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目的 :探讨人细小病毒B19(HPVB19)感染在心肌病发病中的作用。方法 :病理诊断确诊为炎症性心肌病患者 30例 ,扩张型心肌病 (DCM)患者 36例 ,肥厚型心肌病 (HCM)患者 13例 ,无心肌炎、DCM或近期感染者 (对照 ) 36例。所有被研究者均行心肌组织活检 ,用于病理组织学检查和巢式聚合酶链反应 (PCR)检测分析HPVB19 DNA。结果 :炎症性心肌病中有 4例HPVB19 DNA阳性 (占 13.3% ) ,DCM中有 3例HPVB19 DNA阳性 (占 8.3% ) ,HCM中有 2例HPVB19 DNA阳性 (占 15 .4 % ) ,而对照组HPVB19 DNA均为阴性。结论 :心肌病患者中HPVB19感染率较高 ,HPVB19感染可能是心肌病的重要病因之一。  相似文献   

目的:调查三峡地区无偿献血员人细小病毒B19(HPVB19)的流行情况,为该地区未来的献血筛查策略提供数据支撑。方法:采用ELISA方法,对934例献血员进行了HPVB19IgG、IgM抗体筛查。结果:934例献血员中,HPVB19IgG阳性率43.36%(405/934),HPVB19IgM阳性率2.46%(23/934)。阳性率随年龄增加有上升的趋势,不同年龄组之间HPVB19IgG抗体阳性检出率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:三峡地区献血员中HPVB19感染率较高,多数是曾经感染,近期感染或急性感染较低,但作为血源,仍有一定传播病毒的风险,选用适当的方法筛查病毒,保障血液制品质量十分必要。  相似文献   

1975年Cossart等从1例无症状者血清标本电镜检查中发现直径20~25nm球形病毒样颗粒,编定为B19病毒,经证实该病毒属细小病毒。以往发现的细小病毒只能感染牛、猫、狗、水貂、小鼠等哺乳动物,不感染人,故将B19病毒命名为人细小病毒(human parvovirus,HPV)B19。  相似文献   

目的 探讨孕早期人细小病毒B19感染与血清人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)、人胎盘生乳素(hPL)水平变化的关系.方法 采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)法检测294例孕早期人工流产孕妇(其中阳性22例,阴性272例)血清中人细小病毒B19抗体IgM(HPVB19-IgM)及IgG的含量,根据血清HPVB19-IgM检测结果,将所有患者分为阳性组(22例)及阴性组(272例),采用ELISA和MIROELISA法检测其相应外周血血清中hCG、hPL水平.结果 孕早期人工流产孕妇HPVB19-IgM阳性者血清中hCG为(83.19 ±32.69) mIU/mL,阴性组为(106.68±43.26)mIU/mL,两组比较,P<0.05;阳性组血清中hPL为(51.06±40.63) ng/mL,阴性组为(75.49 ±53.17) ng/mL,两组比较,P<0.05.结论 孕早期人细小病毒B19感染可减少hCG、hPL的分泌量,这可能是孕早期HPVB19感染引起不良妊娠结局的生殖内分泌基础.  相似文献   

人细小病毒B19(human parvovirus B19,HPVB19)属细小病毒科,红细胞病毒属,与多种疾病相关,是异基因造血干细胞移植后难治性贫血的重要原因之一。异基因造血干细胞移植后HPVB19感染最常见的临床表现为贫血伴网织红细胞计数下降,严重者可进展为纯红细胞再生障碍,同时可伴有白细胞和血小板减少症、皮疹、关节痛、心肌炎、肝炎、肺炎等,诊断主要依赖核酸检测。使用静脉注射免疫球蛋白与免疫抑制剂减量为有效的治疗手段。HPVB19感染预后好但复发率高。本文对异基因造血干细胞移植后HPVB19感染患者的临床特点及诊疗方案进行文献综述。  相似文献   

目的总结小儿先天性心脏病(congenital heart disease,CHD)术后人细小病毒B19(human parvovirus B19,HPV-B19)感染患儿的临床特点、治疗及转归。方法回顾性分析2019年6月至2021年6月广东省人民医院儿科重症监护室(pediatric intensive care unit,PICU)确诊的CHD术后HPV-B19感染患儿的临床表现、诊断及治疗。结果 10例HPV-B19感染患儿中,男4例,女6例;年龄为0.84(0.3~9.0)岁;体质量为9.0(3.5~14.5)kg。10例患儿均出现发热,高热为主,无伴有明显中毒症状,同时伴发贫血突然加重。2例躯干弥漫充血性皮疹;4例轻度贫血,6例中度贫血;4例白细胞减少,2例粒细胞缺乏,1例粒细胞减少;5例血小板减少;1例血细胞三系减少;3例骨髓增生减低;3例单纯红系增生减低。于术后第12.8(7~23.0)天分别行定量聚合酶链反应(qPCR)检测呈阳性。9例给予静脉输注丙种球蛋白(intravenous injection of gamma globulin,IVIG)治疗,输注量466.7(300~700)mg·kg~(-1)·d~(-1),疗程2~5 d,另外1例仅需输注浓缩红细胞及对症治疗;8例应用IVIG后于第4.4(2~9)天(内热退,3例第4.3(2~7)天血小板恢复正常,4例第5.3(3~8)天白细胞恢复正常,4例第12.5(5~17)天血红蛋白逐渐恢复,5例应用IVIG前输注了浓缩红细胞血红蛋白无继续下降;8例第13.0(7~23)天动态检测HPV-B19病毒载量,7例应用IVIG后定量聚合酶链反应检测提示HPV-B19拷贝数下降,1例拷贝数降为0 copies/mL,1例应用IVIG前检测提示拷贝数仍升高。治愈出院9例,1例死于心源性休克。结论小儿CHD术后早期不明原因发热伴白细胞减少、贫血加重者,应警惕感染HPV-B19;确诊后尽早使用IVIG有助于促进康复。  相似文献   

目的:克隆GRIM19基因,并构建F3-GRIM19表达载体. 方法:从正常人胎盘组织中克隆GRIM19的cDNA,并构建了F3-GRIM19表达载体,测序正确后,表达并亲和层析纯化F3-GRIM19融合蛋白.结果:克隆后测序,发现其含有约580 bp的插入片段,基因与GenBank序列完全一致,读码框正确.在大肠杆菌中表达Mr 25 000的F3-GRIM19蛋白,灰度值分析表达量约占菌体总蛋白的25%.经纯化,目的蛋白纯度达90%,复性率为17.3%.结论:成功构建了F3-GRIM19原核表达载体,并成功表达纯化了目的蛋白.  相似文献   

细小病毒B19感染与系统性红斑狼疮相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过检测系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者血清中细小病毒B19(PVB19)特异性抗体,观察B19 IgM阳性与SLE病情及活动程度的相关性,探讨PVB19感染与SLE之间可能存在的联系。方法采用德国IBL Hamburg公司PVB19-VP2-IgM、IgG酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测试剂盒,检测51例SLE患者及20名正常人血清PVB19的特异性抗体。结果51例SLE患者中B19 IgM抗体阳性11例(22%)。而正常对照组都为阴性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。根据B19 IgM阳性/阴性对SLE患者分组后发现,B19 IgM阳性组SLE疾病活动评分(SLEDAI)显著高于阴性组(P<0.05);B19 IgM阳性组与阴性组临床特征相比,除丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)或天冬氨酸转氨酶(AST)上升差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)外,其余差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。对5例B19 IgM阳性的SLE患者随访2年发现,这些患者临床症状显著改善,SLEDAI评分显著下降(P<0.05),但自身抗体水平[抗核抗体(ANA)、抗双链DNA(dsDNA)]无显著性改变(P>0.05),ALT或AST均恢复正常。结论PVB19感染在诱发SLE活动中起作用,但与SLE预后可能无关。  相似文献   

目的了解胸腔积液与人类微小病毒B19(HPB19)和人类巨细胞病毒(HCMV)感染的关系。方法恶性、结核性、漏出性和其他不明原因胸腔积液患者各45例,应用PCR检测每组患者胸液中HPB19和HCMV。结果HPB19和HCMV在恶性胸腔积液分别为4例和7例,结核性胸腔积液分别为4、12例,漏出性胸腔积液分别为2、3例,不明原因胸腔积液分别为11、9例。结论HPB19和HCMV感染可能是导致或加重胸腔积液的重要因素。  相似文献   

据统计,每年新生儿缺陷的发生率在2.5%左右,幸存者在精神、体格方面的缺陷给本人、家庭及社会都带来诸多严重的影响。这已成为医学界尚未解决的疑难问题之一。新生儿先天缺陷的病因,由单纯遗传性因素引起的占10%,主要是染色体异常和基因突变引起的缺陷;由单纯环境因素引起的占10%,如感染;遗传和环境因素共同作用所引起的占70%~80%‘”。随着人们对优生研究的重视以及“出生缺陷监测”手段的提高,发现病毒是一重要的致病因素,除常见的致畸病毒,如风疹病毒、巨细胞病毒、水痘一带状疟疾病毒外,近年来,人微小病毒B19(PVB19…  相似文献   

Aplastic anemia is characterized by pancytopenia with hypoplastic bone marrow. Various factors including viral infections have been implicated as the precipitating factors. Human parvovirus B19 has been associated with red-cell aplasia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia. The present study was carried out to determine the role of parvovirus B19 in aplastic anemia patients. Twenty-seven aplastic anemia patients and 20 healthy controls were tested for the presence of parvovirus B19 infection by detecting parvovirus B19-specific IgM by ELISA and viral DNA by PCR. Parvovirus B19 IgM and viral DNA were detected in significantly higher numbers of patients in comparison to the controls (40.7% vs. 5%, P < 0.01; 37% vs. 0%, P < 0.001, respectively). The presence of parvovirus DNA in aplastic anemia patients indicates active or recent infection. However, more studies are needed to explore the mechanism of bone-marrow aplasia due to human parvovirus B19 infection.  相似文献   

The relationship between arthritis and human parvovirus B19 infection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In order to evaluate the role of human parvovirus B19 in the etiopathogenesis of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), synovial fluid and blood specimens were collected at 1-month intervals from 20 patients with early synovitis (ES) and 31 with RA. Blood specimens were also collected from 25 patients with SLE, 25 with osteoarthritis (OA) as the diseased control group, and 50 healthy blood donors (HBD) as the healthy control group. Detection of B19 IgM and B19 IgG were performed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay from serum specimens, and B19 DNA was detected by polymerase chain reaction from synovial fluid samples. B19 IgM, B19 IgG, and B19 DNA were found in the three patients of the ES group. Subsequently, two of them were diagnosed with RA and one with SLE. B19 DNA was also detected in the synovial fluid of eight patients in the RA group. Of them, all were positive for B19 IgG and half were positive for B19 IgM. B19 IgM was not detected in either of the control groups. To define the role of B19 in the etiopathogenesis and prognosis of undiagnosed arthritis and other chronic inflammatory diseases such as RA and SLE, we need broader serial and prospective studies based on clinical and laboratory collaboration. In conjunction with case reports, these studies would also serve to detect other possible factors in the etiopathogenesis of chronic inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

We report the results of a survey of parvovirus B19 infection carried out with the aim to evaluate the frequency and the role of this infection in bone marrow transplant (BMT) recipients, as it is known that B19 virus can persist in clinical circumstances of immunodeficiency. Fifty-one patients subjected to BMT in the Bone Marrow Transplantation Center of Florence were enrolled in this study. Immunological and virological indications of B19 infection were tested weekly during the stay in hospital. A high rate of seroconversion or B19 antibody rise was observed, but, in absence of B19 IgM or B19 DNA presence, this result seems to be attributable to a passive immunization, rather than to a recent viral infection. In these 51 patients, as well as in 59 others not included in this study, clinical manifestations imputable to B19 infection have never been observed. It is possible that the isolation measures and the intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) administration may contribute in preventing B19 infection in the BMT recipients at least until the hospital discharge. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的探讨B19病毒感染所致肝损害的临床表现、实验室检查特点及治疗与转归。方法对人微小病毒B19感染患者19例的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果在人微小病毒B19感染的19例患者,主要症状有乏力(12例)、黄疸(10例)、脾肿大(10例),伴有发热(10例)、皮疹(6例)及肌肉关节疼痛(6例),有6例伴有如下疾病或并发症:如妊娠(1例)、急性肝功能衰竭(2例)、精神分裂症(1例)、急性骨髓停滞(1例)和肺炎(1例)。以血清天门冬氨酸氨基转移梅(AST)升高为主,黄疸大多数表现为轻到中度,容易出现凝血酶原活动度(PTA)下降,但胆碱脂酶(CHE)下降不明显。经积极对症支持治疗,肝功能等各项指标正常后治愈出院。人微小病毒B19可致肝功能受损,导致急性肝炎或急性重型肝炎。结论对临床上非甲~戊型肝炎病人,应注意检查血清抗B19病毒IgM。该病毒感染是一个急性或亚急性过程,呈良性经过,有自愈倾向。  相似文献   

Lupus-like presentation of parvovirus B19 infection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVES: To describe 2 cases of parvovirus B19 (B19) infection mimicking systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and to identify all cases of SLE imitated by and/or associated with B19 in the medical literature. METHODS: A computer-assisted (PubMed) search of the medical literature from 1975 to 2003 was performed using the following key words: parvovirus, B19, SLE, lupus, antibodies, auto-immunity. RESULTS: Thirty-eight patients were identified: 35 women, 3 men; mean age = 28.8 years. Clinical manifestations were as follows: fever (24 patients); articular involvement (36 patients); cutaneous lesions (28 patients); lymphadenopathy (9 patients); hepato- and/or splenomegaly (6 patients); serositis (6 patients); renal involvement (4 patients); cerebral impairment (10 patients). Cytopenia was observed in 23 cases. Antinuclear antibodies were detected in 34 patients, anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies in 20 patients, anti-Sm antibodies in 4 patients, antinuclear ribonucleoprotein antibodies in 5 patients, anti-Ro-SSA antibodies in 4 patients, anti-La-SSB antibodies in 4 patients, and anticardiolipin and/or anti-beta2-glycoprotein I antibodies in 8 patients. Hypocomplementemia was found in 15 of 26 patients. In 19 cases, the B19 infection had a self-limiting course. In 6 cases, B19 infection occurred in a context of previously established SLE, simulating SLE exacerbation. In 6 observations, symptoms persisted several months after the viral infection. In 7 cases, the exact relationship between SLE and B19 could not be determined. CONCLUSIONS: B19 infection may present a clinical and serological tableau making it difficult to distinguish between a viral infection and the first episode of SLE. Although B19 may modulate the clinical and biological features of rheumatic disease, studies in large series do not support a causative role for B19 in the pathogenesis of SLE.  相似文献   

In the course of 6 years, 23 otherwise healthy patients with acute febrile illness and leukopenia were diagnosed as having acute parvovirus B19 infection. Five of these patients had agranulocytosis associated with acute parvovirus B19 infection and one had chronic agranulocytosis due to persistent parvovirus B19 infection. The diagnosis was made after positive anti-parvovirus B19 IgM antibodies were found in all of the patients and viral DNA was detected by PCR in four patients. Neutropenia and agranulocytosis appear to be much more frequently associated with parvovirus B19 infection than previously reported.  相似文献   

目的 探讨人微小病毒B19在乙肝病毒相关肝病患者中的感染情况及其对这些疾病的影响.方法 应用ELISA技术检测原发性肝癌、肝硬化、慢性乙型肝炎三组患者(各50例)和健康对照组(50例)血清中HPV B19特异性抗体IgM(B19-IgM),同时检测其丙氨酸氨基转移酶、天冬氨酸氨基转移酶、肝功能Child-Pugh评分,分析HPV B19感染对肝脏功能的影响.结果 乙肝病毒相关肝病组人微小病毒B19感染率(16.7%)远高于正常对照组(2%),差别有显著性(P<0.05);原发性肝癌人微小病毒B19-IgM阳性率(28%)远高于慢性乙型肝炎组(10%)、肝硬化组(12%)及正常对照组(2%)(P<0.05);肝硬化组人微小病毒B19-IgM抗体阳性率明显高于正常对照组(P<0.05);原发性肝癌组中人微小病毒B19-IgM阳性患者转氨酶(ALT、AST)水平、肝功能Child-Pugh评分及肝癌分期较阴性者高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 乙肝病毒相关肝病患者合并人微小病毒B19的感染常见,其中原发性肝癌组感染率最高;且转氨酶的水平及肝功能Child-Pugh评分高于未感染者,提示受人微小病毒B19感染的原发性肝癌患者肝功能受损将更严重.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIM: Parvovirus B19 has been reported to be detected in the sera of patients with acute or chronic hepatitis. The prevalence and clinical significance of B19 DNA in serum samples from patients with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection were investigated. METHODS: Serum samples from 54 patients with HBV infection, 51 with HCV infection and 53 normal controls were examined for anti-B19 antibodies and B19 DNA by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), the nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Southern blotting and direct nucleotide sequencing, respectively. RESULTS: Anti-B19 IgM and IgG antibodies were detected in 19 (35.2%) and 46 (85.2%) of 54 serum samples from patients with HBV infection, and eight (15.7%) and 36 (70.6%) of 51 serum samples from patients with HCV infection. B19 DNA was detected in serum samples of 20 (37%) of 54 patients with HBV infection and 12 (23.5%) of 51 patients with HCV infection, but not in 53 serum samples from normal controls. The occurrence of liver dysfunction was not affected by B19 infection in patients with HBV and HCV infection (P > 0.05). All of the 20 serum samples with B19 DNA from patients with chronic HBV infection and all of the 12 serum samples with B19 DNA from patients with chronic HCV infection exhibited TW-3 subtype and TW-9 subtype, respectively. The variant subtypes of B19 were found to be distinctive in patients with HBV or HCV infection. CONCLUSIONS: These data revealed that human parvovirus B19 infection was frequently found in patients with chronic HBV or HCV infection. The variant genotypes were present in patients with different chronic hepatitis. The coinfection of B19 with HBV or HCV did not increase the frequency of liver dysfunction in patients with chronic hepatitis. Long-term longitudinal studies are required to determine the natural course of parvovirus B19 infection and whether its coinfection affects the natural history of chronic hepatitis B or hepatitis C.  相似文献   


Human parvovirus B19 (PVB19) infection sometimes shows systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like symptoms. We present an SLE patient showing pericarditis and pleuritis with a fever and an acute swelling of extremities 2 months after the fist consultation. Initially, a diagnosis of SLE exacerbation was made. Additional laboratory examination showed positive results for immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibody to PVB19 and PVB19 DNA in serum and pleural effusion at that time. After 1 month, PVB19 DNA in serum and IgM antibody to PVB19 was negative. Based on these findings, a final diagnosis of PVB19 infection in an SLE patient was made. PVB19 infection should be taken into consideration for SLE with acute swelling of the extremities and fever, as these symptoms are often observed in adult cases of PVB19 infection. Steroid pulse therapy rapidly improved these symptoms, and later the dose of steroid was reduced to 5 mg/day of prednisolone. Thus, steroids may be one of the choices for severe and/or rapidly progressive symptoms of pericarditis and pleuritis due to PVB19 infection.  相似文献   

Parvovirus B19 is a significant human pathogen that causes a wide spectrum of clinical complications ranging from mild, self-limiting erythema infectiosum in immunocompetent children to lethal cytopenias in immunocompromised patients and intrauterine foetal death in primary infected pregnant women. The infection may also be persistent and can mimic or trigger autoimmune inflammatory disorders. Another important clinical aspect to consider is the risk of infection through B19-contaminated blood products. Recent advances in diagnosis and pathogenesis, new insights in the cellular immune response and newly discovered genotypes of human parvoviruses form a platform for the development of modern therapeutic and prophylactic alternatives.  相似文献   

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