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目的调查临沂市城区和农村医养结合机构中老年人接受养老、就医服务的现状,对比分析城乡差异。方法随机抽取山东省临沂市城区和农村医养结合机构各1个,采用自制调查问卷对机构中171例老年人的个人基本情况、身体健康状况、养老就医服务需求现状进行调查分析。结果本次调查的171例老年人,以女性(57.9%)、80岁及以上(43.3%)、丧偶/离异(58.5%)、文盲(71.3%)、农民(80.1%)、月收入1000~2900元者(46.8%)为主。绝大部分老年人都患有慢性疾病(76.6%),在承受重大疾病方面存在一定困难(80.1%)。基本情况比较,农村的医养结合机构的老年人年龄相对较小、女性较多、文化程度较低、农民为主、收入方面两极分化严重(P均<0.05);城区医养结合机构的老年人独居者较多(P<0.05)。身体健康状况比较,城区医养结合机构的老年人对自身健康状况评价一般或较差,而农村医养结合机构的老年人普遍认为自己健康水平一般(P<0.05)。养老就医服务需求方面比较,农村医养结合机构的老年人就医更偏向于选择一级医院、承受重大疾病能力更差、医保类型更倚重居民医保、医保结合付费更低、获得家人支持的比例更低、照料来源更倾向于配偶和子女(P均<0.05)。结论山东省临沂市城区和农村医养结合机构中绝大部分老年人都患有慢性疾病,在承受重大疾病方面存在一定困难。农村的老年人承受重大疾病能力更差、获得家人支持更低、收入方面存在两极分化,各地发展养老服务时应统筹城乡差异,注重城乡一体、服务共享、分类指导、统筹建设,从而满足老年人的养老需求。 相似文献
石家庄地区城乡老年人久病卧床的调查 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目的久病卧床是老年人慢性病和伤残后的严重后果,本研究拟通过社区调查了解石家庄市老年人久病卧床患病率。方法于1993~1994年应用家访问卷方法调查了石家庄市城乡60岁及以上老年人35545人和45~59岁老年前期者41355人。结果老年人患病率1.2%,老年前期者0.6%;城市1.0%,农村0.4%,城市老年女性最高(2.3%)。久病卧床3年以上者58.1%。病因以脑卒中最多,达55.1%;卧床患者社会交往都有一定程度受限,96.6%有专人陪护。结论对老年人久病卧床应加以重视,加强防治 相似文献
The purposes of this study were to examine the relationships among age, social class, perceived health, self-care, and well-being in urban and rural elderly women and to validate and compare two models using these two groups. A causal model of self-care and well-being was proposed for this study based on Orem's self-care model and empirical data. Data were collected using a survey-interview method. Of the 351 elderly women recruited, 159 were in the urban group and 192 in the rural group. Two models of self-care and well-being were tested using path analysis with the LISREL 8 program. The resultant models yielded a Chi-squared of 1.98 with two degrees of freedom (p = 0.37) in the urban group and a Chi-squared of 4.20 with three degrees of freedom (p = 0.24) in the rural group, indicating good fit between the data and the two models. These two models provide guidelines for community nurses to design appropriate self-care programs for elderly women. 相似文献
目的探讨广西壮族、瑶族、苗族、侗族、京族、回族、仫佬族、毛南族和水族9个少数民族和汉族农村老年人社会支持现状及其影响因素。方法采用社会支持评定量表(SSRS)进行横断面入户调查。结果调查对象社会支持总分为(30.74±7.04)分;不同民族老年人社会支持总分、主观支持、客观支持及对支持的利用得分差异显著(P<0.05);被试者社会支持的主要来源为配偶、子女、兄弟姐妹等;多元逐步回归分析提示,年龄、文化程度、宗教信仰、人均年收入、住房类型、慢性病情况、住院情况等变量对广西少数民族农村老年人社会支持有显著影响。结论广西不同少数民族地区农村老年人的社会支持状况存在不同,且表现为不同民族具有不同社会支持维度的特征,应引起社会的关注。 相似文献
辽宁省大中城市及郊区老年人支气管哮喘患病率调查 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的 调查辽宁省大、中城市及其郊区老年人支气管哮喘 (哮喘 )的患病情况 ,为老年人哮喘的防治提供依据。 方法 以分层整群不等比随机抽样对照方法 ,抽取全省人口的 2 5‰以上人口共 1162 76人 ,对其中≥ 60岁的 12 73 5名老年人哮喘患病情况进行分析。 结果 确诊老年哮喘患者 52 2例 ,患病率为 4 0 9% ,显著高于我省同期现患病率的 1 2 5% ,其中男 2 0 7例、女 3 15例 ,女性显著高于男性 (P <0 0 1)。农村老年人哮喘患病率显著高于城市 (患病率分别为 5 2 4%和3 0 1% ,P <0 0 1)。城市工业区老年人哮喘患病率高于文化区 (患病率分别为 3 85%和 2 44% ,P<0 0 5) ,起病年龄在 60岁以上者 50例 ,占 9 58%。本次调查确诊为哮喘者 2 13例 ,漏诊率为40 80 %。 结论 哮喘是老年人的常见疾病 ,加强其防治极为重要 相似文献
北京市部分地区城乡老年人糖尿病现况调查 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
目的通过对老年人糖尿病患病率的调查,探讨老年人糖尿病的易患因素和特点。方法采取随机整群抽取调查法,调查农村老年人514例,城市446例,共960例。依据WHO诊断标准及检测方法(氧化酶法)进行诊断和检测。结果老年人糖尿病总患病率为59.4‰,城市78.5‰,农村42.8‰,城乡患病率差异有显著性(χ2值=4.817,P值<0.05)。结论老年人糖尿病患病率城市明显高于农村,首要易患因素是肥胖和高胆固醇血症,特点是症状不典型并多有并存症 相似文献
上海市城乡老年人慢性病现况调查 总被引:57,自引:3,他引:57
目的:了解影响上海市城乡老年人健康和生存质量的几种常见慢性的现况。方法:按名单入户调查自报慢性病的患病情况。结果:老年人慢性病总患病率为60.3%,其中男性患病率59.4%,女性61.9%,女性高于男性。城区老年人慢性病总患病率为66.5%,明显高于农村(53.9%),且城区女性高于男性,农村两性之间差异无显著性。城市老年人慢性病患病率由高到低前6位依次为高血压、白内障、慢性阻塞性肺疾病、冠心病、其他心脏病、糖尿病、其患病分别为33.6%、18.3%、11.9%、9.1%、7.9%、5.9%,农村老年人患病率由高到低依次为高血压慢性阻塞性肺疾病、白内障、耳聋、其他心脏病、骨畸形及骨质疏权症,其患病率依次为20.9%、15.2%、7.0%、5.7%、4.3%、4.2%。结论城乡之间慢性病分布现状和特点差异有显著性,针对不同情况应采取不同的预防措施,以提高老年人的健康水平和生存质量。 相似文献
Slobodeniuk AV Kosova AA Rukoleeva SI 《Meditsinskaia parazitologiia i parazitarnye bolezni》2005,(3):36-38
The prevalence of toxocariasis was studied among different age groups of the population in eight municipal entities of the Sverdlovsk Region. Since 1995, the number of infected patients was shown to have annually increased by 1.4-2 times and amounted to 2.9 per 100,000. The 2003 serological surveys indicated that Toxocara antibodies were found in 8.9% of the children examined in different areas of the region. The epidemic process more actively involved rural children. Numerous tests for Toxocara eggs were more positive in the cities and towns with every amenity than in rural areas. Serodiagnostic tests demonstrated that children aged 3-6 and 7-14 years were involved into the epidemic process. The similar data were obtained in different age groups of adults. Nevertheless, among the adult population, the number of adult seropositive persons was significantly 1.9 times higher than that of children, which may reflect certain regularities in the formation of an immune stratum. The titers of serum Toxocara antibodies, being 1:800 or higher, may suggest that more than 50% of the total number of the examinees might be, in terms of clinical signs, patients with toxocariasis. 相似文献
Saggiorato E Arecco F Mussa A Sacerdote C Rossetto R Origlia C Germano L Deandreis D Orlandi F;Piedmont Goiter Study Committee 《Journal of endocrinological investigation》2006,29(1):67-73
Piedmont region was reported in the 70s as a mild iodine-deficient area with a goiter prevalence > 10%. This study aimed at characterizing the current status of iodine deficiency in Piedmont, with special attention to putative differences between urban and rural/mountain areas. A cross-sectional, observational study was performed according to the surveillance methods for iodine deficiency disorders recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Ultrasound local thyroid volume reference values and median urinary iodine concentration were obtained in 2178 schoolchildren aged 11-15 yr, resident in Piedmont region for more than 5 yr to assess both goiter prevalence and iodine intake. Anamnestic and anthropometric data, thyroid volume by both bimanual palpation and ultrasound were assessed, and spot urinary iodine samples were collected. The median urinary iodine concentration was 115.8 microg/l and the prevalence of goiter 3.1%, indicating this area as iodine-sufficient. Nevertheless, 39% of the schoolchild population had urinary iodine levels < 100 microg/l and 6.8% < 50 microg/l. No differences in goiter prevalence and median urinary iodine excretion were observed between urban and rural/ mountain populations. In conclusion, Piedmont is now an iodine-sufficient region. As no programs of salt iodization have been carried out in the last 30 yr, a silent iodine replacement has occurred. Despite a sufficient median urinary iodine excretion, a program of iodine prophylaxis is strongly recommended due to a large part of iodine-deficient population. 相似文献
Among the 27314 people aged 60 years or more living in the northern part of the county of Storstr ?m, Denmark, 117 were hospitalized with hip fracture in one year (1978), making an incidence of 4.3 per 1000. All 117 patients were seen soon after their admittance to hospital, and after one year the 86 surviving patients were seen in their homes. A higher death rate was found during the first three months, but only among patients with additional disabling diseases. Among the survivors, the possibility of leading a regular life was found to be only slightly reduced as measured by their activity-level, mobility and state of independence. Thirteen per cent of the survivors were institutionalized. The mean stay in hospital was 66 days, including transfer to a geriatric department in some instances. 相似文献
北京城、乡老年期痴呆患者205例三年随访分析 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
目的 观察老年期痴呆对老年人生存的影响。方法 1997年采用2阶段法对北京城乡60岁及以上老年人群进行痴呆患病率调查,2000年对该人群全面随访并进行3年的死亡追踪。结果 1997年基线调查共2788人,2000年访到2721人,其中存活2307人(82.7%),死亡414人(14.9%),另因搬迁等失访67人(2.4%),以追踪到的2721例为纵向预后分析样本,年死亡率为3.79%(标化)。205例痴呆老年人3年中死亡101例,累计死亡率高达42.46%(标化),约为非痴呆患者的5倍。在痴呆患者中性别间的死亡率差异无显著性,农村地区及75岁以上高龄痴呆老人死亡率增加。但75岁以下低龄痴呆患者及阿尔茨海默型痴呆对生存的影响更大,伴有躯体功能障碍的痴呆老人死亡率增加。结论 痴呆是影响老年人生存及生活质量的重要疾病,应加强防治。 相似文献
BackgroundIn this study, we aimed to detect the influence of environmental and socioeconomic factors for asthma, allergic rhinitis, and eczema among children aged 6-18 years.MethodTwo each of schools located in urban and in rural areas were included in the study. Children in these schools were asked to respond to 32 questions in total, including demographic and socioeconomic features and the questions of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) questionnaire form.ResultsThe average age of children included in the study was 11.5 ± 3.3 years, and the ratio of boys (55.4%) to girls (44.6%) was 1.2/1. The prevalence of asthma was found as 11.5%, allergic rhinitis as 22.1%, and eczema as 10.7%. Asthma (21.9%), allergic rhinitis (44.3%) and eczema (19.8%) were more frequent in cases which had family history of atopy (p < 0.001). Although there were differences between regions regarding income and educational levels, number of persons in the household, duration of breast feeding, and dietary habits, these variants were found inconclusive for the development of asthma. The risk of progression to asthma and atopic diseases decreased as age increased and the educational level of the father increased.ConclusionAccording to our results, atopic diseases can be considered frequent in Konya, history of atopy in the family is the most predictive factor and the effects of rural or urban factors are not obvious in atopic disease development. 相似文献
农村HIV阳性人群的健康状况研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的了解有偿供血员集中地区艾滋病病毒(HIV)阳性人群的健康状况,为确定HIV阳性人群的干预措施提供依据。方法在安徽省北部有偿供血员集中的村,采用整群抽样方法,对25~55岁的村民进行问卷调查并采血检测HIV抗体。结果在HIV抗体阳性的216人中,有23人(10.6%)认为自己可能感染了艾滋病,46人(21.4%)自报身体健康状况不太好。在最近1年中,有41人(19.2%)经常腹泻,50人(23.3%)经常发烧,33人(15.3%)有皮肤疾患,48人(22.2%)自觉消瘦,29人(13.4%)报告有口腔毛样白癍,36人(16.7%)出现胸闷气短或持续咳嗽。共有43.5%的人报告有至少一种上述症状。供血浆史与机会性感染症状有统计学关系(OR=2.49,P=0.027)。结论有偿供血员集中地区HIV阳性人群的健康状况不佳,常见的机会性感染症状发生率比较高,说明艾滋病流行已趋发病期,急需抗病毒及抗机会感染等治疗性干预。由于大多数人并不知道自己的感染状态,治疗干预项目还必须包括艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)服务,以及对VCT服务的大力宣传,以提高项目的覆盖面及干预效果。 相似文献
Judith C. Barker 《Journal of cross-cultural gerontology》1989,4(2):163-194
A health survey was conducted on a random sample of the elderly living on Niue Island in the Southwest Pacific, an island experiencing both the demographic and epidemiological transitions predicted to become common throughout the Third World in the next decades. One-quarter of the respondents reported having no medical impairments and one-third experience no diminution in functional capacity. Visual and auditory losses were common as were respiratory conditions and chronic degenerative disorders. Mobility was a central aspect of functional status. Few striking differences in health and functional status exist between Niuean elderly and their counterparts in the United States. The small but significant proportion (16%) of Niuean elderly who are very frail represent a challenge to the organization and delivery of current health and welfare services. 相似文献
The alcohol availability literature indicates that under some conditions, physical availability is positively associated with per capita alcohol consumption. Smart (1980) suggested that at the individual level, subjective and social aspects of availability may mediate and outweigh the influence of physical availability. The study described here examined the simultaneous effects of physical, subjective, and social availability on alcohol consumption. Standardized telephone interviews were conducted with 781 adult drinkers. As hypothesized, physical availability was not a significant multivariate predictor of alcohol consumption for residents of high, medium, and low alcohol outlet density counties in Michigan (USA). Subjective and social availability indicators were significant predictors of alcohol consumption. Similar patterns of results were found in multiple regression analyses for blacks and whites and women and men, although blacks and women consumed less alcohol than did whites and men. The theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed. 相似文献