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背景:体外机械型人工心脏瓣膜(机械瓣)性能的评价涉及心输出量、反流量、有效瓣口面积、跨瓣压差,以及应力场、流场和成穴现象等。 目的:对3种机械瓣的瓣阀开启状态进行可视性观察和评价。 方法:用脉动流模拟循环装置系统,维持系统整个状态不变,在模拟心搏出量4 L/min、模拟心率75次/min和收缩时间占其循环周期46.2%的条件下,分别将久灵双叶瓣、Carbomedics双叶瓣和C-L侧倾碟瓣置于主动脉瓣位,将高速摄像机置于模拟循环装置动脉腔的正上方,观察10个连续模拟心动周期中瓣阀开启状态。利用自编图像处理软件包,捕获瓣阀开启角度最大的1幅图像,作为计算该只瓣膜在1个心动周期中最大开放面积和开启角度的基准。 结果与结论:脉动流下,25 mm CarboMedics瓣、25 mm和23 mm久灵双叶瓣在开放到最大位时,可见瓣阀抖动现象,27 mm C-L侧倾碟瓣未见瓣阀抖动。用不同的计算方法测量上述瓣膜的瓣口面积显示,由厂家提供的瓣口实际面积最大,用Green公式计算的瓣膜开放面积次之,用Gorin公式计算的有效瓣口面积最小。根据三角形定理计算的瓣阀开放角度,久灵双叶瓣和CarboMedics瓣的两个瓣阀的开放角度不一致,并均小于瓣膜固有的开放角度;C-L侧倾碟瓣的开放角度也未达其固有的开放角度。提示机械型人工心脏瓣膜双叶瓣的瓣阀开放不同步,瓣阀有抖动现象;瓣阀在脉动周期中呈不完全性开启。  相似文献   

目的 利用有限元方法分析径向织入镍钛金属丝的涤纶(polyethylene terephthalate, PET)基纺织瓣膜力学性能,结合体外血流动力学测试,分析金属丝数量和分布形式对PET瓣膜流体动力学性能的影响。方法 使用建模软件构建在径向方向上具有不同数量和分布的金属丝PET瓣膜和无金属丝PET瓣膜三维几何模型;根据文献和实验数据给定PET瓣膜和金属丝的材料属性;使用体外脉动流实验得到PET瓣膜的跨瓣压差曲线作为边界条件;利用有限元分析软件研究瓣膜在心动周期内的应力分布;通过体外脉动流实验评估金属丝瓣膜的流体力学性能。结果 有限元分析结果表明,径向织入镍钛金属丝可以增强对PET纺织瓣膜的支撑作用,金属丝均匀分布的瓣膜在瓣叶腹部区域的支撑力及作用区域随着金属丝数量增加而增大,金属丝分布在两侧位置的情况类似。金属丝的织入一定程度上改善PET瓣膜上的应力集中。脉动流实验结果表明,织入金属丝PET瓣膜开闭形态的稳定性、有效开口面积、反流分数和跨瓣压差等指标均优于无金属丝的纯PET瓣膜。结论 在PET纺织瓣膜的径向方向织入金属丝可以有效减少心动周期内PET纺织瓣膜上的应力集中,降低PET纺...  相似文献   

按照文献〔1〕提出的以人工心脏瓣膜在体内受力为参数进行体外模拟加速疲劳寿命试验的要求,作者设计了以直线电机为动力的人工心脏瓣膜体外加速疲劳寿命试验装置,为满足该装置的性能要求而设计的一套驱动与测量电路包括波形发生器。心率检测、瓣膜开闭计数和大功率放大器,系统经过调试运行,表明性能符合加速疲劳寿命试验要求,运行稳定可靠。  相似文献   

兔体内细菌对人工心脏瓣膜的粘附及清除研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目的探讨细菌在兔体内对人工心脏瓣膜材料的粘附情况及机体对细菌的清除能力。方法将H-胸腺嘧啶3脱氧核苷H-TDR标记的表皮葡萄球菌菌液等量分别与人工心脏瓣膜材料涤纶、热解碳、聚四氟乙烯植入日本长耳白3兔双侧腹膜后间隙,观察术后1、3、5、7天细菌在体内对不同材料的粘附。将球菌在体外粘附于不同人工心脏瓣膜材料,植入腹膜后间隙,观察和比较不同时间兔对已粘附在不同材料上球菌的清除能力。将人工心脏瓣膜材料植入腹膜腔,同时经静脉注入表皮葡萄球菌菌液造成菌血症或败血症,比较细菌对腹膜腔内不同材料的粘附情况。结果当将细菌与材料一起放入兔体内,细菌对材料粘附在第3天、第5天最多。对涤纶的粘附较强P<0.01。热解碳在第5天、第7天的细菌粘附明显增强,与聚四氟乙烯相比差异有显著性P<0.05。兔对材料上粘附细菌的清除能力以3天内最快,7天取出材料作细菌培养,仍有细菌生长。静脉注入表皮葡萄球菌产生菌血症或败血症,腹膜腔内生物材料的细菌培养阳性率以第5天、第7天最多,涤纶细菌培养阳性率最高。结论在机体内,同一种细菌对不同的人工心脏瓣膜材料有不同粘附能力,机体对不同材料上粘附细菌的清除能力不同,不易完全清除材料上粘附的细菌。  相似文献   

本文对一种国产新型介入瓣膜(HVPMIT)的体外脉动流性能进行了初步评价,并就该方法对HVPMIT的适用性进行了初步探索。试验中以国产HVPMIT为试验样品、进口的常规生物瓣为对照样品,根据ISO5840-2005和GB 12279-2008标准列出的方法,采用人工心脏瓣膜脉动流测试仪测定了试样的脉动流参数(包括平均跨瓣压差、返流百分比和有效开口面积)。结果显示,在模拟心输出量为5L/min时,HVPMIT的返流百分比高达13%,显著高于对照瓣,显示其发生了瓣周漏。进一步分析可以发现因为HVPMIT在植入体内时不需缝合,因此在HVPMIT支架外侧没有缝合环。当将HVPMIT夹持在试验仪器上时夹持垫片和HVPMIT支架间有明显缝隙,所以导致瓣周漏的发生。这说明,HVPMIT在外形、结构、在心脏上的固定方式、临床的手术方法等方面和传统的心脏瓣膜有明显的区别。必须根据其自身的特点,设计和建立适用的检测方法来科学客观地评价HVPMIT的性能。  相似文献   

自行设计和制造平面和三维立体培养室及贮液室等构件,用医用硅胶管连接;转子泵作为动力源,贮液室通气口供给5%CO2 95%空气,恒温水浴箱保持构件37℃恒温,这样组成了种植细胞与生物瓣支架复合体的脉动培养系统,并进行生物力学和生物相容性测试,为心脏组织工程瓣的体外构建提供研究器材。结果显示,该装置密闭性能好,内环境能保持37±1℃、CO2浓度5%±1%、pH值6.8~7.5;流量在0.125~6.0L/min的范围内任意调节;同种瓣膜上的内皮细胞经2周培养后扩增约10倍;瓣膜支架的细菌和霉菌培养均为阴性,说明我们构建的脉动流培养系统能有效地模拟体内脉动流场实现种植细胞在体外的增殖、重塑,为心脏组织工程瓣的体外构建提供了一种新的实验方法。  相似文献   

目的探究左心室流腔与主动脉轴线所呈角度对主动脉瓣力学性能的影响。方法依据从华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院获得的患者CT图像上的心室流腔角度大小,通过3D打印技术制作心室流腔角度分别为0°、16.5°和30°的3组主动脉根部模型。然后将人工生物瓣安装在主动脉根部模型上,在Vivitro心脏-血管模拟实验系统中进行不同心输出量条件下的脉动流实验。心率设定为70次/min,脉动流流动速率分别为2、3、4、5、6、7 L/min的条件下,测试瓣膜的跨膜压差、反流比和有效开口面积。在每个脉动流流动速率条件下测试10次,取平均值。结果不同心室流腔角度模型之间,生物瓣的跨膜压差存在差异但均符合国家标准GB 12279—2008/ISO 5840:1996,即小于10 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 k Pa)。对于心输出量较低的情况,较小的心室流腔角度有助于反流比的下降,较大的心室流腔角度有助于增大瓣膜的有效开口面积;而对于心输出量较高的情况,较小的心室流腔角度有利于瓣膜有效开口面积的增大。结论手术时,医生可根据患者的各项参数大小选择合适的心室流腔角度。  相似文献   

该研究采用医用聚酯为原料设计制备一种具有力学各向异性的涤纶基人工心脏瓣膜.采用4因素3水平的正交试验方案探讨纺织成型工艺的不同结构参数对于涤纶基瓣叶厚度、渗透性能及力学各向异性的影响.结果显示采用医用涤纶复丝(150D/48f)为经纱,(150D/48f)为纬纱,织物经密400根/10 cm,纬密600根/10 cm,...  相似文献   

一种新型抗钙化处理的人工生物瓣膜流体力学性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价一种新型生物瓣膜的体外流体力学性能,并与传统生物瓣膜及机械瓣膜进行比较.方法 将测试瓣膜分成三组:新型生物瓣组(GA SOB处理牛心包瓣),传统生物瓣组(单纯GA处理牛心包瓣),机械瓣组(双叶瓣),每组分别选21号、25号、29号三种型号,采用清华大学TH-1200脉动流测试仪,按照ISO5840瓣膜检测标准进行流体性能检测,包括跨瓣压差、返流量、返流百分比及有效开口面积,并进行组间的分析、比较.结果 新型生物瓣膜的前向流跨瓣压差较传统生物瓣小17%~30%,较机械瓣小23%~50%;新型生物瓣的有效开口面积较传统生物瓣和机械瓣分别大13%~37%和36%~50%;新型生物瓣的返流量较传统生物瓣大1.2~2.0 mL,约3%~6%;较机械瓣小0.9~2.8mL,约1.3%~5%.结论 新型人工生物瓣膜具有良好的血流动力学性能.  相似文献   

基于USB接口与Windows XP操作系统的多参数监护仪的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨USB接口技术在多参数监护仪的设计中的应用。方法根据USB接口可即插即用并能提供一定电流的特点,应用高集成数据采集芯片ADμC812和数字化技术,设计高性价比、小型化、低功耗的监护参数信号采集和数据处理功能模块;采用USB转UART的单芯片桥接器技术CP2101,硬件实现USB,把所有检测模块的数据实时传送到PC主机。软件整体设计采用C 面向对象的编程及复用技术,充分利用MFC的框架,控制USB接口并从USB接收数据,利用PC强大的计算和数据存储功能及良好的人机界面,实现监护参数的实时采集、连续显示及波形分析。结果多参数监护系统具有监护心电、呼吸、血氧饱和度和体温等生理参数的功能。测量模块集成了心电、血氧饱和度、呼吸、体温测量电路,实现了参数的数值采集、控制和通讯功能。模块小型低功耗设计,满足USB供电不大于500 mA的要求,实现即插即用。用户程序自动识别测量模块、发出测量启动命令并接收USB接口传来的数据,测量数据以波形和数值的形式在计算机上显示出来,形成监护功能。系统具有病人信息和监护参数设置功能,可存储监护数据,可打印心电、血氧饱和度、呼吸的波形和心率、血氧饱和度、体温、呼吸率的趋势图,具有静态和动态回放、演示等功能。结论测量模块体积小,质量轻,非常便于携带,既适合医生出诊使用,也适用于手术室或重症监护。无需外接电源,插入计算机的USB接口,直接使用,实现了即插即用的功能。软件系统的可移植性,增加了监护仪应用的灵活性。由于监护系统具有数据存储与实时回放功能,所以也可用于临床分析与研究工作。  相似文献   

Recently, cavitation on the surface of mechanical heart valves has been studied as a cause of fractures occurring in implanted mechanical heart valves. The cause of cavitation in mechanical heart valve was investigated in both 25-mm Björk–Shiley and 25-mm Medtronic Hall valves. The closing events of these valves in the mitral position were simulated in an electrohydraulic total artificial heart with a stroke volume of 85?ml. The tests were conducted under physiologic pressures at heart rates of 60, 70, 80, and 90 beats/min with cardiac outputs of 4.5, 5.5, 6.4, and 7.5?l/min, respectively. The disk closing behavior was measured by a laser displacement sensor. The closing behaviors were investigated under various atrial and aortic pressures. In both valves, the duration of closing decreased with an increase in the cardiac output. The greater the amount of atrial pressure, the shorter the closing duration of both valves. The maximum closing velocity of the Medtronic Hall monostrut valve ranged from 0.8 to 0.9?m/s, and that of the Björk–Shiley monostrut valve ranged from 0.73 to 0.78?m/s. In both valves, the maximum closing velocities were less than the reported cavitation thresholds. This suggests that there should be no possibility of occurrence of cavitation in an electrohydraulic total artificial heart with mechanical heart valve.  相似文献   

A hybrid command system is described to control the action of an artificial heart. The command parameters are the venous oxygen saturation and atrial pressures for the control of heart rate at a simultaneous change of the ratio systole-diastole and stroke volumes of both halves of the artificial heart to achieve equilibrium in the cardiovascular system. This paper analyses haemodynamic ratios under physiologic conditions and states the controller transfer functions. The chosen controllers are tested on a model which employs an electronic analogue computer.  相似文献   

In previous studies, we investigated the cavitation phenomenon in a mechanical heart valve using an electro-hydraulic total artificial heart. With this system, a 50% glycerin solution kept at 37 degrees C was used as the working fluid. We reported that most of the cavitation bubbles were observed near the valve stop and were caused by the squeeze flow. However, in these studies, the effect of the partial pressure of CO(2) on the mechanical heart valve cavitation was neglected. In this study, in order to investigate the effect of the partial pressure of CO(2) on mechanical heart valve cavitation using an electro-hydraulic total artificial heart, we controlled the partial pressure of the CO(2) in vitro. A 25-mm Medtronic Hall valve was installed in the mitral position of an electro-hydraulic total artificial heart. In order to quantify the mechanical heart valve cavitation, we used a high-speed camera. Even though cavitation intensity slightly increased with increases in the PCO(2) at heart rates of 60, 70 and 100 bpm, throughout the experiment, there was no significant difference between the PCO(2) and cavitation intensity.  相似文献   

This paper describes the measurement and reconstruction of the leaflet geometry for a pericardial heart valve. Tasks involved include mapping the leaflet geometries by laser digitizing and reconstructing the 3D freeform leaflet surface based on a laser scanned profile. The challenge is to design a prosthetic valve that maximizes the benefits offered to the recipient as compared to the normally operating naturally-occurring valve. This research was prompted by the fact that artificial heart valve bioprostheses do not provide long life durability comparable to the natural heart valve, together with the anticipated benefits associated with defining the valve geometries, especially the leaflet geometries for the bioprosthetic and human valves, in order to create a replicate valve fabricated from synthetic materials. Our method applies the concept of reverse engineering in order to reconstruct the freeform surface geometry. A Brown & Shape coordinate measuring machine (CMM) equipped with a HyMARC laser-digitizing system was used to measure the leaflet profiles of a Baxter Carpentier-Edwards pericardial heart valve. The computer software, Polyworks was used to pre-process the raw data obtained from the scanning, which included merging images, eliminating duplicate points, and adding interpolated points. Three methods, creating a mesh model from cloud points, creating a freeform surface from cloud points, and generating a freeform surface by B-splines are presented in this paper to reconstruct the freeform leaflet surface. The mesh model created using Polyworks can be used for rapid prototyping and visualization. To fit a freeform surface to cloud points is straightforward but the rendering of a smooth surface is usually unpredictable. A surface fitted by a group of B-splines fitted to cloud points was found to be much smoother. This method offers the possibility of manually adjusting the surface curvature, locally. However, the process is complex and requires additional manipulation. Finally, this paper presents a reverse engineered design for the pericardial heart valve which contains three identical leaflets with reconstructed geometry.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONSincetheartificialmechanicalheartvavle(AMHV)madeofmetalcoatedwithcarbonpossessesboththefavoratemachinabilityofthe...  相似文献   

人工心脏的测控技术及其研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
人工心脏是目前解决心脏移植供心来源不足的一种有效途经.而且为了满足人体的循环生理需要以及提高病人的生活质量,人们对人工心脏的测控技术提出了更高的要求,其也已成为制约病人生存率的主要因素之一.本文对人工心脏测控技术的方法、应用进展进行了介绍,并对目前存在的问题和前景作了探讨.  相似文献   

Our group has developed an electrohydraulic total artificial heart (EHTAH) with two diaphragm-type blood pumps. Cavitation in a mechanical heart valve (MHV) causes valve surface damage. The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of estimating the MHV cavitation intensity using the slope of the driving pressure just before valve closure in this artificial heart. Twenty-five and twenty-three-millimeter Medtronic Hall valves were mounted at the inlet and outlet ports, respectively, of both pumps. The EHTAH was connected to the experimental endurance tester developed by our group, and tested under physiological pressure conditions. Cavitation pits could be seen on the inlet valve surface and on the outlet valve surface of the right and left blood pumps. The pits on the inlet valves were more severe than those on the outlet valves in both blood pumps, and the cavitation pits on the inlet valve of the left blood pump were more severe than those on the inlet valve of the right blood pump. The longer the pump running time, the more severe the cavitation pits on the valve surfaces. Cavitation pits were concentrated near the contact area with the valve stop. The major cause of these pits was the squeeze flow between the leaflet and valve stop.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the in vitro responses to preload and afterload of our total artificial heart (TAH), the MagScrew TAH. The TAH consists of two blood pumps and a control logic, developed at the Cleveland Clinic, OH, and the MagScrew actuator and its electronic control system, developed by Foster-Miller Technologies, Inc., Albany, NY. Tests were performed on a mock circulatory loop, using water as a test fluid. Preload sensitivity of the Mag-Screw TAH demonstrated a Frank-Starling response to preload in automatic mode. A peak flow of 10 L/min was obtained, with a left atrial pressure of 13 mm Hg. The relationship between right atrial pressure and left atrial pressure was well balanced when tested with a left bronchial shunt flow of 5% and a range of pulmonary artery and aortic pressures. With respect to afterload response, the left pump showed a relatively low sensitivity, which allowed the pump to maintain perfusion over a wide range of aortic pressures. The right pump, on the other hand, was much more sensitive to pulmonary artery pressure, which provided a measure of protection against pulmonary congestion. The very effective physiologic response of the MagScrew TAH is believed to result from employment of a left master, alternating ejection control logic, high inherent sensitivity of the blood pumps to atrial pressure, a lower effective stroke volume for the right pump, and a scaling of right side motor ejection voltage to 80% of that used for the left side ejection.  相似文献   

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