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华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院儿科历史悠久,早在1955年同济医院迁往武汉后由著名的儿科专家宋名通教授建立感染消化呼吸专业组。1958年组建儿科系时,成立了儿童传染病教研组,1959年建立实验室,1989年成立儿科临床病毒研究室。1985年和1993年先后被国务院批准为硕士、博士学位授予点和博士后流动站。有董永绥、方峰和黄志华3名博士研究生导师,方红、熊正明2名硕士研究生导师。先后培养了博士18名、硕士38名和出站博士后1名。2006年被国家食品药品监督管理局批准为儿科抗感染专业(国内首批)临床药物试验基地。  相似文献   

中国解剖学会断层影像解剖学专业委员会和山东大学医学院于 2 0 0 1年 8月 1 0日~ 1 7日在山东泰安医学院举办了第九届全国断层影像解剖学学习班 (国家级继续医学教育项目 ,编号 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 7)。有 2 0个省、市、自治区的 5 8名学员参加了学习 ,1 1名解剖学教师和医学影像学专家参加了授课。中国解剖学会断层影像解剖学专业委员会主任委员、山东大学医学院博士生导师刘树伟教授主持了学习班。本届学习班有以下特点 :(1 )学员层次较高 ,具有高级职称者 2 1人 ,占学员总数的 3 6.2 % ;具有博士、硕士学位者 2 0人 ,占学员总数的 …  相似文献   

研究生培养是我国教育体系中的一个重要环节,自1978年恢复招收研究生以来,我科先后招收硕士研究生50名,博士研究生40名。绝大部分毕业研究生已成为各单位的骨干和学术带头人。下面仅谈谈我科硕士生的培养。  相似文献   

男,汉族,主任医师,副军级。毕业于第四军医大学,历任兰州军区兰州总医院全军骨科中心副主任、脊柱外科主任、第四军医大学兼职教授,硕士研究生导师。  相似文献   

由中国解剖学会断层影像解剖学专业委员会和山东大学主办的国家级继续医学教育项目第十一届全国断层影像解剖学学习班于 2 0 0 3年 1 0月 2 1~ 2 9日在山东大学医学院顺利举行。有来自 1 8个省、市、自治区的 5 4位解剖学教师和临床医师参加了学习。中国解剖学会断层影像解剖学专业委员会主任委员 ,山东大学断层影像解剖学研究中心主任 ,博士生导师刘树伟教授主持并主讲了学习班 ;有 8位山东大学医学院、齐鲁医院和山东省医学影像学研究所的人体解剖学和医学影像学专家为学习班授课。 1 0月 2 1~ 2 3日 ,学习班全体学员参加了首届全国功能…  相似文献   

多站考试在临床麻醉学毕业实习中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:在麻醉学专业学生毕业实习期间应用临床多站考试方法.量化考核学生实习效果,探索临床多站考试在麻醉学专业的应用价值。方法:将毕业实习学生随机分为实验组和对照组.实验组参加多站考试,对照组不参加多站考试。观察项目:实习期间各阶段性考试成绩、毕业前临床麻醉学毕业考试成绩。结果:实验组学生各组考试成绩显著好于对照组学生成绩。结论:在麻醉学专业学生毕业实习期间应用多站考试,能够客观量化考核麻醉学专业学生的实习效果,有利于学生就业前的专业训练。  相似文献   

临床医学研究生指导工作中的体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
临床医学研究生教育包括硕士、博士两个阶段的培养和学习.是医学教育结构中最高层次的教育,担负着培养高素质人才和发展科学技术的双重任务,因此临床医学研究生的素质直接影响到医学事业的发展。如何保证研究生的教育质量成为当前研究生教育研究的核心问题。作者从导师的角度探讨如何抓好研究生培养,保证其教育质量。  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来,我国高等教育的快速发展,传统的基础医学研究生培养模式已不能适应新形式的需要,尤其是人体解剖学与组织学胚胎学专业硕士研究生适应社会需求能力单一,就业渠道不畅,就业难,已成为制约本学科研究生教育,乃之整个学科发展的"瓶颈".为推动我院高层次医学教育、教学可持续发展,使我院的研究生教育、教学与时俱进,同时为全国的基础医学硕士研究生教育、教学改革提供可借鉴途径,在调查研究的基础上,借鉴国内外先进的教育理念和培养模式[1-2],以我院人体解剖学与组织学胚胎学专业硕士研究生教学改革为切入点,探索适应新形势的基础医学专业硕士研究生培养模式[3].  相似文献   

目的探讨基于"岗位胜任力"的带教模式在住院医师产前超声教学中的应用价值。方法选取武汉大学中南医院2015年7月至2019年12月超声医学基地产前超声专业组培训的87名"住培"学员,实验组45名学员采用基于"岗位胜任力"带教模式,对照组42名学员采用传统带教模式。结果实验组的理论及技能各项成绩均高于对照组;有工作经验组的理论及技能总分均高于无工作经验组,最后学历为硕士的理论及技能总分均高于本科组。结论基于"岗位胜任力"的带教模式在产前超声教学中可取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

经卫生部批准 ,中山大学中山医学院解剖学系将于 2 0 0 2年 12月在广州举办第 3届国家级继续教育项目“人体解剖学教学师资培训班”(编号 2 0 0 2 - 0 1- 0 2 - 0 0 5 )。本项目已成功举办了二届 ,参加的学员来自全国 2 0多个省、直辖市 ,有百余名解剖学教师参加学习 ,学习班安排内容丰富 ,由富有经验的副高职称以上的教师授课。采用专题讲座、代表发言、分组讨论、示范课教学和撰写学习论文等多种形式 ,顺利完成教学任务 ,收到较好的效果。根据前二届学员们提出的一些建议和具体情况 ,我们在第三届学习班将增加解剖学基本科研技术和方法 (…  相似文献   

Although the Consensus Conference on Combined and Integrated Doctoral Training in Psychology (e.g., Bailey, 2003) generated much content of relevance to the structure and commitments of Combined-Integrated (C-I) programs, faculty, and students-and Competencies 2002: Future Directions in Education and Credentialing in Professional Psychology (www.appic.org) developed language and guidelines regarding the knowledge areas, skills, and values that students in professional psychology programs should acquire and demonstrate-specific models and methods are necessary to translate these professional guidelines and aspirations into reality. This article offers one such model, Equilintegration (EI) Theory, and method, the Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory (BEVI), that can be used by faculty, training staff, supervisors, and students in C-I programs to operationalize, assess, and cultivate basic values of education and training from a C-I perspective (e.g., self-awareness, self-assessment, and self-reflection). In addition to this model and method, relevant background information, theory, and research are presented along with attendant implications, hypotheses, and principles.  相似文献   

Undergraduate teaching in clinical laboratory medicine is at the center of contemporary medical education. Students are expected to learn advanced laboratory medicine and basic diagnostic skills such as blood sampling, peripheral blood cell counting, blood typing, cross match test, urinalysis, electrocardiography, and bacteriological examinations through their training program. In our department, we have compulsory lectures, a basic practical training course and an advanced training course for the medical students. The compulsory lectures are programmed for the students in the fourth grade to obtain basic knowledge of clinical laboratory medicine and the patho-physiology of diseases. The teaching staff makes every effort to make their lectures exciting and interesting. As we experienced as medical students in the past, boring lectures give students nothing but a nap. For every senior teaching staff in our school, it is obligatory to be evaluated on their lectures by the students and other teaching staff every year to improve their teaching skills and materials. Teaching materials utilizing personal computers and the Internet are becoming more and more important. The basic practical training course is for the students in the fifth grade. The laboratory technicians help us teach students basic diagnostic skills in this program. The students in the advanced training course have to attend morning conferences in the department, including reverse clinico-pathological conferences and laboratory investigations. The reversed clinico-pathological conferences are popular among the students. Through our training programs, we hope that the students raise many questions that they solve themselves in the future, as well as learning established clinical laboratory medicine.  相似文献   

Medical Technologists (MTs) who serve in the clinical laboratories of highly specialized hospitals (HSP) are required to operate highly advanced medical technology and to develop and evaluate highly advanced reagents or devices, and therefore require specialized training. Furthermore, MTs in some care units or diagnostic facilities of HSP are required to develop and maintain highly advanced medical skills. MTs who serve in HSP are called advanced specialized MTs, so-called Clinical Laboratory Scientists (CLS), and should be distinguished from specialized MTs and MTs. At present, the division of MTs is not officially accepted; however, the number of MTs with master's degrees will increase in the near future, and therefore it will be necessary for the educational association of MTs to qualify CLS as an official title. To develop the skills necessary to become a CLS before graduation, students participate in a number of programs, i.e., freshman seminars and medical team training, advanced field courses, clinical training (fourth grade), and laboratory research (fourth grade). We feel that laboratory research is the most important tool in the education of CLS, because the research process is the same as repeating the cycle: plan, do, evaluate, and discuss. The educational staff represent another important factor in the education of CLS, and they have long clinical careers and strong research directions. Finally, the Division of Medical Technology of the School of Health Sciences, Department of Laboratory Medicine of Shinshu University School of Medicine and Shinshu University Hospital cooperate in the education of MT and CLS.  相似文献   

目的 学生朋友心理辅导员是高校学生心理健康教育网络系统的重要组成部分。如何在较短的时间里,经过比较系统的培训,让普通的大学生成长为合格的学生朋友心理辅导员并承担起为同学进行心理护理的义务,是构建高校学生心理健康教育网络系统的关健。方法 明确培训目标和担任工作职能,培训内容科学,知识构成合理,培训方法灵活,进行培训前测与后测和培训效果评估,注重实践锻炼和心理督导。结果 培训结业的学员在各方面有比较真显著变化,心态明显改变,知识明显提高、助人技巧明显增强、人际交往明显改善,总体上呈现出积极、友爱、乐观、向上的精神面貌。结论 在高校能够培训出合格的学生朋友心理辅导员,并成为高校学生心理健康教育网络的重要力量。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We introduce a web-based adaptive training simulator system to exercise cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills. Our purpose is to provide emergency physicians with an additional training tool for cardiac life support clinical cases, by integrating an adaptive learning environment with a web-based case simulator. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Adaptive systems reflect some features of the user in the user model and apply this model to adapt various visible aspects of the system to the user. Our system follows a stage-based learning model with several steps to personalize student learning. First, students learn the theory and content of life support and take computerized tests to evaluate their declarative knowledge of these areas. Second, they practice with clinical case examples and complete an exam at the appropriate level of difficulty to assess their practical knowledge. Finally, they train with additional clinical cases. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: In order to evaluate the usefulness of the system, we used it in two traditional advanced life support courses at the Jaen Hospital in Spain, as an additional and complementary tool within the course. Results show that the use of adaptation techniques can improve student performance.  相似文献   

In 1971 the New Jersey Medical School formed a task force to address the training of physicians from minority and disadvantaged backgrounds, and in 1972 the Students for Medicine Program (SMP) was launched. The program, one of the first of its kind, provided previews of college science courses to help minority students develop their noncognitive skills and make the transition to medical school. The school has also established other minority programs. The programs have been designed to form a health careers pipeline for college-bound students, beginning in the eighth grade. Grade-specific summer experiences, as well as year-round monthly workshops, are offered to all participants. The workshops for pre-college and college students and their parents are designed to strengthen students' academic skills, address issues such as self-esteem, provide exposure to health professions, and increase parents' knowledge and involvement. From 1972 to 1998, there had been 1,722 participants in the pre-college, 1,875 in the college, and 683 in the prematriculation programs, respectively. They were from the inner city, most of them African American, but with a growing number of Hispanics. From 1987 to 1994, 36% of the SMP participants entered health professions schools. In 1996, the medical school created the New Jersey Partnership for Health Professions Education, a collaboration of high schools, universities, community-based organizations, the federal government, and the health professions schools. It works to strengthen the medical school's "pipeline" for underrepresented minority students while eliminating competition among programs for the same students and simultaneously developing a larger pool.  相似文献   



Despite many high-quality programs in basic surgical-skill education, the surgical skill of junior doctors varies widely. This, together with the waning interest in surgery as a career among medical students, is a serious issue confronted by hospitals and healthcare systems worldwide. We, therefore, developed and implemented an intensive one-day surgical-skill training course for two purposes; it would improve surgical skills and increase interest in surgery among medical students.


The surgical-skill training program is named Surgical Skill Weekend (SSW) and it includes hands-on training sessions for surgical-suturing techniques and advanced surgical procedures (i.e. laparoscopic and robot-assisted surgery), hybrid simulation sessions, and an operating-room session where aforementioned sessions are all put together. By the end of the program, students’ improvements in surgical-suturing skills were assessed by experts in a form of checklist, and changes in the interest in a surgical career, if there were any, were answered by the students who participated in the program.


A total of ninety-one (91) medical students participated in the 2015 and 2016 SSW courses. Their overall satisfaction level with the course was very high (Very satisfied: 78%, Quite satisfied: 22%). All of the participant’s surgical-suturing skills significantly improved (median score range: 14–20, P?<?0.05) and their interest in a surgical career increased significantly (from 56% to 81%, P?<?0.05) by completing the program.


An intensive and comprehensive surgical-skill training program for medical students can not only improve surgical-suturing skills but also increase interest in surgery as a career.

目的:探讨物理课程在医学人才培养中的地位和作用,构建一个突出医学特色、具有较强可操作性的高等院校医学专业物理基础课程教学体系。方法:对国内综合性大学医学类专业及独立医学院校的学生和部分临床医生开展调查,组织山东大学在校医学专业本科生、七年制学生座谈讨论,并将调查结果结合国际医学教育标准,国内医学教育现状等进行分析研究。结果:明确了物理基础课程在医学人才培养中的地位和作用,对该课程的建设提出了我们的设想。结论:物理课程在整个医学教育中,为后续课程提供了必备的基础知识,为学生的科学素养的形成打下良好的基础,对医学人才素质教育起到积极作用。  相似文献   

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