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通过文献资料法和教学实践,针对体育生的学习基础和对运动人体科学课程的学习态度,分析在教学中适当采用联系应用的实例方式传授知识,达到提高学生学习兴趣、促进学生主动参与教学过程、加大学生对知识的接受程度,提高教学质量的目的。 相似文献
通过文献资料法和教学实践,阐明学习运动生理生化课程的重要性,分析体育生的学习现状,强调激发兴趣、授之以渔、动之以情和学以致用对提高教学质量的重要作用,以期能对体育院校(系)的理论课教学提供帮助。 相似文献
人体解剖学是医学生接触的第一门医学专业课,是临床各学科的基础,其重要性不言而喻.而运动系统又是解剖教学中、最早接触的系统,如何上好运动系统,让学生将初学时的好奇心、新鲜感转化成持久的兴趣,并培养学生动手、动脑、理论联系实际的能力,是对解剖教员的一个挑战。在多年的教学中,作者通过不断探索和尝试,对运动系统的教学有如下体会。 相似文献
运动解剖学是各体育大学、体育学院(系)开设的一门必修的、专业基础课程。它是人体解剖学的一个分支,是在正常人体解剖学的基础上阐述正常人体形态结构,研究运动对人体形态结构产生的影响、变化和发展规律,探索人体结构的机械运动规律与体育动作技术关系的一门科学。它为后续课程:运动生理学、运动生物化学、运动生物力学、体育保健学、运动医学、运动选材学和体育测量与评价等奠定必要的形态学基础。它不仅是一门主干、基础理论学科,而且也是一门实用性较强的应用学科。 相似文献
本研究是现代教育技术与传统教学有机结合的拓展型教学设计,针对<运动解剖学>课程和体育专业学生的特点,选择适当的教学方法、教学策略,运用现代信息技术,对教学过程进行优化组合,创设不断变化的动态教学情景,丰富教学内容,为学生提供一个互动交流、自主探究的平台. 相似文献
可靠的流体剪切应力加载系统是研究细胞生物力学特性的重要基础。虽然传统的平行平板流动室(PPFC)系统已经较为成熟,但是它存在操作复杂、加工价格较贵、处理细胞的数量不足等缺点。针对这些缺点,Zhou等提出了一种新的"摇晃式"加载系统,但是这一系统的可行性仍未得到实践证明。为了验证使用该系统对细胞加载定量的流体剪切应力的可行性,本研究分别使用摇晃法和传统的平板PPFC法对原代成骨细胞加载平均大小约7dyne/cm2的流体剪切应力,另设一组不加载的细胞作为空白对照组。通过激光共聚焦显微镜检测各组细胞的细胞骨架重建情况并记录聚合态肌动蛋白(F-actin)的平均荧光密度;通过流式细胞仪检测各组细胞的增殖情况,记录S期细胞的百分比。最后对所得到的结果进行成组t检验分析。实验结果表明:与空白对照组(20.4±1.8)相比,使用"摇晃法"加载成骨细胞后,F-actin的平均荧光密度增高(46.8±4.5)。S期细胞的百分比(10.6±1.04)%较对照组(4.1±0.54)%也有明显的升高。通过细胞骨架重建和细胞周期的分析,发现"摇晃法"产生的流体剪切应力的生物学效应高于PPFC法。这一结果证明了"摇晃法"产生的流体剪切应力同样可以诱导成骨细胞的生物力学活性,而且它比PPFC法更好的模拟了体内细胞的应力微环境,是一种简便可行的流体剪切应力加载方法。 相似文献
目的 通过点评分析我院门急诊处方用药情况,以提高处方合格率,促进临床合理用药。方法 通过我院HIS系统,临床药师每月随机抽取1 d门急诊处方进行点评与分析。结果 2018年门诊处方为343850张,点评11438张,点评率为3.33%;急诊处方为58344张,点评2053张,点评率为3.52%。门急诊处方总合格率为97.24%,其中门诊处方合格率为97.38%,急诊处方合格率为96.44%。门急诊处方点评中不合理处方共373张,其中门诊300张,急诊73张;门诊不合理处方排前3位为用法用量不合理、诊断与用药不符、选药不合理;急诊不合理处方排前3位为无指征用抗生素、用法用量不合理、选药不合理。结论 应不断加强处方点评力度及行政干预措施,规范医师处方行为,促进合理用药,保障医疗安全。 相似文献
骨学总论部分以理论为主,要上好总论部分,首先,必须书写一份好的理论教案,教案是教师备课的结晶,上课的依据和篮图,要写出一份好和教案,需要教师付出艰辛的劳动,在备课时吃透教材,深化教材,反复推敲思考。完善充实,不断提高,才能在上课时娓娓道来。 相似文献
微型轴流式血泵被广泛运用于短期心脏循环辅助,其重要指标是转速、扬程、流量和流场分布.采用计算流体力学方法对血泵流场进行了数值模拟,得到血泵的扬程和流场分布,验证得出:传统升力法不能满足要求.为此提出了两种新型的轴流血泵DAVa和DAVb,叶轮数4,外径18mm,内径6.3mm,长度21mm,从轮毂到轮缘径向5个均匀分布的截面分别采用NACA10-NACA6翼型,相邻切面的安装角差为内切面翼型安装角的1/3和1/2.流体计算结果:随着轮毂处安装角从50°增加到80°,DAVb的扬程均大于DAVa,DAVb扬程平缓增加,DAVa则在80°处有一个突增;DAVa的脱流和湍流、径向流都明显小于DAVb.由此得出,轴流泵的扬程和叶轮安装角成正比关系,采用较为合适的叶轮扭转度有利于减小湍流、尾流和径向流等不稳定流场损耗现象. 相似文献
Zhao SZ Papathanasopoulou P Long Q Marshall I Xu XY 《Annals of biomedical engineering》2003,31(8):962-971
A combined magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling study was carried out for pulsatile flow in a carotid bifurcation phantom. The aim of the study was to quantify differences in flow patterns between MRI measurement and MRI-based CFD simulations and to further explore the potential for in vivo applications. The computational model was reconstructed from high resolution magnetic resonance (MR) scans. Velocities derived from phase-contrast MR measurements were used as boundary conditions for the CFD calculation. Detailed comparisons of velocity patterns were made between the CFD results and MRI measurements. Good agreement was achieved for the main velocity component in both well-behaved flow (in the common carotid) and disturbed region (in the carotid sinus). Comparison of in-plane velocity vectors showed less satisfactory consistency and revealed that the MR measurements obtained were inadequate to depict the secondary flow pattern as expected. It can be concluded that the combined MRI/CFD is expected to provide more reliable information about the full three-dimensional velocity field. © 2003 Biomedical Engineering Society.
PAC2003: 8761Lh, 8719Uv, 8385Pt, 8710+e 相似文献
Osnat Eytan Ariel J. Jaffa Joseph Har-Toov Eitan Dalach David Elad 《Annals of biomedical engineering》1999,27(3):372-379
Intrauterine fluid movements, which are responsible for embryo transport to a successful implantation site at the fundus, may be induced by myometrial contractions. Myometrial contractions in nonpregnant uteri were studied from in vivo measurements of intrauterine pressures with fluid-filled catheters and by visual observations of high-speed replaying of ultrasound images of the uterus. Transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) images of sagittal cross sections of the nonpregnant uterus were scanned with an intravaginal ultrasound probe. Images at consecutive times (2 s apart) were digitized and processed by employing modern techniques of image processing. The sets of images were compared to evaluate time variation of the fluid–wall interface with respect to amplitude, frequencies, and wavelength of myometrial contractions. Analysis of TVUS images from 11 volunteers during the proliferative phase revealed that myometrial contractions are fairly symmetric and are propagated from the cervix towards the fundus at a frequency of about 0.01-0.09 Hz. The wavelength, amplitude, and velocity of the fluid–wall interface during a typical contractile wave were found to be 10-30 mm, 0.05-0.2 mm, and 0.5-1.9 mm/s, respectively. Additional data acquisition from a large number of normal subjects is needed to build a data base to predict normal characteristics of myometrial contractions in a nonpregnant uterus, in order to better understand their role in the preimplantation process. © 1999 Biomedical Engineering Society.
PAC99: 8717Jj, 8719St, 4380Qf, 8763Df 相似文献
王亚平 《中国医学物理学杂志》2010,27(1):1696-1698
案例教学法是推进素质教育,培养高水平的应用型医学人才的重要方法和手段之一。随着启发式教学法内涵的拓展,案例式教学法在教学中的重要性日益凸显。我们在医学物理学教学实践的环节中应用了案例式教学法,经过三年的摸索和实践,使案例式教学法完善化和系统化,让案例和案例教学法成为教师教育中的标准教学法之一。在医学物理学教学中应用案例式教学法,首先要正确理解医学物理学中的案例和案例式教学法,才能精选案例,精用案例;其次要注重教学方法的多样性,活化案例式教学法,突出案例教学法的“医学物理”特色。实践证明,案例式教学法不仅有助于学生感受、理解知识,培养学生的创新能力、实践能力和创业精神,同时也有助于提高教师的教学水平,做到“教”、“学”相长,取得双赢效果。 相似文献
Hadi Wiputra Guat Ling Lim Khong Chun Chua R. Nivetha Sanah Merchant Soomar Arijit Biwas Citra Nurfarah Zaini Mattar Hwa Liang Leo Choon Hwai Yap 《Annals of biomedical engineering》2017,45(10):2335-2347
In both adult human and canine, the cardiac right ventricle (RV) is known to exhibit a peristaltic-like motion, where RV sinus (inflow region) contracts first and the infundibulum (outflow region) later, in a wave-like contraction motion. The delay in contraction between the sinus and infundibulum averaged at 15% of the cardiac cycle and was estimated to produce an intra-ventricular pressure difference of 15 mmHg. However, whether such a contractile motion occurs in human fetuses as well, its effects on hemodynamics remains unknown, and are the subject of the current study. Hemodynamic studies of fetal hearts are important as previous works showed that healthy cardiac development is sensitive to fluid mechanical forces. We performed 4D clinical ultrasound imaging on eight 20-weeks old human fetuses. In five fetal RVs, peristaltic-like contractile motion from the sinus to infundibulum (“forward peristaltic-like motion”) was observed, but in one RV, peristaltic-like motion was observed from the infundibulum to sinus (“reversed peristaltic-like motion”), and two RVs contraction delay could not be determined due to poor regression fit. Next, we performed dynamic-mesh computational fluid dynamics simulations with varying extents of peristaltic-like motions for three of the eight RVs. Results showed that the peristaltic-like motion did not affect flow patterns significantly, but had significant influence on energy dynamics: increasing extent of forward peristaltic-like motion reduced the energy required for movement of fluid out of the heart during systolic ejection, while increasing extent of reversed peristaltic-like motion increased the required energy. It is currently unclear whether the peristaltic-like motion is an adaptation to reduce physiological energy expenditure, or merely an artefact of the cardiac developmental process. 相似文献
Saber NR Wood NB Gosman AD Merrifield RD Yang GZ Charrier CL Gatehouse PD Firmin DN 《Annals of biomedical engineering》2003,31(1):42-52
A combined computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methodology has been developed to simulate blood flow in a subject-specific left heart. The research continues from earlier experience in modeling the human left ventricle using time-varying anatomical MR scans. Breathing artifacts are reduced by means of a MR navigator echo sequence with feedback to the subject, allowing a near constant breath-hold diaphragm position. An improved interactive segmentation technique for the long- and short-axis anatomical slices is used. The computational domain is extended to include the proximal left atrium and ascending aorta as well as the left ventricle, and the mitral and aortic valve orifices are approximately represented. The CFD results show remarkable correspondence with the MR velocity data acquired for comparison purposes, as well as with previously published in vivo experiments (velocity and pressure). Coherent vortex formation is observed below the mitral valve, with a larger anterior vortex dominating the late-diastolic phases. Some quantitative discrepancies exist between the CFD and MRI flow velocities, owing to the limitations of the MR dataset in the valve region, heart rate differences in the anatomical and velocity acquisitions, and to certain phenomena that were not simulated. The CFD results compare well with measured ranges in literature.© 2003 Biomedical Engineering Society. 相似文献
溶血和血栓是目前国内心室辅助装置不能应用于临床的主要原因。血泵的不良血液动力学特性是导致溶血和血栓的主要因数。计算流体力学(CFD)方法目前被广泛应用于血泵设计,它可以准确有效地反映血泵内部流场状态、血泵压力流量曲线以及血泵内部流场剪切力分布状态等。本研究采用CFD方法对自制螺旋血泵的泵腔、出入流口进行流场分析,内部流场采用三维彩图显示。结果显示CFD分析结果很好的与体外实验结果吻合。血泵血液动力学特性,以及内部血流状态采用CFD方法分析,可以有效地分析血泵血液相溶性方面的问题。 相似文献
造成溶血、血栓等血液破坏现象的内在原因之一是血液的动力学行为。研究表明,不规则的流动模式尤其是切变流中产生的机械切应力直接导致血液的破坏。计算机技术的迅速发展使得微观动力学的数值模拟成为可能。本文针对基于流线型设计的叶轮心脏泵和直叶片叶轮心脏泵,应用计算流体动力学对其内部的流动行为进行了数值模拟。分析两种心脏泵的内流场和切应力分布,认为在相同的边界条件下,流线型设计的叶轮心脏泵要比直叶片心脏泵更符合血液动力学的要求,对血液的破坏较小。 相似文献
目的通过计算流体力学(computational fluid dynamics, CFD)分析Stanford B型夹层的血流动力学参数,从而有效全面评估疾病。方法基于1例复杂的Stanford B型主动脉夹层患者的增强CTA影像,构建三维模型和血流动力学的数值模拟研究,分析流场速度分布、夹层破口剖面速度分布以及壁面切应力。结果该病例在夹层入口、出口处的血液流速分别最高达到1.2、2 m/s,为进一步预测夹层破裂位置和评估夹层破裂风险提供依据。在夹层破口附近的假腔壁面形成明显的低壁面切应力区,与患者体内血栓位置相一致。结论 CFD能有效分析复杂主动脉夹层的血流动力学特征,获得主动脉弓部及其降主动脉的剪切力与主动脉夹层发生的相关性,有助于指导临床对主动脉进行功能学评估,进而预防疾病发生。 相似文献