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To explore the use of five meandering dipole antennas in a multi‐transmit setup, combined with a high density receive array for breast imaging at 7 T for improved penetration depth and more homogeneous B1 field. Five meandering dipole antennas and 30 receiver loops were positioned on two cups around the breasts. Finite difference time domain simulations were performed to evaluate RF safety limits of the transmit setup. Scattering parameters of the transmit setup and coupling between the antennas and the detuned loops were measured. In vivo parallel imaging performance was investigated for various acceleration factors. After RF shimming, a B1 map, a T1‐weighted image, and a T2‐weighted image were acquired to assess B1 efficiency, uniformity in contrast weighting, and imaging performance in clinical applications. The maximum achievable local SAR10g value was 7.0 W/kg for 5 × 1 W accepted power. The dipoles were tuned and matched to a maximum reflection of ?11.8 dB, and a maximum inter‐element coupling of ?14.2 dB. The maximum coupling between the antennas and the receive loops was ?18.2 dB and the mean noise correlation for the 30 receive loops 7.83 ± 8.69%. In vivo measurements showed an increased field of view, which reached to the axilla, and a high transmit efficiency. This coil enabled the acquisition of T1‐weighted images with a high spatial resolution of 0.7 mm3 isotropic and T2‐weighted spin echo images with uniformly weighted contrast.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to investigate whether noninvasive early detection (after the first cycle) of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) in breast cancer patients was possible. 31P‐MRSI at 7 T was used to determine different phosphor metabolites ratios and correlate this to pathological response. 31P‐MRSI was performed in 12 breast cancer patients treated with NAC. 31P spectra were fitted and aligned to the frequency of phosphoethanolamine (PE). Metabolic signal ratios for phosphomonoesters/phosphodiesters (PME/PDE), phosphocholine/glycerophosphatidylcholine (PC/GPtC), phosphoethanolamine/glycerophosphoethanolamine (PE/GPE) and phosphomonoesters/in‐organic phosphate (PME/Pi) were determined from spectral fitting of the individual spectra and the summed spectra before and after the first cycle of NAC. Metabolic ratios were subsequently related to pathological response. Additionally, the correlation between the measured metabolic ratios and Ki‐67 levels was determined using linear regression. Four patients had a pathological complete response after treatment, five patients a partial pathological response, and three patients did not respond to NAC. In the summed spectrum after the first cycle of NAC, PME/Pi and PME/PDE decreased by 18 and 13%, respectively. A subtle difference among the different response groups was observed in PME/PDE, where the nonresponders showed an increase and the partial and complete responders a decrease (P = 0.32). No significant changes in metabolic ratios were found. However, a significant association between PE/Pi and the Ki‐67 index was found (P = 0.03). We demonstrated that it is possible to detect subtle changes in 31P metabolites with a 7 T MR system after the first cycle of NAC treatment in breast cancer patients. Nonresponders showed different changes in metabolic ratios compared with partial and complete responders, in particular for PME/PDE; however, more patients need to be included to investigate its clinical value.  相似文献   

The design and construction of a dedicated RF coil setup for human brain imaging (1H) and spectroscopy (31P) at ultra‐high magnetic field strength (7 T) is presented. The setup is optimized for signal handling at the resonance frequencies for 1H (297.2 MHz) and 31P (120.3 MHz). It consists of an eight‐channel 1H transmit–receive head coil with multi‐transmit capabilities, and an insertable, actively detunable 31P birdcage (transmit–receive and transmit only), which can be combined with a seven‐channel receive‐only 31P array. The setup enables anatomical imaging and 31P studies without removal of the coil or the patient. By separating transmit and receive channels and by optimized addition of array signals with whitened singular value decomposition we can obtain a sevenfold increase in SNR of 31P signals in the occipital lobe of the human brain compared with the birdcage alone. These signals can be further enhanced by 30 ± 9% using the nuclear Overhauser effect by B1‐shimmed low‐power irradiation of water protons. Together, these features enable acquisition of 31P MRSI at high spatial resolutions (3.0 cm3 voxel) in the occipital lobe of the human brain in clinically acceptable scan times (~15 min). © 2015 The Authors. NMR in Biomedicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

In ultrahigh‐field MRI, such as 7 T, the signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) increases while transmit (Tx) field (B1+) can be degraded due to inhomogeneity and elevated specific absorption rate (SAR). By applying new array coil concepts to both Tx and receive (Rx) coils, the B1+ homogeneity and SNR can be improved. In this study, we developed and tested in vivo a new RF coil system for 7 T breast MRI. An RF coil system composed of an eight‐channel Tx‐only array based on a tic‐tac‐toe design (can be combined to operate in single‐Tx mode) in conjunction with an eight‐channel Rx‐only insert was developed. Characterizations of the B1+ field and associated SAR generated by the developed RF coil system were numerically calculated and empirically measured using an anatomically detailed breast model, phantom and human breasts. In vivo comparisons between 3 T (using standard commercial solutions) and 7 T (using the newly developed coil system) breast imaging were made. At 7 T, about 20% B1+ inhomogeneity (standard deviation over the mean) was measured within the breast tissue for both the RF simulations and 7 T experiments. The addition of the Rx‐only array enhances the SNR by a factor of about three. High‐quality MR images of human breast were acquired in vivo at 7 T. For the in vivo comparisons between 3 T and 7 T, an approximately fourfold increase of SNR was measured with 7 T imaging. The B1+ field distributions in the breast model, phantom and in vivo were in reasonable agreement. High‐quality 7 T in vivo breast MRI was successfully acquired at 0.6 mm isotropic resolution using the newly developed RF coil system.  相似文献   

Widespread use of ultrahigh‐field 31P MRSI in clinical studies is hindered by the limited field of view and non‐uniform radiofrequency (RF) field obtained from surface transceivers. The non‐uniform RF field necessitates the use of high specific absorption rate (SAR)‐demanding adiabatic RF pulses, limiting the signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) per unit of time. Here, we demonstrate the feasibility of using a body‐sized volume RF coil at 7 T, which enables uniform excitation and ultrafast power calibration by pick‐up probes. The performance of the body coil is examined by bench tests, and phantom and in vivo measurements in a 7‐T MRI scanner. The accuracy of power calibration with pick‐up probes is analyzed at a clinical 3‐T MR system with a close to identical 1H body coil integrated at the MR system. Finally, we demonstrate high‐quality three‐dimensional 31P MRSI of the human body at 7 T within 5 min of data acquisition that includes RF power calibration. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging of endogenous agents in vivo is influenced by direct water proton saturation (spillover) and semi‐solid macromolecular magnetization transfer (MT). Lorentzian fit isolation and application of the inverse metric yields the pure CEST contrast AREX, which is less affected by these processes, but still depends on the measurement technique, in particular on the irradiation amplitude B1 of the saturation pulses. This study focuses on two well‐known CEST effects in the slow exchange regime originating from amide and aliphatic protons resonating at 3.5 ppm or ?3.5 ppm from water protons, respectively. A B1‐correction of CEST contrasts is crucial for the evaluation of data obtained in clinical studies at high field strengths with strong B1‐inhomogeneities. Herein two approaches for B1‐inhomogeneity correction, based on either CEST contrasts or Z‐spectra, are investigated. Both rely on multiple acquisitions with different B1‐values. One volunteer was examined with eight different B1‐values to optimize the saturation field strength and the correction algorithm. Histogram evaluation allowed quantification of the quality of the B1‐correction. Finally, the correction was applied to CEST images of a patient with oligodendroglioma WHO grade 2, and showed improvement of the image quality compared with the non‐corrected CEST images, especially in the tumor region. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The interaction between B7‐H1 (PD‐L1) expressed on APC with PD‐1 expressed by T cells was shown previously to result in inhibition of T‐cell activation and autoimmune diseases. A paper in this issue of the European Journal of Immunology demonstrates that DC B7‐H1 expression can in fact enhance autoimmunity, rather than suppress it. Using a model of direct injection of self antigen‐loaded DC into the CNS, the authors demonstrate that DC with intact B7‐H1 expression exacerbate CNS autoimmune disease. Importantly, the improved disease outcome in animals treated with B7‐H1?/? DC is a result of a population of CD8+ Treg cells that expand at the site of autoimmune inflammation.  相似文献   

A novel three-dimensional simultaneous B(1) and T(1) mapping method is introduced: the method of slopes (MoS). The linearity of the spoiled gradient recalled echo (SPGR) signal vs flip angle relation is exploited: B(1) mapping is achieved by a two-point extrapolation to signal null with a correction scheme while T(1) mapping uses the slopes of the SPGR signal vs flip angle curves near the origin and near the signal null. This new method improves upon the existing variable flip angle (VFA) T(1)-mapping method in that (i) consistency between B(1) and T(1) maps is ensured (ii) the sampling scheme is T(1)-independent (iii) the noise bias and singularity, associated with using a linear form for the SPGR signal equation, is eliminated by using the full equation. The method is shown to yield accurate and robust results via simulations. Initial estimates of B(1) and T(1) values are obtained from three data points via simple computations and straight line approximations. Initial estimates of B(1) values, for a range of values, are shown to be accurate due to the proposed B(1) correction scheme. The accuracy and robustness of T(1) values is achieved via a non-linear fitting algorithm which includes a fourth data point sampled at high SNR. The MoS was validated by comparing resulting B(1) and T(1) maps with those obtained using other standard methods. Finally, the ability to obtain brain B(1) and T(1) maps using the MoS was demonstrated by in vivo experiments. The MoS is expected to perform well on other motion-free anatomical regions as well.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of proton MR Spectroscopic Imaging (1H‐MRSI) of the prostate can be optimized by using the high magnetic field strength of 7 T in combination with an endorectal coil. In the work described in this paper we introduce an endorectal transceiver at 7 T, validate its safety for in vivo use and apply a pulse sequence, optimized for three‐dimensional (3D) 1H‐MRSI of the human prostate at 7 T. A transmit/receive endorectal RF coil was adapted from a commercially available 3 T endorectal receive‐only coil and validated to remain within safety guidelines for radiofrequency (RF) power deposition using numerical models, MR thermometry of phantoms, and in vivo temperature measurements. The 1H‐MRSI pulse sequence used adiabatic slice selective refocusing pulses and frequency‐selective water and lipid suppression to selectively obtain the relevant metabolite signals from the prostate. Quantum mechanical simulations were used to adjust the inter‐pulse timing for optimal detection of the strongly coupled spin system of citrate resulting in an echo time of 56 ms. Using this endorectal transceiver and pulse sequence with slice selective adiabatic refocusing pulses, 3D 1H‐MRSI of the human prostate is feasible at 7 T with a repetition time of 2 s. The optimized inter‐pulse timing enables the absorptive detection of resonances of spins from spermine and citrate in phase with creatine and choline. These potential tumor markers may improve the in vivo detection, localization, and assessment of prostate cancer. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spectral degradations as a result of temporal field variations are observed in MRSI of the human prostate. Moving organs generate substantial temporal and spatial field fluctuations as a result of susceptibility mismatch with the surrounding tissue (i.e. periodic breathing, cardiac motion or random bowel motion). Nine patients with prostate cancer were scanned with an endorectal coil (ERC) on a 7‐T MR scanner. Temporal B0 field variations were observed with fast dynamic B0 mapping in these patients. Simulations of dynamic B0 corrections were performed using zero‐ to second‐order shim terms. In addition, the temporal B0 variations were applied to simulated MR spectra causing, on average, 15% underestimation of the choline/citrate ratio. Linewidth distortions and frequency shifts (up to 30 and 8 Hz, respectively) were observed. To demonstrate the concept of observing local field fluctuations in real time during MRSI data acquisition, a field probe (FP) tuned and matched for the 19 F frequency was incorporated into the housing of the ERC. The data acquired with the FP were compared with the B0 field map data and used to correct the MRSI datasets retrospectively. The dynamic B0 mapping data showed variations of up to 30 Hz (0.1 ppm) over 72 s at 7 T. The simulated zero‐order corrections, calculated as the root mean square, reduced the standard deviation (SD) of the dynamic variations by an average of 41%. When using second‐order corrections, the reduction in the SD was, on average, 56%. The FP data showed the same variation range as the dynamic B0 data and the variation patterns corresponded. After retrospective correction, the MRSI data showed artifact reduction and improved spectral resolution. B0 variations can degrade the MRSI substantially. The simple incorporation of an FP into an ERC can improve prostate cancer MRSI without prior knowledge of the origin of the dynamic field distortions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In vivo water‐ and fat‐suppressed 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and 31P magnetic resonance adiabatic multi‐echo spectroscopic imaging were performed at 7 T in duplicate in healthy fibroglandular breast tissue of a group of eight volunteers. The transverse relaxation times of 31P metabolites were determined, and the reproducibility of 1H and 31P MRS was investigated. The transverse relaxation times for phosphoethanolamine (PE) and phosphocholine (PC) were fitted bi‐exponentially, with an added short T2 component of 20 ms for adenosine monophosphate, resulting in values of 199 ± 8 and 239 ± 14 ms, respectively. The transverse relaxation time for glycerophosphocholine (GPC) was also fitted bi‐exponentially, with an added short T2 component of 20 ms for glycerophosphatidylethanolamine, which resonates at a similar frequency, resulting in a value of 177 ± 6 ms. Transverse relaxation times for inorganic phosphate, γ‐ATP and glycerophosphatidylcholine mobile phospholipid were fitted mono‐exponentially, resulting in values of 180 ± 4, 19 ± 3 and 20 ± 4 ms, respectively. Coefficients of variation for the duplicate determinations of 1H total choline (tChol) and the 31P metabolites were calculated for the group of volunteers. The reproducibility of inorganic phosphate, the sum of phosphomonoesters and the sum of phosphodiesters with 31P MRS imaging was superior to the reproducibility of 1H MRS for tChol. 1H and 31P data were combined to calculate estimates of the absolute concentrations of PC, GPC and PE in healthy fibroglandular tissue, resulting in upper limits of 0.1, 0.1 and 0.2 mmol/kg of tissue, respectively.  相似文献   

Ascorbate (Asc, vitamin C) was quantified in the human brain noninvasively using two different 1H NMR spectroscopy methods: short‐echo time STEAM and MEGA‐PRESS homonuclear editing. Taking advantage of increased sensitivity and chemical shift dispersion at 7 T, Asc was quantified with increased reliability relative to our previous study accomplished at 4 T. Asc concentration quantified from short‐echo time spectra measured from the occipital lobe of eight healthy subjects ([Asc] = 1.1 ± 0.3 µmol/g, mean ± SD) was in excellent agreement with Asc concentration quantified from the same volume of interest using homonuclear editing ([Asc] = 1.2 ± 0.2 µmol/g). This agreement indicates that at 7 T, Asc can be reliably quantified in the human brain simultaneously with 15 other metabolites. Additional advantages of the short‐echo time approach were: shorter measurement time than homonuclear editing and minimal effect of T2 relaxation on Asc quantification. High magnetic field was also beneficial for Asc quantification with MEGA‐PRESS because increased chemical shift dispersion enabled editing with full efficiency, which resulted in a supra‐linear gain in signal‐to‐noise ratio relative to 4 T. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Increased sensitivity and chemical shift dispersion at ultra‐high magnetic fields enable the precise quantification of an extended range of brain metabolites from 1H MRS. However, all previous neurochemical profiling studies using single‐voxel MRS at 7 T have been limited to data acquired from the occipital lobe with half‐volume coils. The challenges of 1H MRS of the human brain at 7 T include short T2 and complex B1 distribution that imposes limitations on the maximum achievable B1 strength. In this study, the feasibility of acquiring and quantifying short‐echo (TE = 8 ms), single‐voxel 1H MR spectra from multiple brain regions was demonstrated by utilizing a 16‐channel transceiver array coil with 16 independent transmit channels, allowing local transmit B1 (B1+) shimming. Spectra were acquired from volumes of interest of 1–8 mL in brain regions that are of interest for various neurological disorders: frontal white matter, posterior cingulate, putamen, substantia nigra, pons and cerebellar vermis. Local B1+ shimming substantially increased the transmit efficiency, especially in the peripheral and ventral brain regions. By optimizing a STEAM sequence for utilization with a 16‐channel coil, artifact‐free spectra were acquired with a small chemical shift displacement error (<5% /ppm/direction) from all regions. The high signal‐to‐noise ratio enabled the quantification of neurochemical profiles consisting of at least nine metabolites, including γ‐aminobutyric acid, glutamate and glutathione, in all brain regions. Significant differences in neurochemical profiles were observed between brain regions. For example, γ‐aminobutyric acid levels were highest in the substantia nigra, total creatine was highest in the cerebellar vermis and total choline was highest in the pons, consistent with the known biochemistry of these regions. These findings demonstrate that single‐voxel 1H MRS at ultra‐high field can reliably detect region‐specific neurochemical patterns in the human brain, and has the potential to objectively detect alterations in neurochemical profiles associated with neurological diseases. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To characterize better the co-stimulatory activity of native B7-1 in the absence of other receptor/ligand interactions that might contribute to the response, B7-1 was purified by monoclonal antibody (mAb) affinity chromatography. Immobilization of purified B7-1 with anti-T cell receptor (TCR) mAb on cell-sized latex microspheres provided an effective stimulus for activation of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells as measured by proliferation, development of effector function, and changes in motility and adhesion. The CD4+ T cell response was prolonged and resulted in efficient interleukin-2 production and clonal expansion. In contrast, CD8+ responses were transient. Proliferation and clonal expansion peaked on days 3 and 4, coincident with maximal expression of lytic effector function, and the cells then died. These results demonstrate that B7-1 mediated co-stimulation is sufficient for the induction of effector function in both helper and cytotoxic T cell precursors, but suggest that B7-1 co-stimulation is not sufficient to sustain helper-independent CD8+ CTL responses. When the dose responses of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells to B7-1 were compared, CD8+ T cells were found to require higher densities of B7-1 to attain an equivalent level of activation, suggesting that the level of expression of B7-1 by APC may influence the development of helper or CTL responses. Finally, in contrast to results obtained by others with B7-1 transfectants, purified B7-1 did not provide co-stimulation when presented on a surface separate from the TCR stimulus.  相似文献   

Quantitative MR imaging is as sensitive in detecting lesions as qualitative imaging, but it is potentially more specific in differentiating disease. T1 mapping in particular might help to assess acute ischemic stroke, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease better. Thus, a rapid and robust clinical technique is vital. In 1990, Ordidge and colleagues developed the multislice T1 ‐prepared two‐dimensional (2D) single‐shot echo planar imaging technique. Subsequent studies demonstrated its clinical viability, but none performed an in‐depth analysis of the strengths and advantages of this T1 mapping method. Herein, theoretical and experimental evidence shows that the technique accounts for 2D slice profile effects and is unbiased by B0 or B1 inhomogeneity. This is verified explicitly by varying the linear shims, the T1 preparation flip angle and the excitation flip angle. Furthermore, it is shown that the repetition time (and hence scan time) can be reduced without a loss of T1 accuracy. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Signal intensities of T2‐weighted magnetic resonance images depend on the local fiber arrangement in hyaline cartilage. The aims of this study were to determine whether angle‐sensitive MRI at 7 T can be used to quantify the cartilage ultrastructure of the knee in vivo and to assess potential differences with age. Ten younger (21–30) and ten older (55–76 years old) healthy volunteers were imaged with a T2‐weighted spin‐echo sequence in a 7 T whole‐body MRI. A “fascicle” model was assumed to describe the depth‐dependent fiber arrangement of cartilage. The R/T boundary positions between radial and transitional zones were assessed from intensity profiles in small regions of interest in the femur and tibia, and normalized to cartilage thickness using logistic curve fits. The quality of our highly resolved (0.3 × 0.3 × 1.0 mm3) MR cartilage images were high enough for quantitative analysis (goodness of fit R2 = 0.91 ± 0.09). Between younger and older subjects, normalized positions of the R/T boundary, with value 0 at the bone–cartilage interface and 1 at the cartilage surface, were significantly (p < 0.05) different in femoral (0.51 ± 0.12 versus 0.41 ± 0.10), but not in tibial cartilage (0.65 ± 0.11 versus 0.57 ± 0.09, p = 0.119). Within both age groups, differences between femoral and tibial R/T boundaries were significant. Using a fascicle model and angle‐sensitive MRI, the depth‐dependent anisotropic fiber arrangement of knee cartilage could be assessed in vivo from a single 7 T MR image. The derived quantitative parameter, thickness of the radial zone, may serve as an indicator of the structural integrity of cartilage. This method may potentially be suitable to detect and monitor early osteoarthritis because the progressive disintegration of the anisotropic network is also indicative of arthritic changes in cartilage. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to harmonize data acquisition and post‐processing of single voxel proton MRS (1H‐MRS) at 7 T, and to determine metabolite concentrations and the accuracy and reproducibility of metabolite levels in the adult human brain. This study was performed in compliance with local institutional human ethics committees. The same seven subjects were each examined twice using four different 7 T MR systems from two different vendors using an identical semi‐localization by adiabatic selective refocusing spectroscopy sequence. Neurochemical profiles were obtained from the posterior cingulate cortex (gray matter, GM) and the corona radiata (white matter, WM). Spectra were analyzed with LCModel, and sources of variation in concentrations (‘subject’, ‘institute’ and ‘random’) were identified with a variance component analysis. Concentrations of 10–11 metabolites, which were corrected for T1, T2, magnetization transfer effects and partial volume effects, were obtained with mean Cramér–Rao lower bounds below 20%. Data variances and mean concentrations in GM and WM were comparable for all institutions. The primary source of variance for glutamate, myo‐inositol, scyllo‐inositol, total creatine and total choline was between subjects. Variance sources for all other metabolites were associated with within‐subject and system noise, except for total N‐acetylaspartate, glutamine and glutathione, which were related to differences in signal‐to‐noise ratio and in shimming performance between vendors. After multi‐center harmonization of acquisition and post‐processing protocols, metabolite concentrations and the sizes and sources of their variations were established for neurochemical profiles in the healthy brain at 7 T, which can be used as guidance in future studies quantifying metabolite and neurotransmitter concentrations with 1H‐MRS at ultra‐high magnetic field. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An often‐employed strategy to enhance signals in 31P MRS is the generation of the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) by saturation of the water resonance. However, NOE allegedly increases the variability of the 31P data, because variation is reported in NOE enhancements. This would negate the signal‐to‐noise (SNR) gain it generates. We hypothesized that the variation in NOE enhancement values is not caused by the variability in NOE itself, but is attributable to measurement uncertainties in the values used to calculate the enhancement. If true, the expected increase in SNR with NOE would improve the repeatability of 31P MRS measurements. To verify this hypothesis, a repeatability study of native and NOE‐enhanced 31P MRSI was performed in the brains of seven healthy volunteers at 7 T. The repeatability coefficient (RC) and the coefficient of variation in repeated measurements (CoVrepeat) were determined for each method, and the 95% limits of agreement (LoAs) between native and NOE‐enhanced signals were calculated. The variation between the methods, defined by the LoA, is at least as great as that predicted by the RC of each method. The sources of variation in NOE enhancements were determined using variance component analysis. In the seven metabolites with a positive NOE enhancement (nine metabolite resonances assessed), CoVrepeat improved, on average, by 15%. The LoAs could be explained by the RCs of the individual methods for the majority of the metabolites, generally confirming our hypothesis. Variation in NOE enhancement was mainly attributable to the factor repeat, but between‐voxel effects were also present for phosphoethanolamine and (glycero)phosphocholine. CoVrepeat and fitting error were strongly correlated and improved with positive NOE. Our findings generally indicate that NOE enhances the signal of metabolites, improving the repeatability of metabolite measurements. Additional variability as a result of NOE was minimal. These findings encourage the use of NOE‐enhanced 31P MRSI. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An MRI method based on the Bloch‐Siegert (BS) shift phenomenon was recently proposed as a fast and precise way to map a radio frequency (RF) transmit field (B1+ field). For MRI at high field, the mapping sensitivity of this approach was limited by tissue heating associated with a BS irradiation pulse. To mitigate this, we investigated the possibility of lowering the off‐resonance frequency of this pulse since theoretical analysis indicated that the sensitivity of Bloch‐Siegert based B1+ mapping could be substantially improved when irradiating closer to resonance. Using optimized irradiation pulse shape and gradient crushers to minimize direct excitation effects, in vivo experiments on human brains at 7 T confirmed improved sensitivity with this approach. Improved sensitivity translated into an 80% reduction in B1+ estimation errors without increasing tissue heating. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Problem The initiation of labor is accompanied by alterations in the level of maternal immune tolerance toward fetal antigens. It is a complex molecular response leading to a brief activation of the maternal immune system with an accompanying capacity to restrict this same activation. The aim of our study was to evaluate the subpopulation of regulatory T cells (Tregs) and B7‐H4 macrophages in the decidua basalis during cesarean sections performed on patients in various stages of labor. Method of study The decidual tissue samples evaluated in our study were obtained from 23 pregnant women who underwent cesarean sections at term. Moreover, the patients were divided into three subgroups according to the progression of labor at the time of the cesarean. The presence of Treg cells and B7‐H4 positive macrophages were analysed by fluorescence‐activated cell sorter. Results The percentages of FOXP3+ cells in the subpopulation of CD25+ CD4+ T lymphocytes found in the deciduas of patients decreased with the successive stages of labor, while the percentages of B7‐H4 positive cells in the macrophage subpopulation remained almost constant. Conclusion These changes in the Treg cell subpopulation in the decidua would seem to be related to a brief activation of the maternal immune system as labor begins and lack of analogical changes in the subpopulation of decidual suppressive B7‐H4+ macrophages that enable the restriction of this same activation as labor progresses.  相似文献   

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