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PURPOSE: We studied certain research questions, including the learning environments in which third year medical students perceive that they acquire urological knowledge and skills, and whether medical students interested in urology as a career have different perceived learning needs than those interested in other specialties. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A survey instrument was pilot tested and revised. The instrument elicited student perceptions of how they best learned urological diagnosis and skills. Student attitudes toward the third year urology rotation and career motivation toward urology were assessed. Consecutive students were surveyed after completing the third year urology rotation. RESULTS: Most students perceived that they learned to manage most urological problems by seeing patients in outpatient clinics and they learned to perform physical examination and urinalysis interpretation by seeing patients. The overall usefulness of various learning environments was highest for seeing patients in clinic, followed by resident teaching, following inpatients, independent reading, watching open surgery, formal conferences, watching endoscopic surgery and routine menial work. Students interested in urology as a career choice were equally motivated by seeing patients in clinic, the subject matter and seeing surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Third year medical students perceive that the most important urological learning environment is outpatient evaluation of patients. The urological learning needs of third year medical students are not different in those interested and not interested in urology as a career.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: A deficit of surgeons currently exists in the health care workforce. We have designed a study that identifies predictors of students choosing a career in surgery. First, we conducted two feasibility studies, and on the basis of these data, designed a third study for addressing our specific aims. The design and one-year results for the new study are provided here. METHODS: For the feasibility studies, students participating in the third-year surgery clerkship at our institution were asked to complete surveys using two different study designs. For the new study, which began in June 2005, students complete surveys covering domains of interest at the beginning of the clerkship and at weekly intervals throughout the clerkship, and will be providing match results. RESULTS: The feasibility studies offered insight into ways to improve our study design. In the first year of this multi-year study, 93 students participated (response rate = 77%). Forty-five students were women (48%), and the average age was 26.09 (sd 2.85). Proportion of students rating general surgery or a surgery subspecialty in their top three choices for a career increased over the course of the clerkship by 24.7% (n = 32, 34.4% at baseline; n = 55, 59.1% at end of clerkship). Seventy-one students (76.3%) reported having a meaningful experience on the clerkship, and 30 (32.3%) received honors grades. CONCLUSION: Our study design benefitted from the knowledge we gained from our feasibility studies. We look forward to achieving the necessary sample size in the next several years to report the final results of this study.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The traditional approach to the surgical clerkship has limitations, including variability of clinical exposure. To optimize student education we developed and introduced the core learning objectives curriculum, which is designed to allow students freedom to direct their learning and focus on core concepts. We performed a prospective, randomized, controlled study to compare the efficacy of core learning objectives vs traditional curricula through objective and subjective measures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Medical students were randomly assigned to the core learning objectives or traditional curricula during the 2-week urology clerkship. Faculty was blinded to student assignment. Upon rotation completion all students were given a 20-question multiple choice examination covering basic urology concepts. In addition, students completed a questionnaire addressing subjective clerkship satisfaction, comprising 15 questions. RESULTS: Between June 2005 and January 2007, 10 core learning objectives students and 10 traditional students completed the urology clerkship. The average +/- SEM multiple choice examination score was 12.1 +/- 0.87 and 9.8 +/- 0.59 for students assigned to the core learning objectives and traditional curricula, respectively (p <0.05). Subjective scores were higher in the core learning objectives cohort, although this result did not attain statistical significance (124.9 +/- 3.72 vs 114.3 +/- 4.96, p = 0.1). Core learning objectives students reported higher satisfaction in all 15 assessed subjective end points. CONCLUSIONS: Our experience suggests that the core learning objectives model may be an effective educational tool to help students achieve a broad and directed exposure to the core urological concepts.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Survey analyses of 50 years document a substantial decline in the formal urological education of United States medical students, resulting in repeated calls by urologists to reverse this trend. Has this trend continued during the last decade? If so, should we be concerned? We performed a national survey to provide an updated assessment of urological education at United States medical schools. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All 321 applicants to the 2003 to 2004 United States urology residency match and 527 applicants to a Boston area emergency medicine residency program in 2003 to 2004 from accredited United States medical schools were invited to participate in the study. On a validated, anonymous online survey, these students were asked 1) did their school offer a required and/or elective clinical rotation in urology, and 2) if so, what was its duration and in which year was it usually completed. RESULTS: Curricular data were obtained on 110 of 125 (88%) accredited United States medical schools. Of United States schools 17% (17.3%, SE 1.2%, 19 of 110) have required clinical rotations in urology; these required rotations are 1 to 2 weeks in duration and, in 79% of cases, conducted in year 3 of medical school. Those medical schools that require a clinical rotation in urology do not have a greater percentage of their students entering the urology match (Mann-Whitney U test p = 0.540). CONCLUSIONS: Formal urological education of United States medical students has continued to erode during the last decade, but the impact of this trend on student learning and career choice is not clear. Further research is required to determine whether these changes are of concern for the quality of applicants to urological training and for the future of urological care in the United States.  相似文献   



In 2000, the Liaison Committee on Medical Education required that all medical schools provide experiential training in end-of-life care. To adhere to this mandate and advance the professional development of medical students, experiential training in communication skills at the end-of-life was introduced into the third-year surgical clerkship curriculum at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine.

Materials and methods

In the 2007–08 academic year, 97 third-year medical students completed six standardized end-of-life care patient scenarios commonly encountered during the third-year surgical clerkship. Goals and objectives were outlined for each scenario, and attending surgeons graded student performances and provided formative feedback.


All 97 students, 57.7% female and average age 25.6 ± 2.04 y, had passing scores on the scenarios: (1) Adult Hospice, (2) Pediatric Hospice, (3) Do Not Resuscitate, (4) Dyspnea Management/Informed Consent, (5) Treatment Goals and Prognosis, and (6) Family Conference. Scenario scores did not differ by gender or age, but students completing the clerkship in the first half of the year scored higher on total score for the six scenarios (92.8% ± 4.8% versus 90.5% ± 5.0%, P = 0.024).


Early training in end-of-life communication is feasible during the surgical clerkship in the third-year of medical school. Of all the scenarios, “Conducting a Family Conference” proved to be the most challenging.  相似文献   

Background: Recent medical advances have led to an explosion in the use of day surgery, making traditional teaching untenable and necessitating a transfer of undergraduate teaching programmes into the day surgery setting. Concerns have been raised about the impact of teaching on efficiency and quality of care in this environment. Methods : Thirty-one final year medical students participated in a new teaching programme conducted in a dedicated day surgery unit in a major Australian public teaching hospital. Five commonly performed procedures were audited and analysed by a mixed model analysis of variance to determine whether students impacted significantly on operation time. Student performance was monitored using a logbook. Surgeons and nursing staff completed questionnaires about their perceptions of the impact of the programme on the overall efficiency of the day surgery unit. Results: Students had no significant effect on operation time for the procedures examined. Staff did not perceive that students had significantly detracted from the overall efficiency of the unit. An unexpected finding was the substantial contribution that students made to quality of patient care. Conclusions: A successful undergraduate medical teaching programme can be conducted in a day surgery setting without compromising efficiency and quality of care.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To date published efforts to assess and improve medical student learning in urology have been limited due to the lack of an assessment tool with which to measure student learning. We report the development of a validated measure of medical student learning in urology. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four core topics in clinical urology were selected as the focus of the test development, namely prostate cancer, screening with prostate specific antigen, benign prostatic hyperplasia and erectile dysfunction. Detailed curricula and multiple choice questions were created for each topic. Content validity of the curriculum and 28 item examination was established by a panel of 2 urologists and 2 medical physicians. Instrument reliability was determined by administering the test on line to third-year surgery students. Test construct validity was established through its administration to 19 urology residents and attending physicians. RESULTS: Reliability of the 28-item test instrument was measured by Cronbach's alpha at 0.76 and its 1-week test-retest reliability was 0.72. All urology experts performed well on the test. Mean urological expert scores were significantly higher than mean student post-test scores (24.9 +/- 2.1 vs 17.8 +/- 3.8, 2-tailed t test p <0.001). Urological experts with greater urological training had higher scores than those with less residency training. CONCLUSIONS: This study documents the development of a validated measure of medical student learning in urology. This validated instrument has the potential to improve educational quality control at medical schools and facilitate the development of effective, evidence based teaching methods.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Medical schools increasingly employ the standardized patient interaction (SPI) as a teaching and testing modality to prepare students for USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills (Step 2 CS). However, little is known about the perceptions medical students have toward SPIs. We hypothesized that the SPI would increase the self-confidence of surgery students in their history and physical examination (H&P) skills as compared with the classic lecture format and that students would perceive the SPI as a valuable learning tool. METHODS: Students (n = 126) on the junior surgery clerkship were randomized into two groups. Group A (n = 61) received a didactic lecture on acute appendicitis. Group B (n = 65) participated in an SPI in which the portrayed patient had acute appendicitis. Student perceptions were surveyed by written questionnaire pre- and postencounter using a 5-point Likert scale, with 5 being the most favorable rating. Data (perceptions, performances on the SPI, clerkship grades) were compared using a Student t test followed by the Mann-Whitney rank sums test. RESULTS: Group A "enjoyed" the lecture format more than group B "enjoyed" the SPI format (3.4 +/- 0.1 versus 2.6 +/- 0.1, P <.001) and perceived the lecture as having more value to their overall education (3.5 +/- 0.1 versus 2.6 +/- 0.1, P <.001) than the SPI group. Surprisingly, student self-confidence in their H&P skills increased after the didactic lecture (from 3.6 +/- 0.1 to 4.1 +/- 0.1, P = .001) but not after the SPI (from 3.6 +/- 0.1 to 3.8 +/- 0.1, P = not significant). CONCLUSIONS: The didactic lecture format was not only enjoyed and valued more than the SPI, but our surgery students also perceived it as superior to the SPI in building confidence in history and physical examination skills. These findings suggest that surgical educators should develop ways to improve students' perceptions and attitudes surrounding the surgical SPI.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine in which environment medical students learn clinical urology most effectively, we retrospectively reviewed a natural experiment in which medical students were randomly assigned to complete the 1-week rotation in clinical urology in an outpatient/clinic based or inpatient/operative setting. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Exit surveys were completed by 25 of the 39 medical students (64%) who had just completed the mandatory 1-week rotation in urology. Students were asked to record on a 5-point scale the amount learned in regard to 13 urological topics and skills, and to document the number of patient encounters experienced per topic and skill. RESULTS: Students randomized to the outpatient/clinic based setting tended to be 1) more likely to have exposure to a greater number and breadth of patients with common urological problems, 2) more likely to perform pertinent physical examination skills and 3) more likely to perceive that they learned more about a given curricular topic or skill. CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that the outpatient/clinic based setting may be a higher yield environment for medical students learning clinical urology compared with the inpatient/operative setting. The development of a validated means to assess actual student learning in clinical urology is needed to confirm these findings.  相似文献   



Concerns about international training experiences in medical school curricula include the effect on student learning. We studied the educational effect of an international elective integrated into a traditional third-year (M3) surgical clerkship.


A 1-week surgical elective in Haiti was available to M3 students during the conventional 8-week surgical clerkship each year for the 4 academic years 2008 to 2011. The authors collected student and surgeon perceptions of the elective using a mixed-methods web-based survey. Statistical analysis compared the academic performance of participating M3s relative to nonparticipating peers.


Twenty-eight (100%) students (41 trip weeks) and 3 (75%) surgeons responded. Twenty-five (89%) students believed the elective provided appropriate clinical training. Surgeon responses were consistent with students' reported perceptions.Strengths included unique clinical experiences and close interactions with faculty. Criticisms included recurring overwhelming clinical responsibilities and lack of local provider involvement.Academic performance of participants versus nonparticipants in the same clerkship term were statistically insignificant.


This study demonstrates the feasibility of integrating global health experiences into traditional medical student clinical curricula. The effects on less tangible attributes such as leadership skills, fostering teamwork, and cultural competency require future investigation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Medical schools increasingly are incorporating the standardized patient (SP) interaction as a teaching and testing modality to prepare students for United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 2 Clinical Skills. Although SP interactions provide a safe environment in which to practice clinical skills, little is known about medical students' perceptions of the instructional SP interaction in comparison with the classic didactic lecture. We hypothesized that students would enjoy and value an instructional SP interaction more than a didactic lecture, and that this perception would be enhanced if the lecture immediately preceded the instructional SP interaction. METHODS: Students on the junior surgery clerkship from January to December 2004 were randomized into 2 groups. Group A (n = 71) received an hour-long didactic lecture about peripheral vascular disease followed by a 20-minute instructional SP interaction in which the SP portrayed a patient with lower-extremity claudication. Group B (n = 72) received the SP interaction first, followed by the lecture. All students received an identical quiz about peripheral vascular disease after the second educational encounter, whether the SP interaction or the lecture. Student perceptions were surveyed by written questionnaire before and after the session by using a 5-point Likert scale, with 5 being the most favorable rating. Data (perceptions, performances on the quiz and the SP interaction, clerkship grades) were compared using the Student t test or the Mann-Whitney rank sums test. RESULTS: Although all students on average enjoyed and valued the lecture more than the SP interaction (P <.001), group A students enjoyed the SP interaction more than group B (3.3 +/- .9 vs. 2.8 +/- 1.0, P = .008), and they perceived the SP interaction as having more value to their overall education (3.3 +/- 1.0 vs. 2.8 +/- 1.0, P = .004). Group A students performed statistically better on the physical examination (66% +/- 19% vs. 40% +/- 16%, P <.001) and communication portions (90% +/- 11% vs. 79% +/- 12%, P <.001) of the SP checklist than group B, but not on the history portion. Student confidence in their own history and physical examination skills increased similarly for both groups. CONCLUSIONS: The classic lecture format not only is enjoyed and valued as a learning tool more by our surgical clerkship students than the instructional SP interaction, but having a lecture just before an SP interaction increased perceived enjoyment and value of the SP interaction and enhanced performance on the SP checklist. These data suggest that educators can improve student perceptions and attitudes surrounding the instructional SP interaction by using strategically timed lectures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The passing score for the National Board of Medical Examiner's Surgery Subject Examination (NBME-SS) was raised at an urban academic medical school, resulting in a doubling of the number of students failing their surgical clerkship. We hypothesized that at-risk students could be accurately identified and offered an intense tutorial program to enhance success on their exam. METHODS: Preclinical academic records for the graduating class of 2006 were obtained and included gender, ethnicity, preclinical grades, and preclinical NBME's exams, MCAT, and USMLE scores. Simple and multiple linear regression analyses were used to identify correlates with the surgery shelf exam scores and data from the class of 2007 were used for validation. RESULTS: Data were collected on 194 students. On univariate analysis, MCAT, USMLE, and all individual preclinical NBME scores were positively correlated with the NBME-SS (P<0.05). Variables that remained predictive using multiple linear regression were scores on the pathology and physical diagnosis exams (model r(2)=0.48). The single strongest predictor of failure was performance on the pathology shelf exam (ROC area was 0.85 with P<0.0001), which also held true for the class of 2007. CONCLUSIONS: There is a strong correlation between poor performance on the third-year NBME-SS and the second-year pathology NBME scores. The reason for this correlation is unclear but may be related to the integrative thinking and clinical application skills requisite for surgical decision-making first required by preclinical students during their pathology course. Whether efforts to assist medical students with this skill set will be effective warrants further study.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: After the development and implementation of a novel urology curriculum for medical students we evaluated urological learning by medical students using a validated measure of learning in the 4 clinical areas of benign prostatic hyperplasia, erectile dysfunction, prostate cancer and prostate specific antigen screening. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Third year medical students completed an online validated pre-test and post-test immediately before and after the mandatory 1-week clinical rotation in urology. Online pre-surveys and post-surveys were also administered. Overall student participation was 90% (37 of 41) with 63% of students (26 of 41) completing all 4 tests and surveys. RESULTS: Student overall test scores improved significantly upon completion of the 1-week clinical rotation in urology (p <0.001). A trend toward increased learning by male students was identified (p = 0.07). Significant variation in exposure to outpatient clinics and in the performance of physical examination skills was observed among the different teaching sites. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates significant learning by medical students during their 1-week clinical rotation in urology. Further data are needed to confirm the trend toward increased learning by males and elucidate its etiology. Scheduling changes have been implemented to address the inconsistencies across clinical sites.  相似文献   

Background: Surgical clerkships facilitate development of knowledge and competency, but their structure and content vary. Establishment of new medical schools and raising student numbers are new challenges to the provision of standardized surgical teaching across Australasian medical schools. A survey was conducted to investigate how Australian and New Zealand medical schools structure their general surgery clerkships. Methods: Between April and August 2009, a 30‐item web‐based survey was electronically sent to academic and administrative staff members of 22 Australian and New Zealand medical schools. Results: Eighteen surveys were returned by 16 medical schools, summarizing 20 clerkships. Ten schools utilize five or more different clinical teaching sites for general surgery clerkships and these include urban and rural hospitals from both public and private health sectors. Student teaching and assessment methods are similar between clerkships and standardized across clinical sites during 10 and 16 of the clerkships, respectively. Only eight of the surveyed clerkships use centralized assessments to evaluate student learning outcomes across different clinical sites. Four clerkships do not routinely use direct observational student assessments. Conclusions: Australian and New Zealand medical schools commonly assign students to multiple diverse clinical sites during general surgery clerkships and they vary in their approaches to standardizing curriculum delivery and student assessment across these sites. Differences in student learning are likely to exist and deficiencies in clinical ability may go undetected. This should be a focus for future improvement.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Medical student training in clinical breast examination is deficient at most medical schools. The use of silicone breast models may allow the education of abnormal and normal findings. This study examines the efficacy of silicone breast models to educate medical students in clinical breast examinations during their third-year surgical rotation. METHODS: Medical students were randomly selected to participate in formalized training sessions in clinical breast examination or as a control group. Presession and postsession testing with silicone breast models were performed. True positives (masses that were present and documented by the student) and false positives (masses that were not present but were documented by the student) were recorded. RESULTS: Medical students undergoing the training sessions demonstrated improved true positive scores (2.2 to 2.8; P <0.05) as well as improved false positive scores (3.0 to 2.0; P = 0.30) and total scores (-0.8 to 0.8; P = 0.07). Students who documented an increase in the number of breast examinations during their rotations had statistically lower false positive scores. CONCLUSIONS: Students after formalized clinical breast examination sessions do improve their ability to detect breast masses, although they continue to detect masses that are not present. Experience of actual breast examinations during their surgical rotations may refine their clinical skills.  相似文献   



Medical students desire to become proficient in surgical techniques and believe their acquisition is important. However, the operating room is a challenging learning environment. Small group procedural workshops can improve confidence, participation, and performance. The use of fresh animal tissues has been rated highly among students and improves their surgical technique. Greater exposure to surgical procedures and staff could positively influence students' interest in surgical careers. We hypothesized that a porcine “wet lab” course for third year medical students would improve their surgical skills.


Two skills labs were conducted for third year medical students during surgery clerkships in the fall of 2011. The students' surgical skills were first evaluated in the operating room across nine dimensions. Next, the students performed the following procedures during the skills lab: (1) laparotomy; (2) small bowel resection; (3) splenectomy; (4) partial hepatectomy; (5) cholecystectomy; (6) interrupted abdominal wall closure; (7) running abdominal wall closure; and (8) skin closure. After the skills lab, the students were re-evaluated in the operating room across the same nine dimensions. Student feedback was also recorded. Fifty-one participants provided pre- and post-lab data for use in the final analysis.


The mean scores for all nine surgical skills improved significantly after participation in the skills lab (P ≤ 0.002). Cumulative post-test scores also showed significant improvement (P = 0.002). Finally, the student feedback was largely positive.


The surgical skills of third year medical students improved significantly after participation in a porcine wet lab, and the students rated the experience as highly educational. Integration into the surgery clerkship curriculum would promote surgical skill proficiency and could elicit interest in surgical careers.  相似文献   

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