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便携式多功能医疗护理床的研制及临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍一种便携式多功能医疗护理床的结构设计及临床使用情况,该医疗护理床是采用多个新系统将急救床、轮椅、担架车三者有机的结合于一体,满足不同时期的需要。平时、战时或遇到突发事件、抗洪救灾均可作为急救床、手术床、检查床、康复床、轮椅、担架、担架车等使用。结构简单、造价低廉、应用范围广,具有明显的社会和经济效益。  相似文献   

盂庆义 《益寿宝典》2012,(11):30-31
一个周末的晚上。突然,救护车的汽笛声又飘了进来。 “又来重病人啦!”宋医生向负责分诊的护士招呼到,两个人推着急救用的担架车,向急诊门口冲去。随后,急救医生、宋医生和几个陪来的病人家属,一起将一个正在输液的老大爷,从救护车上抬下来,快步送往抢救室。  相似文献   

全机械手动换床担架车的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:介绍一种采用特殊设计的机械装置制成的换床担架车.方法:通过滑动、翻转面板可对患者进行床位转换,且面板可以向担架车双侧大跨度滑出,滑出宽度可达一个担架车面板宽.为防止面板侧向大跨度滑出时因重心偏移导致担架车倾覆,对护栏连接部进行改造,赋予护栏防倾覆功能.结果:在临床使用该换床担架车对患者进行床位转换的实践中,该车安全可靠,运行平稳,操作简单,省人省力.结论:特别适合于手术后患者及重症患者的转运.  相似文献   

本新型担架车在好几个方面优于旧担架车,它更坚固耐用,操作起来更方便,更平稳。  相似文献   

一个周末的晚上。突然,救护车的汽笛声又飘了进来。 “又来重病人啦!”宋医生向负责分诊的护士招呼到,两个人推着急救用的担架车,向急诊门口冲去。随后,急救医生、宋医生和几个陪来的病人家属,一起将一个正在输液的老大爷,从救护车上抬下来,快步送往抢救室。  相似文献   

加强担架车消毒管理预防医院感染   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
医用担架车作为运输工具 ,在急诊科、外科使用较频繁 ,被运送者以急、危、重症及创伤者多见。如果患者的血液、分泌物、排泄物污染车体 ,染菌的担架车作为细菌载体或污染源 ,可直接通过接触者引起医院感染 ,我们通过随机抽样调查发现担架车染菌 ,标本全部阳性 ,但通过预防消毒处理后微生物数量明显减少 ,合格率达 10 0 %。所以担架车的消毒处理工作是防止医院感染的重要环节 ,其消毒管理措施为 :(1)由当班护送护士负责实施清洁消毒工作。 (2 )运送带有血迹、分泌物、排泄物污染的患者时 ,医护人员应戴口罩和手套。担架车上铺一次性床单 ,回…  相似文献   

国内外急救车发展现状与思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
急救车是随着医学的发展而诞生的一种新型卫生技术车辆,它能够短时间内将医护人员和必要的急救设施运送到事发现场,可在现场和途中对伤病员实施不间断的治疗,缩短了伤员的抢救时间,降低了伤病员的死亡率。因此,为适应现代高技术局部战争卫勤保障的需要,满足现代战伤现场救治及紧急救治的要求,国内外都将急救车作为一个重点装备进行研究。1急救医疗体系与急救车急救医疗体系,是人们通过对战争、自然灾害中伤病员实施抢救的实践中逐渐发展起来的一种特殊医疗体系,即急救医疗中心或急救站。目前国际上广泛推行的急救医疗系统,是由院…  相似文献   

担架车作为接送产妇的运载工具,给急产、早破膜及不能行走者提供了方便.我院目前使用的是铝合金对接交换车,它的优点在于内、外车架推拉可以分离,从而避免了外车进入产房内造成的污染,保证了产房内清洁无菌,深受医患的欢迎.因孕产妇多,担架车使用频繁,尤其是担架车上的被服,不能保证1人1套,是医院潜在的感染隐患.因此,加强担架车及被服的消毒管理,是防止医院内发生感染及交叉感染的重要工作之一.  相似文献   

在医院病人的诊疗、辅助检查及手术前后,搬运是经常性的,通常是由人力与担架车来完成。担架车只能完成病人的运送,而病人上下诊疗台(特别是手术台)或从担架车转移到病床,往往需要几个人同时抬、抱才能移动。对于一些体重较重或特殊的病人,移动更是困难,使护理人员感到费力,且也会给病人带来一定的痛苦与危险(如脊柱骨折等)。本设备采用了一种升降平移的方法,把病人从病床直接转移到该车上,送到诊疗室后,该车把病人直接送到诊疗台上。这样既满足病人移动的需要,同时又减轻了护理人员工作强度,减少病人在搬运过程中的危险与痛…  相似文献   

根据部队演练、抢险、抗震救灾时运送伤员的需要,我们自行设计制造了野战独轮担架车,用以运送担架伤员。担架车用角钢、钢管和元钢制成,车轮直径φ400,能承载165kg(如图)。全车重20kg,担架杆托架可以折叠合拢,车梯可以向上叠转,携带方便。使用独轮担架车运送伤员,在山间小路上可以推,遇沟坎可以抬,减轻了劳动强度。在  相似文献   

王艺 《医疗设备信息》2014,(12):125-126
本文阐述了一款医用实用型石膏材料操作车的研制过程。该车主要由车体、操作台面、辅助加长台面、抽拉漏斗、废料入口等组成,可满足各种石膏的制作及残料清理要求,操作方便,使用灵活,节时、节力,适用于骨科病房。  相似文献   

戴建平  胡霞 《医疗装备》2009,22(11):10-11
目的:研制石膏车使物品分类放置有序,操作台面不沾粘石膏,所做的石膏大小符合病人的需要,脚手固定架和贮水桶及垃圾桶使医生操作方便。方法:操作平台采用宽大平整光滑的钢化玻璃不沾粘石膏,并带有计量刻度,可移动的脚手架,适合于卧位和坐位的病人,以固定脚或手。结果:研制的石膏车物品分类放置有序,操作台面宽大不沾粘石膏,可移动的患者脚手固定架便于医务人员的操作使用,是骨伤科和外科必不可少的。结论:我们设计和研制的石膏车,深受广大医务人员的喜爱。本项目为市科技局立项课题(cr2007—13),已获得国家实用新型专利,专利号(CN20062021860.0)。  相似文献   

野战医疗多功能平车   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
介绍一种集装卸搬运野战医疗箱及其他医疗器材、临时担架、临时病床、野外沟壑踏板及海上漂流用具于一体的野战医疗多功能平车。该平车具有功能多、重量轻、用连广以及省人省力、携带和使用方便等特点.特别适用于野战医疗所(队)的医疗后勤保障单位使用。  相似文献   

目的为规范医学检验科收集和运送标本,研制一款实用性小推车。方法根据医学检验科目标本数量、标本类型、检验目的、运送条件及实验室生物安全防护要求等因素设计和研制出一款多功能标本收集运送车,分析其性能特点及使用效果。结果该款标本收集运送车设计轻巧、时尚,长×宽×高:65cm×45cm×8512cm。分3层共6个独立收集单元,可同时满足血液、尿液、粪便等不同的检验标本的规范化运送需要,各收集单元温度外部显示。密封性、保温性、防震性能好,且易于消毒。结论该收集运送车的使用能规范医院检验科的标本收集和运送,降低标本收集运送差错率,缩短运送时间从而提高工作效率;能减少分析前的误差因素,提高检验结果的准确性;能降低生物气溶胶污染环境和感染工作人员的机率,值得在各级医院推广使用。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Rates of annual influenza vaccination of healthcare workers (HCWs) remained low in our university hospital. This study was conducted to evaluate the impact of a mobile cart influenza vaccination program on HCW vaccination. METHODS: From 2000 to 2002, the employee health service continued its annual influenza vaccination program and the mobile cart program was implemented throughout the institution. This program offered influenza vaccination to all employees directly on the units. Each employee completed a questionnaire. Vaccination rates were analyzed using the Mantel-Haenszel test. RESULTS: The program proposed vaccination to 50% to 56% of the employees. Among the nonvaccinated employees, 52% to 53% agreed to be vaccinated. The compliance with vaccination varied from 61% to 77% among physicians and medical students and from 38% to 55% among nurses and other employees. Vaccination of the chief or associate professor of the unit was associated with a higher vaccination rate of the medical staff (P < .01). Altogether, the vaccination program led to an increase in influenza vaccination among employees from 6% in 1998 and 7% in 1999 before the mobile cart program to 32% in 2000, 35% in 2001, and 32% in 2002 (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: The mobile cart program was associated with a significantly increased vaccination acceptance. Our study was able to identify HCW groups for which the mobile cart was effective and highlight the role of the unit head in its success.  相似文献   

《Health devices》2010,39(10):378-379
When mounted on the same side as the inspiratory port, the breathing circuit support arm used with the Maquet Servo-i ventilator can be positioned in such a way that it compresses the circuit's inspiratory limb, restricting gas flow to the patient. (This problem is possible only on the mobile cart configuration.) Users can avoid this problem by securing the arm above the port or by mounting it on another side of the ventilator.  相似文献   

研制一种感应式腔镜手术冲洗液放置车,用于腔镜手术中使用大量冲洗液时可获得清晰的手术视野。通过对传统输液架进行改良,利用红外传感器和驱动元件实现冲洗液放置板的升降,同时设置有多个电动伸缩架,可同时悬挂多袋冲洗液,多杆交替使用增加冲洗液供给连续性。感应式腔镜手术冲洗液放置车可满足腔镜手术中冲洗液的存放、悬挂和冲洗连续性的需求,使用时省时节力,具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的 解决单走廊洁净手术部术后污染物品的收集与密闭转运的问题.方法 自行设计手术室污染物品与废弃物品密闭转运车.结果 自2006年10月-2011年5月临床使用效果证明其实现了单走廊洁净手术部术后污染物品的快速收集与密闭转运;规避了单走廊洁净手术部环境污染的风险;促进了护理管理的持续改进;节省了手术运营成本,提高了护理工作的质量和效率.结论 因其安全可靠、操作简单、方便快捷、经济实用,而成为单走廊洁净手术部感染控制之必备的医疗用品.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The objective of the study was to compare data obtained from the Cosmed K4 b(2) and the Deltatrac II metabolic cart for the purpose of determining the validity of the Cosmed K4 b(2) in measuring resting energy expenditure. METHODS: Nine adult subjects (four male, five female) were measured. Resting energy expenditure was measured in consecutive sessions using the Cosmed K4 b(2), the Deltatrac II metabolic cart separately and the Cosmed K4 b(2) and Deltatrac II metabolic cart simultaneously, performed in random order. Resting energy expenditure (REE) data from both devices were then compared with values obtained from predictive equations. RESULTS: Bland and Altman analysis revealed a mean bias for the four variables, REE, respiratory quotient (RQ), V CO(2), V O(2) between data obtained from Cosmed K4 b(2) and Deltatrac II metabolic cart of 268+/-702 kcal/day, -0.0+/-0.2, 26.4+/-118.2 and 51.6+/-126.5 ml/min, respectively. Corresponding limits of agreement for the same four variables were all large. Also, Bland and Altman analysis revealed a larger mean bias between predicted REE and measured REE using Cosmed K4 b(2) data (-194+/-603 kcal/day) than using Deltatrac metabolic cart data (73+/-197 kcal/day). CONCLUSIONS: Variability between the two devices was very high and a degree of measurement error was detected. Data from the Cosmed K4 b(2) provided variable results on comparison with predicted values, thus, would seem an invalid device for measuring adults.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo determine whether a prefilled online grocery shopping (default) cart improves the nutritional quality of groceries purchased compared with receiving nutrition education (NE).DesignLongitudinal study.SettingThree food pantries in the US.ParticipantsThirty-eight adults with low income.InterventionGroceries were purchased online for 5 consecutive weeks. After a baseline shopping trip, participants were randomized to receive NE or a nutritionally balanced prefilled online grocery shopping cart (ie, default cart) before shopping (from week 1 [T1] to week 4 [T4]).Main Outcome MeasuresDiet quality (Healthy Eating Index [HEI–2015] scores), energy, and energy density of each online cart (ie, grocery purchases).AnalysisPiecewise linear mixed-effects models.ResultsFrom baseline to T1, HEI–2015 scores in the default condition significantly increased (95% confidence interval [CI], 9.79–23.39), whereas total calories (95% CI, −10,942 to −1,663) and energy density (95% CI, −0.70 to −0.45) significantly decreased compared with NE. Improved HEI–2015 scores were maintained through T4. Calories and energy density increased from T1 to T4 in the default condition, but values remained lower (ie, more healthful) than the NE condition. In the NE condition, outcomes did not significantly change during the intervention.Conclusions and ImplicationsProviding an online default cart may improve the nutritional quality of grocery purchases. However, future research is warranted to assess whether adding a second nudge later in the intervention or combining the NE and default cart further promotes healthy purchasing behavior.  相似文献   

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