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Subsets of human lymphocytes were isolated from peripheral blood using magnetic beads coated with anti-CD4, -CD8, -CD19 or -CD56 antibodies to yield T4, T8, B and natural killer (NK) cell suspensions with greater than 95% purity. The functional activity of Fc gamma receptor II (Fc gamma RII) and Fc gamma receptor III (Fc gamma RIII) on these subsets was assessed by measuring rosette formation with red cells sensitized with known levels of either rabbit IgG or human (monoclonal or polyclonal) IgG1 anti-D, IgG3 anti-D or IgG3 anti-c (E-IgG). Lysis of red cells by K cells (mediated by Fc gamma RIII) in antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) assays was promoted by polyclonal and some monoclonal antibodies. Using these 'ADCC+' antibodies, minimum red cell sensitization levels required to promote rosette formation with NK cells were 2000 IgG1 or IgG3 molecules/red cell compared to 15,000 IgG1 or 4000 IgG3 molecules/red cell with 'ADCC-' monoclonal antibodies. The greater efficiency of ADCC+ antibodies is consistent with their previously reported ability to bind Fc gamma RIII via CH2 and CH3 domains whereas ADCC- antibodies bind only via CH3 domains. B cells formed rosettes only at high levels of sensitization: approximately 60,000 IgG1 or 20,000 IgG3 anti-D molecules/cell. These data reflect the low affinity of Fc gamma RII for monomeric human IgG. Although over 90% of NK cells bound anti-CD16, and 70% formed rosettes with red cells sensitized with rabbit IgG (30,000 molecules/cell), only 25% of NK cells formed rosettes with E-IgG3 at 100,000 IgG molecules/cell. Approximately 35% of B cells, 10% of T8 cells but no T4 cells formed rosettes with E-IgG (100,000 IgG3 molecules/cell). With T8, B and NK cells, IgG3 anti-D promoted greater rosette formation than IgG1 anti-D at comparable levels of sensitization. Presumably the longer hinge region of IgG3 enabled it to bridge the gap between negatively charged lymphocytes and red cells more efficiently than IgG1.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the treatment of neutrophils with proteolytic enzymes markedly reduces the expression of receptor III for the Fc portion of IgG (Fc gamma RIII), but it does not affect the number of Fc gamma RII on the cell surface. In the present study, we analysed the effect of proteolytic enzymes on functional responses of neutrophils induced by immune complexes (IC). Our results showed that treatment with pronase or chymotrypsin markedly increased the binding of IgG-coated erythrocytes (IgG-E) to neutrophils, as well as their capability to display IgG-mediated functions such as antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) and chemiluminescence (CL) induced by IgG-E, responses that have been shown to be completely dependent on Fc gamma RII. A similar enhancing effect was observed, in all cases, after neutrophil treatment with neuroaminidase. We also studied the effect of proteolysis on neutrophil activation induced by other types of IC. It was found that pronase and chymotrypsin significantly enhanced CL responses induced by soluble IC (sIC) but did not modify the responses induced by either precipitating IC (pIC) or soluble IC prepared with cationized antibodies (catIC). On the other hand, neuroaminidase significantly enhanced CL induced by either sIC, pIC or catIC. Taken together, our data suggest that the activity of Fc gamma RII can be up-regulated by proteolysis. However, this effect appears to be strongly dependent on the characteristics of the IC employed as stimulus.  相似文献   

IgG-containing immune complexes, which are found in most RA joints, communicate with hematopoietic cells using three classes of Fc receptors(Fc gamma RI, -II, -III). In a previous study we found that if a chronic T-cell-mediated antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) was elicited in knee joints of FcR gamma-chain-deficient mice that lack functional Fc gamma RI and Fc gamma RIII, joint inflammation was comparable but severe cartilage destruction was absent. We now examined the individual role of the stimulatory Fc gamma RI and Fc gamma RIII and inhibitory Fc gamma RII in inflammation and functional cartilage damage in knee joints with AIA using Fc gamma RI-, Fc gamma RII-, and Fc gamma RIII-deficient mice. Three weeks after immunization with the antigen-methylated bovine serum albumin (BSA), cellular (T-cell responses as measured by lymphocyte proliferation) immunity raised against mBSA was comparable in all groups examined. Humoral (total IgG, IgG1, IgG2a, and IgG2b levels) immunity against mBSA was comparable in Fc gamma RI-/- and Fc gamma RIII-/- but higher in Fc gamma RII-/- if compared to controls. Joint swelling as measured by (99m)Tc uptake at days 1, 3, and 7 was similar in Fc gamma RI-/- and Fc gamma RIII-/- mice and significantly higher in Fc gamma RII-/-. Chronic inflammation and cartilage damage (depletion of proteoglycans, metalloproteinase (MMP)-induced neoepitopes, and matrix erosion) was studied histologically in total knee joint sections stained with hematoxylin or safranin-O. Histologically, at day 7 after AIA induction, exudate and infiltrate in the knee joint was similar in Fc gamma RI-/- and Fc gamma RIII-/- and significantly higher (230% and 340%) in Fc gamma RII-/- mice if compared to controls. Aggrecan breakdown in cartilage caused by MMPs and, which is related to severe irreversible cartilage erosion, was further studied by immunolocalization of MMP-mediated neoepitopes (VDIPEN) and image analysis. MMP-induced neoepitopes determined in various cartilage layers (tibia and femur) were primarily inhibited in Fc gamma RI-/- (79 to 87% and 87 to 88%, respectively) and comparable in Fc gamma RIII-/-. VDIPEN neoepitopes were much higher (82 to 122% and 200 to 250%, respectively) in Fc gamma RII-/- mice. Initial depletion of proteoglycans was similar (60 to 100%) in all groups. In the chronic phase, cartilage matrix erosion in the lateral and medial tibia was significantly elevated in Fc gamma RII-/- (222% and 186%, respectively) but not in Fc gamma RI-/- or Fc gamma RIII-/- mice. These results suggest that during T-cell-mediated AIA, Fc gamma RI and Fc gamma RIII act in concert in acute and chronic inflammation whereas Fc gamma RI is the dominant FcR involved in severe cartilage destruction. Fc gamma RII is a crucial inhibiting factor in acute and chronic inflammation and cartilage erosion.  相似文献   

The low-affinity Fc receptor for immune-complexed IgG (Fc gamma RIII; CD16) present on in vitro cultured human monocytes are encoded by an Fc gamma RIII-2 gene that, by cDNA sequence analysis, is identical to that expressed on tissue macrophages and on natural killer cells. In macrophages, Fc gamma RIII-2 encodes a glycoprotein of 52-62 kDa, with a peptide backbone of 33 kDa identical to that of the homologous receptor on natural killer cells. Like this and unlike in polymorphonuclear neutrophils, Fc gamma RIII (CD16) on cultured monocytes is insensitive to phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, is not allelic for the neutrophil NA alloantigens NA-1/NA-2, is not recognized by a monoclonal antibody (1D3) detecting an epitope present only on neutrophil Fc gamma RIII (CD16) and functions to trigger cytotoxicity upon ligand binding.  相似文献   

The neutrophil NADPH-oxidase can be activated by protein kinase C (PKC) agonists such as phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), resulting in superoxide anion release. This superoxide release is independent of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) because the inhibitor wortmannin does not affect the response. In this study, PMA is shown to also induce a wortmannin-sensitive NADPH-oxidase activation, however, not resulting in release of superoxide but in intracellular production of the radical. This indicates that two pools of NADPH-oxidase, one localized in the plasma membrane and the other in the granule membranes, are separately regulated and the signal transduction pathways leading to activation of these pools differ regarding involvement of PI 3-kinase. Activation of both pools was dependent on ERK/MAPK kinase (MEK) activity and protein phosphatase 1 and/or 2A. As the two oxidase responses were differently affected by the inhibitor G?-6850, different PKC isozymes are suggested to take part in the two signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

F Hoffmeyer  K Witte    R E Schmidt 《Immunology》1997,92(4):544-552
In this paper we report that interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) maintains and enhances functional properties of terminally differentiated polymorphonuclear cells (PMN). Such effects are obvious when compared with untreated PMN declining in their functional response. Culture for 18 hr with 100 IU/ml of recombinant IFN-gamma resulted in the expression of about 15,000 Fc gamma RI per PMN. IFN-gamma maintained viability of PMN and prevented reduction of Fc gamma RIIIb caused by apoptosis. No alterations were found in the level of Fc gamma RIIa. Next, functional properties of Fc gamma RI were evaluated. Calcium mobilization was detected in fura-2/acetoxymethylester (AM)-loaded PMN using a spectrophotometer and the respiratory burst was measured as luminol-dependent chemiluminescence. Cross-linking of an F(ab')2 fragment of monoclonal antibody (mAb) 22.2 to Fc gamma RI gave similar results to those obtained with intact monomeric human immunoglobulin G (mhIgG) when subsequently cross-linked. Moreover, after blocking Fc gamma RIIa and Fc gamma RIIIb with respective mAb fragments, mhIgG was still effective in triggering a calcium flux demonstrating that second messenger generation was caused by Fc gamma RI engagement. Even though Fc gamma RI expression was lower than that of Fc gamma RIIa, Fc gamma RI induced a higher increase of the respiratory burst. In addition, the protein tyrosine phosphatase CD45 was able to inhibit both responses when it was co-cross-linked with CD64, suggesting involvement of tyrosine phosphorylation in early signalling steps.  相似文献   

We have isolated two cDNA clones encoding the guinea pig receptorfor the Fc portion of lgG2 (Fc2R) from a guinea pig peritonealmacrophage cDNA library. Analysis of the predicted amino acidsequence of the one cDNA clone indicated that the guinea pigFc2R Is a type I transmembrane protein and has 72% DNA sequencehomology and 57% protein sequence homology with the human FcRIII.Therefore, we propose that the guinea pig Fc2R Is referred toas guinea pig FcRIII. The most important finding In this reportis that the obtained cDNA directed the cell surface expressionof the Fc2R on COS-7 cells without association with the chainof the high-affinity IgE receptor (FcRly) which is requiredfor human and mouse FcRIII to be expressed on the cell surface.Furthermore, we demonstrated that the endocytosis activity ofFcRIII is dependent upon the association with FcRl, suggestingthat FcRl is Involved in the functions of guinea pig FcRIII.The other clone was found to lack the sequence encoding transmembraneand cytoplasmic domains, suggesting the presence of a solubleform of guinea pig FcRIII. Northern blot analysis and RT-PCRshowed that a transmembrane form of guinea pig FcRIII was expressedin peritoneal macrophages, but not in neutrophils In spite ofthe fact that they express Fc2R, indicating that the Fc2R onneutrophils is a product of a distinct gene.  相似文献   

Four human monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to the Rh antigen D were produced in aglycosylated forms by culture of B-cell lines in medium containing tunicamycin (Tm-mAb). Erythrocytes sensitized with these or control mAb were compared in U937 rosette and monocyte chemiluminescence assays to determine Fc gamma receptor I (Fc gamma RI)-mediated functional activity, and in lymphocyte rosette and lymphocyte antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) assays to study Fc gamma RIII-mediated binding and lysis. Fc gamma RI-mediated interactions with Tm-mAb were greatly reduced compared with control mAb. All Tm-mAb failed to promote ADCC, although lymphocyte rosette formation was unaltered. The anti-D titre of Tm-mAb and their interaction with mAb JL512 (recognizing an epitope in the CH2 domain) were unchanged. These data suggest that glycosylation of IgG is required for CH2 domain interactions with both Fc gamma RI and Fc gamma RIII, but not for CH3 domain interactions with Fc gamma RIII.  相似文献   

L McLain  N J Dimmock 《Immunology》1997,90(1):109-114
T cells do not generally express Fc receptors (FcRs). However, we report here that C8166 cells, a human CD4+ T lymphoblastoid cell line, widely used in research into the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), expressed CD64 (Fc gamma RI), CD32 (Fc gamma RII), and CD16 (Fc gamma RIII) on the plasma membrane as shown by immunostaining with specific monoclonal antibody fragments. Another human CD4+ T lymphoblastoid cell line. H9, expressed none of these FcRs. C8166 cells bound monomeric normal rat serum IgG in a dose-dependent manner, and when saturated bound heat-complexed immunoglobulin G (IgG) also dose dependently. These observations are consistent with the presence on the C8166 T-cell line of both high- and low-affinity Fc gamma Rs. Fc gamma Rs are putative receptors for virus-IgG complexes, but in this study did not enhance infectivity of HIV-1 complexed with a human neutralizing mAb or three rat neutralizing mAbs. Virus complexed with a non-neutralizing mouse mAb was unable to infect cells using Fc gamma Rs as receptors after CD4 was blocked with a specific anti-CD4 mAb.  相似文献   

Under physiological conditions immune complexes (IC) are efficiently cleared from the circulation and meanwhile provide important feedback signals for the immune system via Fc gamma Rs and complement receptors. Dysregulation of these mechanisms have been implicated in conditions where IC concentrations reach pathological levels and inflict diseases, like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Our aim was to compare distinct sub-populations of CD19(+) B cells of healthy individuals and SLE patients with regard to their expression of Fc gamma R type II (Fc gamma RII, CD32), complement receptor type 1 (CR1, CD35) and complement receptor type 2 (CR2, CD21) and sIgG/IgM. The following four groups of peripheral CD19(+) B cells were investigated: IgM(+)/CD27(-) naive, IgM(+)/CD27(+) and IgM(-)/CD27(+) memory cells and CD27(high) plasmablasts. We demonstrate that the expression of the inhibitory receptors Fc gamma RII and CR1 is up-regulated on peripheral memory B cells of healthy controls, whereas this up-regulation is considerably impaired on the memory B cells of SLE patients. This reduction affects both the IgM(+) and switched memory B cells. We found a striking difference between the expression of complement receptors CD21 and CD35; namely, no up-regulation of CD21 occurred on the memory B cells of healthy donors, and its decreased expression in SLE patients was characteristic for both the CD27(-) naive and the CD27(+) memory B-cell populations. Our results clearly demonstrate that the previously reported reduced expression of IC-binding receptors is mainly due to the disturbed memory compartment; however, the higher frequency of CD19(+)/CD27(high)/sIg(low) plasmablasts expressing minimal levels of these receptors also contributes to this diminution.  相似文献   

We have found that amino acid residues necessary for C1q and Fc gamma R binding of human IgG1 are located in the N-terminal region of the CH2 domain, residues 231-238, using a matched set of engineered antibodies based on the anti-HLA-DR antibody L243. Changing the leucine 235 in the CH2 region of IgG3 and IgG4 to glutamic acid was already known to abolish Fc gamma RI binding. We have confirmed this for IgG1 and also found a concomitant abolition of human complement lysis with retention of Fc gamma RIII-mediated function. Changing the glycine at 237 to alanine of IgG1 also abolished Fc gamma RI binding and reduced human complement lysis and Fc gamma RIII-mediated function. Exchanging the whole region 233-236 with the sequence found in human IgG2, abolished Fc gamma RI binding and human complement lysis and reduced Fc gamma RIII-mediated function of IgG1. In contrast, a change in the previously described C1q-binding motif, from lysine at 320 to alanine, had no effect on IgG1-mediated complement lysis.  相似文献   

Production of LTC4 and LTB4 by eosinophils and neutrophils was compared between nine asymptomatic asthmatic subjects and eight healthy donors. We observed a statistically significant difference in LTC4 generated by eosinophils, but not LTB4 produced by neutrophils. These findings suggest a quantitative difference in eosinophils between asthmatic subjects and healthy donors.  相似文献   

We investigated the expression of the low affinity Fc IgE receptor (Fc epsilon RII/CD23) on the human monocytic cell lines U937, THP-1, Mono-Mac-6, and cultured human peripheral blood monocytes under stimulation with human tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and other cytokines. Fc epsilon RII was demonstrated by flow cytometry analysis employing the anti-Fc epsilon RII monoclonal antibody 3-5. TNF-alpha alone had a weak but significant stimulating effect on the Fc epsilon RII expression on the cell lines U937 and THP-1, and very modestly on Mono-Mac-6 cells. TNF-alpha strongly synergized with interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and interleukin-4 (IL-4). IFN-alpha per se was ineffectual, but was able to increase the TNF-alpha effect. Furthermore, the action of TNF-alpha was slightly augmented by human IL-6. Similar effects were noted with TNF-beta alone or in combination with other cytokines. Interestingly, on human monocytes TNF-alpha weakly reduced the basal level of Fc epsilon RII, and markedly diminished the IL-4-induced Fc epsilon RII expression. Our results indicate that several cytokines may interact in a cytokine network to modulate Fc epsilon RII expression on monocytic cell lines. On human blood monocytes, TNF-alpha, like IFN-gamma or IL-6, counteracts the IL-4-induced Fc epsilon RII expression. These data suggest different regulatory pathways of Fc epsilon RII expression on blood monocytes and myelomonocytic cell lines.  相似文献   

Two isotypes of the monocyte/macrophage as well as B cell Fc gamma receptor type II (FcRIIa and FcRIIb2, respectively) mainly differ in the length (76 vs. 44 amino acids) and amino acid sequence of their cytoplasmic domains. Only the eight amino acids just behind the putative transmembrane region are identical. Despite this marked difference, both FcRII mediate endocytosis of immune complexes. To determine the functional significance of the cytoplasmic domains, we expressed truncated FcRIIa and FcRIIb2 in FcR- BHK-21 cells. Mutants of both receptors containing only one amino acid (tail-minus) of the cytoplasmic domain failed to mediate immune complex uptake. The significance of the cytoplasmic domain of the receptors could be further demonstrated using a chimeric FcRIII-FcRIIa construct. Therefore we expressed an FcRIII lacking the hydrophobic carboxyl terminus (containing the putative phosphatidyl - inositol - glycan anchor site) fused inframe to the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domain of the FcRIIa in BHK-21 cells. In contrast to the wild type FcRIII, this chimeric receptor mediated immune complex uptake indistinguishable from that mediated by the FcRIIa. Receptor mutants with relatively short cytoplasmic domains (FcRIIb2: 13, and FcRIIa: 16 amino acids) revealed, that these short amino acid stretches are sufficient to allow reduced receptor-mediated endocytosis of bound ligand. Furthermore, using FcRIIa deletion mutants with a cytoplasmic domain consisting of 62, 46, and 28 amino acids, respectively, we found that the capability of these mutants to mediate immune complex uptake decreased gradually with the truncation of the cytoplasmic tails. Thus, only short amino acid sequences of the cytoplasmic domain are sufficient to enable an, albeit reduced, receptor-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

Differently charged immune complexes composed of fragments of bovine gamma globulin (BGG) antigen and fragments of rabbit anti-BGG antibody lacking FC portions were used for a study of the role of charge in deposition and localization within the mouse glomerulus. Preformed soluble complexes were made from native heterogeneous, cationic, or anionic F(ab')2 fragments of BGG and of rabbit antibody to BGG, and were injected intravenously. The distribution in the kidney was studied by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Cationic but not anionic or heterogeneous complexes diffusely localized in the glomerular basement membrane in both subepithelial and subendothelial sites. In contrast, more neutral or anionic complexes localized less prominently and were limited to the mesangium. The findings suggest that electrostatic interactions independent of Fc effector functions of immunoglobulins can be responsible for glomerular immune complex localization.  相似文献   

Pulmonary sequestration and activation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNLs) are characteristic of many forms of acute lung injury. The present experiments were designed to study the effects of mepacrine on human neutrophils challenged with N-formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP). Mepacrine inhibited fMLP-induced superoxide production and degranulation in a dose-dependent manner with Kd values of 2.3 +/- 0.5 x 10(-7) M and 5.7 +/- 1.3 x 10(-6) M, respectively. Stimulation of PMNLs by 10(-6) M fMLP provoked the formation of barely detectable amounts of leukotriene B4 (LTB4) (< 5 pg/10(7) cells). Pretreatment of the cells with cytochalasin B augmented generation of LTB4 in response to fMLP (339 +/- 79 pg/10(7) cells). LTB4 formation was also inhibited by mepacrine (50% inhibitory concentration 1.0 +/- 0.5 x 10(-6) M). Furthermore, mepacrine inhibited the specific binding of [3H]fMLP to neutrophils with a Ki value of 1.4 +/- 0.4 x 10(-5) M. Mepacrine decreased the receptor binding affinity without altering the number of receptors. These findings demonstrate that the inhibitory effect of mepacrine is response dependent and suggest that this action of mepacrine could, in part, be attributed to a decrease in fMLP receptor affinity.  相似文献   

Fc-gamma receptor III (Fc gamma RIII, CD16) type A is expressed on natural killer cells, on a small subset of peripheral blood monocytes and on mature macrophages. Along with differentiation into macrophages, monocytes will express Fc gamma RIII when cultured with transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta). In view of the involvement of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) in myeloid cell differentiation, we investigated the effect of this cytokine on Fc gamma RIII expression in cultures of peripheral blood monocytes. GM-CSF antagonized TGF-beta-induced expression of Fc gamma RIII on monocytes in vitro in a dose-dependent way. The effect of GM-CSF persisted in cultures until at least day 7. The suppression was at the mRNA level, as shown by Northern analyses with a CD16 specific probe, and the signalling pathway involved tyrosine kinase activity. Interferon-gamma and interleukin-2 had no effect on the induced expression of Fc gamma RIII by TGF-beta, while interleukin-4, similar to GM-CSF, antagonized this induction. Our findings suggest that regulatory cytokine networks can drive monocytes into different effector functions and differentiation pathways.  相似文献   

The antigen induced stimulation of mast cells by aggregation of Fc∈RI receptors activates a signal transduction cascade leading to release of mediators of inflammation like histamine, arachidonic acid metabolites and cytokines. In this study we investigated a series of structurally related anti-allergic drugs, containing a common lipophilic diphenylmethyl piperazinyl tail and head groups that differ in lipophilicity. Effects of these drugs on various steps of the signal transduction cascade was investigated to gain insight into the mechanism of action of these drugs. It appeared that addition of the drugs to resting cells induced changes in the tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular proteins. The most active anti-allergics in inhibiting exocytosis, AL3264 and oxatomide, also induced the largest changes in phosphorylation. The effects of the drugs on tyrosine phosphorylation after cell activation was complex. Additionally, Ca2+ fluxes were investigated. Ca2+ efflux from the cells was negligibly influenced by the active drugs. However, the drugs inhibited influx from extracellular Ca2+, which was correlated with the effects of the drugs on inhibition of exocytosis and on membrane stabilization induced by the drugs, measured as haemolysis of erythrocytes. It is concluded that inhibition of Ca2+ influx is the major mechanism with which these drugs inhibit exocytosis and that for this effect drug-membrane interactions, possibly affecting the function of membrane embedded proteins, are of importance. Possible mechanisms including drug-membrane interactions, phosphorylation and inhibition of Ca2+ influx are discussed.  相似文献   

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