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目的 探讨生酮饮食治疗(Ketogenic diet treatment,KDT)对儿童发育性癫痫性脑病Dravet综合征(Dravet syndrome,DS)快速进展期的临床疗效及安全性。方法 回顾性分析2011年—2021年于复旦大学附属儿科医院进行KDT的所有患儿的临床资料,<6岁作为疾病快速进展期的判断标准,对符合标准的DS患者进行临床特点、基因检测结果及KDT疗效和安全性分析。结果 32例患者符合疾病快速进展期标准,其中男22例、女10例。起病平均年龄为(5.69±2.10)月龄。所有患者具有多种发作表型,合理抗癫痫发作药物治疗下仍每月发作。KDT保留率3、6、12、≥24个月分别为93.8%(30/32)、87.5%(28/32)、53.1%(17/32)、34.4%(11/32)。KDT有效率3、6、12、≥24个月分别为76.7%(23/30)、75.0%(21/28)、70.6%(12/17)、54.5%(6/11)。KDT后癫痫持续状态(Status epilepticus,SE) 3个月减少100%、6个月减少71%、 12个月减少86%。KDT 12个月...  相似文献   

目的观察全面性癫痫伴热性惊厥附加症家系(GEFS+)的临床表型,并分析有无钠通道α1亚单位基因(SCN1A)突变。方法收集先证者及家系成员临床资料及外周血,提取基因组DNA,设计引物,进行PCR扩增,琼脂糖凝胶电泳,选取符合条件的PCR产物进行双向测序。结果该家系临床表型包括热性惊厥(FS)、热性惊厥附加症(FS+)伴失神发作,通过PCR对所有SCN1A的所有外显子进行扩增,所有患者和50例正常对照的测序结果与基因组序列相对比,均未发现碱基改变。结论全面性癫痫伴热性惊厥附加症是一种复杂综合征,具有表型异质性,在本家系中未发现SCN1A基因的突变,表明GEFS+具有遗传异质性。  相似文献   

目的探讨中国帕金森病患者中OGCP基因的突变特点。方法应用聚合酶链反应(PCR)结合变性高效液相色谱检测(Denaturing High Performance Liquid Chromatography,DHPLC)方法,对125例帕金森病患者以及200名正常对照者进行OGCP基因突变分析。结果帕金森病患者及正常对照者均未发现OGCP基因的突变及多态。结论中国帕金森病患者中OGCCP基因的突变及多态可能罕见。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肌阵挛-站立不能性癫痫(MAE)的临床特点、药物疗效及可能的分子遗传学机制.方法 根据2001年国际抗癫痫联盟癫痫综合征分类标准对自2006年至2008年在广州医学院第二附属医院神经内科就诊的MAE患者进行诊断,收集患者的临床资料及外周血DNA,采用高效液相色谱分析和直接测序法对电压门控性钠通道α1亚基(5CN1A)基因突变进行筛查,并对其临床治疗情况随访1年以上.结果 共收集10例MAE患者,其中散发8例,有热性惊厥或癫痫家族史者2例;起病年龄介于5~39个月间;有多种全面性发作形式;2例曾出现癫痫持续状态;起病后精神发育迟滞者7例.对其中8例患者进行SCN1A基因突变筛查,均未发现突变.丙戊酸、氯硝安定和左乙拉西坦疗效最好,部分患者托吡酯和拉莫三嗪治疗亦有效.结论 MAE是少见的癫痫综合征,分子遗传学机制不明,丙戊酸、氯硝安定和左乙拉西坦治疗有效,但预后较差.  相似文献   

家族性低钾型周期性麻痹的基因突变与临床特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的筛查家族性低钾型周期性麻痹相关基因突变位点,总结该病基因型和临床表型的相关性.方法应用聚合酶链反应(PCR)和DNA测序技术,对14个家族性低钾型周期性麻痹家系中的14例先证者进行候选基因CACNA1S、SCN4A、KCNE3的筛查,阳性者再对其家系中其他患者和健康亲属进行测序分析.结果14个家系中有3个家系其先证者存在已知的低钾型周期性麻痹相关突变(1个家系发生CACNA1S基因R1239H突变,2个家系发生SCN4A基因的R672H突变).进一步对3个突变家系中4例其他患者和34名健康亲属测序分析发现,R1239H突变为完全外显率,R672H突变为不全外显率.同时还发现2种突变在发病年龄和乙酰唑胺的疗效等方面存在差异.结论中国低钾型周期性麻痹患者存在CACNA1S基因R1239H和SCN4A基因的R672H突变,2种突变的临床表型存在差异.  相似文献   

变性高效液相色谱在检测肝豆状核变性基因突变中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 建立变性高效液相色谱 (denaturinghighperformanceliquidchromatography,DHPLC)技术检测肝豆状核变性 (WD)基因第 8外显子突变。方法 利用聚合酶链式反应 (PCR)扩增WD基因第 8外显子片段 ,扩增产物直接进行DHPLC分析 ;对峰型有改变的样品经测序分析确认突变。结果 在 5 1例WD先证者中共发现两种错义突变 (Arg778Leu和Arg778Gln)、一种插入突变 (Ins2 30 2C)和一种多态性位点 (C2 310G)。其中 12例先证者带有Arg778Leu杂合错义突变 ,3例为Arg778Leu纯合错义突变 ,1例为Arg778Gln杂合错义突变 ,1例为杂合 2 30 2C插入突变。多态位点C2 310G与Arg778Leu突变完全连锁。结论 WD基因第 8外显子阳性检出率为 33 3% (17/ 5 1) ,说明DHPLC技术是一种可用于临床WD基因诊断的高效、灵敏和操作简便的方法  相似文献   

目的分析CHRNB1基因突变所致先天性肌无力综合征的临床表现、电生理及基因特点,提高对此病的诊断及鉴别诊断能力。方法观察2019年2月就诊于空军军医大学唐都医院的CHRNB1基因突变所致先天性肌无力综合征一家系先证者的临床特点、实验室检查,对其进行电生理检查及高通量全外显子测序,并对治疗反应及预后进行评估。结果先证者为16岁女性,4岁时出现双眼睑下垂,12岁时出现四肢无力。父亲有类似病史,母亲及一弟正常。心肌酶谱、甲状腺功能正常;重症肌无力抗体检测均为阴性;新斯的明试验阴性。双侧腋神经重复电刺激可见低频递减,针极肌电图未见肌源性损害。头颅磁共振成像、胸部CT检查结果大致正常。高通量全外显子测序:先证者CHRNB1基因8号外显子区域存在1个父源单杂合突变:c.865G>A(NM_000747)。予以氟西汀60 mg/d治疗,随访1年时四肢无力明显改善,眼睑下垂轻度改善。结论CHRNB1基因突变所致慢通道先天性肌无力综合征患者临床及电生理表现与获得性自身免疫性重症肌无力相似,极易误诊,高通量全外显子测序可明确诊断。  相似文献   

家族性高钾型周期性麻痹的SCN4A基因突变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 筛查1个高钾型周期性麻痹(hyperkalemicperiodicparalysis, hyperKPP)家系的SCN4A基因,明确该病与SCN4A基因的关系。方法 总结1个hyperKPP家系中7例患者的临床特点,应用变性液相色谱(denaturinghighperformanceliquidchromatography,DHPLC)技术筛查SCN4A基因全部24个外显子,对发现异常洗脱峰者进行连锁分析并测序。结果 该家系具有典型hyperKPP临床特征,但无肌强直。先证者经DHPLC筛查发现在外显子13、23及24存在杂合二倍体。测序及连锁分析证实位于外显子13的碱基替换引起氨基酸序列改变(Thr704Met);外显子23的碱基替换虽引起氨基酸序列改变(Asp1376Asn)与疾病连锁,但进一步研究显示其为一良性多态;外显子24的碱基替换为同义突变。结论 该家族性hyperKPP与SCN4A基因相关,并由最常见的突变Thr704Met引起。  相似文献   

正常血钾型周期性麻痹SCN4A基因新突变的检测   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 报道正常血钾型周期性麻痹 (normoPP)一家系的临床特点 ,并筛查SCN4A基因以期发现有义突变。方法 提取知情同意的患者及部分家属外周血基因组DNA ,应用变性高效液相色谱分析 (DHPLC)技术筛查患者SCN4A基因全部 2 4个外显子 ,对发现异常者进行测序分析。结果先证者常规实验室检查未见异常 ,发作期肌酸激酶 (CK) 112 6U/L(正常值 <2 0 0U/L) ,肌电图正常。发作间期行肌肉活检未见显著异常。基因研究发现先证者及其父亲 (患者 )SCN4A基因发生同一新突变G2 10 1A ,并引起氨基酸序列改变Arg6 75Gln。该突变不同于目前发现的明确导致高钾型周期性麻痹(hyperPP)的突变 ,也不同于已知的SCN4A基因所有突变。结论 normoPP患者存在一新突变Arg6 75Gln ,该突变可能与疾病相关。  相似文献   

PurposeTo review our cohort of patients with Dravet syndrome and determine if patients with SCN1A mutations can also express mitochondrial disease due to electron transport chain dysfunction.MethodsA retrospective chart review was used to describe clinical manifestations and retrieve biochemical testing, neuroimaging, gene sequencing, and electroencephalographic results of patients expressing both mitochondrial disease and Dravet syndrome.ResultsTwo children were found to have pathological mutations in the SCN1A gene and defects in mitochondrial electron transport chain complex activity. Both developed early febrile and medically intractable afebrile seizures with resulting neurocognitive decline. In the first patient, a muscle biopsy demonstrated complex IV dysfunction and in the second patient, complex III dysfunction. Patient 1 had more difficult to control seizures, and had features consistent with severe autism. Patient 2, who had earlier control and less severe seizures, did not have features of autism. Patient 1 had SCN1A missense mutation, c. 3734 G > A and patient 2 had a mutation, c. 3733 C > T, which produces a truncation mutation.ConclusionOur two patients underscore the need to rule out possible co-morbid mitochondrial disease and Dravet syndrome. The treatment of seizures for each is different, with valproic acid being first line treatment in Dravet syndrome and contraindicated in many mitochondrial diseases, due to possible induction of liver failure and death. Failure to pursue complete diagnostic evaluation might influence medication choice, possible seizure control, and developmental outcomes.  相似文献   

Purpose: Dravet syndrome (DS) is an aggressive epileptic encephalopathy. Pharmacoresistant seizures of several types plague most patients with DS throughout their lives. Gait difficulties are a common, but inconsistent finding. The majority of cases are caused by mutations in the SCN1A gene, but little information is available about how particular mutations influence the adult phenotype. The purpose of this study is to correlate different types of SCN1A mutations and (1) seizure control, (2) occurrence of convulsive status epilepticus (cSE), and (3) the presence of crouch gait in adult patients. Methods: In a cohort of 10 adult patients with DS caused by SCN1A mutations, we investigated seizure frequency, history of cSE, and gait. All patients were identified in the epilepsy clinic between 2009 and 2011. SCN1A mutations were divided into four different groups based on location or effect of the mutation. Retrospective chart review and recent physical examination were completed in all cases. Key Findings: All patients had a pathogenic mutation in the SCN1A gene. Four SCN1A mutations have not been described previously. Greater than 90% seizure reduction was observed (compared to childhood frequency) in six of seven patients with missense mutations in the pore‐forming region (PFR) of the Nav1.1 protein (group A) and nonsense mutations (group B). One patient with a splice‐site mutation (group C) and another with a mutation outside the PFR (group D) became free of all types of seizures. cSE after the age of 19 years was observed in only one patient. Crouch gait, without spasticity, is identified as an element of the adult DS phenotype. However, only one half of our adult DS cohort demonstrated crouch gait. This feature was observed in five of seven patients from groups A and B. Significance: This study shows that seizure control improves and cSE become less frequent in DS as patients age, independent of their SCN1A mutation type. Complete seizure freedom was seen in two patients (groups C and D). Finally, this study shows that in DS, crouch gait can be observed in up to 50% of adults with SCN1A mutation. Although no definite statistical correlations could be made due to the small number of patients, it is interesting to note that crouch gait was observed only in those patients with nonsense mutations or mutations in the PFR. Future studies with larger cohorts will be required to formally assess an association of gait abnormalities with particular SCN1A mutations.  相似文献   

We report a retrospective analysis of bromide therapy in 32 patients suffering from Dravet syndrome with SCN1A-mutations who received bromide. After 3 months of bromide treatment, 26 patients (81%) showed a relevant improvement with a reduction of seizure frequency by >50% (>75%) in 18 (12) patients (56 and 37%, respectively). After 12 months, we observed a reduction of >50% (>75%) in 15 (9) patients (47 and 28%, respectively). Long-term response was noted in 18 patients (56%). Adverse reactions were mainly mild or moderate leading to treatment termination in 5/32 patients; no aggravation was reported. We conclude that bromide holds promise in patients with SCN1A-mutations suffering from Dravet syndrome.  相似文献   

Dravet syndrome and its mimics: Beyond SCN1A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文



We investigated how two distinct mutations in SCN1A differentially affect electrophysiological properties of the patient-derived GABAergic neurons and clinical severities in two Dravet syndrome (DS) patients.

Materials and Methods

We established induced pluripotent stem cells from two DS patients with different mutations in SCN1A and subsequently differentiated them into forebrain GABAergic neurons. Functionality of differentiated GABAergic neurons was examined by electrophysiological recordings.


DS-1 patient had a missense mutation, c.4261G?>?T [GenBank: NM_006920.4] and DS-2 patient had a nonsense frameshift mutation, c.3576_3580 del TCAAA [GenBank: NM_006920.4]. Clinically, contrary to our expectations, DS-1 patient had more severe symptoms including frequency of seizure episodes and the extent of intellectual ability penetration than DS-2 patient. Electrophysiologic recordings showed significantly lower sodium current density and reduced action potential frequency at strong current injection (>60?pA) in GABAergic neurons derived from both. Intriguingly, unique genetic alterations of SCN1A differentially impacted electrophysiological impairment of the neurons, and the impairment’s extent corresponded with the symptomatic severity of the donor from which the iPSCs were derived.


Our results suggest the possibility that patient-derived iPSCs may provide a reliable in vitro system that reflects clinical severities in individuals with DS.  相似文献   

A boy with a clinical history of pharmacologically resistant Dravet syndrome died suddenly after falling asleep. The autopsy concluded that the cause of death was sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). Postmortem molecular analysis of the SCN1A gene by multiplex ligation‐dependent probe amplification (MLPA), high‐resolution melting curve analysis (HRMCA), and sequencing revealed a frameshift duplication of adenosine at position 504. The incidence of this mutation is discussed as a potential cause of SUDEP.  相似文献   

Some studies have demonstrated that cognitive decline occurs in Dravet syndrome, starting shortly after the onset of seizures, rapidly progressing and then plateauing within a few years. It is unclear whether children that develop the syndrome had entirely normal cognitive skills before seizure onset, since subtle impairment easily escapes recognition in small infants. It is also difficult to demonstrate whether a recognisable profile of cognitive impairment or a definite behavioural phenotype exists. No clear-cut imaging or neuropathological marker or substrate has been recognised for cognitive impairment in this syndrome. However, there are different potentially causative factors, including the specific effects on the Nav1.1 channels caused by the underlying genic or genomic defect; frequent and prolonged convulsive and non-convulsive seizures or status epilepticus; recurrent subtle ictal phenomena, such as that accompanying pronounced visual sensitivity; the use of antiepileptic drugs with cognitive side effects, especially in heavy multiple-drug therapy; and the restrictions that children with severe epilepsy inevitably undergo.  相似文献   

Dravet syndrome (DS) is a childhood disorder associated with loss-of-function mutations in SCN1A and is characterized by frequent seizures and severe cognitive impairment. Animal studies have revealed new insights into the mechanisms by which mutations in this gene, encoding the type I voltage-gated sodium channel (Na(v)1.1), may lead to seizure activity and cognitive dysfunction. In this review, we further consider the function of fast-spiking GABAergic neurons, one cell type particularly affected by these mutations, in the context of the temporal coordination of neural activity subserving cognitive functions. We hypothesize that disruptions in GABAergic firing may directly contribute to the poor cognitive outcomes in children with DS, and discuss the therapeutic implications of this possibility.  相似文献   



SCN1A is the gene that codes for the neuronal voltage-gated sodium-channel alpha-subunit 1. It is generally considered that an SCN1A truncating mutation causes the severe phenotype of Dravet syndrome.


We describe 11- and 4-year-old male patients presenting with mild Dravet syndrome with a truncating mutation of SCN1A. The former patient showed moderate mental retardation; however, seizure was controlled to almost one incident a year by levetiracetam and topiramate. Carbamazepine was also effective, which is atypical of Dravet syndrome. The latter patient showed a borderline developmental quotient and did not have episodes of afebrile seizure.


Two patients presented with mild Dravet syndrome, even though they had a truncating mutation of SCN1A. Not all truncating mutations of SCN1A cause the severe phenotype of Dravet syndrome.  相似文献   

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