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Mature calcareous corpuscles in the juvenile (stomach) worms of Trilocularia acanthiaevulgaris comprise a number of concentric lamellae interspersed with areas of flocculent material. Each lamella is composed of a pair of membranous rings to which amorphous, non-crystalline material is attached. The process of corpuscle formation is intracellular, beginning with the autophagic breakdown of the cytoplasm to produce a central vacuole within a parenchymal cell. The vacuole enlarges until only a thin layer of cytoplasm remains at the periphery and the nucleus is displaced to one end of the cell. Paired, concentrically arranged membranes are laid down beneath the peripheral cytoplasmic layer and eventually occlude the central vacuole. X-ray analysis of the corpuscles indicates the presence of calcium, phosphorus, sulphur, zinc and molybdenum, with the major peaks representing calcium, phosphorus and sulphur. Calcium appears to be bound to the lamellae rather than associated with the material between lamellae. The possible functions of the corpuscles are discussed in relation to the biology of T. acanthiaevulgaris and its developmental sequence in the dogfish gut.  相似文献   

The female, male, nymphal instars, and larva of Ornithodoros puertoricensis Fox are redescribed from specimens collected in Haiti. Data on host species and geographic distribution are also presented.  相似文献   

Rhipicephalus australis Fuller, the Australian cattle tick, is reinstated and the adults and larvae redescribed from material collected in Australia. This long ignored boophilid was previously known as R. microplus Canestrini for specimens reported in Australia and New Caledonia. The adults of R. australis are easily recognized by a combination of characters, such as the ventro-medial spurs in the palpal segments of the male, and the abundant, plumose, pale white setae on the dorsum of the female. Other details, such as coxal and adanal shields are more variable among different populations and may lead to incorrect determinations. Larvae of R. australis are clearly smaller than those of R. microplus. The use of principal components analysis on body measurements leads to a clear separation of larvae of both taxa. A phylogenetic analysis based on 12S- and 16S-rDNA gene sequences supports the conspecificity of the neotype material on which the reinstatement of the species is proposed, and of the specimens used for previous interspecific crosses. R. australis is now known to be present in Australia, New Caledonia, the island of Borneo, Philippines, Sumatra, Java, New Guinea, Cambodia, and Tahiti. Both R. microplus and R. australis coexist in some countries in southeastern Asia. Given the extreme importance of these ticks for the cattle industry, field data on their distribution in the region are required to know the actual range of these species and to understand the evolution of the group.  相似文献   

A new species of bomolochid copepod Nothobomolochus ilhoikimi sp. n., (Cyclopoida), is described based on adult females collected from the gills of hilsa shad Tenualosa ilisha (Hamilton) (Actinopterygii, Clupeidae) captured in waters off Iraq. The new species differs from its congeners by having the following combination of characters in the adult female: 1) anal somite not spinulate; 2) paragnath blunt and robust; 3) maxilla with slender proximal segment and distal segment with 2 accessory processes terminally; 4) the distal exopodal segment of leg 1 with 3 small spines; and 5) the terminal endopodal segment of leg 4 carrying one long and one short spine. It closely resembles N. triceros (Bassett-Smith, 1898) but prominently differs in above features and also in host specificity. In addition, another bomolochid Orbitacolax hapalogenyos (Yamaguti and Yamasu, 1959) is redescribed based on material collected from Japanese threadfin bream Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch) (Perciformes, Nemipteridae) captured in waters off Iraq. Two species clusters, the hapalogenyos and the analogus groups are recognized in this genus.  相似文献   

Differences in the internal anatomy and ultrastructure ofTrilocularia acanthiaevulgaris from the stomach and spiral valve of the spiny dogfish are described with the aid of electron microscopy and light microscope histochemistry. Worms from the stomach rarely exceed 7 mm in length and do not exhibit signs of segmentation. In contrast, spiral valve worms are segmented, reach a length of some 30 mm and release free proglottides which mature whilst detached from the strobila. Numerous calcareous corpuscles and large glycogen-filled vacuolations occur throughout the body of stomach worms, but are almost totally absent from spiral valve worms. The neck region of spiral valve worms is packed with many germinative cells. The distal tegumental cytoplasm of the stomach worm contains many electron-lucid vesicles, mitochondria and forming microtriches. Microtriches on the tegumental surface are scant, and those present are directed posteriorly. The distal tegumental cytoplasm of the spiral valve worm contains few electron-lucid vesicles and mitochondria but has many dumb-bell-shaped vesicles. Microtriches are longer and more numerous than those of stomach worms. The differences suggest thatT. acanthiaevulgaris worms from the stomach are juveniles which migrate to the spiral valve where they develop into the adult.  相似文献   

In this historical review, we trace the early history of research on the fetal subplate zone, subplate neurons and interstitial neurons in the white matter of the adult nervous system. We arrive at several general conclusions. First, a century of research clearly testifies that interstitial neurons, subplate neurons and the subplate zone were first observed and variously described in the human brain - or, in more general terms, in large brains of gyrencephalic mammals, characterized by an abundant white matter and slow and protracted prenatal and postnatal development. Secondly, the subplate zone cannot be meaningfully defined using a single criterion - be it a specific population of cells, fibres or a specific molecular or genetic marker. The subplate zone is a highly dynamic architectonic compartment and its size and cellular composition do not remain constant during development. Thirdly, it is important to make a clear distinction between the subplate zone and the subplate (and interstitial) neurons. The transient existence of the subplate zone (as a specific architectonic compartment of the fetal telencephalic wall) should not be equated with the putative transient existence of subplate neurons. It is clear that in rodents, and to an even greater extent in humans and monkeys, a significant number of subplate cells survive and remain functional throughout life.  相似文献   

We obtained sequences of the small subunit ribosomal RNA (rRNA) for two new isolates of Balantidium from fishes, Balantidium polyvacuolum and Balantidium ctenopharingodoni. This is the first introduction of molecular data of Balantidium species from fish hosts in the phylogenetic analyses of the ciliate subclass Trichostomatia. Despite the fact that these species share morphological characteristics common to other species of Balantidium, the phylogenetic analysis of their sequences has shown that they are to be placed in a different branch closely related to the so-called Australian clade. Thus, our results indicate that the genus Balantidium is polyphyletic and possibly should be represented by two different genera; however, the analysis of more species from other poikilothermic hosts (amphibians, reptiles) should be made before a revised taxonomical proposal could be made.  相似文献   

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