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背景 眼科医疗保健体系的不断完善是防盲治盲工作的有力保障,但目前西藏自治区的眼科医疗资源分配情况仍不能满足当地防盲治盲工作的需要.了解西藏地区眼科医疗资源现状有助于当地合理分配紧缺的医疗资源,推进防盲治盲工作的开展. 目的 对西藏自治区的眼科医疗资源分配进行调查,为尽快建立该地区的眼科医疗保健网络和有效提供资源供给提供依据. 方法 本研究组于2016年4-6月面向西藏藏族自治区各级医疗单位眼科科室负责人和眼科医生发放西藏自治区医疗机构眼科专业情况调查问卷.西藏地区21家医疗机构的21名眼科科室负责人和52名眼科医生就眼科专业情况参与调查,由经过统一培训的专职人员按照统一调查方式收集整理,以确保回答问卷的真实有效性.结果 所有调查问卷发放的全区覆盖率为100%并全部收回,问卷填写符合要求,应答率及问卷有效率均为100%.截止2016年6月,西藏自治区共有21所有眼科诊疗能力的医疗机构,按照国家统计局公布的2014年西藏人口状况计算,平均每15.1万人拥有1个眼科医疗机构,但无独立眼科专科医院.其中有眼科专科医生者19所,占90.5%,有独立眼科科室者13所,占61.9%,有眼科独立手术室11所,占52.4%.全区眼科共有病床数量120张,平均每10万人拥有眼科医生1.6名,其中硕士学历者3名,尚无主任医师;全区共有专业护士14人,其中全职和兼职者各7人.目前西藏藏族自治区具备了基本的诊断仪器和最基本的手术设备,2015年全区平均眼科手术量为326.2人次.结论 西藏藏族自治区的眼科医疗资源不足,尤其是基层乡镇卫生院和县级医院眼科医疗机构,制约当地眼科防盲治盲工作的开展.  相似文献   

创建防盲先进县推动浙江省防盲治盲工作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zhu QZ  Zheng L 《中华眼科杂志》2003,39(6):365-368
目的 探讨创建防盲先进县的经验。方法 收集1996—1998年浙江省20个县(市)防盲治盲资料,以“全国防盲先进县标准”为依据对其进行汇总分析。结果 创建防盲先进县的有效方法是:将防盲治盲工作列入政府工作的议事日程,争取有关部门的高度重视与积极配合;建立防盲指导组;健全三级防盲治盲网络;培训防盲技术人员,配备必要眼科设备。20个县(市)中,经逐级检查验收,7个县(市)成为卫生部审批的全国防盲先进县,其中绍兴市成为全国防盲先进市。13个县(市)虽未达标,但仍做了大量的防盲治盲工作,推动了全省防盲工作的开展。全省1996-1998年白内障复明手术每年达2万例,眼科医师的数量由602人增加至1850人,裂隙灯与手术显微镜等眼科设备成倍增加。结论创建全国防盲先进县是推动防盲治盲工作的有效措施。  相似文献   

我国眼科医疗机构的发展趋势   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
Zhao JL 《中华眼科杂志》2003,39(5):260-261
本期发表的张文斌等撰写的“我国眼科现状调查研究与分析”一文,这是我国第一次全面调查眼科医疗资源的结果,对于评价我国眼科的现状,规划防盲治盲工作,探索我国眼科医疗机构发展规律,进一步发展我国眼科事业,具有十分重要意义。  相似文献   

目的确定以开展白内障手术为主的定点医院,作为区域防盲中心,能长期自主完成以白内障手术为主的防盲任务。方法按照自主申报原则,由各地卫生行政主管部门根据人口及医疗机构分布特点,推荐技术力量较强的,有着积极承担防盲任务意愿的医院备选,省卫生厅、省残联组织省级专家考查组依据遴选标准实地现场考核,综合医院及眼科服务能力、设备条件、人员资质等因素,遴选并确定手术定点医院。结果 2008年-2010年共确立手术定点医院80家。结论手术定点医院的遴选是大规模防盲项目顺利开展的重要保障措施之一,有利于防盲治盲任务的长期可持续发展。  相似文献   

目的::了解中国县级及以上医疗机构防盲工作的开展情况,为"十四五"时期中国防盲治盲和眼健康水平的全面提升提供参考依据。方法::横断面调查研究。2015年对全国提供眼科服务的县级及以上医疗机构通过网上填报的方式进行普查,对中国不同地区、级别、类型和经营性质的医疗机构防盲工作情况进行对比统计分析。应用卡方检验对数据进行分析...  相似文献   

吴敏 《眼科》2010,19(2):142-144
目的了解截至2007年云南省的眼科医疗现状和服务能力。设计横断面问卷调查。研究对象云南省内165家医疗机构。方法采用卫生部统一设计的眼科机构现状调查表,于2007年10-12月对云南省内医疗机构的眼科现状进行问卷调查。收集整理并分析问卷结果。主要指标医护人员数量、年手术量、门诊量、可独立完成白内障手术的医生数量。结果参与调查的的165家医疗机构共有眼科医生735名,能独立完成白内障手术者392名,眼科护理人员771人。全省16个地州市中,昭通地区每百万人口拥有的眼科医生资源仅为7人,而昆明市为32人。2006年所有医疗机构共完成眼科各类手术58346例,包括白内障23833例。尚未开展白内障手术的医疗机构有27家。各级医疗机构仅29家(17.6%)拥有较好的眼科设备,6家(3.6%)没有任何眼科设备。结论云南省不同等级和不同地区之问的医疗机构眼科水平差异很大,人力资源分布不均,工作效率较低,需要进一步进行资源整合和优化利用,以满足群众对眼科医疗服务的需求。(跟科,2010,19:142—144)  相似文献   

眼科及防盲在医疗改革示范中的优势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
徐亮 《眼科》2009,18(1):1-3
目前在我国多数初级医疗机构中尚缺乏初级眼保健服务,由于多数眼科疾病的诊断以影像学检查为主,因此眼科及防盲在远程医疗、电子健康领域中具有技术优势及需求市场。我们根据地区经济水平、医疗条件探索了不同的防盲模式:在城市社区开展可预防盲防治模式,在农村开展可治愈盲防治模式,提倡将初级眼保健与初级卫生保健进行整合。开展数字眼科区域协同医疗有利于共享信息,提高效率与质量以及全方位管理,但需要政府的主导作用及政策支持。  相似文献   

目的:了解上海市社区卫生服务中心眼科资源和眼科服务的分布状况,以及目前上海市防盲治盲工作中存在的主要问题,为加强防盲治盲工作,提高初级眼保健水平提供依据。方法利用普查的方法,对上海市所有社区卫生服务中心的眼病防治资源进行调查,获得上海市社区卫生服务中心眼病防治服务资源资料。采用统计描述方法,描述不同地区中社区眼病防治资源的分布情况。结果上海市17个区县共有244个社区,其中有236个(96.72%)社区参加调查并交回问卷。上海市236个社区中,其中有49个(20.8%)社区具有独立的眼科门诊,有96个(40.7%)社区眼科设置在五官科,有33个(14.0%)社区有二、三级医疗机构坐诊,有87个(36.9%)社区无眼科门诊。社区中眼科医师共82人,从事眼科的全科及五官科医师共129人,社区中眼科护士共9人,视光师1人。专职公共卫生眼防人员36人,兼职公共卫生眼防人员201人。社区中所有眼科设备共941件,使用率为90.33%。结论上海市社区卫生服务中心眼科资源和眼保健服务能力参差不齐,专业眼科技术人员缺乏,公共卫生眼防人员结构层次偏低且流动性较大,眼病筛查设备落后,公共卫生眼病防治经费投入不足,需要争取政府和其他部门对社区眼病防治的支持,不断完善“社区-区县-市级”的三级防盲网络体系建设和网络信息化建设。(Chin J Ophthalmol,2015,51:493-498)  相似文献   

防盲治盲依然是我国眼科界面临的巨大挑战   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近5年来,我国防盲治盲取得了重大进展.但是,我国盲和视力损伤的状况还没有从根本上得到改善.2006年第2次全国残疾人抽样调查结果表明,我国视力残疾的患病率为1.53%.以此推算,我国视力残疾的人数达2003.5万人.导致视力残疾的主要原因是白内障.我国根治白内障盲的进展缓慢,白内障手术率仍然相当低.如果不努力抓好防盲治盲工作,我国有可能不能实现"视觉2020"行动的目标.防盲治盲依然是我国眼科界面临的巨大挑战.目前,我国已经为进一步开展防盲治盲工作创造了一些有利的条件.我国已有大量开展防盲治盲的人力、财力资源;医疗卫生体制的改革有利于防盲治盲工作的开展;我国眼科事业的发展已经能够为防盲治盲提供足够的技术力量.在防盲治盲的实际中,我国眼科界还面临着探索建立持续、高效的防盲治盲机制的任务.最近我国实施的"百万贫困白内障患者复明工程"项目是我国防盲治盲工作中里程碑式的重大事件,必将加速推进我国的防盲治盲工作.  相似文献   

近5年来,我国防盲治盲取得了重大进展.但是,我国盲和视力损伤的状况还没有从根本上得到改善.2006年第2次全国残疾人抽样调查结果表明,我国视力残疾的患病率为1.53%.以此推算,我国视力残疾的人数达2003.5万人.导致视力残疾的主要原因是白内障.我国根治白内障盲的进展缓慢,白内障手术率仍然相当低.如果不努力抓好防盲治盲工作,我国有可能不能实现"视觉2020"行动的目标.防盲治盲依然是我国眼科界面临的巨大挑战.目前,我国已经为进一步开展防盲治盲工作创造了一些有利的条件.我国已有大量开展防盲治盲的人力、财力资源;医疗卫生体制的改革有利于防盲治盲工作的开展;我国眼科事业的发展已经能够为防盲治盲提供足够的技术力量.在防盲治盲的实际中,我国眼科界还面临着探索建立持续、高效的防盲治盲机制的任务.最近我国实施的"百万贫困白内障患者复明工程"项目是我国防盲治盲工作中里程碑式的重大事件,必将加速推进我国的防盲治盲工作.  相似文献   

Background: The purpose of the present paper was to report the spectrum of primary malignant tumours of eye and adnexa at BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Nepal, from 1995 to 2000. Methods: A retrospective study of medical records with histopathological confirmation of malignant tumours of the eye and adnexa was done for the years 1995?2000. A total of 116 consecutive medical records from the Department of Pathology at BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences were retrieved. All those patients with primary ophthalmic malignancies were included and non‐malignant cases were excluded. Results: There were 80 patients of which 39 (48.8%) were male and 41 (51.2%) were female. Four patients had bilateral involvement. The most common malignancy was retinoblastoma (45.2%), followed by basal cell carcinoma (22.6%). Conclusion: Retinoblastoma is the most common eye cancer. The incidence of melanomas is correspondingly lower than that reported in the West. The present pilot study, the first of its kind, will lay the foundation for the monitoring of the future pattern of ophthalmic malignancies in Nepal and provide a basis for comparison elsewhere.  相似文献   

我国眼科学近五年发展概况   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
Zhao JL 《中华眼科杂志》2005,41(8):688-691
步入新世纪5年来,我国眼科事业保持着快速发展的势头,新技术、新设备和新药物广泛应用,眼科临床服务水平明显提高,眼科机构的实力增强,眼科医师队伍的整体水平明显增高,国内和国际学术活动日趋活跃,学科总体发展步伐加快。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the usefulness of routine ophthalmic examination before renal transplantation in children. METHODS: We reviewed the records of ophthalmic assessments of renal transplant recipients at The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ont., from January 1989 to June 1996. If abnormalities had been found, we determined whether they had previously been documented, were related to the renal disease or other systemic disease, had required intervention or had affected visual function. We calculated the maximum statistical chance of detecting a meaningful eye problem at the pretransplantation assessment. We also estimated the direct cost of the ophthalmic assessment and the effect, if any, of the findings on the patient's medical management. RESULTS: We included 107 charts. Before the ophthalmic assessment, 32 patients (30%) had known eye problems. The ocular examination detected abnormalities in 46 patients (43%); the abnormalities had not been detected previously in 14 (13%). New, potentially vision-threatening eye disorders were found in 6 (6%) of the patients. No finding affected the short- or long-term management of any patient. CONCLUSION: Children with chronic renal failure had a high prevalence of ocular abnormalities, but most of the abnormalities did not affect visual function. Although ophthalmic assessment before transplantation did not alter the medical management of the renal transplant patients, consultation may be helpful in selected patients, particularly those who are not already under the care of an optometrist or ophthalmologist and those who have a visual complaint.  相似文献   

Zou F  Xu JN  Zhang YL  Yang L  Wu KL 《中华眼科杂志》2007,43(9):834-837
目的了解2000至2005年间我国内地学者在国际上发表的眼科学研究论文的情况。方法应用相关检索词从PubMed生物医学文献数据库中检索我国内地学者6年间在国际上发表的眼科学研究论文,并对论文数量、发表刊物、发表单位等进行统计和分析。结果2000至2005年我国内地眼科研究人员以第一作者或作者单位在国际上发表英文论文共392篇,刊载于134种期刊,源自83个单位,主要是医学院校及其附属医院和中国科学院。其中发表文章的数量≥4篇的期刊23种,累计发表文章的数量≥4篇的单位25个。结论6年间我国内地学者在国际上发表的眼科学研究论文数量呈现上升趋势,从一个侧面标志着我国眼科学研究水平正在不断发展和进步。  相似文献   

AIM: To identify the current roles of eye and health care workers in eye care delivery and investigate their potential roles in screening and detection for management of diabetic retinopathy (DR) through task sharing. METHODS: Purposive sampling of 24 participants including health administrators, members from non-government organizations and all available eye care workers in Takeo province were recruited. This cross sectional mixed method study comprised a survey and in-depth interviews. Data were collected from medical records at Caritas Takeo Eye Hospital (CTEH) and Kiri Vong District Referral Hospital Vision Centre, and a survey and interviews with participants were done to explore the potential roles for task sharing in DR management. Qualitative data were transcribed into a text program and then entered into N-Vivo (version 10) software for data management and analysis. RESULTS: From 2009 to 2012, a total of 105 178 patients were examined and 14 030 eye surgeries were performed in CTEH by three ophthalmologists supported by ophthalmic nurses in operating and eye examination for patients. Between January 2011 and September 2012, 151 patients (72 males) with retinal pathology including 125 (83%) with DR visited CTEH. In addition 170 patients with diabetes were referred to CTEH for eye examinations from Mo Po Tsyo screening programs for people with diabetes. Factors favouring task sharing included high demand for eye care services and scarcity of ophthalmologists. CONCLUSION: Task sharing and team work for eye care services is functional. Participants favor the potential role of ophthalmic nurses in screening for DR through task sharing.  相似文献   

AIM: To identify the current roles of eye and health care workers in eye care delivery and investigate their potential roles in screening and detection for management of diabetic retinopathy (DR) through task sharing. METHODS: Purposive sampling of 24 participants including health administrators, members from non-government organizations and all available eye care workers in Takeo province were recruited. This cross sectional mixed method study comprised a survey and in-depth interviews. Data were collected from medical records at Caritas Takeo Eye Hospital (CTEH) and Kiri Vong District Referral Hospital Vision Centre, and a survey and interviews with participants were done to explore the potential roles for task sharing in DR management. Qualitative data were transcribed into a text program and then entered into N-Vivo (version 10) softwarefor data management and analysis. RESULTS: From 2009 to 2012, a total of 105 178 patients were examined and 14 030 eye surgeries were performed in CTEH by three ophthalmologists supported by ophthalmic nurses in operating and eye examination of patients. Between January 2011 and September 2012, 151 patients (72 males) with retinal pathology including 125 (83%) with DR visited CTEH. In addition 170 patients with diabetes were referred to CTEH for eye examinations from Mo Po Tsyo screening programs for people with diabetes. Factors favouring task sharing included high demand for eye care services and scarcity of ophthalmologists. CONCLUSION: Task sharing and team work for eye care services is functional. Participants favor the potential role of ophthalmic nurses in screening for DR through task sharing.  相似文献   

赵家良 《眼科》2020,29(6):409-413
防盲和眼健康是涉及民生的重大公共卫生问题和社会问题。新中国建立七十年来,特别是实施“视觉2020”行动的二十年来,我国防盲和眼健康取得重要进展。本文简要回顾了我国防盲和眼健康事业取得的主要成就,包括盲和视力损伤的患病率、眼病防治(沙眼、白内障、其他眼病)、建立眼科医疗服务体系和防盲体系等几个部分,以期进一步促进我国普遍眼健康的发展,以及适应建设有中国特色社会主义强国的需要。  相似文献   

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