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Drug self-administration methods were used to test the hypothesis that rats would self-medicate with a cannabinoid CB2 agonist to attenuate a neuropathic pain state. Self-medication of the CB2 agonist (R,S)-AM1241, but not vehicle, attenuated mechanical hypersensitivity produced by spared nerve injury. Switching rats from (R,S)-AM1241 to vehicle self-administration also decreased lever responding in an extinction paradigm. (R,S)-AM1241 self-administration did not alter paw withdrawal thresholds in sham-operated or naive animals. The percentage of active lever responding was similar in naive groups self-administering vehicle or (R,S)-AM1241. The CB2 antagonist SR144528 blocked both antiallodynic effects of (R,S)-AM1241 self-medication and the percentage of active lever responding in neuropathic (but not naive) rats. Neuropathic and sham groups exhibited similar percentages of active lever responding for (R,S)-AM1241 on a fixed ratio 1 (FR1) schedule. However, neuropathic animals worked harder than shams to obtain (R,S)-AM1241 when the schedule of reinforcement was increased (to FR6). (R,S)-AM1241 self-medication on FR1, FR3, or FR6 schedules attenuated nerve injury-induced mechanical allodynia. (R,S)-AM1241 (900 μg intravenously) failed to produce motor ataxia observed after administration of the mixed CB1/CB2 agonist WIN55,212-2 (0.5 mg/kg intravenously). Our results suggest that cannabinoid CB2 agonists may be exploited to treat neuropathic pain with limited drug abuse liability and central nervous system side effects. These studies validate the use of drug self-administration methods for identifying nonpsychotropic analgesics possessing limited abuse potential. These methods offer potential to elucidate novel analgesics that suppress spontaneous neuropathic pain that is not measured by traditional assessments of evoked pain.  相似文献   

Kabli N  Cahill CM 《Pain》2007,127(1-2):84-93
The analgesic effects of local administration of opioid agonists into peripheral tissues in alleviating pain have been well documented in both clinical and preclinical studies, although few studies have examined their effects in neuropathic pain. In this study, we investigated the anti-allodynic effects of peripherally acting delta opioid receptor (DOR) agonists in a rat model of neuropathic pain. Peripheral nerve injury (PNI) produced a time-dependent decrease in mechanical withdrawal thresholds that was attenuated by local administration into the hind paw of either morphine or the DOR agonist deltorphin II. Using Western blotting techniques, no change in DOR protein expression was detected in DRG ipsilateral to the site of injury compared to contralateral. However, an up-regulation of DOR protein was found in neuropathic DRG compared to sham, suggesting that there may be a bilateral increase in the expression of DOR following PNI. Results obtained from immunohistochemical studies confirmed up-regulation in small and large DRG neurons in neuropathic compared to sham animals. Additionally, there was an increase in DOR protein within the ipsilateral sciatic nerve of neuropathic animals compared to sham and contralateral neuropathic conditions indicating the occurrence of receptor trafficking to the site of injury. Taken together, our findings suggest that functional peripheral DORs are present in sensory neurons following PNI and validate the development of selective DOR agonists for alleviating neuropathic pain.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the use of a generalizable stochastic-simulation model of the treatment of neuropathic pain associated with peripheral neuropathies. METHODS: We developed a model to simulate treatment outcomes in a hypothetical cohort of patients with peripheral neuropathies. Each patient was randomly assigned an average pretreatment daily pain score (on a 0-10 scale), based on an assumed distribution of mean pretreatment pain scores in the cohort. Patients were randomly assigned daily pain scores, based on their pretreatment average and an assumed distribution of daily pain scores around this mean. Treatment outcomes were then simulated using the expected mean change (vs. baseline) in pain scores. Model outcomes include the expected increase in days with no or mild pain (score < or = 3), days with > or = 30% and > or = 50% reductions in pain intensity, and days with 2- and 3-point absolute reductions in pain intensity. To illustrate its use, the model was estimated over a 12-week period using data from a recent clinical trial of a new antiepileptic (pregabalin). RESULTS: Treatment over 12 weeks (84 days) was projected to result in 26 (+/-0.4) (mean [+/-SE]) additional (vs. no treatment) days with no or mild pain, 33 (+/-0.5) days with a > or = 30% reduction in pain intensity, 28 (+/-0.4) days with > or = 50% reduction in pain intensity, and 34 (+/-0.5) and 30 (+/-0.5) days with > or = 2-point and > or = 3-point absolute reductions in pain intensity. CONCLUSIONS: When combined with data on health-state utilities and treatment costs, this new analytical tool can provide a foundation for formal cost-effectiveness evaluations of interventions for painful peripheral neuropathies.  相似文献   

We tested the ability of lithium (Li(+)) to block heat hyperalgesia, cold allodynia, mechanical allodynia and mechanical hyperalgesia in rats experimentally subjected to painful peripheral neuropathy. Chronic constrictive injury (CCI) to the sciatic nerve induced persistent hyperalgesia and allodynia. Intrathecal injection of Li(+) (2.5-40 micromol) into the region of lumbar enlargement dose-dependently reduced heat hyperalgesia, cold allodynia and mechanical allodynia for 2-6 h after injection, but had no effect on mechanical hyperalgesia. Li(+) had no significant effect on responses from control and sham-operated animals. Intrathecal injection of myo-inositol (2.5 mg) significantly reversed both the anti-hyperalgesic and anti-allodynic effect of Li(+). These findings suggest that intrathecal Li(+) suppresses neuropathic pain response in CCI rats through the intracellular phosphatidylinositol (PI) second messenger system in spinal cord neurons. Lithium (Li(+)) has already found widespread clinical application; these results suggest that its therapeutic utility may be extended to include treatment of neuropathic pain syndromes resulting from peripheral nerve injury.  相似文献   

Scott DA  Wright CE  Angus JA 《Pain》2004,109(1-2):124-131
The roles of the two cannabinoid receptor subtypes, CB-1 and CB-2, have not been clarified in cannabinoid-mediated analgesia. We investigated the efficacy of the non-selective cannabinoid receptor agonist CP55,940 in the modulation of responses in the rat to both acute pain (tail flick) and neuropathic pain (tactile allodynia following chronic L5/6 spinal nerve ligation). Responses were also assessed in the presence of the CB-1 antagonist SR141716A (SR1) and the CB-2 antagonist SR144528 (SR2). CP55,940 attenuated tactile allodynia (ED(50) 0.04 mg/kg i.t. (95% CI 0.032-0.044 mg/kg), 0.12 mg/kg i.p. (95% CI 0.10-0.15 mg/kg)) and induced thermal antinociception (ED(50) tail flick 0.07 mg/kg i.t. (95% CI 0.05-0.10 mg/kg), 0.17 mg/kg i.p. (95% CI 0.11-0.26 mg/kg)). SR1 0.5 mg/kg i.t. attenuated the antinociceptive effect of CP55,940 in both modalities. However, SR1 1.0 mg/kg i.p. decreased tail flick latency but had no effect on tactile allodynia antinociception. In contrast, SR2 1.0 mg/kg i.p. significantly decreased the effect of i.p. CP55,940 on both tail flick antinociception and tactile allodynia (P<0.005). The combination of SR1 and SR2 (i.p.) had an additive effect in decreasing the antinociception induced by CP55,940 on tail flick responses (P<0.005). These results suggest a role for CB-2 receptor-mediated antinociception in both acute and neuropathic pain in addition to centrally located CB-1 mechanisms.  相似文献   

Extracts of Cannabis sativa have been used for their calming and sedative effects for centuries. Recent developments in drug discovery have suggested that modulation of neuronal endogenous cannabinoid signaling systems could represent a novel approach to the treatment of anxiety-related disorders while minimizing the adverse effects of direct acting cannabinoid receptor agonists. In this study, we evaluated the effects of direct cannabinoid receptor agonists and antagonists and endocannabinoid-modulating drugs on anxiety-like behavior in mice using the elevated-plus maze. We found that the direct CB1 receptor agonists (1R,3R,4R)-3-[2-hydroxy-4-(1,1-dimethylheptyl)phenyl]-4-(3-hydroxypropyl)cyclohexan-1-ol (CP 55,940) (0.001-0.3 mg/kg) and 2,3-dihydro-5-methyl-3[(4-morpholinyl)methyl]pyrrolo [1,2,3-de]-1,4-benzoxazinyl]-(1-naphthalenyl)methanone mesylate) (WIN 55212-2) (0.3-10 mg/kg) increased time spent on the open arms (To) at low doses only. At the highest doses tested, both compounds altered overall locomotor activity. In contrast, Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (0.25-10 mg/kg) produced a dose-dependent reduction in To. The endocannabinoid uptake/catabolism inhibitor 4-hydroxyphenylarachidonylamide (AM404) (0.3-10 mg/kg) produced an increase in To at low doses and had no effect at the highest dose tested. The fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor cyclohexyl carbamic acid 3'-carbamoyl-biphenyl-3-yl ester (URB597) (0.03-0.3 mg/kg) produced a monophasic, dose-dependent increase in To. The CB1 receptor antagonists N-(piperidin-1-yl)-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4-methyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide HCl (SR141716) (1-10 mg/kg) and N-(piperidin-1-yl)-5-(4-iodophenyl)-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4-methyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide (AM251) (1-10 mg/kg) produced dose-related decreases in To. These data indicate that activation of CB1 cannabinoid receptors reduces anxiety-like behaviors in mice and further support an anxiolytic role for endogenous cannabinoid signaling. These results suggest that pharmacological modulation of this system could represent a new approach to the treatment of anxiety-related psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

陈明凯  欧梦婵  李羽 《华西医学》2021,36(11):1618-1622
神经病理性疼痛是损伤或疾病影响躯体感觉神经系统所致的疼痛.目前针对神经病理性疼痛的药物治疗效果不佳,这与当前神经病理性疼痛的发生机制尚不明确有关.过去认为神经元在神经病理性疼痛的发生发展中起主要作用,但目前大量研究揭示胶质细胞同样参与神经病理性疼痛的发生,其中嘌呤信号介导神经元-胶质细胞相互作用作为神经病理性疼痛的关键...  相似文献   

Witting N  Svensson P  Jensen TS 《Pain》2003,103(1-2):75-81
Neuronal hyperexcitability is a key finding in patients with neuropathic pain. Contributing to hyperexcitability may be decreased activity in the endogenous pain inhibitory systems. The present study aimed at recruiting descending inhibition, by the use of painful heterotopic stimulation (HTS), in 16 patients with peripheral chronic neuropathic pain and associated brush-evoked allodynia. Two experiments were performed: one examined the effect of HTS on ongoing pain and intensity of brush-evoked allodynia and the other tested the effect of HTS on ongoing pain and area of brush-evoked allodynia. Both experiments consisted of two sessions, one with painful cold HTS (1 degrees C water bath) another with non-painful neutral HTS (32 degrees C water bath). The area of brush-evoked allodynia was significantly reduced (P=0.003) during painful HTS, as compared to non-painful HTS. In contrast, neither the intensity of brush-evoked allodynia nor the ongoing pain was significantly changed. The results indicate that endogenous pain modulating systems can alter some aspects of chronic neuropathic brush-evoked allodynia. The differential effect of painful HTS on ongoing pain and area of brush-evoked allodynia suggest that separate mechanisms are involved.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pharmacoeconomic analysis is increasingly being used to assist decision makers in getting the biggest "bang for the buck" within cost-constrained health care budgets. The tools and techniques of this science, however, have scarcely been applied to neuropathic pain. OBJECTIVE: To describe the basic principles of pharmacoeconomic analysis and set forth a preliminary pharmacoeconomic model of neuropathic pain. KEY FINDINGS: Applying the tools and techniques of pharmacoeconomic analysis to neuropathic pain yields several insights. First, because pain treatment predominantly benefits quality of life, the results of a pharmacoeconomic analysis of neuropathic pain treatment should be expressed in terms of the cost per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY)-gained metric. Second, because pain can fluctuate, a state-transition modeling approach should be used in constructing the pharmacoeconomic model to account for changes in pain status over time, particularly as relates to the effects of treatment. Finally, assessment of typical practice patterns in neuropathic pain suggests that the pharmacoeconomic model should account for multiple rounds of treatment (i.e., first-line therapy, second-line therapy, and so on), primary care to specialty care referral patterns, and differences in costs and outcomes between primary care physicians and pain specialists. CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacoeconomic analysis of neuropathic pain treatments can play an influential role in formulary committee deliberations, treatment algorithms, and decision making in the clinical setting. By describing the fundamental concepts and key challenges in this field, it is hoped that this article will represent a useful first step toward a pharmacoeconomic model of neuropathic pain.  相似文献   

Osikowicz M  Mika J  Makuch W  Przewlocka B 《Pain》2008,139(1):117-126
Recent studies have indicated that metabotropic glutamate receptors mGluR5, mGluR2/3 and mGluR7 are present in the regions of central nervous system important for nociceptive transmission, but their involvement in neuropathic pain has not been well established. We demonstrated that acute and chronic administration of MPEP (mGluR5 antagonist), LY379268 (mGluR2/3 agonist), and AMN082 (mGluR7 agonist) attenuated allodynia (von Frey test) and hyperalgesia (cold plate test) as measured in Swiss albino mice on day seven after chronic constriction injury (CCI) to the sciatic nerve. Moreover, single administration of MPEP (30 mg/kg; i.p.) or LY379268 (10mg/kg; i.p.) injected 30 min before morphine potentiated morphine's effects (20mg/kg; i.p.) in the mouse CCI model, as measured by both the tests mentioned above. However, a single administration of AMN082 (3mg/kg; i.p.) potentiated the effects of a single morphine injection (20mg/kg; i.p.) in the von Frey test only. Chronic administration (7 days) of low doses of MPEP, LY379268 or AMN082 (all drugs at 3mg/kg; i.p.) potentiated the effects of single doses of morphine (3, 10, and 20mg/kg; i.p.) administered on day seven; however, AMN082 only potentiated the effect in the cold plate test. Additionally, the same doses of MPEP and LY379268 (but not AMN082) chronically co-administered with morphine (40 mg/kg; i.p.) attenuated the development of morphine tolerance in CCI-exposed mice. Our data suggest that mGluR5, mGluR2/3, and mGluR7 are involved in injury-induced plastic changes in nociceptive pathways and that the mGluR5 and mGluR2/3 ligands enhanced morphine's effectiveness in neuropathy, which could have therapeutic implications.  相似文献   

This study focuses on changes in adrenergic sensitivity in untransected sensory axons that innervate an area of skin made neuropathic by transection of neighboring nerves. The segmental nerve injury model is favorable for this since all axons in the L5 and L6 nerves are transected whereas the L4 axons are intact. Earlier findings are that pain behaviors develop after this injury and that these beahviors are ameliorated by sympathectomy. The present study shows that behavior indicating mechanical allodynia can be rekindled after sympathectomy by intradermal norepinephrine and -2 but not -1 adrenergic ligands and the rekindling can be blocked by -2 but not -1 adrenergic antagonists. By contrast neither intradermal norepinephrine nor other adrenergic agonists or antagonists have any demonstrable effects in the normal or after either neuropathic surgery or sympathectomy alone. These data suggest that the combination of neuropathic surgery and sympathectomy results in an upregulation of active -2 adrenergic receptors on the undamaged sensory axons that provide the remaining sensory innervation to a neuropathic area partially denervated by segmental nerve lesions. These changes on undamaged axons presumably compliment similar changes on the transected axons and, thus play a role in the development of neuropathic pain.  相似文献   

Lavand'homme PM  Eisenach JC 《Pain》1999,80(1-2):31-36
Adenosine analogs produce antinociception in normal animals and reduce allodynia and hyperalgesia following inflammation and nerve injury following spinal injection, yet none have been tested for clinical safety. While adenosine itself is in clinical trials for spinal administration, there is little data on the spinal effects of adenosine in animal models. In this study, we determined that the spinal administration of adenosine produced a dose-dependent reduction in tactile allodynia in rats following spinal nerve ligation without producing motor blockade. Although the maximal effect of adenosine was less than 50% reversal of allodynia, its duration of action was >24 h after a single spinal injection. In contrast, injection of a synthetic adenosine analog which produced an anti-allodynic action to a similar degree of effect resulted in a pronounced motor blockade. Spinal opioid action has been suggested to result in part from spinal adenosine release. We hypothesized that the reduced efficacy of spinal morphine in nerve injury-induced allodynia and hyperalgesia might reflect a disruption in this spinal opioid-adenosine mechanism. Spinal morphine itself produced a minimal reduction in allodynia in rats following spinal nerve ligation and this was enhanced in an additive manner by spinal adenosine. The maximal effect of this combination resulted in less than 60% reversal of allodynia. In contrast, spinal injection of adenosine deaminase or reuptake inhibitors greatly enhanced the effect of spinal morphine, resulting in over 80% reversal of allodynia. These results support the clinical testing of spinal adenosine alone and with morphine in the treatment of neuropathic pain, and further testing of the proposed opioid-adenosine link in normal and hyperesthetic conditions.  相似文献   

Sigma-1 receptor (σ1R) is expressed in key CNS areas involved in nociceptive processing but only limited information is available about its functional role. In the present study we investigated the relevance of σ1R in modulating nerve injury-evoked pain. For this purpose, wild-type mice and mice lacking the σ1R gene were exposed to partial sciatic nerve ligation and neuropathic pain-related behaviors were investigated. To explore underlying mechanisms, spinal processing of repetitive nociceptive stimulation and expression of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) were also investigated. Sensitivity to noxious heat of homozygous σ1R knockout mice did not differ from wild-type mice. Baseline values obtained in σ1R knockout mice before nerve injury in the plantar, cold-plate and von Frey tests were also indistinguishable from those obtained in wild-type mice. However, cold and mechanical allodynia did not develop in σ1R null mice exposed to partial sciatic nerve injury. Using isolated spinal cords we found that mice lacking σ1R showed reduced wind-up responses respect to wild-type mice, as evidenced by a reduced number of action potentials induced by trains of C-fiber intensity stimuli. In addition, in contrast to wild-type mice, σ1R knockout mice did not show increased phosphorylation of ERK in the spinal cord after sciatic nerve injury. Both wind-up and ERK activation have been related to mechanisms of spinal cord sensitization. Our findings identify σ1R as a constituent of the mechanisms modulating activity-induced sensitization in pain pathways and point to σ1R as a new potential target for drugs designed to alleviate neuropathic pain.  相似文献   

Spared nerve injury: an animal model of persistent peripheral neuropathic pain   总被引:60,自引:0,他引:60  
Decosterd I  Woolf CJ 《Pain》2000,87(2):149-158
Peripheral neuropathic pain is produced by multiple etiological factors that initiate a number of diverse mechanisms operating at different sites and at different times and expressed both within, and across different disease states. Unraveling the mechanisms involved requires laboratory animal models that replicate as far as possible, the different pathophysiological changes present in patients. It is unlikely that a single animal model will include the full range of neuropathic pain mechanisms. A feature of several animal models of peripheral neuropathic pain is partial denervation. In the most frequently used models a mixture of intact and injured fibers is created by loose ligation of either the whole (Bennett GJ, Xie YK. A peripheral mononeuropathy in rat that produces disorders of pain sensation like those seen in man. Pain 1988;33:87-107) or a tight ligation of a part (Seltzer Z, Dubner R, Shir Y. A novel behavioral model of neuropathic pain disorders produced in rats by partial sciatic nerve injury. Pain 1990;43:205-218) of a large peripheral nerve, or a tight ligation of an entire spinal segmental nerve (Kim SH, Chung JM. An experimental model for peripheral neuropathy produced by segmental spinal nerve ligation in the rat. Pain 1992;50:355-363). We have developed a variant of partial denervation, the spared nerve injury model. This involves a lesion of two of the three terminal branches of the sciatic nerve (tibial and common peroneal nerves) leaving the remaining sural nerve intact. The spared nerve injury model differs from the Chung spinal segmental nerve, the Bennett chronic constriction injury and the Seltzer partial sciatic nerve injury models in that the co-mingling of distal intact axons with degenerating axons is restricted, and it permits behavioral testing of the non-injured skin territories adjacent to the denervated areas. The spared nerve injury model results in early (<24 h), prolonged (>6 months), robust (all animals are responders) behavioral modifications. The mechanical (von Frey and pinprick) sensitivity and thermal (hot and cold) responsiveness is increased in the ipsilateral sural and to a lesser extent saphenous territories, without any change in heat thermal thresholds. Crush injury of the tibial and common peroneal nerves produce similar early changes, which return, however to baseline at 7-9 weeks. The spared nerve injury model may provide, therefore, an additional resource for unraveling the mechanisms responsible for the production of neuropathic pain.  相似文献   

Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) affects approximately half of patients with diabetes. Neuropathic pain is a major complaint of patients with diabetic polyneuropathy. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy can also lead to autonomic dysfunction. This article provides an outline of the clinical subtypes, pathophysiological features, and diagnosis of DPN. Disease-modifying treatments are reviewed, with particular attention paid to DPN pain management.  相似文献   

Peripheral nerve injury generally results in spinal neuronal and glial plastic changes associated with chronic behavioral hypersensitivity. Spinal mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), eg, p38 or extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs), are instrumental in the development of chronic allodynia in rodents, and new p38 inhibitors have shown potential in acute and neuropathic pain patients. We have previously shown that the cannabinoid type 2 receptor agonist JWH015 inhibits ERK activity by inducing MAPK phosphatase (MKP)-1 and MKP-3 (the major regulators of MAPKs) in vitro in microglial cells. Therefore, we decided to investigate the role of these phosphatases in the mechanisms of action of JWH015 in vivo using the rat L5 nerve transection model of neuropathic pain. We observed that peripheral nerve injury reduced spinal MKP-1/3 expression and activity and that intrathecal JWH015 reduced established L5 nerve injury-induced allodynia, enhanced spinal MKP-1/3 expression and activity, and reduced the phosphorylated form of p38 and ERK-1/2. Triptolide, a pharmacological blocker of MKP-1 and MKP-3 expression, inhibited JWH015’s effects, suggesting that JWH015 exerts its antinociceptive effects by modulating MKP-1 and MKP-3. JWH015-induced antinociception and MKP-1 and MKP-3 expression were inhibited by the cannabinoid type 2 receptor antagonist AM630. Our data suggest that MKP-1 and MKP-3 are potential targets for novel analgesic drugs.PerspectiveMAPKs are pivotal in the development of chronic allodynia in rodent models of neuropathic pain. A cannabinoid type 2 receptor agonist, JWH015, reduced neuropathic allodynia in rats by reducing MAPK phosphorylation and inducing spinal MAPK phosphatases 1 and 3, the major regulators of MAPKs.  相似文献   

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