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背景:椎弓根螺钉置入是一种常见的修复各种脊柱疾病的方法,但在螺钉置入的安全性和准确性方面存在较大的难度。 目的:探讨脊柱椎弓根螺钉置入实施三维影像引导的效果。 方法:回顾性分析漯河市中医院2010年12月至2013年12月收治的118例行椎弓根螺钉置入患者的临床资料,均实施椎弓根螺钉置入内固定治疗,按照引导方式分为两组,每组59例。观察组给予三维影像脊柱导航,对照组给予常规X射线透视。观察两组患者的螺钉置入情况和修复相关指标,置入后随访1-12个月,对两组患者的置入后并发症发生情况进行比较。 结果与结论:观察组59例患者一共置入螺钉325枚,对照组319枚,观察组经评估为优良的有319枚,优良率为95%;对照组经评估为优良的有250枚,优良率为78%,两组差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05)。在螺钉置入所需时间方面,观察组显著短于对照组(P < 0.05)。在手术时间以及术中出血量方面,观察组两项指标均显著优于对照组(P < 0.05)。在螺钉置入后并发症发生率方面,观察组显著低于对照组(P < 0.05)。即表明在三维影像脊柱导航的影像引导下实施脊柱椎弓根螺钉置入内固定,可以有效缩短螺钉置入所需的时间,提高置入的准确性等,并减少各种并发症的出现。中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:人工关节;骨植入物;脊柱;骨折;内固定;数字化骨科;组织工程  相似文献   

背景:国内外总结脊柱失平衡的原因包括脊柱畸形、脊柱退变性疾病、骨质疏松椎体压缩性骨折等,作者通过临床研究认为动力性因素(腰背肌)在脊柱矢状面失平衡中起关键作用。 目的:通过观察骨质疏松椎体压缩性骨折患者的临床表现和治疗效果,分析脊柱矢状面失平衡的原因。 方法:回顾性分析2012年1月至2013年5月收治的骨质疏松压缩性骨折伴脊柱矢状面失平衡患者41例,均在局麻下行经皮穿刺球囊扩张椎体成形治疗。治疗前患者均行骨密度、站立位全脊柱正侧位X射线、以伤椎为中心的CT及MR检查。于患者站立位全脊柱正侧位片中测量伤椎前缘高度、脊柱后凸Cobb角及改善角度、伤椎楔形变角度及改善角度;要求患者行负重试验及行走试验,对比治疗前后数据。 结果与结论:治疗前患者出现脊柱矢状面失平衡症状所需行走的距离显著短于治疗后(P < 0.05);治疗前出现脊柱矢状面失平衡负重试验时间亦显著短于治疗后(P < 0.05)。在治疗前后站立位全脊柱正侧位片中,Cobb角的平均差值为(10.01±0.76)°,椎体楔形变改善的平均差值为(4.84±0.40)°,差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05)。所有患者均获随访,患者腰背部疼痛及矢状面失平衡症状明显缓解。所有患者行经皮球囊扩张椎体成形治疗后无严重并发症发生。提示骨质疏松压缩性骨折部分患者会出现脊柱矢状面失平衡症状,原因并非伤椎楔形变单一因素所致。且患者通过经皮球囊扩张后凸成形治疗后,失平衡症状往往会明显改善,提示脊柱骨折后腰痛限制腰背肌力量是导致脊柱矢状面失平衡的一个重要原因。中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:人工关节;骨植入物;脊柱;骨折;内固定;数字化骨科;组织工程全文链接:  相似文献   

背景:颈前路椎间盘切除减压植骨融合使用颈前路钢板可能引起治疗后吞咽困难等并发症。 目的:观察采用颈椎前路一体化Zero-p椎间融合器置入治疗颈椎病的临床疗效以及减少治疗后并发症的优势。 方法:采用颈椎前路一体化Zero-p椎间融合器行颈前路椎间盘切除减压植骨融合治疗颈椎病患者51例。在治疗前、治疗后第3天,治疗后3,6个月,治疗后1年及2年等时间节点采用颈部及上肢疼痛目测类比评分、颈椎功能障碍指数、日本矫形外科学会评分法对患者的神经功能情况进行评估;采用吞咽困难评分法对患者术后吞咽困难相关并发症的发生情况进行评估;拍摄颈椎正侧位及动力位X射线片评价术后植骨融合程度及内固定相关并发症情况。 结果与结论:患者随访时间为6-30个月,平均15.4个月。治疗后切口均Ⅰ期愈合,所有患者治疗后获得疼痛缓解,肌力恢复;目测类比评分及颈椎功能障碍指数评分均较术前有显著改善;脊髓型颈椎病患者日本矫形外科学会评分平均改善率为85.7%。治疗后第2天有7例患者出现轻、中度的吞咽困难。随访期间未发现内置物沉降,也未发生螺钉松动、断裂或内固定器移位等并发症。表明颈前路椎间盘切除减压植骨融合式中采用颈椎前路一体化Zero-p椎间融合器置入治疗颈椎病的近期临床效果良好,其设计同时具备了颈椎间融合器以及颈椎前路固定钢板的优点,内固定相关并发症少。中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:人工关节;骨植入物;脊柱;骨折;内固定;数字化骨科;组织工程全文链接:  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Deep vein thrombosis is a common postoperative complication after spinal surgery in clinical department of neurosurgery and department of orthopedics. Deep vein thrombosis is mostly related to vein intima injury, stasis and activation of blood coagulation factor. Early effective prediction can effectively avoid the adverse effects on the prognosis of patients with deep vein thrombosis. D-dimer used in the prediction of deep venous thrombosis has high sensitivity and specificity, and can be used as a sensitive predictor for deep vein thrombosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In recent years, with the development of minimally invasive techniques, the application of percutaneous pedicle screw fixation techniques gradually become widespread, but in the percutaneous pedicle screw fixation for thoracolumbar fractures, due to lack of reduction apparatus or power defect, the reduction of the injured vertebra is poor. In order to improve this deficiency, we design a percutaneous pedicle screw system in order to achieve the desired effect of reduction.  相似文献   

背景:椎弓根螺钉内固定是目前脊柱手术的主流术式,置钉安全性的关键是使螺钉通过椎弓根中心,置钉角度是决定修复质量的关键因素,以往文献中确定置钉角度多以患者躯体作为参照物,容易被体位等因素干扰。 目的:应用数字技术以椎体局部解剖标志为参照物对下腰椎椎弓根螺钉置钉角度进行测量。 方法:选取100例患者的3D-CT资料,将第4,5腰椎进行三维重建后利用数字技术进行模拟手术,实现最佳位置置钉。完成模拟置钉操作以后,对椎弓根螺钉的角度进行测量,以螺钉中线与棘突中线所在平面的夹角作为冠状位角度,以螺钉中线与椎体上表面所在平面的夹角作为矢状位角度。 结果与结论:测量结果表明,各角度均较以往文献中所介绍的角度大,考虑为选取参照标志不同所致。各角度值的标准差也较大,说明椎弓根解剖差异较大,因此应注重个体化置钉。这种以单个椎体的解剖标志作为定位参考的方法可以最大程度避免体位的干扰,与术前三维重建等数字技术相结合,更符合个体化置钉的要求,能有效提高置钉的准确性。中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:人工关节;骨植入物;脊柱;骨折;内固定;数字化骨科;组织工程  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Three-dimensional printing technology is a new technology which can quickly and accurately transform the virtual computer-aided design into the three-dimensional physical prototypes. Three-dimensional printing physical model method can replace the method of traditional preoperative planning and repair surgical simulation, with the characteristic of repeatable, which has been deepened day after day in clinical application of spine surgery. OBJECTIVE: To summarize the application status of three-dimensional printing technology in spine surgery and look forward to its future development directions. METHODS: The articles regarding the application of three-dimensional printing technology on clinical applications in spine surgery were retrieved from PubMed databases, Google Scholar, China National Knowledge Infrastructure and Wanfang Database from January 2000 to July 2015. The key words were 3D printing technology, rapid prototyping technology, spine, vertebra, department of orthopedics, fracture, joint, hand and foot, bone tumor, trauma, cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, sacral vertebrae, pedicle of vertebral arch, vertebral body, intervertebral disc, and clinical application. A total of 50 articles with a good representation were selected and discussed after repetitive studies and reviews were excluded. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The three-dimensional printing technique has been applied in preoperative diagnosis, individualized orthosis customerization, the communication between doctors and patients, teaching, the formulation of individualized and high-accurate repairing plan, intraoperative navigation and individualized implant customization. These results suggest that with the rapid development of medical imaging, digital medicine and technologies of the cell and tissue culture and new materials, three-dimensional printing technology will have a wide range of applications in spine surgery.    相似文献   

BACKGROUND: O-arm navigation integrates CT image quality and the flexible mobility of the C-arm. Surgery for severe spinal deformity is very difficult, with high incidence of nerve injury, so it is a challenging surgery for spinal surgery. The role of O-arm in the correction of spinal deformity is particularly important.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Three-dimensional (3D) printing has been popular for preoperative planning, and has been extensively used in bone tumor resection and pelvic fractures achieving satisfactory treatment outcomes. However, seldom used in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Scoliosis is a complex three-dimensional plane deformity, including lateral bending on the coronal plane, before physiological kyphosis reduction or increase in the sagittal plane, the rotational deformity of the spine in the axial plane. The method of full decompression, maximum reconstruction of spinal balance in coronal and sagittal plane, long-segmental fixation and short-segmental fusion is the more ideal orthopedic method for degenerative scoliosis. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the characteristics of scoliosis fixation system. METHODS: The articles about scoliosis fixation system were retrieved from PubMed database, Chinese Journal Full-text database from 1999 to 2015 by the first author using computer. “Scoliosis, Internal Fixation, Three-dimensional Correction” were taken as the search terms in English and Chinese. Totally 163 relevant articles were retrieved, and eventually 34 articles met the inclusion criteria. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: With the development of fixation materials, the spinal fixation system which was designed based on three-dimensional orthopedic concept of spine is a dynamically developed system. The goal is to restore the balance of spine in three dimensions as comprehensive as possible. At present, the general spinal system within very broad application includes TSRH spinal fixation system, ISOLA spinal internal fixation system, Moss Miami spinal fixation system, CD Horizon spinal internal system and China Great Wall spinal fixation system. Spinal fixation system possesses three-dimensional orthopedic capability, and can correct the spinal deformity in coronal and sagittal plane, and biomechanics is reasonable, fixed and reliable. Bone grafting material is the key factor of preventing breakage of internal fixation, screw extraction and other complications. Compared with such bone grafting materials made of autologous bone, allograft bone and xenograft bone, artificial bone can shorten the orthopedic time and reduce the risk of concurrent diseases because of bone grafting, which is the future trend of bone grafting material. Meanwhile, three-dimensional reconstruction has been used in clinical practice, and can develop programs for scoliosis orthopedic treatment, provide imaging reference to ensure the security of internal fixation and also has played a huge role in improving the comprehensive efficacy of spinal internal fixation system.    相似文献   

Surgery for emphysema--not for everyone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Germline mutations in DNA mismatch repair genes (MLH1, MSH2, PMS1, PMS2, and MSH6) predispose to hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). In the absence of pathognomonic clinical features, diagnosis of HNPCC is often based on family history. Microsatellite instability (MSI) analysis has successfully been used for screening colorectal cancer patients for HNPCC. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of a recently introduced logistical model based on family history data in detecting HNPCC patients with germline mutations. A series of 509 kindreds with a proband with colorectal cancer was studied. MSI analysis and subsequent germline mutation analysis (MLH1 and MSH2) in MSI positive patients had been performed previously. Of the 509 patients, 63 (12%) were MSI positive and 10 (2%) had a germline mutation in MLH1 or MSH2. The power of the logistical model was tested to determine its value in predicting the probability of a germline mutation. The model proposed a high probability in three out of 10 mutation positive cases when data on cancer in first degree relatives were considered (typically three generation pedigrees, consisting, on average, of eight people). Using extended pedigrees and family cancer data in the 10 mutation positive kindreds (an average of 38 family members available), the model suggested high probabilities in seven out of 10 mutation positive cases. We conclude that for the model to predict germline mutation cases, extensive pedigrees and family history data are required. When screening colorectal cancer patients for HNPCC, a model using a combination of family information and MSI has optimal specificity and sensitivity.  相似文献   

Quality control of platelets relies on the determination of the extent by which platelets are still able to react with known agonists, and here knowledge of the biochemistry of platelet activation may guide to decide which tests are useful. In vivo, platelets will adhere to collagen exposed upon vessel wall damage, and especially under high shear conditions through von Willebrand factor (VWF) that forms a bridge between collagen and platelet glycoprotein (GP) Ib. Binding of GPVI to collagen next results in the activation of a tyrosine kinase cascade, finally resulting in phosphorylation and activation of phospholipase C (PLC) γ2, which leads to an increase in cytosolic Ca2+ levels. High Ca2+ levels trigger the production of thromboxane A2 (TXA2) and release of platelet granules containing among others, adenosine diphosphate (ADP). TXA2 and ADP now will activate their receptors on platelets which are, among others, linked to a G-protein that activates PLCβ2 with more Ca2+ increase. This ultimately provokes activation of the integrin αIIbβ3 (or GPIIbIIIa), which now can bind the symmetrical fibrinogen, thus allowing cross-linking of platelets or platelet aggregation. From the above it is clear that testing whether platelets are fully reactive ideally should be looking at as many of the above parameters as possible, while at the same time being simple and fast. Systems in which blood is flown over collagen surfaces mimic best the physiological situation; however, these tests are not fit for stored platelet testing as haematocrit is a critical factor in these experiments. Thromboelastography at best provides a test for G-protein dependent activation (through thrombin) and integrin αIIbβ3 involvement. Platelet agglutination induced by ristocetin (surrogate for the adhesion phase) next to aggregation (involvement of integrin αIIbβ3) induced by collagen (Tyr kinase pathway) and ADP (G-protein mediated pathway) can give a comprehensive view on the platelet quality. However, flow cytometry is also an excellent technique to detect (i) bound VWF to platelets in the presence of ristocetin, (ii) collagen- or ADP-induced activation of integrin αIIbβ3 (by determining the binding of fibrinogen or of the activation-dependent PAC-1 antibody) and (iii) secretion (by detecting surface expression of P-selectin).  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Tolerance to ubiquitous environmental substances, allergens, can be accomplished with specific immunotherapy. Conducting therapy with allergen peptides helps to avoid immediate allergic reactions. Dogs are a source of important indoor allergens, which necessitates the development of effective modes of therapy against the allergy they cause. RECENT FINDINGS: The human T-cell epitopes of the major dog allergen Can f 1 were determined recently. They were found to be distributed in seven epitope regions along the molecule. For the peptide immunotherapy of dog allergy, using a pool of seven peptides, one from each of the epitope regions of Can f 1, seems at present to be the best approach. As Can f 1 is not as immunodominant as the main allergens of some other mammals, it remains to be seen whether peptides from other dog allergens should be included in the pool. SUMMARY: The use of a pool of seven peptides from the T-cell epitope regions of Can f 1 is likely to be feasible for treating dog allergy in a great majority of Caucasian populations. In the future, patient-tailored preparations of variants of the T-cell epitope-containing peptides may offer a way to enhance the efficacy of peptide-based immunotherapy.  相似文献   

T cell therapy shows promise as an immunotherapy in both immunostimulatory and immunosuppressive applications. However, the forms of T cell-based therapy that are currently in the clinic, such as adoptive cell transfer and vaccines, are limited by cost, time-to-treatment, and patient variability. Nanoparticles offer a modular, universal platform to improve the efficacy of various T cell therapies as nanoparticle properties can be easily modified for enhanced cell targeting, organ targeting, and cell internalization. Nanoparticles can enhance or even replace endogenous cells during each step of generating an antigen-specific T cell response – from antigen presentation and T cell activation to T cell maintenance. In this review, we discuss the unique applications of nanoparticles for antigen-specific T cell therapy, focusing on nanoparticles as vaccines (to activate endogenous antigen presenting cells (APCs)), as artificial Antigen Presenting Cells (aAPCs, to directly activate T cells), and as drug delivery vehicles (to support activated T cells).  相似文献   

Obesity is recognised as a global epidemic and the most prevalent metabolic disease world-wide. Specialised obesity services, however, are not widely available in Europe, and obesity care can vary enormously across European regions. The European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO, www.easo.org) has developed these criteria to form a pan-European network of accredited EASO-Collaborating Centres for Obesity Management (EASO-COMs) in accordance with accepted European and academic guidelines. This network will include university, public and private clinics and will ensure that the obese and overweight patient is managed by a holistic team of specialists and receives comprehensive state-ofthe-art clinical care. Furthermore, the participating centres, under the umbrella of EASO, will work closely for quality control, data collection, and analysis as well as for education and research for the advancement of obesity care and obesity science.  相似文献   

Phantoms are commonly used in medical imaging for quality assurance, calibration, research and teaching. They may include test patterns or simulations of organs, but in either case a tissue substitute medium is an important component of the phantom. The aim of this work was to identify materials suitable for use as tissue substitutes for the relatively new medical imaging modality terahertz pulsed imaging. Samples of different concentrations of the candidate materials TX151 and napthol green dye were prepared, and measurements made of the frequency-dependent absorption coefficient (0.5 to 1.5 THz) and refractive index (0.5 to 1.0 THz). These results were compared qualitatively with measurements made in a similar way on samples of excised human tissue (skin, adipose tissue and striated muscle). Both materials would be suitable for phantoms where the dominant mechanism to be simulated is absorption (approximately 100 cm(-1) at 1 THz) and where simulation of the strength of reflections from boundaries is not important; for example, test patterns for spatial resolution measurements. Only TX151 had a frequency-dependent refractive index close to that of tissue, and could therefore be used to simulate the layered structure of skin, the complexity of microvasculature or to investigate frequency-dependent interference effects that have been noted in terahertz images.  相似文献   

The single antigen test is widely used in the field of transplantation to determine the specificity of HLA antibodies. It will be beneficial to standardize the procedure of the single antigen test among HLA laboratories. It is not uncommon that single antigen testing on native sera fails to detect antibodies with very high concentrations. It has been shown that cleavage products of activated complement components may mask strongly binding antibodies in single antigen testing. To overcome inhibition by the activated complement products, sera are pretreated with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), dithiothreitol (DTT), or heat inactivation before single antigen testing. However, no studies have been published to systemically compare the impact of these treatments on single antigen testing. The aim of this study is to understand the different effects these treatments may have on single antigen test results. We found that mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) obtained from sera treated with EDTA and heat inactivation were nearly identical, while DTT treatment was less potent to remove the inhibition. In addition, sera dilution did not further increase MFI of antibodies after EDTA treatment. Our results provide guidance to choose a pretreatment reagent for single antigen testing, and to compare studies obtained from laboratories using different treatments.  相似文献   

Receptor editing has emerged from its original identification as a minor secondary mechanism of B cell tolerance to be considered as a dominant mechanism by which autoreactive immature B cells are rendered tolerant. Clonal deletion, previously regarded as the major mechanism of central B cell tolerance, has been shown by recent studies to operate secondarily and only when receptor editing is unable to provide a non-autoreactive specificity. Receptor editing has also been shown to operate during the development of wild-type B lymphocytes, and ongoing investigations demonstrate the influence of particular signaling molecules in the induction and/or inhibition of receptor editing. Together, these studies begin to map the signaling pathways that regulate receptor editing in autoreactive and non-autoreactive immature B cells.  相似文献   

Prospects for a Vaccine for Clostridium difficile   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clostridium difficile diarrhoea and colitis is a new disease that is attributable to broad spectrum antibiotic therapy. During the past 2 decades C. difficile has become one of the most common nosocomial pathogens in the developed world. As changing demographics create an increasingly elderly population and the use of broad spectrum antimicrobials continues to expand, C. difficile is likely to become increasingly problematic. Disease caused by this organism is caused by the inflammatory actions of its 2 toxins, A and B, on the intestinal mucosa. Human antibody responses to these toxins are common in the general population and in patients with C. difficile-associated disease. There is substantial, albeit inconclusive, evidence to indicate that antitoxin antibodies provide protection against severe, prolonged or recurrent C. difficile diarrhoea. Immunity induced by oral or parenteral passive administration of antibody is protective in animal models of C. difficile infection. In humans, intravenous passive immunisation with pooled human immunoglobulin has been successful in the treatment of recurrent and severe C. difficile colitis. Human trials of oral passive immunotherapy with bovine immunoglobulin therapy are in progress. Formalin-inactivated culture filtrate from toxigenic C. difficile, as well as purified and inactivated toxins, have been used to successfully immunise animals. Similar preparations are under investigation as possible human vaccines. Antibiotic therapy is effective in treating most individual patients with C. difficile diarrhoea, but has proven ineffective in reducing the overall incidence of nosocomial infection. Active immunisation is probably the most promising approach to long term control of this difficult iatrogenic disease.  相似文献   

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