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The Thai government has implemented universal coverage of health insurance since October 2001. Universal access to antiretroviral (ARV) drugs has also been included since October 2003. These two policies have greatly increased the demand for health services and human resources for health, particularly among public health care providers. After the 1997 economic crisis, private health care providers, with the support of the government, embarked on new marketing strategies targeted at attracting foreign patients. Consequently, increasing numbers of foreign patients are visiting Thailand to seek medical care. In addition, the economic recovery since 2001 has greatly increased the demand for private health services among the Thai population. The increasing demand and much higher financial incentives from urban private providers have attracted health personnel, particularly medical doctors, from rural public health care facilities. Responding to this increasing demand and internal brain drain, in mid-2004 the Thai government approved the increased production of medical doctors by 10,678 in the following 15 years. Many additional financial incentives have also been applied. However, the immediate shortage of human resources needs to be addressed competently and urgently. Equity in health care access under this situation of competing demands from dual track policies is a challenge to policy makers and analysts. This paper summarizes the situation and trends as well as the responses by the Thai government. Both supply and demand side responses are described, and some solutions to restore equity in health care access are proposed.  相似文献   

The emergence of proprietary medical facilities in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes the evolution and development of market conditions and government policies that have favored the emergence of proprietary medical facilities in China. Excess and differentiated demand for medical services, the existent profitability and supply of the investment capital in health care market, and favorable government policies have encouraged the entrance of proprietary facilities in health care market. The paper further analyzes why nonprofit health organizations are not an optimal organizational form in the current Chinese health care market. After discussing the strengths and weaknesses of proprietary ownership in health care market in China, the paper concludes with important managerial and policy suggestions.  相似文献   

One of the most dynamic areas of health policy is the transition of Medicaid programs to managed care and market competition. Maryland has been a leader in this trend, initiating three different systems of managed care for the Medicaid population during the 1990s as it searched for an ideal plan. The Maryland experience illustrates the complex new demands that policy makers are facing. Health plans are expected not only to deliver budgetary savings, but also to improve the quality of their services and guarantee a place for safety-net providers in their delivery systems. As a result, there is a sizable gap between the original savings projected for the new Maryland system and its actual capacity for cost containment. The apparent collision between economic assumptions and political realities, however, may point the way to a constructive synthesis—a form of managed care that balances economy with important community, professional, and personal values.  相似文献   

Health organizations have started to become more market-driven. Therefore, it is important for health organizations to analyse the competitive dynamics of their industrial structure. However, relevant theories and models have mainly been developed for organizations acting in the profit sector. In this paper, we adapt Porter's 'five forces model' to the home care industry. In particular, we modify the (determinants of the) bargaining power of labour suppliers. We then apply the modified Porter-model to the home care industry in the Netherlands for the period of 1987-1997 with special attention for labour supply. The new instrument clarifies the complexity of the supply chains and value systems of the home care industry. As can be illustrated by developments in the home care industry in the province of North Brabant during the 1990s, competition between home care providers has influenced labour market relations, but so do other factors as well. Between 1987 and 1997, the bargaining power of labour suppliers was relatively limited. After 1997, however, the demand for home care personnel has increased strongly. In spite of the present economic recession, scarcity on this labour market seems to prevail in the longer term due to a growing demand for home care services.  相似文献   



One strategic approach available to policy makers to improve the availability of reproductive and child health care supplies and services as well as the sustainability of programs is to expand the role of the private sector in providing these services. However, critics of this approach argue that increased reliance on the private sector will not serve the needs of the poor, and could lead to increases in socio-economic disparities in the use of health care services. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the expansion of the role of private providers in the provision of modern contraceptive supplies is associated with increased horizontal inequity in modern contraceptive use.  相似文献   

The main development problems in the Third World are known to be gross socioeconomic inequality, widespread poor health status accompanied by high fertility and infant mortality rates, low life expectancy, mass illiteracy and mass poverty. In most of these countries governments invest a great deal of scarce resources toward the consequences of poverty rather than its causes. The paucity of resources for such social services is exacerbated by continuously increasing demands and needs which have to be satisfied. Unmet needs tend to cause apathy in the population. For purposes of controlling poverty and its consequences, these must be clearly formulated and relevant policies, a commitment to implement such policies, adequate administrative capacity and reasonably adequate resources. In the case of the health services system, the same requirements apply. Above all, the health system has to be directed toward the greatest needs of the population. This must involve policy makers, implementors and the consumer community. This paper argues that health systems cannot be an effective weapon against the consequences of poverty unless the above kinds of policy exist and are implemented.  相似文献   

Achieving universal health coverage (UHC) involves distributing resources, especially human resources for health (HRH), to match population needs. This paper explores the policy lessons on HRH from four countries that have achieved sustained improvements in UHC: Brazil, Ghana, Mexico and Thailand. Its purpose is to inform global policy and financial commitments on HRH in support of UHC.The paper reports on country experiences using an analytical framework that examines effective coverage in relation to the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality (AAAQ) of HRH. The AAAQ dimensions make it possible to perform tracing analysis on HRH policy actions since 1990 in the four countries of interest in relation to national trends in workforce numbers and population mortality rates.The findings inform key principles for evidence-based decision-making on HRH in support of UHC. First, HRH are critical to the expansion of health service coverage and the package of benefits; second, HRH strategies in each of the AAAQ dimensions collectively support achievements in effective coverage; and third, success is achieved through partnerships involving health and non-health actors.Facing the unprecedented health and development challenges that affect all countries and transforming HRH evidence into policy and practice must be at the heart of UHC and the post-2015 development agenda. It is a political imperative requiring national commitment and leadership to maximize the impact of available financial and human resources, and improve healthy life expectancy, with the recognition that improvements in health care are enabled by a health workforce that is fit for purpose.  相似文献   

Starting in the 50s, healthcare workforce planning became a major concern for researchers and policy makers, since an imbalance of health professionals may create a serious insufficiency in the health system, and eventually lead to avoidable patient deaths. As such, methodologies and techniques have evolved significantly throughout the years, and simulation, in particular system dynamics, has been used broadly. However, tools such as stochastic agent-based simulation offer additional advantages for conducting forecasts, making it straightforward to incorporate microeconomic foundations and behavior rules into the agents. Surprisingly, we found no application of agent-based simulation to healthcare workforce planning above the hospital level. In this paper we develop a stochastic agent-based simulation model to forecast the supply of physicians and apply it to the Portuguese physician workforce. Moreover, we study the effect of variability in key input parameters using Monte Carlo simulation, concluding that small deviations in emigration or dropout rates may originate disparate forecasts. We also present different scenarios reflecting opposing policy directions and quantify their effect using the model. Finally, we perform an analysis of the impact of existing demographic projections on the demand for healthcare services. Results suggest that despite a declining population there may not be enough physicians to deliver all the care an ageing population may require. Such conclusion challenges anecdotal evidence of a surplus of physicians, supported mainly by the observation that Portugal has more physicians than the EU average.  相似文献   

The US health care system is characterized by fragmentation and misaligned incentives, which creates challenges for both providers and recipients. These challenges are magnified for older adults who receive long-term services and supports. The Affordable Care Act attempts to address some of these challenges. We analyzed three provisions of the act: the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program; the National Pilot Program on Payment Bundling; and the Community-Based Care Transitions Program. These three provisions were designed to enhance care transitions for the broader population of adults coping with chronic illness. We found that these provisions inadequately address the unique needs of vulnerable subgroup members who require long-term services and supports and, in some instances, could produce unintended consequences that would contribute to avoidable poor outcomes. We recommend that policy makers anticipate such unintended consequences and advance payment policies that integrate care. They should also prepare the delivery system to keep up with new requirements under the Affordable Care Act, by supporting providers in implementing evidence-based transitional care practices, recrafting strategic and operational plans, developing educational and other resources for frail older adults and their family caregivers, and integrating measurement and reporting requirements into performance systems.  相似文献   

Many informal caregivers are of working age, facing the double burden of providing care and working. Negative labor supply effects can severely reduce the comparative cost advantage of informal over formal care arrangements. When designing long‐term care (LTC) policies, it is crucial to understand the effects not only on health outcomes but also on labor supply behavior of informal caregivers. We evaluate labor supply reactions to the introduction of the German long‐term care insurance in 1995 using a difference‐in‐differences approach. The long‐term care insurance changes the caregivers' trade‐off between labor supply and care provision. The aim of the reform was to strengthen informal care arrangements. We find a strong negative labor supply effect for men but not for women. We argue that the LTC benefits increased incentives for older men to leave the labor market. The results reveal a trade‐off for policy makers that is important for future reforms—in particular for countries that mainly base their LTC system on informal care.  相似文献   

The authors recognize that social, economic and political factors play a larger role in determining public health policy than do epidemiological principles such as the analysis of needs, demand and supply. Nevertheless, demographic and mortality statistics, information from the 1983 registers of medical and dental practitioners, and that of nurses, as well as information on hospital beds were reviewed to describe health care requirements and resources in South Africa. The maldistribution observed in health needs and services closely parallel the divisions in South African society imposed by the apartheid policy. It is concluded that fundamental political change is required to reduce this maldistribution. The provision of preventive and promotive health services for children in African rural and peri-urban areas was identified as a health care requirement of high priority. It is thought that the need in these geographical regions might best be met by employing primary health care workers at a lower level of training than doctors with an accessible, supporting referral system. In addition, the quality of health care data being collected needs to be improved. It is suggested that both these problems be approached on a regional basis, and preferably under a single health authority, rather than the current fragmented health service.  相似文献   

The sustainability of primary healthcare (PHC) worldwide has been challenged by a global shortage in human resources for health (HRH). This study is a unique attempt at systematically soliciting and synthesising the voice of PHC and community stakeholders on the HRH recruitment and retention strategies at the PHC sector in Lebanon, the obstacles and challenges hindering their optimisation and the recommendations to overcome such obstacles. A qualitative design was utilised, involving 22 semi‐structured interviews with PHC experts in Lebanon conducted in 2013. Nvivo qualitative data analysis software was employed for the thematic analysis of data collected from interviews. Five comprehensive themes emerged: understanding PHC scope, HRH recruitment issues, HRH retention challenges, rural areas' specific challenges and stakeholders' recommendations. Analysis of stakeholders' responses revealed a lack of a unified understanding of the PHC scope impacting the capacity for appropriate HRH planning. Identified impediments to recruitment included the suboptimal supply of HRH, financial constraints and poor management. Retention difficulties were attributed to poor working environments, financial constraints and lack of professional development. There was consensus that HRH challenges faced were aggravated in rural areas, jeopardising the equitable access to PHC services of quality. Equitable access was also jeopardised by the reported shortage of female HRH in a sociocultural context where many females prefer providers of the same gender. The study sets the path towards upscaling recruitment and retention policies and practices through the endorsement of a nationally acknowledged PHC definition and scope, the sustainable development of the PHC workforce and through the implementation of targeted recruitment and retention strategies addressing rural settings and gender equity. Decision‐makers and planners are urged to identify HRH as the most important input for the success of PHC programmes and interventions, especially in the growing fields of mental health and geriatric care.  相似文献   

The United Kingdom Health Departments have recently encouraged increased intakes to degree-level training courses leading to a dual qualification in prosthetics/orthotics. Surveys of qualified orthotists and prosthetists and of their employers were undertaken to examine the dynamics of this labour market, and a model was used to project potential requirements for newly qualified orthotists and prosthetists. The model indicates that: current policy on student numbers is broadly appropriate for maintaining the present working population; any expansion in service provision would require significant growth in student places; and even a small decline in demand could shortly lead to an over-supply of such specialist services.  相似文献   

伴随人口老龄化的加剧与三孩政策的放开,照料需求也不断增长。在有酬照料服务供给相对不足且质量欠佳,女性越来越多地进入劳动力市场的背景下,由中老年群体提供家庭照料成为了理性的选择。本文利用CHARLS数据库,构建面板数据固定效应模型,探究了家庭无酬照料劳动供给对中老年群体健康的影响。结果表明,提供家庭照料劳动对中老年群体的身体健康不存在显著性影响,但对其精神健康存在显著的负面冲击。提供家庭照料劳动对女性中老年人与农村中老年人精神健康的负面影响更强。中介效应分析表明,家庭照料劳动通过增加家庭总支出与减少花费在主要工作上的工作时间两种渠道对精神健康产生影响。文章最后从关注弱势群体精神健康、增加公共照料服务供给等角度提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

Context: The structure of organizations that provide services should reflect the possibilities of and constraints on production that arise from the market segments they serve. Organizational segmentation in health care is based on urgency and severity as well as disease type, bodily function, principal method, or population subgroup. The result is conflicting priorities, goals, and performance metrics. A managerial perspective is needed to identify activities with similar requirements for integration, coordination, and control. Methods: The arguments in this article apply new reasoning to the previous literature. Findings: The method used in this article to classify health care provision distinguishes different types of health problems that share generic constraints of production. Conclusions: The analysis leads to seven different demand‐supply combinations, each with its own operational logic. These are labeled demand and supply–based operating modes (DSO modes), and constitute the managerial building blocks of health care organizations. The modes are Prevention, Emergency, One visit, Project, Elective, Cure, and Care. As analytical categories the DSO modes can be used to understand current problems. Several operating modes in one unit create managerial problems of conflicting priorities, goals, and performance metrics. The DSO modes are constructed as managerially homogeneous categories or care platforms responding to general types of demand, and supply constraints. The DSO modes bring methods of industrial management to bear on efforts to improve health care.  相似文献   

目的 了解中国社区养老服务供需现况,分析养老服务供需差异对老年人生活质量的影响,为实现供需匹配和高质高效的居家社区养老服务提供政策依据。方法 采用χ2检验描述我国社区养老服务的供需分布状况,二元logistic回归模型探索不同社区养老服务对老年人的生活质量的影响,并采用Hosmer and Lemeshow检验诊断模型性能。结果 我国社区养老服务供需关系差异明显,经济水平富有(OR = 11.024,P<0.001)、年龄的增长(OR = 0.568,P<0.001)、医保类型为城镇居民(OR = 1.216,P<0.05)、自评健康非常好(OR = 20.455,P<0.001)、无抑郁症状(OR = 2.124,P<0.001)、个人护理服务(OR = 1.169,P<0.05)以及医疗保健教育服务(OR = 1.237,P<0.05)是影响老年人生活质量的正向促进因素。结论 社区养老服务的建设需各部门与社区协调同步,加强社区个人护理服务水平,同时增加保健教育的财政投入,加大医疗保健教育服务力度。  相似文献   

Managers face increased challenges as the demand for health care services increases while the supply of employees with the requisite skills continues to lag. Employee retention will become more important in the effort to service health care needs. Appropriate human resource management strategies and policies implemented effectively can significantly assist managers in dealing with the employee retention challenges ahead.  相似文献   

This paper provides a comprehensive review of the key dimensions of access and their significance for the provision of primary health care and a framework that assists policy‐makers to evaluate how well policy targets the dimensions of access. Access to health care can be conceptualised as the potential ease with which consumers can obtain health care at times of need. Disaggregation of the concept of access into the dimensions of availability, geography, affordability, accommodation, timeliness, acceptability and awareness allows policy‐makers to identify key questions which must be addressed to ensure reasonable primary health care access for rural and remote Australians. Evaluating how well national primary health care policies target these dimensions of access helps identify policy gaps and potential inequities in ensuring access to primary health care. Effective policies must incorporate the multiple dimensions of access if they are to comprehensively and effectively address unacceptable inequities in health status and access to basic health services experienced by rural and remote Australians.  相似文献   

BackgroundPrevalence of chronic eye conditions has been shown to increase with age. As the global population continues to age rapidly, the demand for eye care services is expected to increase significantly in the near future, requiring effective health workforce planning in order to provide for the needs of the population. The aim of this paper is to synthesize data from a variety of sources to develop a simulation model based on the systems modelling methodology of system dynamics that links population health needs to workforce requirements to generate evidence-based projections for ophthalmic nurses, and allied health ophthalmic professionals in Singapore.MethodsA system dynamics simulation model was developed with active engagement of key stakeholders—such as ophthalmologists, senior nurses, healthcare planners and managers, and senior technicians—to verify the model structure and assumptions. The model project the future requirement of ophthalmic nurses, technicians and patient service assistants.ResultsThe number of Singaporeans with eye diseases is projected to more than double by 2040. As a result, the demand for eye care services and eye care workforce is expected to increase significantly under all the plausible scenarios. The increase in eye disease burden is due mainly to population aging—given that the prevalence of eye disease increases with age.ConclusionThis research provides a future demand outlook for ophthalmic nurses, technicians and patient service assistants in Singapore and has implications for recruitment and training of ophthalmic nurses and allied health professionals in Singapore.  相似文献   

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