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2‐Hydroxyglutarate (2HG) is produced in gliomas with mutations of isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) 1 and 2. The 1H resonances of the J‐coupled spins of 2HG are extensively overlapped with signals from other metabolites. Here, we report a comparative study at 3 T of the utility of the point‐resolved spectroscopy sequence with a standard short TE (35 ms) and a long TE (97 ms), which had been theoretically designed for the detection of the 2HG 2.25‐ppm resonance. The performance of the methods is evaluated using data from phantoms, seven healthy volunteers and 22 subjects with IDH‐mutated gliomas. The results indicate that TE = 97 ms provides higher detectability of 2HG than TE = 35 ms, and that this improved capability is gained when data are analyzed with basis spectra that include the effects of the volume localizing radiofrequency and gradient pulses. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Estimation of metabolic changes during neuronal activation represents a challenge for in vivo MRS, especially for metabolites with low concentration and signal overlap, such as lactate. In this work, we aimed to evaluate the feasibility of detecting lactate during brain activation using a long (144 ms) semi‐LASER sequence at 7 T. spectra were acquired on healthy volunteers ( ) during a paradigm with 15 min of visual stimulation. Outer‐volume signals were further attenuated by the use of saturation slabs, and macromolecular signals in the vicinity of the inverted lactate peak were individually fitted with simulated Lorentzian peaks. All spectra were free of artefacts and highly reproducible across subjects. Lactate was accurately quantified with an average Cramér‐Rao lower bound of 8%. Statistically significant ( , one‐tailed ‐test) increases in lactate ( 10%) and glutamate ( 3%) levels during stimulation were detected in the visual cortex. Lactate and glutamate changes were consistent with previous measurements. We demonstrated that quantification of a clear and non‐contaminated lactate peak obtained with a long TE sequence has the potential of improving the accuracy of functional MRS studies targeting non‐oxidative reaction pathways.  相似文献   

It has been shown that density‐weighted (DW) k‐space sampling with spiral and conventional phase encoding trajectories reduces spatial side lobes in magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI). In this study, we propose a new concentric ring trajectory (CRT) for DW‐MRSI that samples k‐space with a density that is proportional to a spatial, isotropic Hanning window. The properties of two different DW‐CRTs were compared against a radially equidistant (RE) CRT and an echo‐planar spectroscopic imaging (EPSI) trajectory in simulations, phantoms and in vivo experiments. These experiments, conducted at 7 T with a fixed nominal voxel size and matched acquisition times, revealed that the two DW‐CRT designs improved the shape of the spatial response function by suppressing side lobes, also resulting in improved signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR). High‐quality spectra were acquired for all trajectories from a specific region of interest in the motor cortex with an in‐plane resolution of 7.5 × 7.5 mm2 in 8 min 3 s. Due to hardware limitations, high‐spatial‐resolution spectra with an in‐plane resolution of 5 × 5 mm2 and an acquisition time of 12 min 48 s were acquired only for the RE and one of the DW‐CRT trajectories and not for EPSI. For all phantom and in vivo experiments, DW‐CRTs resulted in the highest SNR. The achieved in vivo spectral quality of the DW‐CRT method allowed for reliable metabolic mapping of eight metabolites including N‐acetylaspartylglutamate, γ‐aminobutyric acid and glutathione with Cramér‐Rao lower bounds below 50%, using an LCModel analysis. Finally, high‐quality metabolic mapping of a whole brain slice using DW‐CRT was achieved with a high in‐plane resolution of 5 × 5 mm2 in a healthy subject. These findings demonstrate that our DW‐CRT MRSI technique can perform robustly on MRI systems and within a clinically feasible acquisition time.  相似文献   

Lithium is the first‐line mood stabilizer for the treatment of patients with bipolar disorder. However, its mechanisms of action and transport across the blood–brain barrier remain poorly understood. The contribution of lithium‐7 magnetic resonance imaging (7Li MRI) to investigate brain lithium distribution remains limited because of the modest sensitivity of the lithium nucleus and the expected low brain concentrations in humans and animal models. Therefore, we decided to image lithium distribution in the rat brain ex vivo using a turbo‐spin‐echo imaging sequence at 17.2 T. The estimation of lithium concentrations was performed using a phantom replacement approach accounting for B1 inhomogeneities and differential T1 and T2 weighting. Our MRI‐derived lithium concentrations were validated by comparison with inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS) measurements ([Li]MRI = 1.18[Li]MS, R = 0.95). Overall, a sensitivity of 0.03 mmol/L was achieved for a spatial resolution of 16 μL. Lithium distribution was uneven throughout the brain (normalized lithium content ranged from 0.4 to 1.4) and was mostly symmetrical, with consistently lower concentrations in the metencephalon (cerebellum and brainstem) and higher concentrations in the cortex. Interestingly, low lithium concentrations were also observed close to the lateral ventricles. The average brain‐to‐plasma lithium ratio was 0.34 ± 0.04, ranging from 0.29 to 0.39. Brain lithium concentrations were reasonably correlated with plasma lithium concentrations, with Pearson correlation factors ranging from 0.63 to 0.90.  相似文献   

This work presents a new approach for high‐resolution MRSI of the brain at 7 T in clinically feasible measurement times. Two major problems of MRSI are the long scan times for large matrix sizes and the possible spectral contamination by the transcranial lipid signal. We propose a combination of free induction decay (FID)‐MRSI with a short acquisition delay and acceleration via in‐plane two‐dimensional generalised autocalibrating partially parallel acquisition (2D‐GRAPPA) with adiabatic double inversion recovery (IR)‐based lipid suppression to allow robust high‐resolution MRSI. We performed Bloch simulations to evaluate the magnetisation pathways of lipids and metabolites, and compared the results with phantom measurements. Acceleration factors in the range 2–25 were tested in a phantom. Five volunteers were scanned to verify the value of our MRSI method in vivo. GRAPPA artefacts that cause fold‐in of transcranial lipids were suppressed via double IR, with a non‐selective symmetric frequency sweep. The use of long, low‐power inversion pulses (100 ms) reduced specific absorption rate requirements. The symmetric frequency sweep over both pulses provided good lipid suppression (>90%), in addition to a reduced loss in metabolite signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR), compared with conventional IR suppression (52–70%). The metabolic mapping over the whole brain slice was not limited to a rectangular region of interest. 2D‐GRAPPA provided acceleration up to a factor of nine for in vivo FID‐MRSI without a substantial increase in g‐factors (<1.1). A 64 × 64 matrix can be acquired with a common repetition time of ~1.3 s in only 8 min without lipid artefacts caused by acceleration. Overall, we present a fast and robust MRSI method, using combined double IR fat suppression and 2D‐GRAPPA acceleration, which may be used in (pre)clinical studies of the brain at 7 T. © 2015 The Authors. NMR in Biomedicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Lactate and β‐hydroxybutyrate are important MRS‐visible biomarkers for the energy metabolism of the human brain. A major obstacle for their unambiguous detection and quantification in vivo is their inherently low concentration and spectral overlap with resonances from lipids and macromolecules. In this work, we demonstrate the improved detectability of lactate and β‐hydroxybutyrate with MEGA‐sLASER compared to MEGA‐PRESS at the clinical field strength of 3 T. The method is validated by numerical simulations, in vitro measurements and in vivo experiments on healthy subjects. It is demonstrated that MEGA‐sLASER offers an SNR increase of approximately 70% for lactate and β‐hydroxybutyrate detection compared to MEGA‐PRESS in various brain regions. This increased SNR translates into reduced Cramér‐Rao lower bounds for quantification and enables a more robust detection of subtle changes in the (brain) energy metabolism. The sensitivity of the method for detection of β‐hydroxybutyrate concentration changes is demonstrated through measurements before and during a ketogenic diet while the sensitivity for detection of lactate concentration changes is shown by measurements before and after an intensive anaerobic exercise.  相似文献   

Chemical exchange (CE)‐sensitive MRI benefits greatly from stronger magnetic fields; however, field effects on CE‐sensitive imaging have not yet been studied well in vivo. We have compared CE‐sensitive Z‐spectra and maps obtained at the fields of 9.4 T and 15.2 T in phantoms and rats with off‐resonance chemical‐exchange‐sensitive spin lock (CESL), which is similar to conventional chemical exchange saturation transfer. At higher fields, the background peak at water resonance has less spread and the exchange rate relative to chemical shift decreases, thus CESL intensity is dependent on B0. For the in vivo amide and nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) composite resonances of rat brains, intensities were similar for both magnetic fields, but effective amide proton transfer and NOE values obtained with three‐point quantification or a curve fitting method were larger at 15.2 T due to the reduced spread of attenuation at the direct water resonance. When using intermediate exchange‐sensitive irradiation parameters, the amine proton signal was 65% higher at 15.2 T than at 9.4 T due to a reduced ratio of exchange rate to chemical shift. In summary, increasing magnetic field provides enhancements to CE‐sensitive signals in the intermediate exchange regime and reduces contamination from background signals in the slow exchange regime. Consequently, ultrahigh magnetic field is advantageous for CE‐sensitive MRI, especially for amine and hydroxyl protons.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to harmonize data acquisition and post‐processing of single voxel proton MRS (1H‐MRS) at 7 T, and to determine metabolite concentrations and the accuracy and reproducibility of metabolite levels in the adult human brain. This study was performed in compliance with local institutional human ethics committees. The same seven subjects were each examined twice using four different 7 T MR systems from two different vendors using an identical semi‐localization by adiabatic selective refocusing spectroscopy sequence. Neurochemical profiles were obtained from the posterior cingulate cortex (gray matter, GM) and the corona radiata (white matter, WM). Spectra were analyzed with LCModel, and sources of variation in concentrations (‘subject’, ‘institute’ and ‘random’) were identified with a variance component analysis. Concentrations of 10–11 metabolites, which were corrected for T1, T2, magnetization transfer effects and partial volume effects, were obtained with mean Cramér–Rao lower bounds below 20%. Data variances and mean concentrations in GM and WM were comparable for all institutions. The primary source of variance for glutamate, myo‐inositol, scyllo‐inositol, total creatine and total choline was between subjects. Variance sources for all other metabolites were associated with within‐subject and system noise, except for total N‐acetylaspartate, glutamine and glutathione, which were related to differences in signal‐to‐noise ratio and in shimming performance between vendors. After multi‐center harmonization of acquisition and post‐processing protocols, metabolite concentrations and the sizes and sources of their variations were established for neurochemical profiles in the healthy brain at 7 T, which can be used as guidance in future studies quantifying metabolite and neurotransmitter concentrations with 1H‐MRS at ultra‐high magnetic field. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

One of the major challenges in constructing multi‐channel and multi‐row transmit (Tx) or transceiver (TxRx) arrays is the decoupling of the array's loop elements. Overlapping of the surface loops allows the decoupling of adjacent elements and also helps to improve the radiofrequency field profile by increasing the penetration depth and eliminating voids between the loops. This also simplifies the design by reducing the number of decoupling circuits. At the same time, overlapping may compromise decoupling by generating high resistive (electric) coupling near the overlap, which cannot be compensated for by common decoupling techniques. Previously, based on analytical modeling, we demonstrated that electric coupling has strong frequency and loading dependence, and, at 9.4 T, both the magnetic and electric coupling between two heavily loaded loops can be compensated at the same time simply by overlapping the loops. As a result, excellent decoupling was obtained between adjacent loops of an eight‐loop single‐row (1 × 8) human head tight‐fit TxRx array. In this work, we designed and constructed a 9.4‐T (400‐MHz) 16‐loop double‐row (2 × 8) overlapped TxRx head array based on the results of the analytical and numerical electromagnetic modeling. We demonstrated that, simply by the optimal overlap of array loops, a very good decoupling can be obtained without additional decoupling strategies. The constructed TxRx array provides whole‐brain coverage and approximately 1.5 times greater Tx efficiency relative to a transmit‐only/receive‐only (ToRo) array, which consists of a larger Tx‐only array and a nested tight‐fit 31‐loop receive (Rx)‐only array. At the same time, the ToRo array provides greater peripheral signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) and better Rx parallel performance in the head–feet direction. Overall, our work provides a recipe for a simple, robust and very Tx‐efficient design suitable for parallel transmission and whole‐brain imaging at ultra‐high fields.  相似文献   

Short‐TE MRS has been proposed recently as a method for the in vivo detection and quantification of γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the human brain at 3 T. In this study, we investigated the accuracy and reproducibility of short‐TE MRS measurements of GABA at 3 T using both simulations and experiments. LCModel analysis was performed on a large number of simulated spectra with known metabolite input concentrations. Simulated spectra were generated using a range of spectral linewidths and signal‐to‐noise ratios to investigate the effect of varying experimental conditions, and analyses were performed using two different baseline models to investigate the effect of an inaccurate baseline model on GABA quantification. The results of these analyses indicated that, under experimental conditions corresponding to those typically observed in the occipital cortex, GABA concentration estimates are reproducible (mean reproducibility error, <20%), even when an incorrect baseline model is used. However, simulations indicate that the accuracy of GABA concentration estimates depends strongly on the experimental conditions (linewidth and signal‐to‐noise ratio). In addition to simulations, in vivo GABA measurements were performed using both spectral editing and short‐TE MRS in the occipital cortex of 14 healthy volunteers. Short‐TE MRS measurements of GABA exhibited a significant positive correlation with edited GABA measurements (R = 0.58, p < 0.05), suggesting that short‐TE measurements of GABA correspond well with measurements made using spectral editing techniques. Finally, within‐session reproducibility was assessed in the same 14 subjects using four consecutive short‐TE GABA measurements in the occipital cortex. Across all subjects, the average coefficient of variation of these four GABA measurements was 8.7 ± 4.9%. This study demonstrates that, under some experimental conditions, short‐TE MRS can be employed for the reproducible detection of GABA at 3 T, but that the technique should be used with caution, as the results are dependent on the experimental conditions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ultra‐high‐field (UHF, ≥7 T) human magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides undisputed advantages over low‐field MRI (≤3 T), but its development remains challenging because of numerous technical issues, including the low efficiency of transmit (Tx) radiofrequency (RF) coils caused by the increase in tissue power deposition with frequency. Tight‐fit human head transceiver (TxRx) arrays improve Tx efficiency in comparison with Tx‐only arrays, which are larger in order to fit multi‐channel receive (Rx)‐only arrays inside. A drawback of the TxRx design is that the number of elements in an array is limited by the number of available high‐power RF Tx channels (commonly 8 or 16), which is not sufficient for optimal Rx performance. In this work, as a proof of concept, we developed a method for increasing the number of Rx elements in a human head TxRx surface loop array without the need to move the loops away from a sample, which compromises the array Tx performance. We designed and constructed a prototype 16‐channel tight‐fit array, which consists of eight TxRx surface loops placed on a cylindrical holder circumscribing a head, and eight Rx‐only vertical loops positioned along the central axis (parallel to the magnetic field B0) of each TxRx loop, perpendicular to its surface. We demonstrated both experimentally and numerically that the addition of the vertical loops has no measurable effect on the Tx efficiency of the array. An increase in the maximum local specific absorption rate (SAR), evaluated using two human head voxel models (Duke and Ella), measured 3.4% or less. At the same time, the 16‐element array provided 30% improvement of central signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) in vivo relative to a surface loop eight‐element array. The novel array design also demonstrated an improvement in the parallel Rx performance in the transversal plane. Thus, using this method, both the Rx and Tx performance of the human head array can be optimized simultaneously.  相似文献   

An optimized semi‐LASER sequence that is capable of acquiring artefact‐free data with an echo time (TE) of 20.1 ms on a standard clinical 3 T MR system was developed. Simulations were performed to determine the optimal TEs that minimize the expected Cramér‐Rao lower bound (CRLB) as proxy for quantification accuracy of metabolites. Optimized RF pulses, crusher gradients and phase cycling were used to achieve the shortest TE in a semi‐LASER sequence to date on a clinical system. Synthetic spectra were simulated using the density matrix formalism for TEs spanning from 20.1 to 220.1 ms. These simulations were used to calculate the expected CRLB for each of the 18 metabolites typically considered in 1H MRS. High quality spectra were obtained in six healthy volunteers in the prefrontal cortex, which is known for spurious echoes due to its proximity to the paranasal sinuses, and in the parietal‐occipital cortex. Spectral transients were sufficient in quality to enable phase and frequency alignment prior to summation over all repetitions. Automated high‐quality water suppression was obtained for all voxels without manual adjustment. The shortest TE minimized the CRLB for all brain metabolites except glycine due to its overlap with myo‐inositol at this TE. It is also demonstrated that the CRLBs increase rapidly with TE for certain coupled metabolites.  相似文献   

Quantitative MRI techniques, such as T2 relaxometry, have demonstrated the potential to detect changes in the tissue microstructure of the human brain with higher specificity to the underlying pathology than in conventional morphological imaging. At high to ultra‐high field strengths, quantitative MR‐based tissue characterization benefits from the higher signal‐to‐noise ratio traded for either improved resolution or reduced scan time, but is impaired by severe static (B0) and transmit (B1) field heterogeneities. The objective of this study was to derive a robust relaxometry technique for fast T2 mapping of the human brain at high to ultra‐high fields, which is highly insensitive to B0 and B1 field variations. The proposed method relies on a recently presented three‐dimensional (3D) triple‐echo steady‐state (TESS) imaging approach that has proven to be suitable for fast intrinsically B1‐insensitive T2 relaxometry of rigid targets. In this work, 3D TESS imaging is adapted for rapid high‐ to ultra‐high‐field two‐dimensional (2D) acquisitions. The achieved short scan times of 2D TESS measurements reduce motion sensitivity and make TESS‐based T2 quantification feasible in the brain. After validation in vitro and in vivo at 3 T, T2 maps of the human brain were obtained at 7 and 9.4 T. Excellent agreement between TESS‐based T2 measurements and reference single‐echo spin‐echo data was found in vitro and in vivo at 3 T, and T2 relaxometry based on TESS imaging was proven to be feasible and reliable in the human brain at 7 and 9.4 T. Although prominent B0 and B1 field variations occur at ultra‐high fields, the T2 maps obtained show no B0‐ or B1‐related degradations. In conclusion, as a result of the observed robustness, TESS T2 may emerge as a valuable measure for the early diagnosis and progression monitoring of brain diseases in high‐resolution 2D acquisitions at high to ultra‐high fields. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The two‐fold benefit of 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) at high B0 fields – enhanced sensitivity and increased spectral dispersion – has been used previously to study dynamic changes in metabolite concentrations in the human brain in response to visual stimulation. In these studies, a strong visual on/off stimulus was combined with MRS data acquisition in a voxel location in the occipital cortex determined by an initial functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment. However, 1) to exclude the possibility of systemic effects (heartbeat, blood flow, etc.), which tend to be different for on/off conditions, a modified stimulation condition not affecting the target voxel needs to be employed, and 2) to assess important neurotransmitters of low concentration, in particular γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA), it may be advantageous to analyze steady‐state, rather than dynamic, conditions. Thus, the aim of this study was to use short‐TE 1H MRS methodology at 7 T to detect differences in steady‐state metabolite levels in response to a varying stimulation paradigm in the human visual cortex. The two different stimulation conditions were termed voxel and control activation. Localized MR spectra were acquired using the SPECIAL (spin‐echo full‐intensity acquired localized) sequence. Data were analyzed using LCModel. Fifteen individual metabolites were reliably quantified. On comparison of steady‐state concentrations for voxel versus control activation, a decrease in GABA of 0.05 mmol/L (5%) and an increase in lactate of 0.04 mmol/L (7%) were found to be the only significant effects. The observed reduction in GABA can be interpreted as reduced neuronal inhibition during voxel activation, whereas the increase in lactate hints at an intensification of anaerobic glycolysis. Differences from previous studies, notably the absence of any changes in glutamate, are attributed to the modified experimental conditions. This study demonstrates that the use of advanced 1H MRS methodology at 7 T allows the detection of subtle changes in metabolite concentrations involved in neuronal activation and inhibition.  相似文献   

T2* mapping offers access to a number of important structural and physiological tissue parameters. It is robust against RF field variations and overall signal scaling. However, T2* measurement is highly sensitive to magnetic field errors, including perturbations caused by breathing motion at high baseline field. The goal of this work is to assess this issue in T2* mapping of the brain and to study the benefit of field stabilization by feedback field control. T2* quantification in the brain was investigated by phantom and in vivo measurements at 7 T. Repeated measurements were made with and without feedback field control using NMR field sensing and dynamic third‐order shim actuation. The precision and reliability of T2* quantification was assessed by studying variation across repeated measurements as well as fitting errors. Breathing effects were found to introduce significant error in T2* mapping results. Field control mitigates this problem substantially. In a phantom it virtually eliminates the effects of emulated breathing fluctuations in the head. In vivo it enhances the structural fidelity of T2* maps and reduces fitting residuals along with standard deviation. In conclusion, feedback field control improves the fidelity of T2* mapping in the presence of field perturbations. It is an effective means of countering bulk susceptibility effects of breathing and hence holds particular promise for efforts to leverage high field for T2* studies in vivo.  相似文献   

Nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) is a type of magnetization transfer using cross‐relaxation. It originates from mobile macromolecules, which may have relevance to the evaluation of tumor features. We studied the value of NOE imaging at 7 and 3 T and suggest a utility for diagnosing human brain tumors. Two types of protein solution at different concentrations and pH values, and six normal Sprague Dawley (SD) rats, were used to detect NOE signal with a 7 T scanner. Then, six healthy volunteers and 11 patients with brain tumors (six gliomas and five meningiomas) were included at 3 T. Z‐spectra were measured and NOE weighted (NOE*) images were acquired with a three‐offset measurement. Wide spectral separation was shown at both 7 T and 3 T delineating the NOE peak in the Z‐spectrum. The concentration dependence and pH independence of NOE were confirmed in phantom experiments, and NOE values were greater in white matter than in gray matter in vivo. At 3 T, data indicated that NOE* maps were slightly hypointense in gliomas and were not obviously different from meningiomas. Thus, NOE imaging may help distinguish benign from malignant tumors, and as such may contribute to diagnosing brain tumors.  相似文献   

Yu Zhang  Chang Liu  Bin Wei  Gang Pei 《Immunology》2013,140(4):430-440
β-Arrestins are well-known regulators and mediators of G protein-coupled receptor signalling, and accumulating evidence reveals that they are functionally involved in inflammation and autoimmune diseases. Of the two β-arrestins, β-arrestin 1 is documented to play regulatory roles in an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS), whereas the role of β-arrestin 2 is less clear. Here, we show that β-arrestin 2-deficient mice displayed the exacerbated and sustained symptoms of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model of MS. At the cellular level, deficiency of β-arrestin 2 led to a decreased number of Foxp3+ CD4+ regulatory T (Treg) cells in peripheral lymphoid organs of EAE mice. Consistently, our in vitro observations also revealed that loss of β-arrestin 2 impaired the conversion of Foxp3 CD4+ T cells into Foxp3+ CD4+ inducible Treg cells. Taken together, our data suggest that β-arrestin 2 plays a regulatory role in MS, that is opposite to that of β-arrestin 1, in autoimmune diseases such as MS, which is at least partially through regulation of iTreg cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The glycerol methylene proton resonances (4–4.5 parts per million, ppm), which arise from the triglyceride backbone, are relevant to fat composition assessment and can be measured with proton MRS. The purpose of the presented work is to determine long TE (echo time) point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) and stimulated echo acquisition mode (STEAM) values at 3 T to resolve the glycerol resonances from that of overlapping water. The response of the glycerol methylene protons of nine edible oils as a function of PRESS and STEAM TE (mixing time, TM = 20 ms) was investigated. In addition, high resolution NMR spectra of the oils were acquired at 16.5 T. Long TE values where J‐coupling losses were lowest were selected, namely a TE of 180 ms for PRESS (first echo time 17 ms) and a TE of 100 ms for STEAM (mixing time 20 ms). Oil olefinic (≈5.4 ppm) to glycerol ratios were calculated from the long TE spectra and correlated with 16.5 T ratios. The two techniques yielded olefinic/glycerol ratios that correlated with 16.5 T ratios (R2 = 0.79 for PRESS and 0.90 for STEAM). The efficacy of the sequences in resolving the glycerol resonance from that of water was verified in vivo on tibial bone marrow of four healthy volunteers. In addition, the potential for using the glycerol methylene signal normalized to the methyl signal (≈0.9 ppm) to assess changes in free fatty acid content was demonstrated by measuring differences in spectra acquired from a triglyceride peanut oil phantom and from a phantom composed of a mixture of peanut oil and free fatty acid oleic acid.  相似文献   

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