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胃食管反流病(GERD)与食管裂孔疝(HH)常合并发生,本文对这两种疾病最新诊治情况进行了报道。GERD合并HH可通过典型GERD症状及食管外症状进行初步识别,联合胃镜、24 h食管pH/阻抗监测及高分辨率食管测压、上消化道钡餐造影、胸腹部CT进一步明确诊断。治疗包括生活饮食习惯的改善、药物治疗及手术治疗。质子泵抑制剂(PPI)是最常用且最有效的药物,HH是引起GERD难治的重要原因之一,常需要双倍剂量PPI,夜间症状明显患者需睡前加用H2受体拮抗剂。合并HH的严重食管炎患者需长期维持治疗。对于药物治疗效果不佳者,可选择手术治疗。  相似文献   

目的探讨老年胃食管反流病患者高分辨率(HRM)测压压力特点。方法2011年6月至2012年9月对反酸、烧心伴胸骨后不适等症状的老年患者行HRM检测,分析其食管动力特点。结果老年反流性食管炎(RE)组的下食管括约肌(LES)总长度、腹腔内LES长度、LES平均静息压分别为(2.50±0.62)cm、(1.90±0.19)cm和(21.48±8.48)mmHg,低于老年非糜烂性反流病(NERD)组的(3.33±0.43)cm、(2.50±0.46)cm和(24.83±O.64)mmHg(P〈0.05)。结论老年RE患者存在明显的抗反流机制障碍,在其发病机制中可能发挥重要作用。而老年NERD患者的食管运动功能失调不明显,推测其他机制可能参与了其发病过程。  相似文献   

目的促使新一代的青年医师、器械护士能够更加熟练掌握胃食管反流病合并食管裂孔疝手术方式及术中能够紧密的配合。 方法新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院微创外科与科研技术部门合作,成功建立了腹腔镜下胃食管反流病合并食管裂孔疝手术小猪动物训练模型,通过动物模型手术训练熟悉手术操作要点及配合要点。 结果共完成腹腔镜食管裂孔疝修补术6次,Nissen胃底折叠术12次,Toupet胃底折叠术12次,Dor胃底折叠术12次,未发生麻醉意外、二氧化碳气栓、失血性休克等严重并发症。预期手术成功完成,没有发生因术中并发症导致实验动物死亡而终止训练等情况。 结论经过腹腔镜抗反流手术动物模型的手术训练可以使医护人员明显缩短学习时间、促进临床术中配合,可以减少手术相关并发症,是一种安全可行的最佳手术训练方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨食管裂孔疝合并胃食管反流病合并胃间质细胞瘤患者的围手术期处理及安全性。 方法统计新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院2012年10月至2015年1月收治的17例食管裂孔疝合并胃食管反流病合并胃间质细胞瘤患者的病案资料,均采用腹腔镜下微创手术,其中单纯食管裂孔疝缝合者13例,生物补片修补者3例,强生PHY补片修补者1例。抗反流术式中行Nissen式胃底折叠术者8例,Dor式胃底折叠术者6例,Toupet式胃底折叠术者3例。病理结果提示极低危险度胃间质细胞瘤8例,低度危险度者4例,中度危险度者3例,高度危险度者1例,极高危险度者1例,回顾性总结分析该类患者围手术期的处理措施。 结果本组患者无围手术期死亡,术后无严重并发症发生,术后患者反流症状均较术前明显改善,反流时间、反流次数、酸反流时间百分比、长反流次数及DeMeester评分较术前明显降低(P<0.05),术后GERD Q量表评分较术前明显减低(P<0.05);LES压力较术前明显提高(P<0.05)。术后切口感染1例,慢性疼痛1例,给予换药、理疗后好转。2例患者术后出现进食哽噎,1例患者术后出现腹泻,嘱其少量多餐、细嚼慢咽,1个月后症状消失。合并贫血患者术后血红蛋白恢复至95 g/L,术后随访中位数10个月,无复发病例。 结论食管裂孔疝合并胃食管反流病合并胃间质细胞瘤患者病情较复杂使得手术风险大,难度高,但只要作好充分的术前准备,采用恰当的手术方式,术中谨慎、细致操作,针对性的处理术后出现的各种问题,仍是安全可行的。  相似文献   

目的 探究抗反流黏膜切除术(ARMS)治疗食管裂孔疝伴胃食管反流病的疗效。方法 回顾性分析19例2017年9月至2018年6月于宁夏回族自治区人民医院消化内科行ARMS治疗食管裂孔疝伴重度胃食管反流病患者的病例资料。结果 19例患者术后均未发生出血、穿孔、感染等并发症。术后第3~4天,1例患者出现胸痛,2例患者感反酸、烧心,1例患者出现进食哽噎感,该4例患者经常规治疗3 d后症状自行好转。结论 ARMS治疗食管裂孔疝伴重度胃食管反流病的安全有效,术后恢复快。  相似文献   

目的探讨右美托咪定对食管裂孔疝合并胃食管反流病患者围术期免疫功能的影响。 方法选取2014年3月至2016年3月,新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院收治并择期行全麻下腹腔镜手术治疗的食管裂孔疝合并胃食管反流病患者180例为研究对象,采用随机数字表法将上述研究对象分为观察组和对照组,各90例。观察组在麻醉诱导前30 min给予负荷剂量的右美托咪定(0.5 μg/kg),手术开始后以维持剂量0.3 μg/(kg·h)的速率泵人至手术结束;而对照组患者给予等负荷量和维持剂量的生理盐水。分别在不同时间点,即麻醉前(T1)、患者手术结束时(T2)、患者手术结束后30 min(T3)及患者手术结束后24 h(T4)使用流式细胞仪检测T淋巴细胞亚群和NK细胞水平并记录不良反应发生情况。 结果2组患者在T1时点免疫功能指标如血清CD3+、CD4+、CD8+、CD4+/CD8+和NK细胞水平比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);与T1时点比较,2组患者在T2、T3和T4时点时CD3+、CD4+、CD4+/CD8+水平均显著降低;与对照组比较,观察组患者T2、T3和T4时CD3+、CD4+、CD4+/CD8+和NK水平明显升高(P<0.05)。与对照组比较,观察组心动过速、高血压发生情况有所降低(P<0.05),而心动过缓、低血压及苏醒延迟发生情况有所升高(P<0.05);寒颤、呼吸抑制的发生情况,2组比较,差异无统计学意义。 结论右美托咪定辅助麻醉可显著改善行腹腔镜下治疗食管裂孔疝合并胃食管反流病患者围术期机体免疫功能,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的应用高分辨率食管测压(HRM)及多通道腔内阻抗-pH监测技术(MII-pH)研究滑动型食管裂孔疝(HH)患者食管动力及胃食管反流的特点。方法将内镜诊断的滑动型食管裂孔疝患者连续入组,并进行HRM及MII-pH监测后分为短段HH不伴糜烂性食管炎组(HHs)、短段HH伴糜烂性食管炎组(HHs+EE)及长段HH伴糜烂性食管炎组(HHL+EE)。另外选取10名志愿者作为健康对照组(HC)。结果 8例HH患者及10例健康志愿者纳入研究(HHs:7,HHs+EE:15,HHL+EE:6,HC:10)。3组HH患者的LES长度、LES静息压、膈脚张力、有效蠕动比例均明显低于对照组,但长段与短段HH组间无显著性差异。HH患者各组食管酸暴露明显重于对照组,DeMeester评分HHL+EEHHs+EEHHs(P0.05)。HHL+EE组近端反流及卧位反流比例更高。结论滑动型食管裂孔疝患者食管动力障碍及病理性胃食管反流程度较对照组重,长段HH患者食管酸暴露、近端反流及卧位反流更重。  相似文献   

目的探讨聚丙烯补片在腹腔镜下食管裂孔疝修补联合胃底折叠术治疗食管裂孔疝合并胃食管反流病的临床疗效。 方法回顾性分析新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院2013年5月至2015年3月,住院治疗并使用聚丙烯补片(强生PHY补片)行腹腔镜下食管裂孔疝修补术联合胃底折叠术的38例患者临床资料,总结上述患者术前、术后6个月24 h食管pH监测、高分辨率食管测压、胃食管反流病调查问卷(GERD-Q)量表评分及术后并发症特点。 结果全部患者手术顺利无中转术式等情况,其中Nissen术式27例,Toupet术式8例,Dor术式3例。术后患者反流症状均较术前明显改善,术后反流时间、反流次数、DeMeester评分、GERD-Q量表评分等较术前明显降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),术后出现吞咽困难3例,腹部胀气2例,随访过程中无严重并发症发生,无复发。 结论使用聚丙烯补片行腔镜食管裂孔疝修补联合胃底折叠术是治疗食管裂孔疝的有效方法,具有微创、恢复快、并发症少、复发率低等特点。  相似文献   

目的应用食管联合多通道阻抗-压力测定(MII-EM)技术研究贲门失驰缓症及滑动型食管裂孔疝患者的食管动力异常特点。 方法连续选取2013年4月至2014年6月到首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院就诊,入组内镜或食管造影诊断的贲门失驰缓症患者6名、滑动型食管裂孔疝患者10名以及健康志愿者10名行MII-EM检查,分析比较二个患病组与对照组间各检测指标差异。 结果与对照组相比,二个患病组的食团传送率均显著降低。贲门失驰缓症患者LES残余压显著升高,同步收缩及逆行收缩率明显增加,LES松弛率显著降低,食管中上段收缩压力也减低(P<0.05),但未发现其在LES静息压、LES长度、及UES各功能指标上的差异。滑动型食管裂孔疝患者LES静息压较对照组显著降低,UES舒张时间延长,食管近端收缩压力减低(P<0.05),但未发现食管中、下段收缩功能的异常。 结论MII-EM技术能够评估贲门失驰缓症及滑动型食管裂孔疝的食管功能障碍,具有一定的辅助诊断价值。  相似文献   

An increased frequency of reflux events and a prolonged acid clearance have been shown in gastroesophageal reflux (GER) patients with a hiatal hernia as compared to those without. The objective of the present study was to further investigate esophageal motility and patterns of reflux in GER patients, in relation to the presence or absence of hiatal hernia. Esophageal manometry and ambulatory 24-hr esophageal pH-metry were used in 42 patients with GER and 18 controls. Eighteen of the patients were considered to have a nonreducing hiatal hernia on endoscopy. Hiatal hernia patients showed a higher extent of reflux (total composite score,P=0.016; total reflux time,P=0.008, reflux time in supine position,P=0.024; reflux time in upright position,P=0.008), a lower frequency of reflux events (P=0.005), a more severe esophagitis on endoscopy (P<0.01) and a lower amplitude of peristalsis at 5 cm proximal to LES (P=0.0009) as compared to patients without hiatal hernia. The amplitude of peristalsis at the distal esophagus was inversely related to the extent of reflux (P=0.024). Acid clearance was also significantly prolonged in the hernia subgroup (P=0.011). Although LES resting pressure did not differ significantly between the two subgroups of patients, it was inversely related to the extent of reflux in the patients with hiatal hernia (P=0.0005). It is concluded, that GER patients with hiatal hernia present with an increased amount of reflux and more severe esophagitis, which results in more severely impaired esophageal peristalsis as compared to patients without hernia. Prolonged acid clearance and impaired esophageal emptying observed in patients with hiatal hernia could be the result of both the presence of the hernia itself and the reduced peristaltic activity of the esophagus.  相似文献   

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a common clinical entity in Western societies. Its association with hiatal hernia has been well documented; however, the comparative clinical profile of patients in the presence or absence of hiatal hernia remains mostly unknown. The aim of the present study was to delineate and compare symptom, impedance, and manometric patterns of patients with and without hiatal hernia. A cumulative number of 120 patients with reflux disease were enrolled in the study. Quality of life score, demographic, symptom, manometric, and impedance data were prospectively collected. Data comparison was undertaken between patients with and without hiatal hernia. A P‐value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Patients with hiatal hernia tended to be older than patients without hernia (52.3 vs. 48.6 years, P < 0.05), whereas quality of life scores were slightly better for the former (97.0 vs. 88.2, P= 0.005). Regurgitation occurred more frequently in patients without hiatal hernia (78.3% vs. 93.9%, P < 0.05). Otherwise, no differences were found with regard to esophageal and extraesophageal symptoms. However, lower esophageal sphincter pressures (7.7 vs. 10.0 mmHg, P= 0.007) and more frequent reflux episodes (upright, 170 vs. 134, P= 0.01; supine, 41 vs. 24, P < 0.03) were documented for patients with hiatal hernia on manometric and impedance studies. Distinct functional characteristics in patients with and without hiatal hernia may suggest a tailored therapeutic management for these diverse patient groups.  相似文献   

Sliding Type‐I hiatal hernia is commonly diagnosed using upper endoscopy, barium swallow or less commonly, esophageal manometry. Current data suggest that endoscopy is superior to barium swallow or esophageal manometry. Recently, high‐resolution manometry has become available for the assessment of esophageal motility. This novel technology is capable of displaying spatial and topographic pressure profiles of gastroesophageal junction and crural diaphragm in real time. The objective of the current study was to compare the specificity and sensitivity of high‐resolution manometry and endoscopy in the diagnosis of sliding hiatal hernia in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Data were analyzed retrospectively for 83 consecutive patients (61% females, mean age 52 ± 13.2 years) with objective gastroesophageal reflux disease who were considered for laparoscopic antireflux surgery between January 2006 and January 2009 and had preoperative high‐resolution manometry and endoscopy. Manometrically, hiatal hernia was defined as separation of the gastroesophageal junction >2.0 cm from the crural diaphragm. Intraoperative diagnosis of hiatal hernia was used as the gold standard. Sensitivity, specificity and likelihood ratios of a positive test and a negative test were used to compare the performance of the two diagnostic modalities. Forty‐two patients were found to have a Type‐I sliding hiatal hernia (>2 cm) during surgery. Twenty‐two patients had manometric criteria for a hiatal hernia by high‐resolution manometry, and 36 patients were described as having a hiatal hernia by preoperative endoscopy. False positive results were significantly fewer (higher specificity) with high‐resolution manometry as compared with endoscopy (4.88% vs. 31.71%, P= 0.01). There were no significant differences in the false negative results (sensitivity) between the two diagnostic modalities (47.62% vs. 45.24%, P= 0.62). Analysis of likelihood ratios of a positive and negative test demonstrated that high‐resolution manometry is better than endoscopy both to rule out and rule in a hiatal hernia. A significant discordance was also observed between the two tests (P= 0.033). High‐resolution manometry has better specificity and ability to rule out an overt Type‐I sliding hiatal hernia (greater likelihood ratio of a positive test) in patients with GERD. Because of high false negative results, both high‐resolution manometry and endoscopy are unreliable for ruling in a hiatal hernia. Negative result for a hiatal hernia by either modality mandates additional testing.  相似文献   

Hiatal hernias are frequently diagnosed during upper endoscopy or barium radiography. They can also be identified based on the typical 'double high pressure zone' or 'double hump' during stationary manometric pull-through. This paper aims to compare manometric and endoscopic identification of hiatal hernias. We retrospectively reviewed records of patients who had an esophageal manometry performed in our laboratory between July 2002 and July 2003. We identified 153 patients (104 females, mean age 56 years) who had both an esophageal manometry and upper endoscopy. The manometric studies were reviewed looking for the characteristic double high-pressure zone characteristic of hiatal hernia. The endoscopic reports were reviewed for the independent identification of an hiatal hernia. Information on race, gender, presence of hiatal hernias, esophagitis, and symptoms during esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) exams was recorded from the reports of patients who had both EGD and manometric studies at our institution. Of the 153 patients with both endoscopy and manometry, 11 (7%) had an hiatal hernia identified by manometry compared to 51 (33%) by endoscopy. Ten (91%) of the manometrically identified hiatal hernias were also seen on endoscopy. Compared to endoscopy (gold standard), esophageal manometry had a sensitivity of 20% and a specificity of 99% for detecting hiatal hernias. Manometric identification of an hiatal hernia is an infrequent finding with low sensitivity but high specificity compared to endoscopy.  相似文献   

The rapid pull-through (RPT) technique during esophageal manometry helps to identify various pressure profiles of hiatal hernia (HH), based on the presence of two high pressure zones: the diaphragmatic crura (DC) and the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Our aim was to correlate different HH profiles with frequency of reflux episodes in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Seventy-eight patients with GERD and HH underwent esophageal manometry with RPT and were grouped according to the prevalent pressure profile of HH. Twenty-four-hour pH-metry served to quantify traditional (TR) and nontraditional refluxes (drop of 1 pH unit with pH > 4 or pH < 4 and time < 5 sec) (NTR) during total, upright, and recumbent periods. The group with a prevalent flat HH profile, representing LES and DC impairment, had significantly more TRs in total time of reflux (P < 0.01) and in recumbent and upright periods (P < 0.05) compared to the group with a prevalence of the two pressure peaks, corresponding to LES and DC efficiency. However, the group with the flat profile had significantly more NTRs + TRs than the group with pressure peaks in total time (P < 0.01) and recumbent position (P < 0.001) but not in the upright position. Hiatal hernia predisposes to GERD, but only the associated impairment of the LES and diaphragmatic crura pressures represents a condition of high risk for gastroesophageal reflux events.  相似文献   

Background. The association of H. pylori and hiatal hernia in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease, in terms of acidity and esophageal motility, is not well defined. The purpose of this work was to assess whether, in patients with gastroesophageal reflux, the presence of H. pylori and hiatal hernia affects the severity of esophagitis. Methods. Reflux symptoms, endoscopy, H. pylori, esophageal manometry, and 24-h pH monitoring were evaluated in 37 patients with esophageal reflux and 14 healthy volunteers. Results. A total of 75.6% of patients with esophageal reflux was positive for H. pylori; 81% had hiatal hernia, and only 43.2% showed an acid score by 24-h pHmetry. Esophageal reflux patients with H. pylori, hiatal hernia, and an acid score demonstrated higher acid parameters compared with those in healthy volunteers. Patients with an acid score who were negative for H. pylori tended toward more acid reflux events than patients with an acid score who were positive for H. pylori, a difference that did not reach significance. The same situation existed with patients with an acid score and hiatal hernia who were negative for H. pylori, but the tendency did not achieve significance. Independent analysis of patients with Savary-Miller stage II and III esophagitis showed results that were not different from the combined analysis of stage II and III patients. Amplitude and contraction-duration parameters of the esophageal wave, and the number of high-pressure and prolonged contractions were not different among the reflux groups. Wave amplitude in the lower third of the esophagus was significantly lower in esophagitis stage III patients with hiatal hernia and in esophagitis stage II and III patients, combined, with H. pylori, compared with findings in the healthy volunteers. Conclusions. These results suggest that H. pylori and hiatal hernia in patients with esophageal reflux do not constitute risk factors that affect the severity of esophagitis. Received: April 12, 2001 / Accepted: September 14, 2001  相似文献   

Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication and esophagoplasty are the standards for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and hiatal hernia (HH) repair. Biologically derived mesh is also associated with reduced recurrence. This study attempted to evaluate the effectiveness of a biological mesh in the 4K laparoscopic repair of HH. This retrospective study reviewed patients with a severe GERD complicated with HH from August 2019 to August 2020. All patients underwent the HH repair using a biological mesh under a 4K laparoscope accompanying Nissen fundoplication. Up to 16 months postoperatively, GERD-health-related quality-of-life (GERD-HRQL) scale, radiologic studies on HH recurrence, and symptoms were recorded. The mean surgical time and postoperative hospital stay were 70.9 ± 8.72 min, 4.8 ± 0.76 days, respectively. The postoperative symptom relief rate was 96.5%, and no recurrence exhibited during follow-up. Dysphagia occurred in 10 (9.43%) patients. There were no intraoperative vagus nerve injury or postoperative complications, mesh infection, and reoperation for mesh. The tension-free repair of HH with the biological mesh is an option for clinical use, with effectiveness and few short-term complications being reported.  相似文献   

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