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This study sought to determine the attitudes, beliefs and values towards clinical work organization of students entering undergraduate medicine, nursing and pharmacy programmes in order to frame questions for a wider study. In the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, The University of Auckland students entering medicine, nursing and pharmacy programmes completed a questionnaire based on that used by Degeling et al. in studies of the professional subcultures working in the health system in Australia, New Zealand, England and elsewhere. Findings indicate that before students commence their education and training medical, nursing and pharmacy students as groups or sub-cultures differ in how they believe clinical work should be organized. Medical students believe that clinical work should be the responsibility of individuals in contrast to nursing students who have a collective view and believe that work should be systemized. Pharmacy students are at a mid-point in this continuum. There are many challenges for undergraduate programmes preparing graduates for modern healthcare practice where the emphasis is on systemized work and team based approaches. These include issues of professional socialization which begins before students enter programmes, selection of students, attitudinal shifts and interprofessional education.  相似文献   

Abstract Attitudes towards the use of complementary therapies by students of undergraduate Bachelor of Nursing, Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences were determined using a self-administered questionnaire. Overall, 78% of students had used a complementary therapy in the past year and 56% had visited a complementary therapy practitioner. The therapies most used were those involving vitamins, mineral and other supplements. Practitioners specializing in this area were the most visited, followed by chiropractors. Commonly used products included vitamin C, multivitamins, B group vitamins, garlic, iron and echinacea. Most students thought complementary therapies improved quality of life, with friends and family providing the main sources of information. There were few differences attributable to course or gender. The results suggest that these students have favorable attitudes towards complementary therapies and that many choose to use them as part of normal health care.  相似文献   

目的 了解河南省某中医院校本科在读男护生对从事护理职业的认知及感受,为男护生职业规划及培养提供参考依据。方法 选取2021年7月-12月河南省某中医院在读的20名男护生为研究对象,对其进行半结构式深入访谈,采用Colaizzi 7步分析法对访谈资料进行分析、归纳及提炼主题。结果 男护生对护理职业的认知、感受及发展规划可归纳为3个主题:(1)专业选择认知不同;(2)职业情感体验多样化;(3)多种因素影响男护生的职业规划。结论 男护生在职业规划发展上存在心理、社会等多方面的困扰和需求,高校和医院应密切关注其情感体验及发展需求,并提供针对性地心理疏导和多层次地支持。  相似文献   

Objective:To analyze the influence of professional identity and academic efficacy on the professional attitude of higher vocational nursing students.Methods:A total of 656 higher vocational nursing students were investigated with general information questionnaire,academic self-efficacy scale,professional identity scale,and professional attitude scale of nursing students.Results:The score of professional attitude of higher vocational nursing students was(106.34±9.86),which is found to be in the upper middle level.The professional attitude of higher vocational nursing students is positively correlated with academic self-efficacy(P<0.05),and with learning ability self-efficacy(P<0.01).Professional cognition,professional will,and professional values have a positive predictive effect on the professional attitude of higher vocational nursing students(P<0.05).Conclusions:Academic self-efficacy and professional identity are important predictors of professional attitude.Learning behavior self-efficacy,professional cognition,professional will,and professional values have a significant impact on the establishment of positive professional attitude.  相似文献   

Perceptions of nursing students on men entering nursing as a career.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of nursing students who were enrolled in an under-graduate nursing programme in a rural university, on men entering nursing as a career. Questionnaires were returned by 38 males (63%) and 117 females (50%). The major findings were that male nursing students intend to work in specialty areas such as emergency nursing, operating room nursing and intensive care. Both male and female nursing students perceived that the public displayed an increasing respect and acceptance of male nurses. Differences between male and female nursing students were evident in demographic characteristics, course interests, career aspirations, motivating factors and barriers associated with males choosing a nursing career.  相似文献   

目的调查用人单位对护理专业毕业生临床能力的期望及实际临床能力,并比较二者的差异。方法采用自设问卷,调查97名带教教师和护理管理者对护理专业毕业生临床能力的期望;并以自评和他评方式,评价132名护理专业实习生的实际临床能力。结果用人单位对本科生和大专生临床能力的期望排序一致,前3位的均为职业心理素质、临床处置能力和临床管理能力,而对临床教学能力和临床科研能力的期望最低;对本科生临床处置能力、护理沟通能力、临床科研能力和临床教学能力的期望高于大专生(P<0.05);本科生和大专生的实际临床能力均低于用人单位的期望(P<0.01)。结论护理专业毕业生实际临床能力尚不能满足用人单位的需求,应加大对其职业心理素质和临床处置能力的培养,并体现出本科生的优势。  相似文献   

实习护生专业态度与临床能力的相关性研究   总被引:55,自引:1,他引:55  
目的研究实习护生的专业态度与临床能力的关系。方法对某全国重点大学护理学院1999、2000级本科护生63名和2001、2002级专科实习护生65名,共128名进行问卷调查。临床能力分专业发展能力、临床护理能力和沟通与合作能力3部分,专业态度从护生对护理专业的认知、情感和行为倾向3个方面衡量。结果护生的专业态度与临床能力有显著的相关性;专科护生的专业态度中的行为倾向与本科护生比较,差异有统计学意义。结论今后护理教育工作者要加强护生的专业思想教育,同时,对于本科护生要采用不同于专科护生的方法,有针对性地采取措施。  相似文献   

目的调查护理本科应届毕业生专业认知和就业意向,以探求稳定护理本科生专业思想的有效教育引导方法。方法通过方便抽样,对杭州市4所高校190名护理本科应届毕业生进行问卷调查。结果护理本科生选择护理专业多为长辈意愿(50.5%);认为护理专业主要优势在就业方面(92.6%);最不能接受的护理职业的缺点前5位为工作压力大,身心疲惫(82.1%)、三班制工作(56.8%)、职业风险高(44.2%)、报酬低(32.6%)和社会地位低(31.6%);最可能影响护理专业学习积极性的因素为经济收入(32.6%)和就业形势(25.3%);接触过的护士(58.9%)和本校教师(32.6%)对学生的专业思想影响最大;就业意向集中在中小城市(44.2%)、省会等大城市(40.0%)和三级甲等医院(83.2%);最希望的工作岗位集中在行政(30.5%)、教学(25.3%)和医院临床(20.0%);实际可能的就业选择集中在医院临床(87.4%)。结论护理院校、医院等是影响护理本科生专业认知和就业意愿的重要场所。只有尽量创造良好的实习环境、提供持续可靠的职业规划指导才能有助于吸引并稳定年轻的护理队伍。  相似文献   

This article appraises contemporary approaches to European student exchange programmes. It explores the impact of exchange programmes on the learning experience of nursing students, with discussion of the findings. Practical suggestions are made to prepare students who are considering this challenging opportunity. Recommendations to optimise the potential for professional, cultural and personal development are also highlighted.  相似文献   

北京协和医学院护理学院以护士应该具备的专业素质为标准,开展学生的素质教育工作,培养学生的优秀品质、多方面能力和良好的心理素质,为学生成为优秀护士奠定了坚实基础。  相似文献   

护理本科毕业生专业行为表现与专业态度相关性研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目的 本研究旨在评价护理本科毕业生专业行为的表现,并探索其与专业态度的相关性.方法 应用Schwirian"护理专业行为表现六维评分表"评价52项护理行为在临床学习的经常性、自我表现、教育为其所做准备3方面;Arthur"护理专业自我概念量表"测量护生的专业态度.采取方便抽样,调查护理本科毕业生74名.结果 护理本科生在专业发展、重病护理、领导、沟通交流等方面的自我评价显示了良好的专业行为表现;学校所做教育准备和专业行为表现呈显著相关(P<0.01),护理专业行为与护理专业自我概念呈显著相关(P<0.05).结论 "护理专业行为表现六维评分表"有较好的信度和效度,从多方面评价了护理本科生护理行为的表现,表明高等护理教育为人文素质和技能实践做了良好的教育准备;护理专业行为表现和专业态度互为因果.  相似文献   

Values of students entering nursing in 1982 were compared with values of those entering in 1972. The Allport-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values and an Entering Resources inventory were completed by 309 students in 1972 and 161 students in 1982. The 1982 sample scored higher on economic values (p less than .01), but did not differ on the other values. Both groups scored highest on social values with religious values ranking second in 1982 and third in 1972. These findings contrast to studies in the 1960's which found religious values rated highest and economic values rated lowest.  相似文献   

目的了解中医本科护生专业价值观现状并分析其影响因素,为高等护理教育机构培养护生专业价值观提供参考。方法采用护理专业价值观量表(NPVS—R)对223名中医本科护生进行现场调查。结果中医本科护生专业价值观总均分为(83.90±13.93);4个维度中信任维度得分指标最高(69.5%),行动主义得分指标最低(61.6%);根据每个条目的得分排序,排在前5位的条目是:维护患者的隐私权、保持患者对医护人员的信任、为自己的护理实践行为承担责任和义务、拒绝参与违背自己专业价值观伦理要求的护理工作、维护患者的道德尊严和法定权利。不同年级护理专业价值观总均分无明显差别,但在照顾提供维度,二年级护生得分高于三年级护生,差别有统计学意义(P=0.014);学习成绩自我评价不同的护生护理专业价值观认同度有明显不同,差别有统计学意义(F=2.452,P=0.035)。LSD两两分析结果显示:自我评价成绩好的护生专业价值观总均分低于自我评价成绩较好(P=0.008)或一般(P=0.006)的护生,且4个维度得分均低于自我评价成绩较好或一般的护生。结论中医本科护生专业价值观总体水平有待进一步提高,特别是“行动主义”维度认同度较低。与在职护士相比,护生更加注重维护病人的尊严和权利,而对于不断更新知识与技能的认知度不高。护理教育者应该更加关注成绩相对较好以及高年级特别是进入临床实习期护生专业价值观的培养与巩固。  相似文献   

护理专业学生专业思想状况调查分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 了解护理专业学生专业思想状况,为制订专业思想教育方案提供依据.方法 采用自行设计的问卷,对161名护理专业学生进行高考志愿填报、就业意愿、专业思想教育等方面的调查.结果 自主选择护理专业的学生43名(26.71%),毕业时选择非专业对口工作的学生有44名(27.33%),认为专业思想教育非常有必要和有必要的共113名(70.19%).结论 护理专业学生对专业的认同感存在一定的局限性和片面性,护理教师应加强学生的专业思想教育,帮助其树立牢固、稳定的专业认同感.  相似文献   

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