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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to determine the histopathologic grades of hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) on the basis of the presence of Kupffer cells, using color Doppler sonography with the liver-specific microbubble contrast agent Levovist. METHODS: Color Doppler sonograms generated by stimulated acoustic emission were obtained 7 minutes after intravenous injection of 5 ml of Levovist (300 mg/dl) in patients with histopathologically confirmed HCCs. CT scans were also obtained and evaluated, and hematoxylin and eosin staining for morphologic examination and immunostaining (anti-CD68) for detecting Kupffer cells were performed for confirmation of the sonographic findings. RESULTS: Eighteen tumors had a defect in the color Doppler signal (color void) that corresponded with the baseline gray-scale image of the tumor. On histopathologic examination, these 18 tumors were all found to be either poorly or moderately differentiated HCCs with either a marked reduction in the number of or the absence of Kupffer cells. The remaining 2 tumors showed color signals. Histopathologic examination of these 2 tumors disclosed well-differentiated components within the tumors, with Kupffer cells in the tumor tissue. CONCLUSIONS: Color Doppler sonography using a liver-specific microbubble ultrasound contrast agent appears to reflect the histopathologic features of HCCs and may thus be useful for differentiating liver tumors and determining a treatment strategy.  相似文献   

Antepartum diagnosis of vasa previa is of critical importance because of the high fetal mortality rate in unrecognized cases. This report describes the sonographic findings in 2 cases of vasa previa and demonstrates that transperineal sonography with Doppler evaluation can successfully establish the diagnosis of vasa previa prenatally. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Clin Ultrasound 26:405–408, 1998.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe the application of 3-dimensional (3D) sonography for diagnosing choledochal cysts in 3 girls who were 18 months, 2 years, and 11 years old. The 3D images that were obtained during the sonographic examination revealed that all 3 patients had a type I choledochal cyst and also demonstrated dilatation of the biliary tracts. The 3 patients then underwent surgical excision of their cysts, cholecystectomy, and hepaticojejunostomy. Besides its other clinical applications, 3D sonography promises to be a valuable adjunct to conventional 2-dimensional imaging for the evaluation of choledochal cysts in pediatric patients.  相似文献   

To investigate the potential usefulness of contrast-enhanced intermittent harmonic sonography in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer, we evaluated 4 patients with complex adnexal masses suspected of malignancy using intermittent harmonic sonography after injection of a contrast agent. Tumor and/or mural nodule tissue enhancement was detected in all cases of ovarian malignancy. Contrast-enhanced, intermittent harmonic sonography provides a satisfactory visualization of blood flow in the solid portion of the tumor tissue and may support a diagnosis of ovarian malignancy. Depiction of blood vessels using low MI techniques may be possible with other vascular ultrasonographic contrast agents.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We assessed the usefulness of color Doppler sonography (CDUS) in evaluating the vascular status of ventral hernias and distinguishing incarcerated from nonincarcerated ventral hernias. METHODS: In this prospective study, 10 patients who presented with acute abdomen and had ventral hernias underwent CDUS from August 1999 to May 2000. Patient age and sex and the clinical severity, mode of therapy, and outcome in these 10 patients were evaluated in relationship to the CDUS findings. RESULTS: Five patients had readily visible flow in the bowel within the hernial sac on CDUS. Two of these 5 had spontaneous reduction under conservative treatment, and 3 had asymptomatic ventral hernias with acute abdomen caused by spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Barely visible flow was visualized in the bowel by CDUS in 4 other patients. Three of these underwent emergency surgery because of peritoneal signs; 2 of them were found to have ischemic changes in the bowel. The fourth patient underwent a successful manual reduction. The remaining patient had absent flow in the bowel on CDUS and underwent emergency surgery, which revealed gangrenous changes in the bowel. CONCLUSIONS: The intensity of the Doppler signals on CDUS appears to be a promising predictor of bowel viability in cases of ventral hernia. Thus, CDUS should impact the determination of the treatment plan, including whether to provide conservative treatment or surgery.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 74-year-old woman with elevated liver enzyme levels in whom abdominal sonographic examination revealed a diffusely heterogeneous liver parenchyma and multiple hypoechoic subcentimetric splenic nodules. Contrast-enhanced sonography (CEUS) revealed that the splenic focal lesions did not enhance. CT examination revealed a low-density, multinodular pattern both in the liver and in the spleen. Core biopsy of 1 hepatic nodule revealed noncaseating epithelioid cell granuloma, and the patient was diagnosed with systemic sarcoidosis. CEUS has shown to be useful in the diagnosis of focal hepatic lesions, but studies referring to splenic lesions are lacking.  相似文献   

Objectives: To describe the establishment of a service to provide bedside focused assessment sonography in trauma and to evaluate the service to date. Setting: Emergency department of an urban trauma centre. Methods: A prospective study of trauma patients who received a focused assessment sonography in trauma examination performed by a clinician managing the trauma in the emergency department. Accuracy was determined by comparing the scan interpretation with abdomino‐pelvic computerized tomography, laparotomy or postmortem examination. Results: The study period ran from 1 January 2000 to 11 September 2001 inclusive (20 months). One hundred and forty patients were included, with a final diagnosis established by computerized tomography (n = 124) and/or laparotomy (n = 18). There were 26 true‐positives, 101 true‐negatives, two false‐positives and 11 false‐negatives. Ten of the false‐negative studies were performed by clinicians who had not reached accreditation. The sensitivity of focused assessment sonography in trauma was 70%, specificity 98% and diagnostic accuracy 91%. Conclusions: We have described the implementation of a clinician‐based focused assessment sonography in trauma service within the emergency department with the support of radiology/ultrasound and trauma service. Processes for credentialling, quality assurance and training need to be in place. Significant issues exist with the length of time it takes clinicians to reach accreditation, in order that a critical mass of clinicians exists to provide a consistent service. The credentialling process should mandate a minimum number of supervised examinations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This pilot study was undertaken to determine whether cine organ imaging (COI) of the entire kidney yields a quicker and equally diagnostic study compared with traditional 2-dimensional (2D) scanning. METHODS: Fifty-seven adult patients referred for diagnostic renal sonography underwent 2D sonography followed by COI performed by a second sonographer, who was blinded to the results of the first examination. Images were interpreted blindly by 2 independent readers in 2 separate reading sessions divided into 2D or COI image sets for each patient. The acquisition time and interpretation time of each protocol were recorded. Images were scored for the percentage of kidney visualized and for the presence or absence of hydronephrosis, stones, cysts, and renal lesions (non-simple cysts and solid masses). RESULTS: The average acquisition time decreased from 13.3 to 10.5 minutes between 2D and COI studies, respectively (P = .02). The average image interpretation time increased 37 seconds (P < .0001). A greater percentage of parenchymal visualization was achieved with COI versus 2D imaging. There was no significant difference in detection of renal abnormalities (hydronephrosis, stones, renal cysts, and masses) between the 2 modes, although the detection of cysts on COI was equal to or greater than that on 2D imaging on a per-patient basis. CONCLUSIONS: Cine organ imaging decreased the acquisition time significantly while retaining and possibly improving diagnostic quality. The minimally increased interpretation time may be decreased in the future by fewer volume acquisitions per patient. Further investigations will be needed to assess the impact of color Doppler imaging in volumetric protocols as well as to compare renal lesion detection versus computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the temporal formation of ethanol-induced hepatic lesions using ultrasound elastography. METHODS: An in vitro porcine liver was used as the specimen, and 4 lesions were created by injection of 2 mL of ethanol. After the ethanol injection, freehand elastography of the lesion from an identical scan plane was obtained during a time series (with an interval of approximately 30 seconds in the first 2 minutes and 1 minute afterward) using a real-time ultrasound scanner. The area of the lesion in the elastographic sequences was calculated to depict the temporal formation of the lesion. RESULTS: The ethanol-induced lesion on elastography appeared as a low-strain region whose boundary was clear and irregular. The elastographic sequences obtained after the ethanol injection showed that the lesion formed quickly in the first 2 minutes and then changed little in shape. The area of the lesion grew notably in the first 2 minutes after ethanol injection, and then it reached a plateau of about 0.7 cm(2). CONCLUSIONS: Ultrasound elastography is capable of monitoring the temporal formation of ethanol-induced lesions and is a potential imaging modality to evaluate the response of percutaneous ethanol injection therapy.  相似文献   

We wanted to determine whether liver contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS)-derived peak signal intensity (PSI) and peak signal intensity/time (PIT) predict liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C (CHC). Forty-nine patients with CHC (METAVIR classification) and 10 control subjects were included in the study. After a bolus of 2.4 mL SonoVue (Bracco Imaging, Milan, Italy) solution was injected into a peripheral vein, the right lobe of the liver containing the right portal vein was scanned in a transverse section. Two-dimensional sonography was performed using the Philips iU22 ultrasound system (Philips Healthcare, Best, the Netherlands). A 1.0-5.0-MHz (C5-1) wideband convex transducer was used, applying the following settings in all cases. Regions of interest were manually drawn over the right liver lobe and over the portal vein (PV). Liver parenchyma PSI (LPpsi) and PIT (LPpit), portal vein PSI (PVpsi) and PIT (PVpit) were automatically calculated. δPSI was defined as the difference between PVpsi and LPpsi. A significant correlation was observed between PAPSI and fibrosis scores. When patients were stratified according to their LPpsi, a significant difference was achieved only between patients with fibrosis score 0-1 vs. 2-3 and 2 vs. 4. Statistically significant differences between all fibrosis scores, except 0 vs. 1 and 3 vs. 4 were observed when δPSI was used to stratify patients. Overall diagnostic accuracy of LPpsi and δPSI measurement for severe fibrosis by area under the receiving operator characteristic curve analysis was, respectively, 0.87 and 0.88. We suggest that liver CEUS perfusion could have the potential to be used as a complementary tool for the evaluation of liver fibrosis. However, further large-scale studies are required to accurately assess its accuracy in the evaluation of liver fibrosis. (E-mail: aorlacchio@uniroma2.it)  相似文献   

Multiseptate gallbladder, a rare congenital anomaly, may exist as an isolated anomaly or may coexist with other biliary system anomalies. We report a case of a multiseptate, ectopic, hypoplastic gallbladder associated with a choledochal cyst. The diagnosis was made using sonography and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreaticography.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report our experience in the assessment of splenic trauma with contrast-coded sonography and a second-generation contrast medium. METHODS: From January to May 2002, 120 patients were studied with sonography for suspected splenic trauma. Twenty-five were selected for further imaging because of sonographic findings positive for splenic injury, findings positive for peritoneal fluid only, indeterminate findings, and negative findings with high clinical or laboratory suspicion. These patients underwent contrast-enhanced harmonic sonography and contrast-enhanced helical computed tomography. RESULTS: Among the 25 patients studied, 6 had no spleen trauma at initial and follow-up evaluation. One patient had a hypoperfused spleen without parenchymal damage, and 18 had splenic injuries; these 19 patients were considered positive. Hemoperitoneum was identified by sonography, contrast-enhanced sonography, and contrast-enhanced computed tomography in 74% of the 19 positive cases. Perisplenic clots were recognized in 58% of the cases by computed tomography and in 42% by baseline and enhanced sonography. Splenic infarctions were found in 11% of cases by contrast-enhanced sonography and computed tomography; none was found by unenhanced sonography. Parenchymal traumatic lesions were identified in 12 of 18 patients with splenic injuries by unenhanced sonography, in 17 cases by contrast-enhanced sonography, and in all 18 cases by contrast-enhanced computed tomography. A minimal splenic lesion was found in the single patient with a false-negative contrast-enhanced sonographic finding. Contrast-enhanced sonography correlated appreciably better than unenhanced sonography in detecting injuries and in estimating their extent. Findings undetectable on unenhanced sonography were also noted: splenic hypoperfusion in 11% of positive cases on both contrast-enhanced sonography and contrast-enhanced computed tomography, contrast medium pooling in 21% of cases on both contrast-enhanced sonography and computed tomography, and contrast extravasation in 11% of cases on computed tomography and 5% on contrast-enhanced sonography. CONCLUSIONS: Contrast-enhanced sonography is a promising tool in the assessment of splenic trauma. In institutions where sonography is used as the initial procedure, this technique may increase its effectiveness.  相似文献   

Image-directed Doppler ultrasonography has been used to measure changes in hepatic arterial and portal venous blood flows in 22 controls and 88 patients with colorectal cancer. Doppler Perfusion Index, (DPI, ratio of hepatic arterial to total liver blood flow) and Doppler Flow Ratio (DFR, ratio of hepatic arterial to portal venous blood flow) of controls and patients with overt liver metastases were clearly separated (p < 0.0001). There was a significant reduction in the Hepatic Arterial Resistive Index (HARI) of patients with overt liver metastases (p < 0.0001). Percentage Hepatic Replacement (PHR) by metastases, measured using a computed tomography scanner, did not correlate with DFR or DPI. The results suggest that the measurement of hepatic perfusion changes using image-directed Doppler ultrasonography may be of value in the detection of small liver metastases. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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