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本文总结了1986年6月至1991年10月治疗的28例泌尿系结石患者的 B 超检查和 X 线检查。其中2例手术病理证实结石。26例肉眼见到排出结石。并于排石后复查 B 超及拍摄 X 线腹部“平片”对照。本组结石症 B 超诊断符合率为89.8%(25/28)。X 线诊断符合率85.7%(24/28)。(X~2=0.16,p>0.05)。其中肾结石 B 超诊断符合率为94.4%(17/18)。X 线诊断符合率为83.3%(15/18)。(x~2=1.12,P>0.05)。其中输尿管结石的 B 超诊断符合率为75.0%(6/8)。X 线诊断符合率为87.5%(78)(x~2=0.84,P>0.05)。两组无显著差异。  相似文献   

目的探讨胸部数字断层融合(DTS)检查对恶性肿瘤肺转移结节的诊断和随访价值。资料与方法对257例恶性肿瘤患者进行胸部DTS检查和数字X线摄影(DR)检查,以多层螺旋CT作为参照,比较DTS和DR对肺转移结节的检出情况,评估DTS对肺转移结节的诊断效能。结果 257例患者中,34例发生肺转移,共确认187个转移结节。DR检出16例共计65个结节,DTS检出31例共计164个结节。DR和DTS对恶性肿瘤肺转移的诊断敏感性、特异性、阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为47.1%、87.9%、37.2%、91.6%和91.2%、99.6%、96.9%、98.7%。DTS对直径<5mm和5~10mm的肺转移结节的检出率明显高于DR(P<0.01)。结论 DTS较DR对肺转移结节具有更高的敏感性,可用于转移性肺癌的诊断和随访。  相似文献   

泌尿系结石(以下简称结石)是泌尿系统最常见的疾病之一,患病率1%~5%,治疗后易复发,10年复发率高达50%[1]。X线平片常作为初筛方法,可发现绝大部分的阳性结石,缺点是不能发现阴性结石。超声检查无辐射,适用于结石筛查和随访。常规CT诊断结石的灵敏度和特异性高,检查快速,已成为结石影像学检查中最重要的方法之一。但是,上述方法均不能准确可靠地判断结石成分。分析结石成分对于推测结石病因、研究  相似文献   

目的探讨胸部数字化X线断层融合检查(DTS)对肺部占位病变的检出能力。资料与方法对57例有肺部占位病变的患者进行胸部DTS和数字化X线摄影(DR)检查,以多层螺旋CT结果为参照,分析胸部DTS和DR检查对肺部占位病变的敏感性,同时评估DTS对肺部占位病变特征的检出能力。结果 57例患者中,CT确认肺部占位性病灶83个,DR和DTS分别检出其中48个和79个病灶,敏感性分别为57.8%和95.2%。胸部DTS对肺内占位病变的边缘结构和内部特征显示优于DR。结论 DTS对肺部占位病变的检出能力接近CT,敏感性高于DR,可作为肺内占位病变高危人群筛检和随访的常规手段。  相似文献   

李健 《西南国防医药》2012,22(10):1143-1145
泌尿系结石包括肾、输尿管、膀胱和尿道结石,是泌尿外科常见病、多发病.目前发病率高达4%~13%,并呈上升趋势,发病率男、女比例为2 ~3:1[1-2].我国南方为泌尿系结石高发区,是世界上3个主要的泌尿系结石高发区之一.  相似文献   

1 病历简介 患儿,男,8个月.突然哭闹不止来我院就诊.体检: 无发热,咳嗽等.一般情况良好,浅表淋巴结不肿大,心肺无异常.触诊: 腹部柔软.抗生素、能量各一组静滴.  相似文献   

沁尿系结石治疗方法很多 ,疗效也不一 ,笔者采用中医中药排石方法治疗 70例 ,取得了显著疗效 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 本组 70例中 ,男性 4 3例 ,女性 2 7例 ,年龄 2 0~ 5 6岁 ,70例病人中肾结石 2 0例 ,其中右肾结石 10例、左肾结石 6例、双肾结石 4例 ;肾及输尿管结石 14例 ;输尿管结石 36例、左输尿管结石上中段 12例、下段 9例、右输尿管上中段 8例 ,下段 7例。单发结石 4 2例、多发结石 2 6例、结石最大 1.0cm× 1.2cm最小 4cm× 0 .2cm。1.2 治疗方法  (1)排石汤的方剂组成 :金钱草 5 0 g ,鸡内金、海金…  相似文献   

多层螺旋CT对显示泌尿系微小结石的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
目的 :评价多层螺旋CT(MSCT)在不同扫描条件下对泌尿系结石的显示率。方法 :5 1个不同大小取自患者的泌尿系结石 ,将结石分为 3组。A组 :大于 5mm(15个 ) ,B组 :3~ 5mm(9个 ) ,C组 :小于 3mm(2 7个 )。分别经设置不同扫描参数的单层螺旋CT(SSCT)和MSCT扫描。比较不同扫描参数设置下SSCT和MSCT的结石检出率 ,检验不同扫描层厚与检出结石数的关系。结果 :所有序列对A、B组的检出率均为 10 0 % (2 4/ 2 4) ,C组检出的结石数与扫描层厚呈明显负相关(MSCT :r=-0 .947,P <0 .0 1;SSCT :r =-0 .999,P <0 .0 1) ,检出的结石数随着扫描层厚变薄而增多。MSCT 5mm和 10mm层厚扫描 ,然后分别以 0 .62 5mm和 1.2 5mm层厚重建所得的图像 ,其质量及其显示出的结石数与MSCT相应同等薄层扫描 (0 .62 5mm和 1.2 5mm层厚扫描 )所得的结果完全一致。结论 :MSCT因其有效的薄层重建能力、超快的扫描速度以及极高的空间分辨率 ,在检测泌尿系小结石方面较SSCT具有明显优势。运用MSCT检测泌尿系结石值得临床广泛应用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨食用含三聚氰胺奶粉儿童的泌尿系结石的临床特点和影像学特征。方法:回顾性分析8例儿童泌尿系结石的临床和影像学资料。结果:患儿均有明确食用含三聚氰胺奶粉史,其临床表现主要为不同程度哭闹、发热、呕吐、尿少、尿频、血尿等。8例中有7例患儿年龄〈3岁,占同组患儿的87.5%。B超及CT均可发现结石,单发结石1例,多发结石7例。但在腹部X线平片上结石不显影。结论:食用含三聚氰胺奶粉可引起儿童泌尿系统结石,临床症状无特异性,发病年龄偏小,但结石影像表现具有一定特点。  相似文献   

为了总结和掌握各类型泌尿系结石的非手术治疗最佳方法,我们对2198例泌尿系结石非手术治疗方法进行了总结分析,现报告如下。材料和方法  相似文献   

目的:比较阅片者间应用全屏数字化乳腺 X 线成像(FFDM)和数字乳腺断层合成 X 线成像(DBT)对乳腺疾病诊断及BI-RADS 分类的差异,评价 DBT 在诊断乳腺肿瘤方面的应用价值。方法收集疑似乳腺疾病病例300例,所有病例均经手术病理证实,其中良性118例,恶性182例,所有患者术前均行 FFDM 及 DBT 检查。分别由4名不同年资医师独立阅片进行诊断,以病理为金标准,比较阅片者间对乳腺病变诊断的差异。采用χ2及受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析方法进行统计。结果高年资医师阅读 FFDM 和 DBT 的诊断正确率分别为90%和91%,曲线下面积(AUC)分别为0.891和0.899;低年资医师阅读 FFDM 和DBT 影像的诊断正确率分别为82%和90%,AUC 分别为0.801和0.891。118例良性病变中 DBT 相比 FFDM,高、低年资医师分类为 BI-RADS 4a 类及以下的病例分别由82例提高到96例、41例提高到98例,分类为 BI-RADS 4b-5类的病例分别由19例降至16例、30例降至16例。182例恶性病变中 DBT 相比 FFDM,分类为 BI-RADS 4a-5类的病例高、低年资医师分别由167例提高到169例、152例提高到167例;BI-RADS 4a 类及以下的病例分别由12例降至10例、24例降至15例。高、低年资医师阅读 FFDM 分类为 BI-RADS 0类的病例分别为22例和53例,而阅读 DBT 后二者分别降至7例和4例。结论不同年资医师阅读 DBT 可以提高诊断的准确性,BI-RADS 分类与病理结果的一致性亦更高,以低年资医师提高更为显著。DBT 对提高乳腺肿瘤的检出率及诊断准确性具有很大的潜能。  相似文献   

目的:探讨数字断层融合(DTS)技术在儿童寰枢关节半脱位检查中的应用价值。方法选取30例临床表现为斜颈、头颈部活动障碍及局部疼痛的患儿,征得患者及家属同意后,同时行寰枢关节张口位、颈椎侧位数字化 X 线摄影术(DR)及 DTS 扫描,比较2种成像技术的图像质量及诊断结果。结果30例患儿中,DTS 成像和 DR 摄影的优质图像率分别为90%(27/30)和53%(16/30);DTS 技术发现的22例寰枢关节半脱位患儿中,DR 检查仅确诊12例,可疑半脱位4例,漏诊6例。结论DTS 对儿童寰枢关节半脱位能获得高对比度、高质量的图像,清晰显示寰枢关节的解剖结构和病变形态。  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Contrast-enhanced digital mammography and digital breast tomosynthesis are two imaging techniques that attempt to increase malignant breast lesion conspicuity. The combination of these into a single technique, contrast-enhanced digital breast tomosynthesis (CE-DBT), could potentially integrate the strengths of both. The objectives of this study were to assess the clinical feasibility of CE-DBT as an adjunct to digital mammography, and to correlate lesion enhancement characteristics and morphology obtained with CE-DBT to digital mammography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance (MR). MATERIALS AND METHODS: CE-DBT (GE Senographe 2000D; Milwaukee, WI) was performed as a pilot study in an ongoing National Cancer Institute-funded grant (P01-CA85484) studying multimodality breast imaging. Thirteen patients with ACR BI-RADS category 4 or 5 breast lesions underwent imaging with digital mammography, ultrasound, MR, and CE-DBT. CE-DBT was performed at 49 kVp with a rhodium target and a 0.27-mm copper (Alfa Aesar, Ward Hill, MA) filter. Preinjection and postinjection DBT image sets were acquired in the medial lateral oblique projection with slight compression. Each image set consists of nine images acquired over a 50-degree arc and was obtained with a mean glandular x-ray dose comparable to two conventional mammographic views. Between the precontrast and postcontrast DBT image sets, a single bolus of iodinated contrast agent (1 ml/kg at 2 ml/s, Omnipaque-300; Amersham Health Inc., Princeton, NJ) was administered. Images were reconstructed using filtered-backprojection in 1-mm increments and transmitted to a clinical PACS workstation. RESULTS: Initial experience suggests that CE-DBT provides morphologic and vascular characteristics of breast lesions qualitatively concordant with that of digital mammography and MR. CONCLUSION: As an adjunct to digital mammography, CE-DBT may be a potential alternative tool for breast lesion morphologic and vascular characterization.  相似文献   

IntroductionThere are concerns regarding the increase in radiation dose among women undergoing both digital mammography (DM) and digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different exposure parameters on entrance skin dose (ESD) and average glandular dose (AGD) for DM and DBT using a phantom.MethodsThe ESD and AGD of 30 DM and DBT (cranio-caudal projection) examinations using a tissue equivalent phantom where acquired using a GE Senographe Essential DM unit. Commercial phantoms were used to simulate three different breast thicknesses and compositions. Tube potential, tube load, and target/filter combinations were also varied with ESD and AGD recorded directly from the DM unit. Comparisons were made using the non-parametric Kruskal Wallis, Mann–Whitney, and Wilcoxon signed rank tests.ResultsThe individual ESD values for 4 cm, 5 cm, and 6 cm thick phantoms for DM and DBT at Rh/Rh target/filter combination and 30–32 kV/56 mAs levels were 5.06 and 4.18 mGy; 5.82 and 5.08 mGy; and 7.26 and 11.4 mGy, respectively; while AGDs were 1.57 and 1.30 mGy, 1.33 and 1.39 mGy; and 1.29 and 3.60 mGy, respectively. The Kruskal–Wallis test showed a statistically significant difference in AGD for DM (P = .029) but not for DBT (P = 0.368). The Mann–Whitney and Wilcoxon signed rank tests showed no statistically significant difference for ESD or AGD between both DM and DBT techniques (P = .827 and .513). The percentage differences in ESD for phantom thicknesses of 4 cm, 5 cm, and 6 cm between DBT and DM ranged between −21% and 36%; while for AGD between −21% and 64.2%.ConclusionsThe ESD and AGD for single view projection in DM and DBT showed differences at 4 and 6 cm breast thicknesses and compositions but not at 5 cm thickness with 30–32 kV and a Rh/Rh target/filter combination.Implications for practiceA fibro-fatty breast results in less radiation dose variations in terms of ESD and AGD between DM and DBT techniques.  相似文献   

目的 探讨髋关节数字化断层融合(DTS)摄影中最佳剂量比的设定,以最大程度地减少患者接受的辐射剂量.方法 90例行髋关节数字化断层融合摄影的患者,以随机数字表法,分别以6、7、8倍的剂量比组进行DTS检查,使用单因素方差分析比较不同剂量比设定下所得的图像质量和辐射剂量.结果 3组的表面吸收剂量(ESD)、剂量面积乘积(DAP)、图像质量评分分别为[(3.76±1.89)mGy、(18.41±11.71)dGy ·cm2、3.03±0.24]、[(5.24±2.76)mGy、(26.99±13.34)dGy ·cm2)、3.60±0.11]、[(6.39±1.75)mGy、(36.96±22.49)dGy ·cm2、3.64±0.09],各组间差异有统计学意义(F=10.94、9.45、139.26, P<0.05),通过3组间两两比较,ESD值和DAP值均是6倍剂量比组<7倍剂量比组<8倍剂量比组.6倍剂量比组的图像质量评分低于其他两组,7倍剂量比组和8倍剂量比组的图像质量评分差异无统计学意义.结论 剂量比是决定DTS检查辐射剂量的重要参数,髋关节DTS检查的剂量比设置为7时,可实现低曝光剂量和高图像质量的平衡,以最大限度地保护患者免受不必要的辐射损害.  相似文献   

X线数字断层融合技术在茎突综合征中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨X线数字断层融合技术在茎突测量中的应用价值。方法用数字X线机和多层螺旋CT分别进行断层摄影和CT扫描检查30例茎突综合征患者。在各自的后处理工作站上重建调整检查图像,测量两种检查方法下同一个体茎突正侧位长度和角度。结果两种方法检查茎突长度和方位角均显示清晰。数据显示,用数字X线断层与CT检查茎突正位上测得的长度、内倾角和侧位上测得的前倾角,两者无显著差异(P〉0.1);侧位断层图像上测量茎突的长度明显小于CT的测量值,此差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论 X线数字断层融合技术测量茎突长度应以正位为准。用X线数字断层融合技术测量茎突基本上可达到CT测量的标准,而且该技术操作简单,辐射量小,相对经济,应成为茎突综合征患者的首选影像学检查方法。  相似文献   



Comparison between digital mammography alone and with adding digital breast tomosynthesis in breast cancer screening.

Patients & methods

143 females underwent digital mammography, digital breast tomosynthesis and breast ultrasound.


DBT+DM decreased recall rate by 38% in BI-RADS 0. From BI-RADS I till BI-RADS V DBT+DM showed more accuracy than DM. In BI-RADS IV DBT+DM decreased false positive results by 33%.


Adding digital breast tomosynthesis to digital mammography improves the diagnostic accuracy in breast cancer screening.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo evaluate the reliability of tumor margin assessment in specimen radiography (SR) using digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) and full-field digital mammography (FFDM) in comparison to postoperative histopathology margin status as the gold standard.MethodsAfter ethics committee approval, 102 consecutive patients who underwent breast conservative surgery for nonpalpable proven breast cancer were prospectively included. All patients underwent ultrasound/mammography-guided wire localization of their lesions. After excision, each specimen was marked for orientation and imaged using FFDM and DBT. Two blinded radiologists (R1, R2) independently analyzed images acquired with both modalities. Readers identified in which direction the lesion was closest to the specimen margin and to measure the margin width. Their findings were compared with the final histopathological analysis. True positive margin status was defined as a margin measuring <1 mm for invasive cancer and 5 mm for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) at imaging and pathology.ResultsFor FFDM, correct margin direction was identified in 45 cases (44%) by R1 and in 37 cases (36%) by R2. For DBT, 69 cases (68%) were correctly identified by R1 and 70 cases (69%) by R2. Overall accuracy was 40% for FFDM and 69% for DBT; the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.0001). Sensitivity in terms of correct assessment of margin status was significantly better for DBT than FFDM (77% versus 62%).ConclusionSR using DBT is significantly superior to FFDM regarding identification of the closest margin and sensitivity in assessment of margin status.  相似文献   



We aimed to compare the recall rate (RR) and the cancer detection rate (CDR) of combined full field digital mammography and digital breast tomosynthesis (FFDM?+?DBT) to those of full field digital mammography (FFDM) alone in breast cancer survivors.


We enrolled 146 female breast cancer survivors schedule. All patients underwent FFDM and DBT in the same setting. Results of FFDM alone were compared to those of FFDM?+?DBT regarding patients' RR and CDR.Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive and negative predictive values were also calculated for FFDM alone and for FFDM?+?DBT in detecting breast cancer lesions.


Our results showed that FFDM?+?DBT decreased patients' RR by 3.4% and increased the CDR by 4.1%. Reduction in RR was evident in higher breast densities. FFDM mammography had 18 false negative lesions and 29 false positives. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, NPV and PPV in detecting breast lesions were: 84.2%, 53.1%, 64.0%, 86.7% and 48.9% for FFDM compared to 100%, 92.1%, 95.3%, 100% and 89.7% for FFDM?+?DBT.


Combined FFDM?+?DBT in the post breast cancer surveillance regimen has shown to reduce the patients' RR and to increase the CDR. FFDM?+?DBT had higher diagnostic accuracy than FFDM alone. FFDM?+?DBT ought to be a standard combination in the breast cancer surveillance in treated patients.  相似文献   

IntroductionBreast density is associated with an increase in breast cancer risk and limits early detection of the disease. This study assesses the diagnostic performance of mammogram readers in digital mammography (DM) and digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT).MethodsEleven breast readers with 1–39 years of experience reading mammograms and 0–4 years of experience reading DBT participated in the study. All readers independently interpreted 60 DM cases (40 normal/20 abnormal) and 35 DBT cases (20 normal/15 abnormal). Sensitivity, specificity, ROC AUC, and diagnostic confidence were calculated and compared between DM and DBT.ResultsDBT significantly improved diagnostic confidence in both dense breasts (p = 0.03) and non-dense breasts (p = 0.003) but not in other diagnostic performance metrics. Specificity was higher in DM for readers with >7 years' experience (p = 0.03) in reading mammography, non-radiologists (p = 0.04), readers who had completed a 3–6 months training fellowship in breast imaging (p = 0.04), and those with ≤2 years’ experience in reading DBT (p = 0.02), particularly in non-dense breasts.ConclusionDiagnostic confidence was higher in DBT when compared to DM. In contrast, other performance metrics appeared to be similar or better with DM and may be influenced by the lack of experience of the reader cohort in reading DBT.Implications for practiceThe benefits of DBT may not be entirely accrued until radiologists attain expertise in DBT interpretation. Specificity of DBT varied according to reader characteristics, and these characteristics may be useful for optimising pairing strategies in independent double reading of DBT as practiced in Australia to reduce false positive diagnostic errors.  相似文献   

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