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Earlier age of onset of an episode of depression and family history of bipolar disorder (FHBPD) are well known to be associated with increased rates of switching to mania in childhood major depressive disorder (MDD). These findings suggest that the youngest samples of depressed children who have FHBPD might be at very high risk for switching. The finding of a valid depressive syndrome in preschool children has raised the question of whether mania could also manifest at this early stage. We investigated FHBPD among three preschool study groups: a depressed group and two nondepressed comparison groups (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder/oppositional defiant disorder, no disorder). Increased FHBPD was found among the depressed group. Based on this, we explored whether the depressed subgroup with FHBPD (MDD + FHBPD) had a unique constellation of depressive symptoms compared to the depressed subgroup without FHBPD (MDD with no FHBPD). The MDD + FHBPD group was found to have an increased frequency of the MDD symptom of "restlessness and moves around a lot" as compared with the MDD with no FHBPD group. The question of whether this symptom could be an early precursor of later mania was explored. These findings taken together suggest that early risk factors for switching to mania may be present in a subgroup of depressed preschoolers. Longitudinal follow-up of depressed preschool samples to determine rates of switching to mania later in development is critical to determine whether such findings represent early risk factors. Future studies that directly investigate age-appropriate mania manifestations in preschool samples are now warranted.  相似文献   

Caso  Francesca  Fiorino  A.  Falautano  M.  Leocani  L.  Martinelli  V.  Minicucci  F.  Falini  A.  Comi  G.  Magnani  G. 《Neurological sciences》2010,31(6):859-861
Wernicke’s encephalopathy (WE) is an acute or subacute syndrome that results from a deficiency in vitamin B1 (thiamine). The syndrome is characterised by a classical triad of symptoms: nystagmus and ophthalmoplegia, mental-status changes, and unsteadiness of stance and gait. When patients with WE are inappropriately treated with low doses of thiamine, mortality rates average out at 20% and Korsakoff’s Psychosis develops in about 85% of survivors (Sechi and Serra in Lancet Neurol 6(5):442–455, 2007). We report the case of a patient with a pyloric sub-stenosis that developed a WE, and was treated with high doses of thiamine showing after few days of treatment a great improvement of neurological and neuroradiological assessment, even though cognitive impairment was still severe at discharge and at 6 months follow-up.  相似文献   

Grube M 《Psychopathology》2004,37(1):41-49
BACKGROUND: In psychiatry and psychotherapy, dealing with aggressiveness and autoaggressiveness is of great importance. Our aim was to find a link between overt aggressive and autoaggressive behaviour, which could be readily observed. SAMPLING AND METHODS: We investigated the frequency, type and intensity of aggressive, suicidal and self-injurious behaviour exhibited by 521 successively admitted psychiatric patients at the time of admission with the help of a standardised instrument (Social Dysfunction and Aggression Scale). The Social Dysfunction and Aggression Scale enables the investigation of 9 different types of overt aggressive behaviour and 2 different types of autoaggressive behaviour (suicidal vs. self-injurious behaviour). After calculating correlations between single variables, we attempted to estimate the predictive value of the different types of aggressive behaviour for suicidal and self-injurious behaviour by using ordinal regression models. In addition, the categorical information of our data was evaluated by loglinear analyses. RESULTS: Our study showed that all degrees of aggressiveness (low, moderate, high), which are exhibited in different types of aggressive behaviour, were linked to an increased risk of self-injurious behaviour. No correlation was found, however, between overt aggressive behaviour and suicidal behaviour. Only in the subgroup of depressive disorders did we establish that the risk of aggressive behaviour was decreased and the risk of suicidal behaviour was increased at the time of admission. CONCLUSIONS: The strong relationship between aggressive behaviour and self-injurious behaviour has previously been described in specific diagnostic subgroups, but not yet in a heterogeneous population of psychiatric in-patients from a defined catchment area. We, therefore, conclude that the link between aggressive and self-injurious behaviour could be a general one. Exhibiting aggressive behaviour and self-injurious behaviour within a short time span may be the result of an increased or disinhibited aggressive potential, which is independent of a specific diagnosis. As such, it possibly represents the general consequence of a highly altered state of mind and does not seem to be linked to a specific diagnostic subgroup. In psychiatric emergency situations, the previously described close relationship between aggressive and self-injurious behaviour should be taken into account.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the present study is to evaluate if the participants in psychosocial interventions for dementia caregivers are representative of the whole population of dementia patients or if some socioeconomic groups are over- or underrepresented. DESIGN: The demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the 128 participants of a randomized controlled study on the effects of caregiver education were compared with those of all the elderly residents of the City of Zurich (n = 64,856, elderly group), of all demented patients entering a City of Zurich nursing home in a 6-month period (n = 218, NH entry group) and of all demented inhabitants evaluated during a 20-month follow-up at a community memory clinic (n = 187, memory group). METHODS: Data on income and wealth were derived from official tax records. The characteristics of the different groups were compared by chi2 or t tests. RESULTS: As expected in a study on caregiver education, the demented patients were younger, more often male and married than all other study groups (p < 0.01). The participants in the psychosocial intervention had significantly (p < 0.01) higher education than all other groups; this effect is caused in part by the higher proportion of males. The NH entry group was less well educated than the elderly group (p < 0.05). The intervention group had a higher income and was wealthier than the three other groups (p < 0.01), but there was no significant difference with respect to the wealth of the memory group. The 25% poorest of the elderly group made up only about 10% of the participants in the intervention group. However, the 25% richest of the elderly group made up 42% of the intervention group. The method of recruitment for the psychosocial intervention (by media, referral of physicians and by a memory clinic) was not significantly related to any of the demographic or socioeconomic parameters. CONCLUSION: The lower socioeconomic strata are clearly underrepresented in psychosocial interventions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether a history of depression predisposes hyperkinetic patients treated with tetrabenazine (TBZ) to a recurrence or worsening of this symptom. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 518 patients treated with TBZ to determine the frequency of depression and other adverse events. Charts were screened for the preexistence, development, or exacerbation of depression during the course of treatment. RESULTS: The most common adverse events related to TBZ were somnolence (27.4%), depression (15.1%), parkinsonism (11.8%), and akathisia (8.9%); 78 patients (15.1%) experienced depression for the first time or an exacerbation of existing depression. Of those patients with no history of depression, 28 (11.4%) of 246 were newly diagnosed with depression. Patients with a documented history of depression experienced a significantly higher rate of worsening in 50 (18.4%) of 272 cases (P = 0.03). However, patients with a history of depression experienced more improvement of their hyperkinesia compared to those without a history of depression (P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Depression, an adverse event of TBZ, is more likely to occur or worsen in patients with a preexisting history of depression.  相似文献   

In longitudinal studies of traumatic stress, it is particularly important to examine the data for any differences between those who drop out and those who continue to participate, because reluctance to participate might reflect symptoms of avoidance frequently seen in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, whether those who drop out are at high risk of PTSD remains unclear. Over a 25-month period, 188 consecutive patients with motor vehicle accident (MVA)–related injuries admitted emergently were enrolled and followed for 4 to 6 weeks. Baseline characteristics were compared between subjects who did and did not participate in the follow-up study. At 4 to 6 weeks, 66 (35.1%) of the participants had dropped out. Bivariate analyses revealed that those who dropped out were likely to be men, alcohol drinkers, smokers, and unconscious just after MVA and to have fewer years of education, less severe injuries, less posttraumatic symptoms, and lower cooperativeness as assessed by the Temperament and Character Inventory. Logistic regression analysis revealed that male sex, unconsciousness during MVA, low cooperativeness, and less severe injuries were significant predictors of dropout. The literature says that male sex and unconsciousness just after MVA might be protective factors against MVA-related PTSD, whereas low cooperativeness is a risk factor for general mental problems. To summarize, it is expected that those who drop from the follow-up are unlikely to have MVA-related PTSD, but might have mental problems independent of injury.  相似文献   

The pattern of mental health care in Israel is undergoing major reform. In this report we explored hospitalization rates of 1,448 former long-stay psychiatric inpatients (70% of them with ICD-10 diagnosis of schizophrenia) subsequent to their transfer from countrywide psychiatric hospitals to 57 community-based hostels or alternative community settings between the years 1996-1999. Using data from the National Psychiatric Case Registry and a mirror image design, we examined the rates of readmission and calculated the number of saved hospital days during the community residence period, which compares more than two and four years, respectively, for 80% and 48% residents. T-tests, Mann-Whitney tests and analysis of variance were performed to examine differences in hospitalization rates and associated variables. Results showed that a minority, 36.2% of the former inpatients, was readmitted during their hostel residence. In comparison with an equivalent pre-hostel period, the time spent in hospital for those hostel residents that needed readmission was significantly shorter and the related day savings were considerably higher. The rehospitalized residents tended to be younger at their first hospitalization and at referral to the hostels, compared to those nonhospitalized. In addition, age by gender interaction, and length of hostel residence affected readmission rates. We may conclude that the policy decision to move the inpatients to a community setting is supported by the fact that the majority of the hostel residents was able to stay away from hospitalization.  相似文献   

Financial constraints at our institution prompted us to evaluate the management of patients referred to the Acute Stroke Service because of transient ischaemic attack (TIA). We analysed age, gender, length of stay, hospital costs, discharge disposition and stroke recurrence for all cases of TIA admitted to the Acute Stroke Service between January 1, 1994, and December 31, 1996. During this time, 110 cases of TIA were admitted. All had a CT head scan, 60% had carotid Doppler ultrasound, and 30% had transthoracic echocardiography. No patients admitted with TIA died, and 92% were discharged home. The average annual cost of in-patient management of TIA was 328,000 Canadian dollars, of which 95% were accounted for by the cost of the hospital bed alone. If hospitalisation of patients with TIA could be reduced, significant cost-savings could be realised.  相似文献   

We observed, during a 25-year period, 15 patients from 6 families with autoimmune myasthenia gravis (all Chinese Han from Guangdong Province) referred to our department. Their mean onset age was 13.4 years (range 2-25 years) with 10 patients with juvenile onset. The female:male ratio was 3:2. Acetylcholine receptors antibody titers were increased in 11 patients (range 1.62-19.8 nmol/L). Thymectomy was performed in six patients, who received corticosteroids /immune inhibitor plus pyridostigmine treatments after surgery. The other patients were placed on therapy with azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, corticosteroids and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. All patients responded well to immunosuppressants, and psychiatric symptoms were observed only in one patient who received a high dose of corticosteroids. Patients with generalized type in the same family had different presentations with variable prognosis. HLA-A 0207 was found in 9 patients (9/15), HLA-B 4601 in 11 patients (11/15), and HLA-DRB1 0901 in 12 patients (12/15). When compared to familial autoimmune myasthenia gravis in other countries, we observed peculiar characteristics of Chinese populations, such as the within-family consistency was only found in families with ocular MG type (50% of all MG families), while the pathogenetic conditions and the prognoses of the generalized MG patients may differ greatly within the same family. These findings may shed new light on the genetic predisposition and the origin of immune abnormalities of MG patients.  相似文献   

PurposeTo determine whether the modified version of the Suicide Assessment Scale (SUAS) can be utilised to predict risk of repeat suicidal behaviour.Subjects and methodsHundred and sixty-five patients aged 18 to 68 years who were admitted to emergency wards after a suicide attempt were interviewed. Follow-up interviews (n = 96) were carried out after 2 months. Associations between SUAS scores and repeat attempt (fatal/non-fatal) during the following 3 years were analysed and the instrument's ability to predict repetition was assessed.ResultsHigh SUAS score (>30) was associated with repetition. The ability of the SUAS to correctly predict repeat suicidal behaviour in the entire study group was low (AUC = 0.65, 95% CI = 0.56–0.74) but better for those (n = 42) who reported ongoing psychiatric treatment at follow-up (AUC = 0.78, 95% CI 0.63–0.94). Among the latter group, all with baseline SUAS scores >30 made repeats.ConclusionThe modified SUAS performed well as a screening instrument in psychiatric patients.  相似文献   

Who is at risk of post-MI depressive symptoms?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to identify cardiologic, psychologic, and demographic risk factors in two groups of patients with post-myocardial infarction (MI) depressive symptoms (in-hospital and during the postdischarge year). METHODS: Patients admitted for MI were assessed for depressive symptoms with the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) during hospitalization and 3, 6, and 12 months post-MI. We contrasted both groups with nondepressed patients. RESULTS: Pre-MI vital exhaustion, living alone, history of depressive disorder, history of MI, poor performance on exercise tolerance testing, and female gender were significantly and independently associated with in-hospital depressive symptoms. Pre-MI vital exhaustion, history of depressive disorder, female gender, poor ejection fraction, and longer hospital stay were independent predictors of the development of postdischarge depressive symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Post-MI depressive symptoms seem largely driven by the psychological and social consequences of the MI in patients vulnerable to depression, as indexed by a history of depression and vital exhaustion.  相似文献   

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