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目的:不断提高野战条件下输血救治的工作效率和安全服务质量。方法:采用低密度聚乙烯或玻璃钢材料,选择聚氨酯泡沫塑料为保温层,选择微孔双通路输血管路U型加热方式,采用低温生物化学等方法。结果:多功能野战血液加温装置,不需要电源,体积小、易携带、机动性强。冷热水注入方式进行温度调节。结论:多功能野战血液加温装置的功能先进,使用方便,具有良好应用前景。  相似文献   

目的:设计开发出一次性多功能采输血器械,并说明其主要功能和操作方法。方法:以三通方式将采血管路、血样本管路、输血管路组合为一体,以管路连接头方式选择不同静脉穿刺针,管路以塑料夹隔断,塑料接头连接,配装管路加温、手工管路封闭设备及最新型静脉留置针。结果:一次性多功能采输血器械的功能先进,使用方便,具有良好应用前景。结论:一次性多功能采输血器械能应用于平战时期血液卫勤保障和外科手术、急诊救治、突发事件医学救援等领域.适合不同时期部队战备及官兵卫勤保障的需要。  相似文献   

目的:设计开发一种多功能野战救护肩(臂)章,不断提高野战条件下输血救治的工作效率和安全服务质量。方法:选择条形码及充磁金属磁条作为认证工具,采用条形码识别等信息技术进行设计。结果:使用方便且安全性好.不宜破损又便于查看。结论:多功能野战救护肩(臂)章功能先进,适用于军队血站及野战医疗所(医院),具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

目的:评价自主研制的加温加压输血装置在野外严寒环境下的性能和适用性。方法:在野外严寒条件下,将模拟失血性休克伤员置于担架中转运至2 km外的转运车上,转运途中采用加温加压装置进行液体复苏、加温加压血液回输等紧急救治,分析该装置在转运途中的加温加压效果;选取2只健康成年雄性猪构建战伤失血性休克动物模型,将其中的一只猪作为实验动物,采用加温加压装置进行输血输液抢救,另一只猪作为对照动物,采用市售充气加压袋和加温器进行输血输液抢救,比较2种加温、加压方式救治前后动物生命体征的变化和加温加压输注效果。结果:加温加压输血装置使用方便、加温加压效果好,在伤员转运途中适用性良好;与对照动物相比,实验动物的血容量、血压、呼吸等生命体征恢复得更快,输血输液速度及液体复温的效果也更优。结论:加温加压输血装置性能良好,适合在野外严寒环境下使用。  相似文献   

目的:设计开发多功能野战手术器械箱,以不断提高野战手术救治的工作效率和安全服务质量。方法:根据野战救治实际,结合现代外科手术特点进行研究。结果:设计开发了多功能野战手术器械箱,并说明其主要功能和操作方法等。结论:多功能野战手术器械箱的功能先进,使用方便,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

介绍了国内外非便携式和便携式输血加温装置的主要产品及其性能特点,分析了国内输血加温装置存在的问题并提出了相关建议,指出了同时具备加温、加压、控速功能的智能化、可便携的输血加温装置是未来产品发展的主要方向。  相似文献   

野战救护车担架支架隔振效果对比试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究磁流变隔振装置和钢丝绳隔振装置对某型野战救护车担架支架的隔振效果。方法:对2台采用不同隔振装置的样车进行平顺性随机输入行驶试验,采用DASP软件进行信号处理并对比分析。结果:磁流变隔振装置在不同路况条件下的隔振效果均优于钢丝绳隔振装置。结论:磁流变隔振装置作为一种新型半主动控制隔振装置,适合野战救护车担架支架的二次隔振。  相似文献   

目的:研制新型野战简易撮片装置,解决野战X线机三脚架功能受限的问题。方法:连接直径分别为4cm和5cm圆形镀铬无缝钢管,构成C型臂、T型底座结构。结果:新型野战简易撮片装置,可对野战及平时各种体位患者进行投照;焦片距完全符合一般撮片要求;操作灵活自如;选材高档,坚固耐用;结构合理,稳固可靠。结论:新型野战简易撮片装置符合野战及平时需要。  相似文献   

随着医疗技术的发展,输血已成为对伤病员及危重患者救治的重要措施,应用广泛,用血量不断上升。而输血的关键及其前提,是严格无菌条件的血液采集与正确保存,特别是在野战条件下,将采集的血液及时送到需要的抢救地点,尤为重要。为解决这一问题,我们研制了具有采血、贮血及运血等配套的多功能采血车,—经过试验及初步应用,效果较好,现介绍如下:  相似文献   

目的:解决在野战条件下使用半自动X线洗片机的过程中发生故障或者突然停电时应急洗片问题。方法:制作野外暗室和显影、定影槽,采用人工洗片的方法进行出片。结果:能洗出符合要求的四肢片、胸片等。结论:该装置装载、展开方便,操作简单,既可以作为野战辅助洗片装置,又可以作为未配发半自动洗片机的野战营团卫生单位训练用。  相似文献   

目的研制可以使得血袋辫升温的保温套,使血液输注前的温度得以提高,以保证输血安全。方法设计可闭合的长圆柱体升温套,帆辫置入后流经该套的低温血得以升温,采用基于高性能的温度传感器控制温度,采用电子加热线路加热。结果经反复研讨该血袋辫加热保温套安全可靠,达到设计的要求。结论陔保温套呵以方便的用于血液输沣前的升温。  相似文献   

目的回顾近年来成都地区新生儿先天性甲状腺功能低下症(congenital hypothyoidism,CH)的筛查情况,分析CH发病率特点及检出情况,为进一步提高新生儿疾病筛查水平提供依据。方法对2008~2014年在成都市妇女儿童中心医院对应的各定点医院所采集的1 210 859例新生儿疾病筛查干滤纸血片标本,采用时间分辨免疫荧光法检测促甲状腺激素浓度进行初筛;结果阳性者召回,静脉采血,用电化学发光法检测并诊断。结果 CH在2008年发病比例为1∶1 869(72/134 594),2014年发病比例为1∶1 280(160/204 810),2008~2014年总发病比例为1∶1 499(808/1 210 859);冷季发病比例(1∶1 209)较暖季发病比例(1∶1973)高(P0.05),冷季初筛阳性确诊率(7.07%)较暖季初筛阳性确诊率(14.86%)低(P0.05)。结论本地区CH发病率呈逐步上升趋势,新生儿筛查工作是早期发现和快速诊断CH的有效方法,是新生儿健康的重要保障。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Clinical management of tuberculosis in Russia involves lengthy hospitalizations, in contrast to the recommended strategy advocated by the World Health Organization. METHODS: We used Fourier transform, spectral analysis and Student's t-test to analyse periodic and seasonal variations in admission and discharge rates for tuberculosis hospitalizations in 1999-2002, using routinely captured data from the Samara Region, Russia. RESULTS: Hospital admissions in colder months were significantly higher than in warmer months. The mean monthly adjusted number of admissions in colder and warmer months for all adults was 413 and 372 (P < 0.01), for unemployed adults 218 and 198 (P < 0.02) and for pensioners 104 and 82 (P < 0.05). Hospital discharges varied seasonally. Maximum differences between admissions and discharges occurred in colder months and minimum differences were observed in warmer months. CONCLUSIONS: As hospitalizations of tuberculosis patients in colder months fulfil an important social need, shifts to ambulatory care must be carefully managed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Previous research (based in the United Kingdom) has shown a link between warmer temperatures at birth and restrictive eating attitudes in early adulthood. The current study examined whether this pattern can be replicated in a warmer area of the northern hemisphere (Southwest Spain). METHODS: The participants were 261 preuniversity volunteers (125 women and 136 men) born in Extremadura, Southwest Spain. Mann-Whitney tests and chi-square analyses were used to compare the eating characteristics of participants born in warm versus cooler months. Spearman's rho was used to test for dimensional associations between temperature at birth and eating characteristics. RESULTS: There were no links between temperature at birth and restrictive eating attitudes, whether temperature and eating pathology were considered dimensionally or categorically. DISCUSSION: The association of temperature at birth and restrictive eating pathology in early adulthood is not replicable in a warmer climate. Possible explanations are suggested to account for this pattern of findings.  相似文献   

组合输液泵在连续性血液净化中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:对出现肾功衰竭的32例患者进行血液净化治疗。方法:采用组合输液泵与单机血泵进行。根据临床需要设定输液泵的参数.包括治疗时间、置换液流量、透析液流量、加温器的温度和滤出液流量等。结果:32例病人病情均有不同程度的缓解.纠正了水潴留引起的急性左心衰、电解质紊乱和酸中毒、氮质血症得到缓解,保证了进一步治疗。结论:采用组合输液泵和单机血泵的方法是利用其具有可调节时间和输液量等功能,多台输液泵共同完成。简便易行,在没有经济条件购买CBP专用仪器的情况下.基本可以满足临床治疗的需要。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In eating-disordered populations, restrictive pathologies are associated with a higher rate of births in the spring and early summer. The reasons for this relationship are not understood. The present study of a nonclinical group aimed to determine whether there is a link between being born in warmer months and the level of restrictive pathology in later years. METHODS: The participants (N = 117) were all young adult females who were conceived and born in England. Each completed the relevant scales of the Eating Disorders Inventory and provided demographic information. Temperature at birth was determined using national meteorological records. RESULTS: Restrictive attitudes were stronger among women born during the warmer part of the year (May-August), and those attitudes were dimensionally associated with temperature at birth. Body dissatisfaction showed some of the same relationships. Neither period of birth nor temperature at birth was related to bulimic attitudes or body mass index. CONCLUSIONS: Being born during warmer months is significantly associated with restrictive eating attitudes among nonclinical females, although the link is relatively weak. Potential causal mechanisms are outlined, but further research is needed to explain this link in clinical and nonclinical groups.  相似文献   

目的探讨解除尿管气囊后冲洗器冲洗在血凝块堵塞尿管患者中的应用效果。方法对56例施行经尿道前列腺电切术的良性前列腺增生患者随机分为观察组和对照组,观察组采用解除尿管气囊后固定好再冲洗器抽吸28~32℃生理盐水进行血凝块堵塞尿管加压冲洗,对照组进行冲洗器抽吸28~32℃生理盐水直接套入三腔导尿管接口进行冲洗。结果观察组患者术后血凝块堵塞尿管恢复通畅率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05)。结论经尿道前列腺电切术后出现血凝块堵塞尿管采用先解除尿管气囊后固定好再用冲洗器抽吸28~32℃生理盐水进行加压冲洗,能及时恢复尿管通畅,有效减轻患者的痛苦,减少膀胱痉挛的发生,且节约医疗和劳动力成本。  相似文献   

Using multi‐informant data from 134 two‐parent African American families, the goals of this study were to (a) describe parent–adolescent warmth and shared time as a function of parent and youth gender and (b) assess links between these indices of relationship quality and adolescent adjustment. Mixed‐model ANCOVAs revealed that mothers reported warmer relationships with adolescents than fathers, and both parents reported warmer relationships with younger versus older offspring. Interparental differences in time spent with sons and daughters and older and younger siblings were also found. Tests of multilevel models indicated that greater maternal warmth was associated with fewer depressive symptoms and less risky behavior for sons, and more paternal warmth and shared time with fathers were associated with less risky behavior in youth. Discussion highlights the utility of cultural ecological and family systems perspectives for understanding parent‐adolescent relationships and youth adjustment in African American families.  相似文献   

Sources of variation and some principal determinants of blood lead concentration (PbB) were investigated in a cohort of children, followed to age 5 y, who were born near a lead smelter in Port Pirie, South Australia. The child's age and place of residence were the two variables most strongly predictive of PbB. A sharp increase in PbB occurred between 6 and 15 mo of age and was followed by a peak concentration that occurred at approximately 2 y of age, after which PbB steadily and consistently declined. Irrespective of age, the PbBs in children who lived in Port Pirie were significantly higher than levels identified in children who resided outside the city. There was no significant difference in PbB between boys and girls. Elevated PbB at each specific age was associated mainly with increased lead concentrations in the topsoil of the local residential area, employment of the father in the lead industry, parental smoking, and behaviors likely to cause ingestion of dirt. Blood samples taken from children at certain ages and during the warmer months contained more lead than samples obtained during the cooler months. The effects of these determinants on PbB during early childhood were basically consistent in both single and multivariable analyses.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨短期胃肠外营养病人,采用输液加温联合液体敷料局部涂抹对外周静脉留置针PN输注病人静脉炎的预防效果。方法 :选择我院2015年10月至2016年8月,进行胃肠外营养的病人150例,采用随机单盲对照法分为两组,对照组75例给予液体敷料涂抹、观察组75例在液体敷料涂抹基础上联合输液恒温器加温,观察两组病人静脉炎发生情况和输注过程中置管部位及肢体疼痛程度、平均留置时间。结果 :两组病人静脉炎发生率的比较,观察组显著低于对照组(P0.01);两组病人输液中置管部位及肢体疼痛程度比较,观察组显著低于对照组(P0.005)及拔针后置管部位疼痛比较,观察组显著低于对照组(P0.01)。两组病人平均静脉留置针留置时间的比较观察组显著长于对照组(P0.001);结论 :输液加温联合液体敷料涂抹能有效预防外周静脉留置针输注PN病人静脉炎的发生率,提高病人输液安全和舒适度。  相似文献   

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