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Objectives   High rates of coexisting vestibular deficits and psychiatric disorders have been reported in patients with vertigo. Hence, a causal linkage between the vestibular system and emotion processing systems has been postulated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of vestibular function and vestibular deficits as well as preexisting psychiatric pathologies on the course of vestibular vertigo syndromes over 1 year. Methods   This interdisciplinary prospective longitudinal study included a total of 68 patients with vestibular vertigo syndromes. Four subgroups were compared: benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo (BPPV, n = 19), vestibular neuritis (VN, n = 14), vestibular migraine (VM, n = 27), and Menière’s disease (MD, n = 8). All patients underwent neurological and detailed neurootological examinations as well as two standardized interviews and a psychometric examination battery at five different times (T0–T4) over 1 year. Results   The prevalence of psychiatric disorders at baseline (T0) did not differ between the four subgroups. Only patients with VM showed significantly higher rates of psychiatric disorders (p = 0.044) in the follow-up over 1 year. Patients with a positive history of psychiatric disorders before the onset of the vestibular disorder had significantly increased rates of psychiatric disorders compared to patients with a negative history of psychiatric disorders (T1: p = 0.004, T3: p = 0.015, T4: p = 0.012). The extent of vestibular deficit or dysfunction did not have any influence on the further course of the vestibular disease with respect to the development of psychiatric disorders. Conclusion   A positive history of psychiatric disorders is a strong predictor for the development of reactive psychiatric disorders following a vestibular vertigo syndrome. Especially patients with vestibular migraine are at risk of developing somatoform dizziness. The degree of vestibular dysfunction does not correlate with the development of psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The high coincidence of organic vestibular and somatoform vertigo syndromes has appeared to support pathogenic models showing a strong linkage between them. It was hypothesised that a persisting vestibular dysfunction causes the development of anxiety disorders. OBJECTIVE: To determine the relation between vestibular deficits and somatoform vertigo disorders in an interdisciplinary prospective study. METHODS: Participants were divided into eight diagnostic groups: healthy volunteers (n=26) and patients with benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo (BPPV, n=11), vestibular neuritis (n=11), Menière's disease (n=7), vestibular migraine (n=15), anxiety (n=23), depression (n=12), or somatoform disorders (n=22). Neuro-otological diagnostic procedures included electro-oculography with rotatory and caloric testing, orthoptic examination with measurements of subjective visual vertical (SVV) and ocular torsion, and a neurological examination. Psychosomatic diagnostic procedures comprised interviews and psychometric instruments. RESULTS: Patients with BPPV (35.3%) and with vestibular neuritis (52.2%) had pathological test values on caloric irrigation (p<0.001). Otolith dysfunction with pathological tilts of SVV and ocular torsion was found only in patients with vestibular neuritis (p<0.001). Patients with Menière's disease, vestibular migraine, and psychiatric disorders showed normal parameters for vestibular testing but pathological values for psychometric measures. There was no correlation between pathological neurological and pathological psychometric parameters. CONCLUSIONS: High anxiety scores are not a result of vestibular deficits or dysfunction. Patients with Menière's disease and vestibular migraine but not vestibular deficits showed the highest psychiatric comorbidity. Thus the course of vertigo syndromes and the possibility of a pre-existing psychopathological personality should be considered pathogenic factors in any linkage between organic and psychometric vertigo syndromes.  相似文献   

Vertigo and dizziness count among the most frequent symptoms in outpatient practices. Although most vestibular disorders are manageable, they are often under- and misdiagnosed in primary care. This may result in prolonged absence from work, increased resource use and, potentially, in chronification. Reliable information on health services utilization of patients with vertigo in primary care is scarce. Retrospective cohort study in patients referred to a tertiary care balance clinic. Included patients had a confirmed diagnosis of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), Menière’s disease (MD), vestibular paroxysmia (VP), bilateral vestibulopathy (BVP), vestibular migraine (VM), or psychogenic vertigo (PSY). All previous diagnostic and therapeutic measures prior to the first visit to the clinic were recorded. 2,374 patients were included (19.7 % BPPV, 12.7 % MD, 5.8 % VP, 7.2 % BVP, 14.1 % VM, 40.6 % PSY), 61.3 % with more than two consultations. Most frequent diagnostic measures were magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, 76.2 %, 71 % in BPPV) and electrocardiography (53.5 %). Most frequent therapies were medication (61.0 %) and physical therapy (41.3 %). 37.3 % had received homoeopathic medication (39 % in BPPV), and 25.9 % were treated with betahistine (20 % in BPPV). Patients had undergone on average 3.2 (median 3.0, maximum 6) diagnostic measures, had received 1.8 (median 2.0, maximum 8) therapies and 1.8 (median 1.0, maximum 17) different drugs. Diagnostic subgroups differed significantly regarding number of diagnostic measures, therapies and drugs. The results emphasize the need for establishing systematic training to improve oto-neurological skills in primary care services not specialized on the treatment of dizzy patients.  相似文献   

Both migraine and vertigo are common in the general population with lifetime prevalences of about 16 % for migraine and 7 % for vertigo. Therefore, a concurrence of the two conditions can be expected in about 1.1 % of the general population by chance alone. However, recent epidemiological evidence suggests that the actual comorbidity is higher, namely 3.2 %. This can be explained by the fact that several dizziness and vertigo syndromes occur more frequently in migraineurs than in controls including benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, Meniere’s disease, motion sickness, cerebellar disorders and anxiety syndromes which may present with dizziness. In addition, there is increasing recognition of a syndrome called vestibular migraine (VM), which is vertigo directly caused by migraine. VM affects more than 1 % of the general population, about 10 % of patients in dizziness clinics and at least 9 % of patients in migraine clinics. Clinically, VM presents with attacks of spontaneous or positional vertigo lasting seconds to days. Migrainous accompaniments such as headache, phonophobia, photophobia or auras are common but not mandatory. Cochlear symptoms may be associated but are mostly mild and non-progressive. During acute attacks one may find central spontaneous or positional nystagmus and, less commonly, unilateral vestibular hypofunction. In the symptom-free interval, vestibular testing adds little to the diagnosis as findings are mostly minor and non-specific. In the absence of controlled studies, treatment of VM is adopted from the migraine sphere comprising avoidance of triggers, stress management as well as pharmacotherapy for acute attacks and prophylaxis.  相似文献   

The influence of psychiatric comorbidity on the course and outcome in a nationwide representative sample (n = 351) of treatment-seeking substance users over a 28-month period was studied prospectively. The patients were administered the Diagnostic Interview Schedule and a questionnaire on drinking history. At 16 and 28 months after admission the patients returned a questionnaire on drinking history and mental health. In cases of those lacking information on either follow-up (45%), details on drinking status was obtained from informants. Completely abstinent were 16%. Generalized anxiety disorder and/or social phobia at the index admission predicted abstinence during the follow-up [odds ratio (OR) = 0.25], whereas onset of alcoholism among these patients after age 25 years predicted a worse prognosis (OR = 13.5). Also increasing number of social consequences related to abuse (OR = 1.3) and drinking more than the median (OR = 2.1) predicted a poor outcome. The abstinent group had significantly better mental health at follow-up. The patients with comorbid psychiatric disorders at admission were worse at follow-up. Although substance use disorders and comorbid psychiatric disorders have to a certain degree separate courses, there is nevertheless significant interaction between them. Early treatment and recognition of comorbid psychiatric disorders among substance abusers is necessary.  相似文献   

Previous findings in referred adult samples document major depression as having important moderating effects on the patterns of comorbidity for panic disorder and major depression. This study evaluated whether these patterns of comorbidity are moderated by referral bias. Panic disorder (PD) and major depression (MD) were used to predict the risk for comorbid psychiatric disorders and functional outcomes using data from a large sample of adults who had not been ascertained on the basis of clinical referral (N=1,031). Participants were comprehensively assessed with structured diagnostic interview methodology to evaluate childhood and adult comorbid psychiatric disorders. PD increased the risk for anxiety disorders, independently of MD. MD increased the risk for mania, antisocial personality disorder, psychoactive substance use disorder, disruptive behavior disorders, overanxious disorder, social phobia, and generalized anxiety disorder, independently of PD. These results extend to nonreferred samples' previously reported findings documenting that MD has important moderating effects on patterns of comorbidity for PD and indicate that patterns of comorbidity for PD are not due to referral bias.  相似文献   

We reviewed the medical records of 157 adult (18 years) patients with firmly diagnosed idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) to investigate the extent and the type of psychiatric comorbidity and its relationship to various IGE syndromes and other epilepsy-related neurobiological factors. Forty-one patients (26.1%, 14 men and 27 women, median age: 34.0 years, range: 18-68, mean: 36.5) had comorbid mental disorders according to the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) criteria, with four patients having a dual diagnosis. Mood disorders were the most common comorbid mental disorder (46.7%), followed by anxiety-panic disorder (26.7%). Comorbid psychiatric disorders occurred in all syndromes and in association with all seizure types, and, as in focal epilepsies, seizure control was significantly better in patients without psychiatric comorbidity (40.5% vs 19.5%, chi(2)(1)=5.873, P=0.015).  相似文献   

Secondary somatoform dizziness and vertigo (SVD) is an underdiagnosed and handicapping psychosomatic disorder, leading to extensive utilization of health care and maladaptive coping. Few long-term follow-up studies have focused on the assessment of risk factors and little is known about protective factors. The aim of this 1-year follow-up study was to identify neurootological patients at risk for the development of secondary SVD with respect to individual psychopathological disposition, subjective well-being and resilient coping. In a prospective interdisciplinary study, we assessed mental disorders in n = 59 patients with peripheral and central vestibular disorders (n = 15 benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, n = 15 vestibular neuritis, n = 8 Menière’s disease, n = 24 vestibular migraine) at baseline (T0) and 1 year after admission (T1). Psychosomatic examinations included the structured clinical interview for DSM-IV, the Vertigo Symptom Scale (VSS), and a psychometric test battery measuring resilience (RS), sense of coherence (SOC), and satisfaction with life (SWLS). Subjective well-being significantly predicted the development of secondary SVD: Patients with higher scores of RS, SOC, and SWLS at T0 were less likely to acquire secondary SVD at T1. Lifetime mental disorders correlated with a reduced subjective well-being at T0. Patients with mental comorbidity at T0 were generally more at risk for developing secondary SVD at T1. Patients’ dispositional psychopathology and subjective well-being play a major predictive role for the long-term prognosis of dizziness and vertigo. To prevent secondary SVD, patients should be screened for risk and preventive factors, and offered psychotherapeutic treatment in case of insufficient coping capacity.  相似文献   

Ménière’s disease (MD) is characterized by episodic vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss and tinnitus. Vestibular migraine (VM) is a relatively new disorder that is characterized by episodic vertigo or dizziness, coexisting migraine and absence of hearing loss. It is occasionally difficult to distinguish between VM and vestibular MD with headache. Because endolymphatic hydrops (EH) is a characteristic sign of MD, we attempted to evaluate endolymphatic space size in both diseases. Endolymphatic space size in the vestibule and the cochlea was evaluated in seven patients with VM and in seven age- and sex-matched patients with vestibular MD. For visualization of the endolymphatic space, 3T magnetic resonance imaging was taken 4 h after intravenous injection of gadolinium contrast agents using three-dimensional fluid-attenuated inversion recovery and HYbriD of reversed image of positive endolymph signal and native image of positive perilymph signal techniques. In the vestibule of VM patients, EH was not observed, with the exception of two patients with unilateral or bilateral EH. In contrast, in the vestibule of patients with vestibular MD, all patients had significant EH, bilaterally or unilaterally. These results indicate that endolymphatic space size is significantly different between patients with VM and vestibular MD.  相似文献   

目的 比较良性阵发性位置性眩晕(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo,BPPV)患者和前庭性偏头痛 (vestibular migraine,VM)患者焦虑、抑郁的发生率和特点。 方法 收集2016年9月-2017年9月诊断为BPPV和VM患者各50例。对两组患者进行眩晕残障量表 (dizziness handicap inventory,DHI)和医院焦虑抑郁量表(hospital anxiety and depression scale,HADS)评 定,比较两组基线资料和DHI 、HADS评分的差异。 结果 治疗前BPPV组存在明显眩晕残障者32例(64%),存在焦虑抑郁者15例(30%),治疗后分 别为3例(6%)和2例(4%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.001和P =0.001);治疗前VM组存在明显眩晕 残障者38例(76%),存在焦虑抑郁者为28例(56%),治疗后分别为12例(24%)和8例(16%),差异 均有统计学意义(均P<0.001)。治疗前VM组DHI[55.00(44.00~70.00)vs 31.00(20.00~45.00),P <0.001]和HADS评分[13.50(6.00~20.00)vs 6.00(3.75~10.00),P =0.001]高于BPPV组,其中DHI评 分中情感、躯体和功能3个分项的评分也均高于BPPV组,差异均有统计学意义。治疗后VM组DHI[22.00 (12.00~34.00)vs 0(0~4.00),P<0.001]和HADS评分[7.50(2.00~10.50)vs 0(0~3.00),P<0.001] 仍高于BPPV组,其中DHI评分中情感、躯体和功能3个分项的评分也均高于BPPV组,差异均有统计学 意义。 结论 VM患者焦虑抑郁严重程度高于BPPV患者,两组经治疗后焦虑抑郁的发生率均有显著下降。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors' goal was to determine the frequency of psychiatric comorbidity among treatment-seeking pathological gamblers, compare the severity of gambling and psychological problems in gamblers with and without comorbid disorders, and investigate differences between gamblers with and without comorbid disorders in the dopamine D(2) receptor gene (DRD(2)). METHOD: Sixty-nine pathological gamblers who consecutively applied to a specialized outpatient treatment program were evaluated with structured interviews, self-report questionnaires, and psychological scales and were genotyped for a DRD(2) polymorphism. RESULTS: A comorbid psychiatric disorder was present in 43 (62.3%) of the gamblers. The most frequent diagnoses were personality disorders (N=29 [42.0%]), alcohol abuse or dependence (N=23 [33.3%]), and adjustment disorders (N=12 [17.4%]). Gamblers with comorbid psychiatric disorders had gambling scores and psychological scale scores indicating greater severity of gambling and psychopathology. Significant differences in DRD(2) allele distribution were found in gamblers with and without comorbid disorders. CONCLUSIONS: Psychiatric comorbidity is common among pathological gamblers and is associated with greater severity of clinical problems. The DRD(2) gene could be a liability genetic factor for psychiatric comorbidity in pathological gambling.  相似文献   

目的观察氟桂利嗪与倍他司汀治疗良性位置性眩晕(BPPV)及其伴随症状的临床疗效。方法将182例BPPV的患者随机分为氟桂利嗪治疗组和倍他司汀治疗组。氟桂利嗪治疗组给予氟桂利嗪进行常规治疗,倍他司汀治疗组施以倍他司汀治疗。两组均治疗8周为1个疗程并进行随访。比较两种药物治疗眩晕及伴随症状的疗效。结果治疗8周后,氟桂利嗪治疗眩晕的疗效高于倍他司汀(χ2=4.4138,P<0.05),在治疗头痛、自主神经伴随症状方面,氟桂利嗪的疗效也均高于倍他司汀(均P<0.01),而在治疗耳鸣方面,两组疗效比较无统计学差异(χ2=3.3442,P>0.05)。结论氟桂利嗪治疗BPPV及其伴随症状具有较好的疗效。  相似文献   

Temperament and character traits may determine differences in clinical presentations and outcome of bipolar disorder. We compared personality traits in bipolar patients and healthy individuals using the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) and sought to verify whether comorbidity with alcoholism or anxiety disorders is associated with specific personality traits. Seventy-three DSM-IV bipolar patients were compared to 63 healthy individuals using the TCI. In a second step, the bipolar sample was subgrouped according to the presence of psychiatric comorbidity (alcoholism, n=10; anxiety disorders; n=23; alcoholism plus anxiety disorders, n=21; no comorbidity, n=19). Bipolar patients scored statistically higher than the healthy individuals on novelty seeking, harm avoidance and self-transcendence and lower on self-directedness and cooperativeness. Bipolar patients with only comorbid alcoholism scored statistically lower than bipolar patients without any comorbidity on persistence. Bipolar patients with only comorbid anxiety disorders scored statistically higher on harm avoidance and lower on self-directedness than bipolar patients without any comorbidity. Limitations of this study include the cross-sectional design and the small sample size, specifically in the analysis of the subgroups. However, our results suggest that bipolar patients exhibit a different personality structure than healthy individuals and that presence of psychiatric comorbidity in bipolar disorder is associated with specific personality traits. These findings suggest that personality, at least to some extent, mediates the comorbidity phenomena in bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to estimate: 1) the prevalence of substance use disorder, 2) the social and clinical characteristics associated to such a comorbid disorder in patients hospitalised in psychiatry. METHOD: Patients consecutively hospitalised for a non-addictive disorder were included in the present survey. A standardised method was used to collect information on clinical and social characteristics. DSM IV diagnoses, including those of substance use, were made using a structured diagnostic interview and all available clinical and historical informations collected during the hospital stay. RESULTS: We have included 127 patients fulfilling the diagnostic criteria for affective disorders (n = 61), non-affective psychotic disorder (schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder, other psychotic disorders, n = 50) and personality disorder (n = 16). Among these patients, 11.8% presented with a current abuse/dependence to alcohol (lifetime prevalence: 25.2%), 11% to cannabis (lifetime prevalence: 22.8%). The lifetime prevalence for any other substance disorder was 2.4%. The subjects presenting with an abuse/dependence to alcohol had a higher rate of psychiatric hospitalisation (OR = 2.9; 95% CI 1.0-8.1; p = 0.04) and had more frequently a history of attempted suicide (OR = 2.6; 95% CI 1.0-6.5; p = 0.04). The cannabis misuse was associated with medication noncompliance (OR = 3.1; 95% CI 1.1-9.1; p = 0.04) and more frequent penal problems (OR = 15.0; 95% CI 2.9-78.7; p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: Cannabis and alcohol misuse have a negative, but different, impact on social adaptation and clinical outcome in subjects with psychiatric disorder. These results confirm the necessity to systematically assess this type of comorbid disorder and to distinguish the different substances.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate axis-I comorbidity in patients with dissociative identity disorder (DID) and dissociative disorder not otherwise specified (DDNOS). Using the Diagnostic Interview for Psychiatric Disorders, results from patients with DID (n = 44) and DDNOS (n = 22) were compared with those of patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (n = 13), other anxiety disorders (n = 14), depression (n = 17), and nonclinical controls (n = 30). No comorbid disorders were found in nonclinical controls. The average number of comorbid disorders in patients with depression or anxiety was 0 to 2. Patients with dissociative disorders averagely suffered from 5 comorbid disorders. The most prevalent comorbidity in DDNOS and DID was PTSD. Comorbidity profiles of patients with DID and DDNOS were very similar to those in PTSD (high prevalence of anxiety, somatoform disorders, and depression), but differed significantly from those of patients with depression and anxiety disorders. These findings confirm the hypothesis that PTSD, DID, and DDNOS are phenomenologically related syndromes that should be summarized within a new diagnostic category.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report on the most common causes of vertigo in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and emphasize appropriate diagnostic techniques and treatment interventions. BACKGROUND: True vertigo is estimated to occur in about 20% of MS patients. Lesions within the vestibular nuclei and in the root entry zone of cranial nerve VIII represent the most common locations where demyelinating activity can provoke vertigo in patients with MS. However, other causes of vertigo should be explored in MS patients in order to avoid unnecessary treatment with corticosteroids and vestibular suppressants. Recently, we reviewed our four-year experience with new onset vertigo in our university-based MS population and found that benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo (BPPV) to be the most common cause. All patients diagnosed with BPPV were treated successfully with particle repositioning maneuvers. The remaining patients were treated with conventional therapies appropriate for the specific diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: Empiric treatments with corticosteroids and/or vestibular suppressants should not be employed until all MS patients undergo a careful bedside examination, which includes diagnostic positional and, if indicated, particle repositioning maneuvers. Here we emphasize the pathophysiology of BPPV and illustrate the proper techniques for the diagnostic and therapeutic maneuvers.  相似文献   

The increased visual dependence noted in some vestibular patients may be secondary to their vertigo. We examine whether a single, brief vertigo attack, such as in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), modifies visual dependency. Visual dependency was measured before and after the Hallpike manoeuvre with (a) the Rod and Frame and the Rod and Disc techniques whilst seated and (b) the postural sway induced by visual roll-motion stimulation. Three subject groups were studied: 20 patients with BPPV (history and positive Hallpike manoeuvre; PosH group), 20 control patients (history of BPPV but negative Hallpike manoeuvre; NegH group) and 20 normal controls. Our findings show that while both patient groups showed enhanced visual dependency, the PosH and the normal control group decreased visual dependency on repetition of the visual tasks after the Hallpike manoeuvre. NegH patients differed from PosH patients in that their high visual dependency did not diminish on repetition of the visual stimuli; they scored higher on the situational characteristic questionnaire ('visual vertigo' symptoms) and showed higher incidence of migraine. We conclude that long term vestibular symptoms increase visual dependence but a single BPPV attack does not increase it further. Repetitive visual motion stimulation induces adaptation in visual dependence in peripheral vestibular disorders such as BPPV. A positional form of vestibular migraine may underlie the symptoms of some patients with a history of BPPV but negative Hallpike manoeuvre. The finding that they have non adaptable increased visual dependency may explain visuo-vestibular symptoms in this group and, perhaps more widely, in patients with migraine.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To study the prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity assessed by the use of a structured clinical interview in a large, representative sample of patients with spasmodic torticollis (ST) and to test the hypothesis that social phobia would be highly prevalent. METHODS: In a consecutive cohort of 116 patients with ST treated with botulinum toxin overall psychiatric comorbidity was studied prospectively with the structured clinical interview (SCID) for DSM-IV axis I disorders. Physical disability and psychosocial variables were also assessed with standardised self rating questionnaires. RESULTS: 41.3% of the subjects met DSM-IV clinical criteria A-G for current social phobia as the primary psychiatric diagnosis. This figure rose to 56% including secondary and tertiary psychiatric diagnosis. There was no correlation between severity of disease (Tsui score, severity of pain, body image dissatisfaction score) and psychiatric comorbidity. The only significant predictor of psychiatric comorbidity was depressive coping behaviour (logistic regression analysis, p < 0.01; OR=10.8). Compared with a representative sample of the general adult population, in the patients with ST the prevalence of clinically relevant social phobia is 10-fold, of mood disorders 2.4-fold, and of lifetime psychiatric comorbidity 2.6-fold increased. CONCLUSIONS: A particularly high prevalence of social phobia was found in the cohort of patients with ST. The finding of a high prevalence of social phobia and depressive coping behaviour as the main predictor of psychiatric comorbidity may make a subgroup of patients with ST particularly amenable to specific psychotherapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to systematically examine patterns of psychiatric comorbidity in referred youth with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) including autistic disorder and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified. Consecutively referred children and adolescents to a pediatric psychopharmacology program were assessed with structured diagnostic interview and measures of psychosocial functioning. Comparisons were made between those youth satisfying diagnostic criteria for ASD and age and sex matched youth without ASD referred to the same clinical program. 9.3% (217/2323) of the referred youth (age range: 3–17 years) met DSM-III-R criteria for ASD. ASD youth suffered from significantly higher number of comorbid disorders than comparisons (6.4 ± 2.7 vs. 5.2 ± 2.9; p < 0.001). Ninety-five percent of the youth with ASD had three or more comorbid psychiatric disorders and 74% had five or more comorbid disorders. ASD youth were also more functionally impaired and required extra-assistance in school and therapeutic interventions at higher rates than age and sex matched non-ASD referred youth. Youth with ASD have high levels of psychiatric comorbidity and dysfunction comparable to the referred population of youth without ASD. These findings emphasize the heavy burden of psychiatric comorbidity afflicting youth with ASD and may be important targets for intervention.  相似文献   

Factors associated with people suffering from major depressive disorder (MDD) or anxiety disorders seeking or receiving treatment are not well known. In the Health 2000 Study, a representative sample (n=6005) of Finland's general adult (> or =30 years) population was interviewed with the M-CIDI for mental disorders and health service use for mental problems during the last 12 months. Predictors for service use among those with DSM-IV MDD (n=298) or anxiety disorders (n=242) were assessed. Of subjects with MDD, anxiety disorders, or both, 34%, 36%, and 59% used health services, respectively. Greater severity and perceived disability, psychiatric comorbidity, and living alone predicted health care use for MDD subjects, and greater perceived disability, psychiatric comorbidity, younger age, and parent's psychiatric problems for anxiety disorder subjects. The use of specialist-level mental health services was predicted by psychiatric comorbidity, but not characteristics of the disorders per se. Perceived disability and comorbidity are factors influencing the use of mental health services by both anxiety disorder and MDD subjects. However, still only approximately one-half of those suffering from even severe and comorbid disorders use health services for them.  相似文献   

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