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为全面了解四川省康复医疗发展现状,有针对性的采取措施,对四川省从事康复医疗的主要单位共 26家进行了专项调查.目前,四川省康复医学领域仍存在从业人员学历低、专业知识水平低、设备落后、治疗方法落后、病员少,社会认识不足等各种问题.因此,必须从以上各个方面入手,有针对性的采取措施,才能全面发展四川省康复医疗技术水平,服务大众.  相似文献   

四川省康复医学基本情况调查结果分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为全面了解四川省康复医疗发展现状,有针对性的采取措施,对四川省从事康复医疗的主要单位共26家进行了专项调查。目前,四川省康复医学领域仍存在从业人员学历低、专业知识水平低、设备落后、治疗方法落后、病员少,社会认识不足等各种问题。因此,必须从以上各个方面入手,有针对性的采取措施,才能全面发展四川省康复医疗技术水平,服务大众。  相似文献   

目的:了解福建省各级各类医疗机构康复医疗资源情况,掌握福建省康复医疗资源分布,推动福建省康复医学发展。方法:采用调查问卷的形式,了解全省医院康复医学科设置、床位、医疗服务能力、从业人员、科研等情况。结果:全省506所各级各类医院中设置康复医学科的有211所(41.7%),有独立设置病床的有174所(34.4%),全省各级各类医院共有床位103765张,康复床位仅有3996张(3.9%)。532所社区卫生服务中心和880所乡镇卫生院中具备康复医疗服务能力的不足30%。结论:福建省康复医学在学科发展、服务能力、人才等方面存在不足,且分布和发展不均衡,基层医疗机构康复医疗服务能力薄弱。  相似文献   

目的深入各级医院了解康复治疗发展状况,康复治疗专业学生在不同职业岗位中应具备的知识、能力、素质要求及康复行业的人才需求情况,探讨提高职业教育人才培养质量的对策。方法 2014年5~9月采用一对一的访问调查法,调查湖南省省市各级医院人事管理、机构负责人或康复科主任87名,以及康复治疗专业技术工作人员100名,调查内容为各级康复机构康复医疗服务,从业人员学历、岗位等从业情况及医院对康复治疗技术知识、能力及素质要求及康复治疗技术人才的需求情况。结果和结论湖南省康复医疗服务开展不足,从业人员数量不足,结构失衡,各级医院对康复治疗技术专业人才需求仍然较大。康复治疗人才培养需加强校企深度融合,创新人才培养方式,加强职业素养及临床思维能力的培养。  相似文献   

目的:对河北省现有的康复医疗资源现状进行调研,为卫生行政部门制定相关政策提供依据。方法:采用调查表的方式调研,各医疗机构在完成《河北省康复医疗资源调查表》后通过电子邮件上报数据至河北省卫计委医政医管处。结果:本研究共调查了河北省开展了康复医疗服务的168个医疗机构的康复资源配置情况,其中152家(90.5%)设有康复医学科,99家(58.9%)设有康复病床,各康复专业设置包括运动治疗、作业治疗、言语治疗、矫形器制备、康复评定、针灸推拿及理疗等,共有康复医师1124人,康复治疗师819人,康复护士767人。结论:河北省医疗机构开设康复医学病区尚不足,康复医学专业从业人员数量及质量均落后于发达国家及国内一线城市平均水平且各地区康复医学专业服务发展不平衡。  相似文献   

目的:调查浙江省三级综合性医院康复医学科的医师、治疗师以及护士等人员配置、医疗资源现状的基本情况。方法:对浙江省内11个地区36家三级综合性医院的康复学科进行调查,采用问卷、实地走访和访谈的方式。结果:36家三级综合性医院中,康复医学科室以康复医学科命名的占76.19%,科室中心理治疗室设置率较低;康复学科共有在岗职工1222人,其中康复医师354人(28.97%),康复治疗师340人(27.82%),康复护士及其他工作人员528人(43.21%);康复人员学历和职称普遍偏低,尤其是康复治疗师和护士,高级和中级职称之和还不及50%。结论:浙江省三级综合性医院康复学科名称有待规范、康复从业人员以及康复医疗质量有待提高,康复医学人才的培养有待加强。  相似文献   

目的 对我国康复治疗从业人员进行调查,以了解我国医学与运动的整合现状。方法 2019年5月至6月,采用问卷星线上问卷调查的形式对全国省市医疗机构、健康管理中心、康复机构等在岗相关康复治疗从业人员进行调查。调查内容包括基本信息、地域分布、工作单位性质、职业特点、教育背景、工作时间以及运动处方知晓情况等。结果 共涉及全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)的康复相关从业人员2935名,其中男性1387名,女性1548名;三级医院1505名(51.28%),二级医院1015名(34.58%);从事物理治疗方向2182名(74.34%),从事作业治疗方向947名(32.27%),从事言语治疗方向553名(18.84%),从事康复辅具、矫形器等康复工程方向141名(4.80%),从事运动康复方向846名(28.82%);初级职称2218名(75.57%),中级职称592名(20.17%);中专学历24名(0.82%),大专学历724名(24.67%),大学本科学历2011名(68.52%),硕士及以上学历160名(5.99%);完全了解运动处方的概念占785名(26.75%),了解1025名(34.92%),基本了解1009名(34.38%)。结论 康复治疗在我国普及范围广泛,但地域分布不均衡;康复治疗相关从业人员从事专业方向多样化,工作内容专职性不高;学历层次普遍偏低,人才培养有待加强;体医融合初见成效,运动处方受众面广。应当统筹协调运动与医学的融合发展,只有培养出相当数量的高素质康复专业人才,才能从根本上提高康复服务的质量,以促进医学与运动整合事业的健康和可持续发展。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:了解河北省县级公立综合医院康复医学科及脑卒中康复治疗现状,以期为实现精准帮扶提供依据。 方法:由河北省卫生健康委员会以微信问卷的形式向全省132所县级公立综合医院发放问卷,项目组对数据进行整理分析。 结果:收回有效问卷126份。107所(84.92%)医院设立了康复医学科;75所(70.09%)医院开设了康复医学科病区,编制床位总数1805张,占医院总编制床位的4.93%;服务内容涉及运动治疗(88.79%)、物理因子治疗(84.11%)、作业治疗(83.18%)、传统康复治疗(80.37%)及言语治疗(78.50%);康复医师664人,学历背景主要为中医及临床医学;治疗师570人,学历背景主要为康复治疗学。2019年脑卒中年门诊量占科室门诊总量的50.95%,住院量占70.40%。多数县医院开展了脑卒中相关的康复评估与治疗工作。所有开展康复医疗服务的医院均有技术帮扶需求,主要为实操技术(87.85%)、理论知识(71.96%)及会诊(67.29%)。 结论:河北省大部分县级综合医院已经建立康复医学科并开展了基本治疗服务,但发展水平参差不齐;从业人员的学历及职称以本科和初级职称为主,治疗师数量不足;脑卒中是其主要服务病种,虽已经初步建立了基本治疗技术体系,但仍需要技术支持,帮扶需求强烈。  相似文献   

<正> 1976年,爱丁堡康复医疗单位首先开展了心脏康复,收治急性心肌梗塞恢复期病人,本文对5年期间住院康复病人的工作量进行了调查。 从1986~1990年,对以初诊为心脏病进入爱丁堡Astley Ainslie医院康复医疗单位的所有病人的病历进行了详细调查,确定病人来源、住院人数、性  相似文献   

正福建中医药大学康复产业研究院是一个产、学、研、医、用联合攻关、协同创新的平台,重点围绕我国人民群众对康复服务的重大需求,在康复技术临床和基础研究、康复医疗装备研发等方面开展研究。是国际物理医学与康复医学学会(ISPRM)执行委员会委员单位、中国康复医学会副会长单位、中国医学装备协会副理事长单位。推动康复技术和康复医疗装备研发的平台有康复医疗技术国地联合工程研究中心、福建省康复产业研究院、福建省康复技术协同创新中心、数字福建康复大数据  相似文献   

This study identified care-related services, programs, and equipment that nursing facilities should provide to residents with multiple sclerosis (MS). Two sets of surveys were used to collect the perspectives and opinions of 140 health professionals representing a variety of disciplines. Frequency tabulations of all responses were done by computer for 10 care-related categories to identify the most frequently mentioned services or programs in each category. Stratified frequency tabulations also were done in the medical, rehabilitation, nursing, as well as psychological and social service categories of care that nursing facilities should provide to residents with MS. The health professionals identified mental health-related services as the most important care that nursing facilities should provide to residents with MS, followed by physical therapy, recreational therapy, occupational therapy, and neurological care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Acute rehabilitation for patients who have had liver transplants is often necessary to restore functional mobility, but no studies, except for case reports, have documented the complications, outcomes, or predictors of success of an acute inpatient rehabilitation program. Our objective was to examine each of these areas related to rehabilitation after liver transplantation. DESIGN: We performed a chart review of 55 patients who received a liver transplant and were treated on our acute rehabilitation service. We examined several factors, including age, reason for transplant, length of acute hospital stay, length of acute inpatient rehabilitation stay, FIMtrade mark scores, albumin levels, medical complications, and discharge disposition. RESULTS: Patients undergoing rehabilitation after liver transplantation required multiple medical interventions, including liver biopsy, ultrasound, blood transfusions, and dialysis. Several patients (15%) were transferred to the acute care hospital for medical problems. Both a low albumin and a long length of stay in the acute care hospital correlated with a longer stay in rehabilitation and less efficient rehabilitation. Longer rehabilitation stays correlated positively with FIM gain (P < 0.001, r = 0.534). Significant improvements in FIM scores (P < 0.001) during acute inpatient rehabilitation were noted in patients who were discharged to home. We also found that age, albumin level, and length of stay in the hospital did not predict discharge disposition. CONCLUSION: Patients who have had liver transplants can achieve significant functional gains in acute rehabilitation. Rehabilitation professionals should be aware of potential complications and factors that may affect the rehabilitation of this patient population.  相似文献   

目的:了解徐州市康复医疗资源现状和患者居家康复护理需求的影响因素,为实施患者居家康复提供依据。方法:于2018年10—12月采用普查的方式调查徐州市所有的康复医疗机构(包括康复专科医院、设有康复科的综合医院、社区医疗卫生服务机构),采取实地走访与问卷调查相结合的方法对徐州市康复专科医院进行现状调查,调查内容包括康复医疗专业人员状况、专业类别等。同时在徐州市选取411例需要康复的患者进行调查,调查内容包括患者的基本情况和患者的康复需求状况、家庭医生签约服务状况等。采用Logistic回归分析影响居家康复护理需求的影响因素。结果:徐州市共有康复医疗卫生机构120所,床位量为2675张,床位数占应配备数的57.98%(2675/4314);现有康复医师402名,康复护士432名,康复治疗师808名,分别占规划的31.07%(402/1294)、16.69%(432/2588)和31.22%(808/2588)。30.90%(127/411)被调查的康复患者与社区医生进行了签约,且其中45.67%(58/127)的签约者对社区医生的服务感到不满意,满意率只有18.90%(24/127)。患者年龄(OR=0.557)、既往疾病是否存在偏瘫(OR=1.520)、社区医生数量(OR=1.131)是影响家庭医生签约的因素;其中年龄越小,签约程度越好,而存在偏瘫和社区医生数量增加是签约增加的因素。结论:徐州市康复医疗资源的配置还不能满足人民群众的需求,康复医疗资源配置不足体现在康复人才较少、康复医疗机构和康复设备不足等方面,家庭医生签约服务率也处在较低水平,实施居家康复项目仍存在很大的困难。  相似文献   

The present study aims to explore the need for cognitive rehabilitation services (CRS) in the community for persons with brain injuries and to understand the level of knowledge and attitudes towards cognitive rehabilitation of health care professionals in the city of Guangzhou in southern China, including their use of innovative CRS. One hundred and fifty-five medical and allied health professionals responded to a self-administered questionnaire. Of this number, 128 completed questionnaires were returned; a response rate of 82.58%. Of the respondents, 95.4% agreed with the need to develop CRS in China. They identified four areas as those for which CRS is most urgently needed: language, memory, orientation and attention rehabilitation. The relative appropriateness of settings for such CRS delivery was ranked, from most to least, as the home, hospital and community, respectively. In prioritising the modes of CRS, it was suggested that the order of preference would be face-to-face, computer-assisted and online/web-based. Home-based intervention was also ranked top among the service treatment settings. The respondents also showed a preference for the innovative online mode, which they felt should be conducted in a home rather than a hospital setting.  相似文献   

工伤职工职业康复及重返社会的行动研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨对工伤职工实施包括职业康复及社区回归在内的完整康复计划的原则与方法。方法从跟进的371例工伤职工中抽取14个深入跟进的康复个案为样本,从性别及家庭角色差异、伤残部位及程度、康复的进展、工伤赔偿方式等方面,分析工伤后的职业康复及回归社区状况,整理出有关工伤职工职业康复及社区回归的影响因素。结果影响工伤职工职业康复和社区回归的因素包括工伤职工残疾部位与程度、性别与家庭角色差异,以及工伤补偿与工伤康复政策和跨专业团队提供的工伤康复服务管理模式等。结论完整的工伤康复计划需要考虑工伤职工的基本医疗康复、职业康复及社区康复需要,及早提供适当的支持和指引,建立一站式全面深入跟进的工伤康复服务管理模式。  相似文献   


Purpose: Given the scarcity of service dogs to help individuals with mobility impairments in the community, it is crucial to identify facilitators and obstacles to the acquisition and use of service dogs in order to optimize their use and have a positive impact on the lives of individuals with disabilities. The goal of this study was to describe perceived facilitators and barriers influencing the acquisition and use of service dog by owners and rehabilitation providers, including those who had and had not recommended service dogs.

Method: We conducted a phenomenological qualitative study involving in-depth interviews with nine service dog owners and 13 rehabilitation professionals in Canada. Our questionnaires were based on the Theoretical Domains Framework and the data were analyzed using a thematic content approach.

Results: Knowledge, beliefs about consequences, and environmental context and resources were the domains most frequently mentioned by both dog owners and rehabilitation professionals. While service dog owners placed greater importance on their belief in their capacity to get and use service dogs, rehabilitation professionals focussed more on their role and identity within the process.

Conclusion: Improving the knowledge of the availability and process of acquiring service dogs would be important for rehabilitation professions to improve the quality of life and functional capabilities of persons with disabilities.
  • Implications for rehabilitation
  • Identifying determinants of service dog acquisition and use can support proposed strategies to optimize the use of this assistive technology;

  • Determinants of service dog acquisition and use are are different for dog owners and rehabilitation professionals, which suggest the need of tailored knowledge translation strategies;

  • Knowledge, beliefs about consequences, and environmental context and resources were the categories of determinants perceived as being more influential on the process.


PURPOSE: To understand some reasons behind the lack of medical rehabilitation resources in developing regions and to propose some actions that can change this problem. METHODS: Focused Medline literature review on AIDS disability in Africa. Editorial observation. RESULTS: Disability, rather than death or cost of treatment, is likely the greatest burden from AIDS. However only 0.05% of published research on AIDS in Africa relates to disability, so we cannot know this with certainty. This is a direct result of funding priorities, and a consequence of both traditional epidemiological methods and old-line 'cure or die' medical education. The disproportionate lack of medical rehabilitation specialists and facilities is a consequence of the same forces. Similar patterns are seen in rural and developing regions around the world. CONCLUSIONS: Rehabilitation professionals must change healthcare service by using rehabilitation techniques: flexing muscle by insisting that governments, agencies, and philanthropists look at the cost of disability, not just disease; training the brains of young professionals who will practice, research and advocate locally; adapting intervention strategies to the impairments imposed by poverty and distance.  相似文献   

目的 分析疫情背景下医药流通企业人才需求的变化情况,为行业高职院校的专业发展和人才培养提供建设依据.方法 利用问卷星平台在线发放问卷,调研天津市医药流通企业中的销售岗、售后服务岗、仓储岗等现有工作岗位与市场需求的匹配情况,以及疫情之后企业在工作岗位需求量、岗位技能要求等方面的变化情况.结果 共发放问卷177份,回收有效...  相似文献   

Although discharge planning from rehabilitation units is discussed in social service and nursing literature, no studies have documented what information the family specifically seeks in preparing for the patient's discharge. In order to gain insight into this issue, the residents assigned to two rehabilitation units were asked to paraphrase and transcribe all questions asked by randomly selected patients and their support groups during family conferences. Forty-six conferences with 45 patients were evaluated, and 213 questions were recorded. Each question was placed into one of ten categories, based on the topic of the question. The most common topic about which information was sought was medical issues not directly related to the primary rehabilitation diagnosis (17% of all questions). Discharge planning was the second most common topic (16%). Thirty-one percent of all questions were related to medical issues. The information derived from this study will help rehabilitation professionals to be better prepared for family conferences and discharge planning.  相似文献   

目的 了解甘肃省三级综合医院康复医疗服务质量.方法 分层抽样法抽取2017年甘肃省有代表性的三级综合医院进行现场调查.从医疗服务供方视角,以Donabedian结构-过程-结果三维质量管理理论模式结合专家意见,构建含17项指标的质量评价指标体系.应用优劣解距离法(TOPSIS法)结合秩和比法对医院康复医疗的整体服务质量...  相似文献   

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