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人体平衡的控制与保持机制十分复杂,老龄化、中风、肢体残障等因素都会导致人体运动平衡功能的障碍,因此平衡功能的测试与评价在该类相关疾病的诊断与评判中起着至关重要的作用。本文总结了目前人体平衡功能研究的常用设备与方法及其局限,提出了基于微电子传感器系统的穿戴式人体运动捕捉系统、基于体感游戏设计的平衡检测与康复训练系统等几种轻便低价的新型人体平衡测量与训练设备的设计思路与方法。  相似文献   

人体筋膜重建经线与经典经线走行路线对比   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:探讨经络与人体筋膜重建经线的解剖学位置关系。方法:首先在数字人研究的基础上利用计算机三维重建人体全身的筋膜网状支架,并对人体肢体和躯干的肌间隙结缔组织进行标记和三维重建,构成与古代文献记载经络走行相似的串珠状连线,应用计算机三维图像处理软件结合数学分析方法,在重建的虚拟人体上对筋膜重建经线与经典经线体表走行路线进行对比研究。结果:人体筋膜重建经线与中医古代文献记载的经脉体表走行路线基本相似。结论:人体筋膜三维重建经线与中医经络线在形态上相似,两者之间存在密切的解剖学位置关系。  相似文献   

《国外医学医学地理分册》是由中华人民共和国教育部主管、西安交通大学主办国家级专业学术期刊,是我国唯一一本报道医学地理学的专业学术期刊,本刊国际刊号:ISSN1001—8883;国内刊号:CN61—1102/R。本刊主要报道:①地方病;②化学元素与人体疾病;③气候、气象、季节诸因素与人体疾病;④水文地理因素与人体疾病;⑤土壤因素与人体疾病;⑥环境因素与人体疾病;  相似文献   

背景:步态规律主要应用人体行走的运动学、动力学等参数进行描述。目前在运动医学、康复工程和仿生学等领域,步态分析可为确定疾病诊断、康复和治疗方案提供重要依据。 目的:应用基于人体运动图像的测量装置系统,采集人体在跑步机上行走的下肢运动步态视频,分析人体步态运动规律。 方法:采用基于双摄影机的人体运动图像捕捉系统,在人体的左右髋关节、膝关节、踝关节及脚板设置标识点,对人体在跑步机上行走的下肢运动步态视频进行采集。应用图像边缘检测的原理,对测量数据进行了图像处理和分析,得到人体正常步速行走时,左右大腿与竖直方向夹角、小腿与竖直方向夹角、脚板与竖直方向夹角及膝关节、踝关节标识点的关节角度变化规律。 结果与结论:基于视频图像边缘检测人体下肢的运动步态,成本相对低廉,数据误差较小,精度与进口设备较接近。应用该测量结果初步构建了人体步态行走数据库,为建立步态评定标准、异常步态判别以及进一步的康复治疗提供了依据。  相似文献   

组织学与胚胎学是医学必修基础课之一。“组织学”是研究正常人体细微结构及其与功能关系的科学,内容包括细胞、基本组织及器官组织。组织学与人体解剖学一样,研究的是人体的正常结构,解剖学用肉眼观察结构,而组织学在显微镜下观察更为细微的结构。生理学和生物化学等课程研究的是正常人体的功能,  相似文献   

人体通信是一种利用人体作为信号传输途径的新型非射频无线通信技术,被设计用于进行医疗传感器网络间的通信。在2012年批准的无线体域网标准IEEE802156中,人体通信与窄带通信、超宽带通信一同被规定为搭建无线体域网的三种方法。人体通信依据耦合方式的不同可分为两种基本类型:电容耦合和电流耦合。文中首先对这两种类型的人体通信原理进行了介绍;之后详细说明了人体通信技术的产生、发展及现状,并通过与其他技术的对比总结了其优势与不足;最后指出了其未来发展的3个重要方向:植入式设备的人体通信、人体通信无线供能和磁场耦合式人体通信。  相似文献   

人体运动的建模与仿真是当今运动生物力学研究的一个热点。利用数值模型研究人体的运动规律,是人体运动研究的一个重要手段和有效工具。其关键技术在于应用逆向运动学方法求解人体运动,并获取人体运动中各个肌肉力学上技术参数。文中主要探讨基于AnyBody~(TM) System软件人体运动仿真的建模方法来研究人体运动力学规律,结合The Any-Body~(TM)system对人体运动具体应用,说明The AnyBody~(TM) system技术在人体运动仿真领域的优势。  相似文献   

数字人体与医学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
概述了数字人体与医学提出背景和需求,阐述了数字人体与数字化虚拟人的区别;从数字人体信息获取的设备和技术、数字人体研究方法、数字人体模型和信息处理等方面介绍了数字人体方法;重点阐述了数字人体的特性;介绍了数字人体的分类;最后,较全面地介绍了数字人体在医学上的应用.  相似文献   

正确评价人体运动量是研究运动与健康、训练与训练效率之间关系的关键。近几十年来 ,研究者们一直在寻找一种能客观、准确、可靠评估人体运动的方法。近几年出现的基于加速度计的运动数据处理装置为评估人体运动提供了新的思路和实际方法。本文对近年来这方面的研究进展作了一个较为详细的综述。并对基于三维加速度计的新型人体运动数据处理装置应用于评估人体运动的原理和具体方法进行了介绍。  相似文献   

目的探讨人体上呼吸道模型三维重建及规范化方法,掌握人体上呼吸道结构尺寸和形态特征。方法运用GE Lightspeed VCTXT 64多层螺旋CT对志愿者的上呼吸道进行水平位与冠状位连续扫描,运用三维重建技术,重构人体上呼吸道模型,探讨规范化方法。结果构建了包含有口腔、咽部、喉部、气管及三级支气管的人体上呼吸道三维模型,提出了人体上呼吸道三维重建模型的规范化处理方法,并定量分析了规范化模型与以往所构建的人体上呼吸道三维模型之间的差异。结论通过扫描三维重建的规范化模型与以往的简化模型在关键尺寸上存在差距,将为预测人体上呼吸道内气流运动特性及诊断呼吸系统疾病提供更为科学的依据。  相似文献   

目的:利用黄金数比例规律找出环境物理因子对人体的最佳条件:方法:人体的相当一部分内容与黄金数有着密切的联系,为此把复杂的人体可以简化为比例加破缺的比例实体;环境物理因子:如环境温度、湿度、环境光波和声波以及环境气压和氧分压,当它们处在黄金数比例附近时,会在人体产生和谐合柏作用。结果:环境物理因子选择在黄金数比例附近时,在心理上产生美和舒适感。已经发现,当精神愉快时,人脑电波频率下限(8Hz)和上限(12.9Hz)之比恰为黄金数。结论:环境物理因子的最佳条件是可以选择的。  相似文献   

Objectives. In order to examine whether persons belonging to stigmatized groups are evaluated more negatively than others, this study employed the golden section hypothesis, which predicts that people organize their evaluations in a ratio of roughly 62% positive to 38% negative. Method. Surveys were administered to 154 participants, with 143 surveys analysed. Participants rated nine different identities (business person, politician, lawyer, police officer, college professor, criminal, mental patient, homeless person, and self) along 12 different bipolar dimensions (generous–stingy, pleasant–unpleasant, true–false, fair–unfair, active–passive, energetic–lethargic, sharp–dull, excitable–calm, strong–weak, bold–timid, hard–soft, and rugged–delicate). These dimensions had well‐established positive and negative poles. Results. Non‐stigmatized identities were evaluated slightly more positively than the golden section hypothesis predicts, while stigmatized identities were rated in a ‘reverse’ golden section pattern. A criminal identity was rated more negatively than the golden section hypothesis predicts and the self more positively. Follow‐up analyses suggested that the percentages of positive adjectives assigned to the self and non‐stigmatized others were consistent with a model that expands upon the golden section hypothesis. Conclusion. Stigmatized identities are rated using a reverse golden section ratio. This has implications for understanding how people construe stigmatized people. While the golden section hypothesis did not hold for non‐stigmatized identities, this may be because the data are better explained by a more refined model that is slightly different from the golden section.  相似文献   

健康成年人的静息平均心率,总是在最高心率的黄金分割数附近的数。(1)在年青时的心率几乎等于黄金数。(2)随年龄的增加,心率跟黄金数的接近程度逐步从靠近到远离的方向变化。(3)从心率的比值和黄金数的偏差程度准确地划分人生的发育期、成熟期、衰老前期及衰老期。  相似文献   

数字化虚拟人体器官已成为医学领域中最活跃的研究课题之一,在病情诊断和医学教学中具有广阔的应用前景.本文重点从人体的头颈部、胸部、腹部及神经系统4个方面回顾数字化虚拟的国内外研究现状,并对发展前景做出展望.数字化虚拟人体器官研究有助于提高人类对自身的认识,促进现代医学发展,并为医学研究和临床应用提供技术支撑.  相似文献   

Desert rodents face periods of food shortage and use different strategies for coping with it, including changes in activity level. Golden spiny mice (Acomys russatus) inhabit rock crevasses and do not dig burrows nor store food. When kept under 50% food restriction most, but not all, golden spiny mice defend their body mass by physiological means. We tested the hypothesis that these rodents use two different behavioral strategies, i.e., increasing activity level and searching for food or decreasing activity level and conserving energy to cope with food shortage. Twelve golden spiny mice were fed ad libitum for 14 days, followed by 40 days of 50% food restriction, and 14 days of refeeding. Body mass, food consumption and general activity were monitored. Seven mice significantly reduced activity level, concentrating their activity around feeding time, lowering energy expenditure and thus keeping their body mass constant ("resistant"), while five ("non-resistant") significantly increased activity level (possibly searching for food) and thus energy expenditure, thereby losing mass rapidly (more than 25% of body mass). The non-resistant golden spiny mice were active throughout many hours of the day, with high variability both between and among individuals. The use of two strategies to cope with food shortage as found in the golden spiny mice may be of evolutionary advantage, since it allows a more flexible reaction to food restriction at the population level.  相似文献   

The relation of the olfactory bulbs and photoperiod to the regulation of body weight was studied in male golden hamsters. Animals underwent sham operation, bilateral olfactory bulbectomy, or unilateral bulbectomy. They were left on long photoperiod for 5 weeks and then were transferred to short photoperiod for 11 weeks. The unilaterally olfactory bulbectomized hamsters gained less weight on long or short photoperiod than the sham operated group, while the bilaterally bulbectomized hamsters gained at least as much weight as the sham group. Thus, we report the novel finding that unilateral but not bilateral olfactory bulbectomy reduces body weight gain in male golden hamsters.  相似文献   

Hoath SB  Leahy DG 《Medical hypotheses》2006,66(6):1191-1198
A novel mathematical and molecular hypothesis is proposed to account for the peculiar organization of human epidermis. Mathematically, the organization of the interfollicular epidermis is hypothesized to be a tetratomic identity manifesting a gravitational logic in the arrangement of its functional compartments. The squares of the natural numbers; i.e., 1, 4, 9, and 16 are taken, on empirical grounds, to correspond to the number of cell layers in the respective epidermal strata (germinativum, spinosum, granulosum, and corneum). The outer two strata, overlying the Langerhans cells, constitute the 'living' and 'dead' components of the traditional 'epidermal barrier'. Together, these two strata illustrate in their union of 9 + 16 = 25 cells, a way of conceiving the skin surface (the body-environment identity) as both closure and contact. The organization of human epidermis into functional units based on phi, the golden section ratio, builds upon this gravitational logic. Finally, the fact that the extensively cross-linked proteolipid envelope of the cornified epidermal cell is a single multi-gene molecule is deemed scientifically incontrovertible. The molecular hypothesis in need of validation and verification is whether the corneodesmosomal 'rivets' linking one corneocyte to another are covalently bonded structures. If so, the cornified scaffolding of the stratum corneum constitutes a highly organized, extended, multi-gene, polymer molecule strategically located precisely at the shared surface of the body and environment. This hypothesis places the differentiated structure of the epidermis, an ectodermal derivative like the brain, front and center in the translation of molecular biology to clinical bedside care.  相似文献   

The effect of N-nitrosomethylurea on the blood-glucose and the pancreatic islet light microscopic picture was studied in the Chinese hamsters, golden hamsters, guinea pigs, mice, rats and sand rats. The Chinese hamsters were most susceptible. Only in this species did a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight cause blood-glucose elevations and pancreatic islet damage. At a dose of 100 mg/kg body weight of N-nitrosomethylurea, blood-glucose elevations were recorded in the golden hamster together with damage to the islets and the exocrine pancreatic parenchyma. A toxic dose of 200 mg/kg body weight resulted in hyperglycemia and islet cell destruction in the rat and in slight alterations in the islets of mice. N-nitrosomethylurea was non-diabetogenic to guinea pigs and sand rats. The ethyl derivate of nitrosourea was less toxic and diabetogenic to the Chinese hamsters in comparison with the methyl derivate.  相似文献   

动态血压具有算数、几何及动力等特性;其特性表现在数值大小,黄金比例及在时间过程中的累积效应等形式;其形式直接影响靶器官的安全、血压的稳定及血液的正常流动  相似文献   

Weight and length of body as well as length of tail and right hind leg of 111 golden hamsters after Du Bois (1950) are submitted to approximations with several functions of organic growth. As already verified for rats and mice the generic growth function has priority in representing weight whilst length series of the golden hamster are expressed best by a formulation of Sager (1980a). Allometric relations are rather poor between weight and length and fail altogether between total and partial lengths. Special remarks are added concerning calculations of allometric parameters.  相似文献   

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