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At least three categories of atypical depression have been described. The hysteroid dysphoria is characterized by repeated episodes of depressed mood in response to feeling rejected, and a craving for sweets and chocolate. Two other issues are characterized by a cyclical occurrence of changes of mood and appetite, i.e., the late luteal phase dysphoric disorder (DSM-III-R, appendix), or “the premenstrual syndrome” (PMS), and the major depression with seasonal pattern (DSM-III-R), or seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The reactive mood changes are frequently accompanied by features as hypersomnia, lethargy and increased appetite, particularly with a preference for carbohydrates. Central serotonin pathways participate in the regulation of mood and behavioural impulsivity, and modulate eating patterns qualitatively and quantitatively. Depressives with PMS og SAD benefit, in general, from treatments with serotonin potentiating drugs, suggesting that brain serotonin plays a role in the pathophysiology. Ingestion of carbohydrates increases the plasma ratio of tryptophan to other large neutral amino acids in man and animal, and the serotonin synthesis in the rat brain. Based on these findings it has been suggested that the excessive carbohydrate intake by patients with PMS and SAD reflects a selfmedication that temporarily relieves the vegetative symptoms via an increased central serotonergic activity.  相似文献   

Histamine release caused by calcium ionophore A23187 and anti-IgE was examined in leukocyte suspensions from 8 healthy individuals. Staphylococcus aureus, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Salmonella typhimurium and influenza A virus were found to enhance the histamine release but did not release histamine per se. The potentiation of mediator release depends on a non-transient signal since the potentiating effect was also obtained by preincubation of the cells with LPS followed by wash-out and stimulation of the cells with anti-IgE. The potentiation was abolished or reduced by galactose, N-acetyl-glucosamine, alpha-methyl-D-glucoside, alpha-methyl-D-mannoside, N-acetylneuraminic acid and lactose, but not by glucose. These findings indicate that the enhancement of mediator release by bacteria, endotoxin, and virus depends on a sugar-mediated reaction.  相似文献   

从分析我国解放后至2030年这80年间人口增长率是东汉至解放前2000年间17倍的这一基本事实出发,阐述了养活1 6亿人口,粮食不能依赖进口,只能依靠自己的观点.若欲达到2030年人均占有粮食400 kg的目标,并假设其中5%进口,在耕地面积、化肥用量保持不变的情况下,单位面积粮食产量需从1995年的4 250 kg/hm2增加到2030年的5 815kg/hm2.进一步说明施用化肥对增加粮食产量的重要作用,并对21世纪我国化肥工业发展速度进行了预测.  相似文献   

A material with opioid activity in bovine milk and milk products   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Chloroform-methanol extracts of lyophilized milk, of commercially available dried milk or baby food and of casein digests were tested for opioid activity on the guinea-pig ileum longitudinal muscle-myenteric plexus preparation. Compounds with opioid activity — which proved to be resistant to peptidases — were detected in certain batches of baby food, casein digest, and cow milk in considerably varying amounts.  相似文献   

Anthralin and its decomposition products were separated by both column chromatographic and TLC techniques. Two decomposition products were characterized by TLC, melting-point data, and UV and IR spectroscopy. Pure anthralin and its decomposition products also were determined quantitatively.  相似文献   

Anderson GP  Kowtha VA  Taitt CR 《Toxins》2010,2(2):297-309
Grain products are a staple of diets worldwide and therefore, the ability to accurately and efficiently detect foodborne contaminants such as mycotoxins is of importance to everyone. Here we describe an indirect competitive fluid array fluoroimmunoassay to quantify the mycotoxins, fumonisin B1 and ochratoxin A. Both toxins were immobilized to the surface of microspheres using a variety of intermediate molecules and binding of biotinylated "tracer" antibody tracers determined through flow cytometry using streptavidin-phycoerythrin conjugates and the Luminex100 flow cytometer. Competitive assays were developed where the binding of biotinylated monoclonal antibodies to fumonisin B and ochratoxin A was competitively inhibited by different concentrations of those toxins in solution. Concentrations of fumonisin giving 50% inhibition were 300 pg/mL in buffer, 100 ng/g in spiked oats, and 1 μg/g in spiked cornmeal; analogous concentrations for ochratoxin A were 30 ng/mL in buffer, 30 ng/g in spiked oats, and 10 ng/g in spiked corn. The future challenge will be to expand the number of mycotoxins tested both individually and in multiplexed format using this platform.  相似文献   

Azinothricin was isolated from the culture filtrate of Streptomyces sp. X-14950 in crystalline form. It represents a new type of hexadepsipeptide antibiotic as it contains a 19-membered cyclodepsipeptide ring composed of six unusual amino acids and bearing a novel C21 side chain. Azinothricin was identified as [(3S,4S,7R(S*),10S,17R,20S,23R)[2S(2'R*,5'S*, 6'S*)3S*]]-alpha-ethyl-6-(3-ethyl-1, 5-dimethyl-4-oxo-1,5-heptadienyl)- N-(1,8, 14,15,18,21,27-heptaaza-21-hydroxy-7-(1-hydroxyethyl)-2,6,9,16,19, 22-hexaoxo-4-isopropyl-20-(methoxy-methyl)-17,18-dimethyl-5-oxa tricyclo [,15)]heptacosan-3-yl)tetrahydro-alpha, 2-dihydroxy-5-methyl-2H-pyran-2-acetamide and is primarily active against Gram-positive microorganisms.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetic behaviour of vinyldithiins, the main constituents of oily preparations of garlic (Allium sativum L.), was investigated after oral administration of 27 mg 2-vinyl-4H-1,3-dithiin and 9 mg 3-vinyl-4H-1,2-dithiin to rats. In serum, kidney, and fat tissue, both vinyldithiins could be detected by GC-MS over a period of 24 h, whereas in liver only 1,3-vinyldithiin was found. Pharmacokinetic parameters (t1/2, ke, Cltot, AUC, and Vd) were determined using compartment models, elucidating the different pharmacokinetic behaviour of both vinyldithiins. 1,3-Vinyldithiin seems to be less lipophilic and is rapidly eliminated from serum, kidney, and fat tissue, whereas 1,2-vinyldithiin is more lipophilic and shows a tendency to accumulate in fat tissue. Experiments with liver homogenate confirmed the in vivo findings on the different degradation rates of both vinyldithiins. Allicin, the precursor of the vinyldithiins, is metabolized more rapidly in liver homogenate than the vinyldithiins.  相似文献   

Objectives Parasitic Cordyceps fungi, such as Cordyceps sinensis, is a parasitic complex of fungus and caterpillar, which has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries particularly in China, Japan and other Asian countries. This article gives a general idea of the latest developments in C. sinensis research, with regard to the active chemical components, the pharmacological effects and the research and development of products in recent years. Key findings The common names for preparations include DongChongXiaCao in Chinese, winter worm summer grass in English. It has many bioactive components, such as 3′‐deoxyadenosine, cordycepic acid and Cordyceps polysaccharides. It is commonly used to replenish the kidney and soothe the lung, and for the treatment of fatigue. It also can be used to treat conditions such as night sweating, hyposexuality, hyperglycaemia, hyperlipidaemia, asthenia after severe illness, respiratory disease, renal dysfunction, renal failure, arrhythmias and other heart disease and liver disease. Because of its rarity and outstanding curative effects, several mycelia strains have been isolated from natural Cordyceps and manufactured by fermentation technology, and are commonly sold as health food products. In addition, some substitutes such as C. militaris and adulterants also have been used; therefore, quality control of C. sinensis and its products is very important to ensure their safety and efficacy. Summary Recent research advances in the study of Cordyceps, including Cordyceps mushrooms, chemical components, pharmacological functions and developmental products, has been reviewed and discussed. Developing trends in the field have also been appraised.  相似文献   

The indications, pharmacokinetics, and therapeutic guidelines for available coagulation products are reviewed. Patients with hemophilia, von Willebrand's disease (VWD), or acquired inhibitors to antihemophilic factor (AHF) cannot spontaneously stop an acute hemorrhage. Coagulation products used to manage bleeding in patients with these disorders include AHF concentrates, factor IX concentrates, factor VIIa concentrate, factor IX complexes, anti-inhibitor coagulant complexes, and desmopressin acetate. Typically, these commercially available products are used to manage acute bleeding or to prevent excessive bleeding during surgery. The dosage of the coagulation products and the duration of therapy depend on many variables, including the severity of the hemorrhage, the pharmacokinetics of the coagulation products, and patient-specific factors. Product purity and viral attenuation are also important considerations in determining an appropriate dosage regimen. Recombinant versions of some coagulant factors are available and can eliminate the risk of viral transmission. A thorough understanding of each coagulation product can guide product selection, dosing, and treatment duration and can reduce the risk of viral transmission.  相似文献   

Four new and two known peptide antibiotics containing amiclenomycin (Acm) have been isolated from a culture of Streptomyces venezuelae Tü 2460: L-MeIle-L-Acm (1), L-Ile-L-Acm (2), L-MeVal-L-Acm (3), L-MeIle-L-Acm-L-Gln (4), L-Ile-L-Acm-L-Gln (5) and L-Val-L-Acm-L-Gln (6). These di- and tripeptides exhibited antimicrobial activity on a minimal medium against Gram-negative bacteria, which could be reversed by biotin. It was shown that the antibiotics were decomposed by peptidases to provide amiclenomycin (7) after their uptake into cells of Escherichia coli via peptide-permeases. The antimicrobial activity of the amiclenomycin-peptides was the inhibition of DAPA-aminotransferase by the amiclenomycin-warhead, however, amiclenomycin itself was hardly transported into the cells. Since the amiclenomycin peptides misuse general transport systems, they are presented here as examples for the illicit transport concept.  相似文献   

Exposure data for cosmetic products: lipstick, body lotion, and face cream.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Accurate exposure information for cosmetic products and ingredients is needed in order to conduct safety assessments. Essential information includes both the amount of cosmetic product applied, and the frequency of use. To obtain current data, a study to assess consumer use practices was undertaken. The study included three widely used cosmetic product types: lipstick, body lotion, and face cream. Three hundred and sixty women, ages 19-65 years, who regularly use the products of interest, were recruited at ten different geographical locations within the US. The number of recruits was chosen to ensure a minimum of 300 completes per product type. Subjects were provided with prototype test products, and kept diaries and recorded detailed daily usage information over a two week period. Products were weighed at the start and completion of the study in order to determine the total amount of product used. Statistical analysis of the data was conducted to derive summary distribution of use patterns. The mean and median usage per application, respectively, for the three products was: face cream, 1.22 g and 0.84 g; lipstick, 10 mg and 5 mg; and body lotion, 4.42 g and 3.45 g. The mean and median usage per day for the three products was: face cream, 2.05 g and 1.53 g; lipstick, 24 mg and 13 mg; and body lotion, 8.70 g and 7.63 g. The mean number of applications per day for face cream and lipstick was 1.77 and 2.35, respectively. For body lotion, the mean number of applications per day was dependent on body area, and was 2.12, 1.52, 1.11, 0.95, 0.43, 0.26, and 0.40 for hands, arms, legs, feet, neck and throat, back, and other body areas, respectively. The effect of product preference on use practices was also investigated. This study provides current cosmetic exposure information for commonly used products which will be useful for risk assessment purposes.  相似文献   

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