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心腔结构解剖标本的制作与观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
裴丽霞 《局解手术学杂志》2007,16(4):F0002-F0002
心腔结构是心血管系统的重要内容之一,通过观察心脏解剖标本,能真实地观察到心腔各结构的局部位置、关系和形态,正确理解心腔的血流方向,在教学、科研及临床应用等方面具有重要的意义。传统标本在显示心腔结构时,多采用心腔开窗法,即在心腔表面,行不同大小的“ ”形或“△↓”形切口,形成活瓣,打开活瓣或直接将活瓣切除即可观察心腔内部结构。此法直接简单,但心腔结构暴露不充分,尤其是主动脉口和肺  相似文献   

临床数据表明,与传统心电信号相比,高频心电信号在心肌梗塞、房室纤颤、心肌缺血、心肌炎、心室肥大、室性心动过速等患者中表现出高的敏感性,但不具有特异性.与传统心电信号研究相比,高频心电信号的研究报道较少.本文分析总结了高频心电信号的临床意义及研究中存在的问题,结合传统心电信号分析采用的方法,提出扩展高频心电信号研究的途径.  相似文献   

Hilbert-Huang变换应用于心电信号消噪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对心电信号消噪。材料与方法:本文讨论了Hilbert—Huang变换中经验模态分解和瞬时频率求解的两个过程及其原理,着重于把经验模态分解运用到心电信号,将其分解成有限数目的模态函数,对模态函数进行不同的阈值和处理。结果:Hilbert-Huang变换方法可有效地去除心电信号中的一般干扰。结论:与传统的小波变换消噪相比.Hilbert—Huang变换应用于心电消噪有一定的优越性。  相似文献   

单一脏器铸型标本能很好体现该脏器的内部立体构造,但是与相邻脏器的管道位置关系和毗邻却显示不清。位于胸腔的心、肺位置毗邻密切、结构复杂,通过原位铸型能完整的显示心、肺、气管、支气管的形态以及位置关系。但是制作铸型的过程中不能保持各个结构本来的位置关系。作者在传统的基础上做了一些探索和改进,保持胸腔内心脏、气管、支气管、肺的原来位置,通过胸腔整体原位来灌注,效果满意,现报告如下。  相似文献   

在生理学和药理学的实验教学中,常需要制备蛙心。按照教科书上的传统方法(以下简称传统方法)进行实验操作难度大,成功率不高。学生不易掌握。自己经多年的教学实践、摸索,改进了离体蛙心制备方法(以下简称改进方法)。现介绍如下:  相似文献   

基于LabVIEW的心电信号采集系统的设计   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的设计一套基于LabVIEW的心电信号采集系统.方法在插入式信号采集板DAQ的硬件支持下,利用LabVIEW编程软件,设计了一套双通道心电信号采集系统,本系统用传统的心电图机采集心电信号,经过调解后,输入计算机采集并显示,同时,为了能够对心电信号作进一步的研究,利用小波变换对心电信号进行了处理.结果成功采集到心电信号,并计算了心率的大小.  相似文献   

目的改进传统大鼠腹腔心脏异位移植模型,提高成功率。方法完全摘取供体心肺,离体供心灌注停跳;在松弛的状态下结扎静脉系统,端侧吻合采取间断+连续的缝合方法;先开放远心端再开放近心端,同时按摩心脏。结果传统方法组(n=20)成功14只,动脉吻合口出血2只、心脏复跳失败2只、吻合口狭窄2只;改进方法组(n=20)成功18只,2只死于吻合口出血。传统方法组手术成功率为70%,改进方法组为90%(P>0.05)。结论①快速摘取心肺,离体心脏灌注保护,操作简单,热缺血时间短,效果肯定,对供心的保护效果好。②松弛的状态下结扎静脉系统,对心房、冠脉影响非常小。③采取间断+连续的缝合方法,因吻合口狭窄造成手术失败的可能性很低,④合理定位,避免吻合完毕供心动脉扭曲,从而影响复跳。⑤注意受体鼠的保温、消毒及血容量丧失非常关键。⑥利用心外膜起搏导线获得了供心的动态心电图。  相似文献   

心腔内注射是临床上抢救心搏骤停的一项,传统急救方法。然而,在一些医学教科书及参考书中,对心脏内注射肋间径路的穿刺部位、深度以及注射于何腔等描述,长期以来观点不一,众说纷纭。为此,本文将这些不同的方法,逐一列出,并从应用解剖学角度予以比较,提出看法,以求共识。  相似文献   

目的了解新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE)与心肌酶谱关系。方法研究对象44例均符合第四届全国新生儿学术会议所修订的标准,患儿住院当天采静脉血,采用肝素钠抗凝,做心肌酶测定,血清心肌酶谱用酶动力监测法,P〈0.05时有统计学意义。结果44例患儿心肌酶均增高,重度HIE血清酶高于中度HIE,中度HIE明显高于轻度HIE(P〈0.01,CK除外),显示心肌酶增高程度与HIE病变程度呈正相关,表明心肌酶测定有助于HIE病情程度的判断。结论心肌酶活性高低作为评价HIE脑损害程度有一定的参考价值。心肌酶谱的检测可作为HIE常规生化检查项目,以便早期诊断、判断病情、估计HIE预后。  相似文献   

提出一维双卷积神经网络(1D-ECNN),基于采集的心电信号检测操作员的疲劳状态。1D-ECNN包括4 个卷积 层、2个最大池化层、1个全连接层和1个softmax输出层。本研究仅使用较少的卷积核数量,这将减少模型参数的数量,降 低模型的复杂程度,提高模型训练的速度,同时避免传统方法中复杂的特征提取过程或特征选择过程。将心电信号分成 时间长度为1 s的样本,送入1D-ECNN,基于短时心电信号进行操作员疲劳状态分类。仿真结果表明,本文方法的平均分 类准确率高达95.72%,能够实时准确地检测操作员的疲劳状态。此外,可以较好地消除个体差异性的影响。  相似文献   

A modified fluorescent method is described for the detection of Australia antigen (AuAg, hepatitis associated antigen, hepatitis B antigen) in liver tissue and the results are compared with those obtained with the conventional technique. Of 84 unselected biopsies tested, 40 were positive by the conventional as well as by the modified method. Seven additional biopsies, negative by the conventional method, became positive by the latter technique. Moreover, the intensity of the fluorescence and the number of positive cells were clearly increased in 85% of the specimens which were positive by the conventional technique. The modified method proves to be more sensitive than the conventional immunofluorescent procedure.  相似文献   

To improve evaluations of cortical and subcortical diffusivity in neurological diseases, it is necessary to improve the accuracy of brain diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data segmentation. The conventional partial volume segmentation method fails to classify voxels with multiple white matter (WM) fiber orientations such as fiber-crossing regions. Our purpose was to improve the performance of segmentation by taking into account the partial volume effects due to both multiple tissue types and multiple WM fiber orientations. We quantitatively evaluated the overall performance of the proposed method using digital DTI phantom data. Moreover, we applied our method to human DTI data, and compared our results with those of a conventional method. In the phantom experiments, the conventional method and proposed method yielded almost the same root mean square error (RMSE) for gray matter (GM) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), while the RMSE in the proposed method was smaller than that in the conventional method for WM. The volume overlap measures between our segmentation results and the ground truth of the digital phantom were more than 0.8 in all three tissue types, and were greater than those in the conventional method. In visual comparisons for human data, the WM/GM/CSF regions obtained using our method were in better agreement with the corresponding regions depicted in the structural image than those obtained using the conventional method. The results of the digital phantom experiment and human data demonstrated that our method improved accuracy in the segmentation of brain tissue data on DTI compared to the conventional method.  相似文献   

CK-MB is an important marker for the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Since mitochondrial CK (MtCK) is universally present in the blood of healthy individuals, it is known to positively affect the measurement of CK-MB using the immunoinhibition method, causing false-positive results. We performed basic evaluation of ACCURAS AUTO CK-MB MtO, a new reagent containing anti-MtCK antibody that inhibits MtCK activity, and attempted to calculate a cut-off CK-MB level to diagnose AMI. The measurement was performed in samples submitted to the Clinical Laboratory of our center for the measurement of CK-MB. This method was confirmed to have satisfactory basic attributes concerning the reproducibility, linearity, lower detection limit, and effects of interfering substances. When 2886 samples were examined using this and conventional methods, the results of the two methods were correlated in some but not in others. In the samples that showed no correlation, MtCK was demonstrated by isozyme analysis using electrophoresis. The AUC calculated from the ROC curve in AMI patients was 0.912 with this method and 0.861 with the conventional method. The sensitivity and specificity of the new method were higher than those of the conventional method. The cut-off value determined by ROC analysis was 7.7 U/l using the new method and 13.6 U/l using the conventional method, causing an increase in false-positive results compared with the cut off value of 25 U/l widely used for the conventional method to date. However, the cut-off value for the new method that yielded a specificity comparable to 99.1%, which is the specificity of the conventional method using a cut-off value of 25 U/l, was 12 U/l. With a cut-off value of 12 U/l, the sensitivity was improved compared with that employing the conventional method, and both the sensitivity and specificity became comparable to those of the CK-MB mass method. This method is very useful for the accurate measurement of CK-MB activity.  相似文献   

A simple accurate method is described for enumerating T cell subsets in whole blood. The method, which depends on indirect immunofluorescence using biotin-coupled monoclonal antisera and fluorescein-coupled avidin, and propidium iodide for nuclear counterstaining, was compared with the conventional method based on initial separation of lymphocytes by density flotation and exposure to monoclonal antisera. Accurate identification of mononuclear cells in whole blood by nuclear staining with propidium iodide was established. The whole blood method gave numbers for T cell subpopulations generally comparable with those obtained by the conventional method, but slightly higher numbers of Leu2a+ cells were found by the whole blood method, and shown to be higher because of selective loss of Leu2a+ plastic-adherent cells in the conventional method. The whole blood method is quicker, uses only 0.5 ml blood and is economical in use of monoclonal reagents.  相似文献   

A fluorescence-based automated method of percent reactive antibody (PRA) analysis is described. This method utilizes the conventional antibody-mediated, C'-dependent lymphocyte microcytotoxicity assay to detect alloantibodies, but replaces the eosin-based method for detection of cell death with a fluorescence-based method. To identify viable cells, lymphocytes were pretreated with carboxy fluorescein diacetate (CFDA), which fluoresces green, to identify viable cells. To identify dead cells after the reaction with antibody and C', they were treated with propidium iodide (PI), which fluoresces red. Pretreatment of lymphocytes with CFDA did not affect their ability or interact with alloantibodies in the microcytotoxicity assays. When visually analyzed, detection of cell death by fluorescence was as sensitive as detection by eosin exclusion. However electronic detection of fluorescence was slightly more sensitive than visual detection. Automation of the fluorescent method required a calculation that converts electronic data to an ASHI score for cell death. One such method is described and evaluated. Both the automated and the conventional methods of analysis were used to obtain PRA values for various sera. There was good correlation between the PRA values obtained with the automated method versus the conventional method. Further, there was good correlation for PRA-derived alloantibody specificities obtained with the automated method versus the conventional method. These data demonstrate that automated fluorescence-based PRA analysis is an effective and practical alternative to conventional PRA analysis.  相似文献   

Testing of delayed-type hypersensitivity to recall antigens is acknowledged to be a useful assessment of cell-mediated immunity in cancer patients. The conventional method, however, has suffered from a lack of standardized antigens and variability owing to the method of application of the recall antigens. The Multitest-CMI system by the Merieux Institute offers an alterative. It employs standardized antigens and a single-stroke applicator, which is simpler to use and presumably subject to less variation. The present study compares the conventional and Multitest batteries done over an 8-month period in 403 cancer patients. The results suggest that the Multitest is easier to administer and is tolerated better by patients than the conventional method. Furthermore, the Multitest can detect recall antigen anergy or reactivity and correlates well in degrees of reactivity to the individual test battery. Consequently, Multitest-CMI can be substituted for the conventional battery in skin testing for immunocompetence in cancer patients.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate fermentation test is a well-established technique for speciation of bacteria and fungi. However, long incubation period, cost and procedural complexity may limit its use. Here, we describe a simple modification of conventional carbohydrate fermentation technique using microtitre plate. Thirty-one yeast isolates were identified based on their fermentation property by microtitre plate method and results were compared with conventional method. The modified method had 85.7% sensitivity and 100% specificity. The average time taken to produce positive reaction was 24 hours. When compared with conventional method, modified method reduced turn-around time and cost of processing without significant increase in discordant results.  相似文献   

In this report we compare the conventional method of determination of IL-1 activity with a new rosette assay. Determination of IL-1 activity in the rosette assay is well correlated with the conventional method and equally sensitive. However, the rosette method is able to dissect the activity of IL-1 from IL-2 and to determine the immunotropic, optimal dose of IL-1 more accurately.  相似文献   

One hundred fifty-two blood specimens, largely from immunocompromised patients, were collected in heparinized Vacutainer tubes and divided into paired aliquots of equal volume. Buffy-coat preparations, containing mixed leukocyte and separate mononuclear and polymorphonuclear leukocyte populations were obtained by treatment of blood with conventional and Ficoll-Paque/Macrodex (F-P/M) methods. The development of cytopathic effect in monolayers of WI-38 fibroblasts inoculated with cell suspensions derived from the two methods was used to assess virus infectivity. Twice as many virus isolations were obtained using F-P/M. Of those viruses isolated by both conventional and F-P/M, the development of cytopathic effect was more extensive using the latter method. Moreover, a greater variety of viruses was isolated using F-P/M method, as compared to the conventional method. The F-P/M method is no more time consuming than conventional procedures, is readily adaptable for use in the diagnostic virology laboratory, requires only minimal additional cost, and is a particularly suitable and effective means of monitoring viremia.  相似文献   

A density gradient dispenser has been developed, providing a fast, easy and convenient method for layering peripheral blood or bone marrow over a density gradient solution for the isolation of lymphocytes and mononuclear cells. The present approach is just the opposite of the conventional method of layering blood over a density gradient solution. In the conventional method a required amount of density gradient solution is first placed in a centrifuge tube and then blood or marrow is layered on top using a pasteur pipette. In the present method a required amount of blood or marrow is first placed in a centrifuge tube. The required amount of density gradient solution is then gently delivered underneath the blood sample using the newly devised density gradient dispenser. Because of the difference in densities, the released density gradient solution lifts the sample of blood upwards and produces exactly the same blood and density gradient suspension as that produced by the conventional method but is less cumbersome, faster and more convenient.  相似文献   

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