontal callosum, anterior thalamic radiations, cingulum bundles and left superior longitudinal fasciculus. This network of white matter alterations extends beyond the most commonly studied tracts, showing greater white matter abnormalities in bvFTD versus controls and EOAD patients. In EOAD, network alterations involved more posterior white matter – the parietal sector of the corpus callosum and parahipoccampal cingulum bilaterally. Widespread but distinctive white matter alterations are a key feature of the pathophysiology of these two forms of dementia.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to document the topographical and cytopathological lesions in the white matter (WM) of Binswangers disease (BD) brains. Subcortical WM lesions in each lobe and fiber bundle lesions related to the medial thalamic and hippocampal structures in clinicopathologically proven BD brains were evaluated by Klüver-Barrera staining using a grading score. Lesions in the frontal subcortical WM of BD brains, brains from non-neurological patients, and brains with cerebral hemorrhage or large cortical infarcts were also examined immunohistochemically using molecular markers for axonal flow damage: amyloid precursor protein (APP); and for demyelinating axonopathy: encephalitogenic peptide (EP). Our results indicated that the WM lesions in BD were significantly more prominent in the frontal periventricular and subcortical regions as compared with other subcortical WM lesions, in the order of the parietal, occipital and temporal lobes. Fiber bundle lesions in the capsular genu, including the anterior thalamic peduncle, were also significantly more prominent in BD brains as compared with the other bundle lesions. Furthermore, the frequency of damaged nerve fibers labeled by the EP antiserum and APP immunoreactive fibers was significantly higher in BD brains as compared with the control brains. The grading scores for the WM damage correlated significantly with those for the APP and EP immunoreactive fibers in all brains, including the control brains. The axonal damage in the frontal WM lesions of the BD brains was clearly revealed in our study using immunohistochemistry for APP and EP.  相似文献   

Background and objective Contrary to what happens in adult–onset multiple sclerosis (MS), in a previous preliminary magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study we showed only subtle normal–appearing brain tissue changes in patients with earlyonset MS. Our objective was to evaluate the presence and extent of tissue damage in the brain normalappearing white matter (NAWM) and gray matter (GM) from a larger population of patients with earlyonset MS. Methods Using diffusion tensor (DT) and magnetization transfer (MT) MRI, we obtained DT and MT ratio (MTR) maps of the NAWM and GM from 23 patients with early–onset MS and 16 sex– and age–matched healthy volunteers. Results Compared with healthy volunteers, patients with early–onset MS had significantly increased average MD (p = 0.02) and FA peak height (p = 0.007) and decreased average FA (p <0.0001) of the NAWM.Brain dual–echo lesion load was significantly correlated with average FA (r = –0.48, p = 0.02) and with FA peak height (r = 0.45, p = 0.03) of the NAWM. No MTR and diffusion changes were detected in the GM. Conclusions This study confirms the paucity of the ‘occult’ brain tissue damage in patients with earlyonset MS. It also suggests that in these patients GM is spared by the disease process and that NAWM changes are likely to be secondary to Wallerian degeneration of fibers passing through macroscopic lesions.  相似文献   

Voxel-based morphometry is gaining considerable interest for studies examining Parkinson’s disease dementia patients.In this study,12 patients with clinically defined Parkinson’s disease and dementia and 12 non-demented patients with Parkinson’s disease were examined using a T1WI three-dimensional fast spoiled gradient echo sequence.Gray matter data were analyzed using a voxel-based morphometry method and independent sample t-test based on Statistical Parametric Mapping 5 software.Differences in gray matter volume were represented with statistical parametric mapping.Compared with Parkinson’s disease patients without dementia,decreased gray matter volume in Parkinson’s disease dementia patients was observed in the bilateral superior temporal gyrus,bilateral posterior cingulate and left cingulate gyrus,right parahippocampal gyrus and hippocampus,right precuneus and right cuneus,left inferior frontal gyrus and left insular lobe.No increased gray matter volume was apparent.These data indicate that gray matter atrophy in the limbic system and cerebral neocortex is related to the presence of dementia.  相似文献   

A review of recent animal models of Huntington’s disease showed many microRNAs had altered expression levels in the striatum and cerebral cortex,and which were mostly downregulated.Among the altered microRNAs were miR-9/9*,miR-29b,miR-124a,miR-132,miR-128,miR-139,miR-122,miR-138,miR-23b,miR-135b,miR-181(all downregulated)and miR-448(upregulated),and similar changes had been previously found in Huntington’s disease patients.In the animal cell studies,the altered microRNAs included miR-9,miR-9*,miR-135b,miR-222(all downregulated)and miR-214(upregulated).In the animal models,overexpression of miR-155 and miR-196a caused a decrease in mutant huntingtin mRNA and protein level,lowered the mutant huntingtin aggregates in striatum and cortex,and improved performance in behavioral tests.Improved performance in behavioral tests also occurred with overexpression of miR-132 and miR-124.In the animal cell models,overexpression of miR-22 increased the viability of rat primary cortical and striatal neurons infected with mutant huntingtin and decreased huntingtin-enriched foci of≥2μm.Also,overexpression of miR-22 enhanced the survival of rat primary striatal neurons treated with 3-nitropropionic acid.Exogenous expression of miR-214,miR-146a,miR-150,and miR-125b decreased endogenous expression of huntingtin mRNA and protein in HdhQ111/HdhQ111 cells.Further studies with animal models of Huntington’s disease are warranted to validate these findings and identify specific microRNAs whose overexpression inhibits the production of mutant huntingtin protein and other harmful processes and may provide a more effective means of treating Huntington’s disease in patients and slowing its progression.  相似文献   

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